* Copyright (c) 2013 IBM & BestSolution.at and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Tom Schindl<tom.schindl@bestsolution.at> - initial API and implementation
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package at.bestsolution.efxclipse.styledtext;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.Skin;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;
import at.bestsolution.efxclipse.styledtext.StyledTextContent.TextChangeListener;
import at.bestsolution.efxclipse.styledtext.skin.StyledTextSkin;
public class StyledTextArea extends Control {
private ObjectProperty<StyledTextContent> contentProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<StyledTextContent>(this, "content") {
WeakReference<StyledTextContent> oldContent;
protected void invalidated() {
if( oldContent != null && oldContent.get() != null ) {
StyledTextContent newContent = contentProperty.get();
if( newContent != null ) {
oldContent = new WeakReference<StyledTextContent>(newContent);
} else {
oldContent = null;
TextChangeListener textChangeListener = new TextChangeListener() {
public void textChanging(TextChangingEvent event) {
public void textChanged(TextChangedEvent event) {
public void textSet(TextChangedEvent event) {
private StyledTextRenderer renderer = new StyledTextRenderer();
private IntegerProperty caretOffsetProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty(this, "caretOffset", -1);
// private int lastTextChangeStart;
// private int lastTextChangeNewLineCount;
// private int lastTextChangeNewCharCount;
// private int lastTextChangeReplaceLineCount;
// private int lastTextChangeReplaceCharCount;
public StyledTextArea() {
contentProperty.set(new DefaultContent());
void handleTextChanging(TextChangingEvent event) {
if (event.replaceCharCount < 0) {
event.offset += event.replaceCharCount;
event.replaceCharCount *= -1;
// lastTextChangeStart = event.offset;
// lastTextChangeNewLineCount = event.newLineCount;
// lastTextChangeNewCharCount = event.newCharCount;
// lastTextChangeReplaceLineCount = event.replaceLineCount;
// lastTextChangeReplaceCharCount = event.replaceCharCount;
void handleTextSet(TextChangedEvent event) {
void handleTextChanged(TextChangedEvent event) {
// int firstLine = getContent().getLineAtOffset(lastTextChangeStart);
if( getSkin() instanceof StyledTextSkin ) {
// lastCharCount += lastTextChangeNewCharCount;
// lastCharCount -= lastTextChangeReplaceCharCount;
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
return new StyledTextSkin(this);
public IntegerProperty caretOffsetProperty() {
return caretOffsetProperty;
public void setCaretOffset(int offset) {
public int getCaretOffset() {
return caretOffsetProperty.get();
public void setContent(StyledTextContent content) {
public StyledTextContent getContent() {
return contentProperty.get();
public ObjectProperty<StyledTextContent> contentProperty() {
return contentProperty;
public void setStyleRange(StyleRange range) {
if (range != null) {
if (range.isUnstyled()) {
setStyleRanges(range.start, range.length, null, null, false);
} else {
setStyleRanges(range.start, 0, null, new StyleRange[]{range}, false);
} else {
setStyleRanges(0, 0, null, null, true);
public void setStyleRanges(int start, int length, int[] ranges, StyleRange[] styles) {
if (ranges == null || styles == null) {
setStyleRanges(start, length, null, null, false);
} else {
setStyleRanges(start, length, ranges, styles, false);
public void setStyleRanges(int[] ranges, StyleRange[] styles) {
if (ranges == null || styles == null) {
setStyleRanges(0, 0, null, null, true);
} else {
setStyleRanges(0, 0, ranges, styles, true);
public void setStyleRanges(StyleRange[] ranges) {
setStyleRanges(0, 0, null, ranges, true);
public void replaceStyleRanges(int start, int length, StyleRange[] ranges) {
if (ranges == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
setStyleRanges(start, length, null, ranges, false);
void setStyleRanges(int start, int length, int[] ranges, StyleRange[] styles, boolean reset) {
// System.err.println("New styles: " + Arrays.toString(styles));
int charCount = getContent().getCharCount();
int end = start + length;
if (start > end || start < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (styles != null) {
if (end > charCount) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (ranges != null) {
if (ranges.length != styles.length << 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int lastOffset = 0;
// boolean variableHeight = false;
for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i ++) {
if (styles[i] == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int rangeStart, rangeLength;
if (ranges != null) {
rangeStart = ranges[i << 1];
rangeLength = ranges[(i << 1) + 1];
} else {
rangeStart = styles[i].start;
rangeLength = styles[i].length;
if (rangeLength < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (!(0 <= rangeStart && rangeStart + rangeLength <= charCount)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (lastOffset > rangeStart) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// variableHeight |= styles[i].isVariableHeight();
lastOffset = rangeStart + rangeLength;
// if (variableHeight) setVariableLineHeight();
int rangeStart = start, rangeEnd = end;
if (styles != null && styles.length > 0) {
if (ranges != null) {
rangeStart = ranges[0];
rangeEnd = ranges[ranges.length - 2] + ranges[ranges.length - 1];
} else {
rangeStart = styles[0].start;
rangeEnd = styles[styles.length - 1].start + styles[styles.length - 1].length;
if( reset ) {
renderer.setStyleRanges(null, null);
} else {
renderer.updateRanges(start, length, length);
if (styles != null && styles.length > 0) {
renderer.setStyleRanges(ranges, styles);
if( getSkin() instanceof StyledTextSkin ) {
public StyleRange[] getStyleRanges(int start, int length, boolean includeRanges) {
StyleRange[] ranges = renderer.getStyleRanges(start, length, includeRanges);
if (ranges != null) return ranges;
return new StyleRange[0];
public StyleRange getStyleRangeAtOffset(int offset) {
if (offset < 0 || offset >= getCharCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// if (!isListening(ST.LineGetStyle)) {
StyleRange[] ranges = renderer.getStyleRanges(offset, 1, true);
if (ranges != null) return ranges[0];
// }
return null;
public int getCharCount() {
return contentProperty.get().getCharCount();
static class LineInfo {
int flags;
Color background;
int alignment;
int indent;
int wrapIndent;
boolean justify;
int[] segments;
char[] segmentsChars;
int[] tabStops;
public LineInfo() {
public LineInfo(LineInfo info) {
if (info != null) {
flags = info.flags;
background = info.background;
alignment = info.alignment;
indent = info.indent;
wrapIndent = info.wrapIndent;
justify = info.justify;
segments = info.segments;
segmentsChars = info.segmentsChars;
tabStops = info.tabStops;
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
class StyledTextRenderer {
StyleRange[] stylesSet;
int stylesSetCount = 0;
int[] ranges;
int styleCount;
StyleRange[] styles;
boolean hasLinks;
LineInfo[] lines;
int lineCount;
int[] lineWidth;
int[] lineHeight;
final static boolean COMPACT_STYLES = true;
final static boolean MERGE_STYLES = true;
final static int GROW = 32;
void setStyleRanges (int[] newRanges, StyleRange[] newStyles) {
if (newStyles == null) {
stylesSetCount = styleCount = 0;
ranges = null;
styles = null;
stylesSet = null;
hasLinks = false;
if (newRanges == null && COMPACT_STYLES) {
newRanges = new int[newStyles.length << 1];
StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[newStyles.length];
if (stylesSet == null) stylesSet = new StyleRange[4];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) {
StyleRange newStyle = newStyles[i];
newRanges[j++] = newStyle.start;
newRanges[j++] = newStyle.length;
int index = 0;
while (index < stylesSetCount) {
if (stylesSet[index].similarTo(newStyle)) break;
if (index == stylesSetCount) {
if (stylesSetCount == stylesSet.length) {
StyleRange[] tmpStylesSet = new StyleRange[stylesSetCount + 4];
System.arraycopy(stylesSet, 0, tmpStylesSet, 0, stylesSetCount);
stylesSet = tmpStylesSet;
stylesSet[stylesSetCount++] = newStyle;
tmpStyles[i] = stylesSet[index];
newStyles = tmpStyles;
if (styleCount == 0) {
if (newRanges != null) {
ranges = new int[newRanges.length];
System.arraycopy(newRanges, 0, ranges, 0, ranges.length);
styles = new StyleRange[newStyles.length];
System.arraycopy(newStyles, 0, styles, 0, styles.length);
styleCount = newStyles.length;
if (newRanges != null && ranges == null) {
ranges = new int[styles.length << 1];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < styleCount; i++) {
ranges[j++] = styles[i].start;
ranges[j++] = styles[i].length;
if (newRanges == null && ranges != null) {
newRanges = new int[newStyles.length << 1];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) {
newRanges[j++] = newStyles[i].start;
newRanges[j++] = newStyles[i].length;
if (ranges != null) {
int rangeCount = styleCount << 1;
int start = newRanges[0];
int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount), modifyEnd;
boolean insert = modifyStart == rangeCount;
if (!insert) {
int end = newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + newRanges[newRanges.length - 1];
modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, rangeCount);
insert = modifyStart == modifyEnd && ranges[modifyStart] >= end;
if (insert) {
addMerge(newRanges, newStyles, newRanges.length, modifyStart, modifyStart);
modifyEnd = modifyStart;
int[] mergeRanges = new int[6];
StyleRange[] mergeStyles = new StyleRange[3];
for (int i = 0; i < newRanges.length; i += 2) {
int newStart = newRanges[i];
int newEnd = newStart + newRanges[i + 1];
if (newStart == newEnd) continue;
int modifyLast = 0, mergeCount = 0;
while (modifyEnd < rangeCount) {
if (newStart >= ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) modifyStart += 2;
if (ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] > newEnd) break;
modifyEnd += 2;
if (ranges[modifyStart] < newStart && newStart < ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) {
mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = styles[modifyStart >> 1];
mergeRanges[mergeCount] = ranges[modifyStart];
mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = newStart - ranges[modifyStart];
mergeCount += 2;
mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = newStyles[i >> 1];
mergeRanges[mergeCount] = newStart;
mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = newRanges[i + 1];
mergeCount += 2;
if (modifyEnd < rangeCount && ranges[modifyEnd] < newEnd && newEnd < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) {
mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = styles[modifyEnd >> 1];
mergeRanges[mergeCount] = newEnd;
mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] - newEnd;
mergeCount += 2;
modifyLast = 2;
int grow = addMerge(mergeRanges, mergeStyles, mergeCount, modifyStart, modifyEnd + modifyLast);
rangeCount += grow;
modifyStart = modifyEnd += grow;
} else {
int start = newStyles[0].start;
int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount), modifyEnd;
boolean insert = modifyStart == styleCount;
if (!insert) {
int end = newStyles[newStyles.length - 1].start + newStyles[newStyles.length - 1].length;
modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, styleCount);
insert = modifyStart == modifyEnd && styles[modifyStart].start >= end;
if (insert) {
addMerge(newStyles, newStyles.length, modifyStart, modifyStart);
modifyEnd = modifyStart;
StyleRange[] mergeStyles = new StyleRange[3];
for (int i = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) {
StyleRange newStyle = newStyles[i], style;
int newStart = newStyle.start;
int newEnd = newStart + newStyle.length;
if (newStart == newEnd) continue;
int modifyLast = 0, mergeCount = 0;
while (modifyEnd < styleCount) {
if (newStart >= styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length) modifyStart++;
if (styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length > newEnd) break;
style = styles[modifyStart];
if (style.start < newStart && newStart < style.start + style.length) {
style = mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = (StyleRange)style.clone();
style.length = newStart - style.start;
mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = newStyle;
if (modifyEnd < styleCount) {
style = styles[modifyEnd];
if (style.start < newEnd && newEnd < style.start + style.length) {
style = mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = (StyleRange)style.clone();
style.length += style.start - newEnd;
style.start = newEnd;
modifyLast = 1;
int grow = addMerge(mergeStyles, mergeCount, modifyStart, modifyEnd + modifyLast);
modifyStart = modifyEnd += grow;
int[] getRanges(int start, int length) {
if (length == 0) return null;
int[] newRanges;
int end = start + length - 1;
if (ranges != null) {
int rangeCount = styleCount << 1;
int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount);
if (rangeStart >= rangeCount) return null;
if (ranges[rangeStart] > end) return null;
int rangeEnd = Math.min(rangeCount - 2, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, rangeCount));
if (ranges[rangeEnd] > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 2);
newRanges = new int[rangeEnd - rangeStart + 2];
System.arraycopy(ranges, rangeStart, newRanges, 0, newRanges.length);
} else {
int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount);
if (rangeStart >= styleCount) return null;
if (styles[rangeStart].start > end) return null;
int rangeEnd = Math.min(styleCount - 1, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, styleCount));
if (styles[rangeEnd].start > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 1);
newRanges = new int[(rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1) << 1];
for (int i = rangeStart, j = 0; i <= rangeEnd; i++, j += 2) {
StyleRange style = styles[i];
newRanges[j] = style.start;
newRanges[j + 1] = style.length;
if (start > newRanges[0]) {
newRanges[1] = newRanges[0] + newRanges[1] - start;
newRanges[0] = start;
if (end < newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + newRanges[newRanges.length - 1] - 1) {
newRanges[newRanges.length - 1] = end - newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + 1;
return newRanges;
int getRangeIndex(int offset, int low, int high) {
if (styleCount == 0) return 0;
if (ranges != null) {
while (high - low > 2) {
int index = ((high + low) / 2) / 2 * 2;
int end = ranges[index] + ranges[index + 1];
if (end > offset) {
high = index;
} else {
low = index;
} else {
while (high - low > 1) {
int index = ((high + low) / 2);
int end = styles[index].start + styles[index].length;
if (end > offset) {
high = index;
} else {
low = index;
return high;
void textChanging(TextChangingEvent event) {
int start = event.offset;
int newCharCount = event.newCharCount, replaceCharCount = event.replaceCharCount;
int newLineCount = event.newLineCount, replaceLineCount = event.replaceLineCount;
updateRanges(start, replaceCharCount, newCharCount);
// int startLine = getContent().getLineAtOffset(start);
// if (replaceCharCount == getContent().getCharCount()) lines = null;
// if (replaceLineCount == lineCount) {
// lineCount = newLineCount;
// lineWidth = new int[lineCount];
// lineHeight = new int[lineCount];
// reset(0, lineCount);
// } else {
// int delta = newLineCount - replaceLineCount;
// if (lineCount + delta > lineWidth.length) {
// int[] newWidths = new int[lineCount + delta + GROW];
// System.arraycopy(lineWidth, 0, newWidths, 0, lineCount);
// lineWidth = newWidths;
// int[] newHeights = new int[lineCount + delta + GROW];
// System.arraycopy(lineHeight, 0, newHeights, 0, lineCount);
// lineHeight = newHeights;
// }
// if (lines != null) {
// if (lineCount + delta > lines.length) {
// LineInfo[] newLines = new LineInfo[lineCount + delta + GROW];
// System.arraycopy(lines, 0, newLines, 0, lineCount);
// lines = newLines;
// }
// }
// int startIndex = startLine + replaceLineCount + 1;
// int endIndex = startLine + newLineCount + 1;
// System.arraycopy(lineWidth, startIndex, lineWidth, endIndex, lineCount - startIndex);
// System.arraycopy(lineHeight, startIndex, lineHeight, endIndex, lineCount - startIndex);
// for (int i = startLine; i < endIndex; i++) {
// lineWidth[i] = lineHeight[i] = -1;
// }
// for (int i = lineCount + delta; i < lineCount; i++) {
// lineWidth[i] = lineHeight[i] = -1;
// }
// if (layouts != null) {
// int layoutStartLine = startLine - topIndex;
// int layoutEndLine = layoutStartLine + replaceLineCount + 1;
// for (int i = layoutStartLine; i < layoutEndLine; i++) {
// if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) {
// if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose();
// layouts[i] = null;
// if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null;
// }
// }
// if (delta > 0) {
// for (int i = layouts.length - 1; i >= layoutEndLine; i--) {
// if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) {
// endIndex = i + delta;
// if (0 <= endIndex && endIndex < layouts.length) {
// layouts[endIndex] = layouts[i];
// layouts[i] = null;
// if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) {
// bullets[endIndex] = bullets[i];
// bulletsIndices[endIndex] = bulletsIndices[i];
// bullets[i] = null;
// }
// } else {
// if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose();
// layouts[i] = null;
// if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null;
// }
// }
// }
// } else if (delta < 0) {
// for (int i = layoutEndLine; i < layouts.length; i++) {
// if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) {
// endIndex = i + delta;
// if (0 <= endIndex && endIndex < layouts.length) {
// layouts[endIndex] = layouts[i];
// layouts[i] = null;
// if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) {
// bullets[endIndex] = bullets[i];
// bulletsIndices[endIndex] = bulletsIndices[i];
// bullets[i] = null;
// }
// } else {
// if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose();
// layouts[i] = null;
// if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (replaceLineCount != 0 || newLineCount != 0) {
// int startLineOffset = getContent().getOffsetAtLine(startLine);
// if (startLineOffset != start) startLine++;
// updateBullets(startLine, replaceLineCount, newLineCount, true);
// if (lines != null) {
// startIndex = startLine + replaceLineCount;
// endIndex = startLine + newLineCount;
// System.arraycopy(lines, startIndex, lines, endIndex, lineCount - startIndex);
// for (int i = startLine; i < endIndex; i++) {
// lines[i] = null;
// }
// for (int i = lineCount + delta; i < lineCount; i++) {
// lines[i] = null;
// }
// }
// }
// lineCount += delta;
// if (maxWidthLineIndex != -1 && startLine <= maxWidthLineIndex && maxWidthLineIndex <= startLine + replaceLineCount) {
// maxWidth = 0;
// maxWidthLineIndex = -1;
// for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
// if (lineWidth[i] > maxWidth) {
// maxWidth = lineWidth[i];
// maxWidthLineIndex = i;
// }
// }
// }
// }
int addMerge(int[] mergeRanges, StyleRange[] mergeStyles, int mergeCount, int modifyStart, int modifyEnd) {
int rangeCount = styleCount << 1;
StyleRange endStyle = null;
int endStart = 0, endLength = 0;
if (modifyEnd < rangeCount) {
endStyle = styles[modifyEnd >> 1];
endStart = ranges[modifyEnd];
endLength = ranges[modifyEnd + 1];
int grow = mergeCount - (modifyEnd - modifyStart);
if (rangeCount + grow >= ranges.length) {
int[] tmpRanges = new int[ranges.length + grow + (GROW << 1)];
System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, tmpRanges, 0, modifyStart);
StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + (grow >> 1) + GROW];
System.arraycopy(styles, 0, tmpStyles, 0, modifyStart >> 1);
if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, tmpRanges, modifyStart + mergeCount, rangeCount - modifyEnd);
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, tmpStyles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1));
ranges = tmpRanges;
styles = tmpStyles;
} else {
if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, ranges, modifyStart + mergeCount, rangeCount - modifyEnd);
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, styles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1));
int j = modifyStart;
for (int i = 0; i < mergeCount; i += 2) {
if (j > 0 && ranges[j - 2] + ranges[j - 1] == mergeRanges[i] && mergeStyles[i >> 1].similarTo(styles[(j - 2) >> 1])) {
ranges[j - 1] += mergeRanges[i + 1];
} else {
styles[j >> 1] = mergeStyles[i >> 1];
ranges[j++] = mergeRanges[i];
ranges[j++] = mergeRanges[i + 1];
if (endStyle != null && ranges[j - 2] + ranges[j - 1] == endStart && endStyle.similarTo(styles[(j - 2) >> 1])) {
ranges[j - 1] += endLength;
modifyEnd += 2;
mergeCount += 2;
if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyStart + mergeCount, ranges, j, rangeCount - modifyEnd);
System.arraycopy(styles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styles, j >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1));
grow = (j - modifyStart) - (modifyEnd - modifyStart);
} else {
System.arraycopy(mergeRanges, 0, ranges, modifyStart, mergeCount);
System.arraycopy(mergeStyles, 0, styles, modifyStart >> 1, mergeCount >> 1);
styleCount += grow >> 1;
return grow;
int addMerge(StyleRange[] mergeStyles, int mergeCount, int modifyStart, int modifyEnd) {
int grow = mergeCount - (modifyEnd - modifyStart);
StyleRange endStyle = null;
if (modifyEnd < styleCount) endStyle = styles[modifyEnd];
if (styleCount + grow >= styles.length) {
StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + grow + GROW];
System.arraycopy(styles, 0, tmpStyles, 0, modifyStart);
if (styleCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, tmpStyles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styleCount - modifyEnd);
styles = tmpStyles;
} else {
if (styleCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, styles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styleCount - modifyEnd);
int j = modifyStart;
for (int i = 0; i < mergeCount; i++) {
StyleRange newStyle = mergeStyles[i], style;
if (j > 0 && (style = styles[j - 1]).start + style.length == newStyle.start && newStyle.similarTo(style)) {
style.length += newStyle.length;
} else {
styles[j++] = newStyle;
StyleRange style = styles[j - 1];
if (endStyle != null && style.start + style.length == endStyle.start && endStyle.similarTo(style)) {
style.length += endStyle.length;
if (styleCount > modifyEnd) {
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styles, j, styleCount - modifyEnd);
grow = (j - modifyStart) - (modifyEnd - modifyStart);
} else {
System.arraycopy(mergeStyles, 0, styles, modifyStart, mergeCount);
styleCount += grow;
return grow;
void updateRanges(int start, int replaceCharCount, int newCharCount) {
if (styleCount == 0 || (replaceCharCount == 0 && newCharCount == 0)) return;
if (ranges != null) {
int rangeCount = styleCount << 1;
int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount);
if (modifyStart == rangeCount) return;
int end = start + replaceCharCount;
int modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, rangeCount);
int offset = newCharCount - replaceCharCount;
if (modifyStart == modifyEnd && ranges[modifyStart] < start && end < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) {
if (newCharCount == 0) {
ranges[modifyStart + 1] -= replaceCharCount;
modifyEnd += 2;
} else {
if (rangeCount + 2 > ranges.length) {
int[] newRanges = new int[ranges.length + (GROW << 1)];
System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, newRanges, 0, rangeCount);
ranges = newRanges;
StyleRange[] newStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + GROW];
System.arraycopy(styles, 0, newStyles, 0, styleCount);
styles = newStyles;
System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyStart + 2, ranges, modifyStart + 4, rangeCount - (modifyStart + 2));
System.arraycopy(styles, (modifyStart + 2) >> 1, styles, (modifyStart + 4) >> 1, styleCount - ((modifyStart + 2) >> 1));
ranges[modifyStart + 3] = ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1] - end;
ranges[modifyStart + 2] = start + newCharCount;
ranges[modifyStart + 1] = start - ranges[modifyStart];
styles[(modifyStart >> 1) + 1] = styles[modifyStart >> 1];
rangeCount += 2;
modifyEnd += 4;
if (offset != 0) {
for (int i = modifyEnd; i < rangeCount; i += 2) {
ranges[i] += offset;
} else {
if (ranges[modifyStart] < start && start < ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) {
ranges[modifyStart + 1] = start - ranges[modifyStart];
modifyStart += 2;
if (modifyEnd < rangeCount && ranges[modifyEnd] < end && end < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) {
ranges[modifyEnd + 1] = ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] - end;
ranges[modifyEnd] = end;
if (offset != 0) {
for (int i = modifyEnd; i < rangeCount; i += 2) {
ranges[i] += offset;
System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, ranges, modifyStart, rangeCount - modifyEnd);
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, styles, modifyStart >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1));
styleCount -= (modifyEnd - modifyStart) >> 1;
} else {
int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount);
if (modifyStart == styleCount) return;
int end = start + replaceCharCount;
int modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, styleCount);
int offset = newCharCount - replaceCharCount;
if (modifyStart == modifyEnd && styles[modifyStart].start < start && end < styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length) {
if (newCharCount == 0) {
styles[modifyStart].length -= replaceCharCount;
} else {
if (styleCount + 1 > styles.length) {
StyleRange[] newStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + GROW];
System.arraycopy(styles, 0, newStyles, 0, styleCount);
styles = newStyles;
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyStart + 1, styles, modifyStart + 2, styleCount - (modifyStart + 1));
styles[modifyStart + 1] = (StyleRange)styles[modifyStart].clone();
styles[modifyStart + 1].length = styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length - end;
styles[modifyStart + 1].start = start + newCharCount;
styles[modifyStart].length = start - styles[modifyStart].start;
modifyEnd += 2;
if (offset != 0) {
for (int i = modifyEnd; i < styleCount; i++) {
styles[i].start += offset;
} else {
if (styles[modifyStart].start < start && start < styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length) {
styles[modifyStart].length = start - styles[modifyStart].start;
if (modifyEnd < styleCount && styles[modifyEnd].start < end && end < styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length) {
styles[modifyEnd].length = styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length - end;
styles[modifyEnd].start = end;
if (offset != 0) {
for (int i = modifyEnd; i < styleCount; i++) {
styles[i].start += offset;
System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, styles, modifyStart, styleCount - modifyEnd);
styleCount -= modifyEnd - modifyStart;
StyleRange[] getStyleRanges(int start, int length, boolean includeRanges) {
if (length == 0) return null;
StyleRange[] newStyles;
int end = start + length - 1;
if (ranges != null) {
int rangeCount = styleCount << 1;
int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount);
if (rangeStart >= rangeCount) return null;
if (ranges[rangeStart] > end) return null;
int rangeEnd = Math.min(rangeCount - 2, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, rangeCount));
if (ranges[rangeEnd] > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 2);
newStyles = new StyleRange[((rangeEnd - rangeStart) >> 1) + 1];
if (includeRanges) {
for (int i = rangeStart, j = 0; i <= rangeEnd; i += 2, j++) {
newStyles[j] = (StyleRange)styles[i >> 1].clone();
newStyles[j].start = ranges[i];
newStyles[j].length = ranges[i + 1];
} else {
System.arraycopy(styles, rangeStart >> 1, newStyles, 0, newStyles.length);
} else {
int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount);
if (rangeStart >= styleCount) return null;
if (styles[rangeStart].start > end) return null;
int rangeEnd = Math.min(styleCount - 1, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, styleCount));
if (styles[rangeEnd].start > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 1);
newStyles = new StyleRange[rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1];
System.arraycopy(styles, rangeStart, newStyles, 0, newStyles.length);
if (includeRanges || ranges == null) {
StyleRange style = newStyles[0];
if (start > style.start) {
newStyles[0] = style = (StyleRange)style.clone();
style.length = style.start + style.length - start;
style.start = start;
style = newStyles[newStyles.length - 1];
if (end < style.start + style.length - 1) {
newStyles[newStyles.length - 1] = style = (StyleRange)style.clone();
style.length = end - style.start + 1;
return newStyles;
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
static class DefaultContent implements StyledTextContent {
private char[] textStore;
private int lineCount;
private int[][] lines = new int[50][2];
private int expandExp = 1;
private int replaceExpandExp;
// private List<TextChangeListener> textChangeListeners= new ArrayList<>(1);
public void setText(String text) {
textStore = text.toCharArray();
public void addTextChangeListener(TextChangeListener listener) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void removeTextChangeListener(TextChangeListener listener) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getCharCount() {
// int length = gapEnd - gapStart;
// return (textStore.length - length);
return textStore.length;
public String getTextRange(int start, int length) {
return new String(textStore,start,length);
public String getLine(int index) {
int start = lines[index][0];
int length = lines[index][1];
return new String(textStore,start,length);
public int getLineCount(){
return lineCount;
public int getOffsetAtLine(int lineIndex) {
int start = lines[lineIndex][0];
return start;
public int getLineAtOffset(int charPosition) {
int position = charPosition;
if (lineCount > 0) {
int lastLine = lineCount - 1;
if (position == lines[lastLine][0] + lines[lastLine][1])
return lastLine;
int high = lineCount;
int low = -1;
int index = lineCount;
while (high - low > 1) {
index = (high + low) / 2;
int lineStart = lines[index][0];
int lineEnd = lineStart + lines[index][1] - 1;
if (position <= lineStart) {
high = index;
} else if (position <= lineEnd) {
high = index;
} else {
low = index;
return high;
void indexLines(){
int start = 0;
lineCount = 0;
int textLength = textStore.length;
int i;
for (i = start; i < textLength; i++) {
char ch = textStore[i];
if (ch == '\r') {
// see if the next character is a LF
if (i + 1 < textLength) {
ch = textStore[i+1];
if (ch == '\n') {
addLineIndex(start, i - start + 1);
start = i + 1;
} else if (ch == '\n') {
addLineIndex(start, i - start + 1);
start = i + 1;
addLineIndex(start, i - start);
void addLineIndex(int start, int length) {
int size = lines.length;
if (lineCount == size) {
// expand the lines by powers of 2
int[][] newLines = new int[size+pow2(expandExp)][2];
System.arraycopy(lines, 0, newLines, 0, size);
lines = newLines;
int[] range = new int[] {start, length};
lines[lineCount] = range;
public void replaceTextRange(int start, int replaceLength, String newText){
// first delete the text to be replaced
// delete(start, replaceLength, event.replaceLineCount + 1);
// then insert the new text
insert(start, newText);
void insert(int position, String text) {
if (text.length() == 0) return;
int startLine = getLineAtOffset(position);
int change = text.length();
boolean endInsert = position == getCharCount();
// during an insert the gap will be adjusted to start at
// position and it will be associated with startline, the
// inserted text will be placed in the gap
int startLineOffset = getOffsetAtLine(startLine);
// at this point, startLineLength will include the start line
// and all of the newly inserted text
int startLineLength = getPhysicalLine(startLine).length();
if (change > 0) {
// shrink gap
// gapStart += (change);
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
textStore[position + i]= text.charAt(i);
// figure out the number of new lines that have been inserted
int [][] newLines = indexLines(startLineOffset, startLineLength, 10);
// only insert an empty line if it is the last line in the text
int numNewLines = newLines.length - 1;
if (newLines[numNewLines][1] == 0) {
// last inserted line is a new line
if (endInsert) {
// insert happening at end of the text, leave numNewLines as
// is since the last new line will not be concatenated with another
// line
numNewLines += 1;
} else {
numNewLines -= 1;
// make room for the new lines
// shift down the lines after the replace line
for (int i = lineCount - 1; i > startLine; i--) {
lines[i + numNewLines]=lines[i];
// insert the new lines
for (int i = 0; i < numNewLines; i++) {
newLines[i][0] += startLineOffset;
lines[startLine + i]=newLines[i];
// update the last inserted line
if (numNewLines < newLines.length) {
newLines[numNewLines][0] += startLineOffset;
lines[startLine + numNewLines] = newLines[numNewLines];
lineCount += numNewLines;
// gapLine = getLineAtPhysicalOffset(gapStart);
void expandLinesBy(int numLines) {
int size = lines.length;
if (size - lineCount >= numLines) {
int[][] newLines = new int[size+Math.max(10, numLines)][2];
System.arraycopy(lines, 0, newLines, 0, size);
lines = newLines;
String getPhysicalLine(int index) {
int start = lines[index][0];
int length = lines[index][1];
return getPhysicalText(start, length);
String getPhysicalText(int start, int length) {
return new String(textStore, start, length);
int[][] indexLines(int offset, int length, int numLines){
int[][] indexedLines = new int[numLines][2];
int start = 0;
int lineCount = 0;
int i;
replaceExpandExp = 1;
for (i = start; i < length; i++) {
int location = i + offset;
// if ((location >= gapStart) && (location < gapEnd)) {
// // ignore the gap
// } else {
char ch = textStore[location];
if (ch == '\r') {
// see if the next character is a LF
if (location+1 < textStore.length) {
ch = textStore[location+1];
if (ch == '\n') {
indexedLines = addLineIndex(start, i - start + 1, indexedLines, lineCount);
start = i + 1;
} else if (ch == '\n') {
indexedLines = addLineIndex(start, i - start + 1, indexedLines, lineCount);
start = i + 1;
// }
int[][] newLines = new int[lineCount+1][2];
System.arraycopy(indexedLines, 0, newLines, 0, lineCount);
int[] range = new int[] {start, i - start};
newLines[lineCount] = range;
return newLines;
int[][] addLineIndex(int start, int length, int[][] linesArray, int count) {
int size = linesArray.length;
int[][] newLines = linesArray;
if (count == size) {
newLines = new int[size+pow2(replaceExpandExp)][2];
System.arraycopy(linesArray, 0, newLines, 0, size);
int[] range = new int[] {start, length};
newLines[count] = range;
return newLines;
public static int pow2(int n) {
if (n >= 1 && n <= 30)
return 2 << (n - 1);
else if (n != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return 1;
public void setTabs(int tabWidth) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.err.println("NOT IMPLEMETNED");
public void setRedraw(boolean b) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.err.println("NOT IMPLEMETNED");
public TextSelection getSelection() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return new TextSelection(getCaretOffset(), 0);
public void setSelection(TextSelection selection) {
if( selection.length == 0 ) {
public void setSelectionRange(int offset, int length) {
setSelection(new TextSelection(offset, length));
private BooleanProperty editableProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "editableProperty", true);
public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
public boolean getEditable() {
return editableProperty.get();
private ObjectProperty<Font> fontProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "fontProperty", Font.font("Courier", FontWeight.NORMAL, 15));
public void setFont(Font font) {
public Font getFont() {
return fontProperty.get();
public ObjectProperty<Font> fontProperty() {
return fontProperty;
public Point2D getLocationAtOffset(int offset) {
if (offset < 0 || offset > getCharCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return ((StyledTextSkin)getSkin()).getCaretLocation(offset);
public double getLineHeight(int offset) {
if (offset < 0 || offset > getCharCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return ((StyledTextSkin)getSkin()).getLineHeight(offset);
public void showSelection() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public int getLineAtOffset(int caretOffset) {
return contentProperty.get().getLineAtOffset(caretOffset);
public int getOffsetAtLine(int lineNumber) {
return contentProperty.get().getOffsetAtLine(lineNumber);
public String getText(int start, int end) {
return contentProperty.get().getTextRange(start, end - start + 1);