Package lombok.ast

Source Code of lombok.ast.TemplateTest

package lombok.ast;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

import lombok.ast.printer.SourcePrinter;
import lombok.ast.printer.StructureFormatter;

import org.junit.Test;

public class TemplateTest {
  private static String literal(String... args) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String arg : args) sb.append(arg).append("\n");
    return sb.toString();
  public void testIdentifier() {
    MethodDeclaration method = Template.parseMethod("public static int testing(int foo) { return 5; }");
    Template<MethodDeclaration> template = Template.of(method);
    template.replaceIdentifier("testing", "floobargle", new Position(50, 60));
    template.replaceIdentifier("foo", "bar", new Position(80, 90));
    MethodDeclaration finish = template.finish();
    StructureFormatter sf = StructureFormatter.formatterWithPositions();
    finish.accept(new SourcePrinter(sf));
"[B MethodDeclaration floobargle (10-90)]",
"    [I Modifiers (10-10)]",
"        [I KeywordModifier public (10-10)]",
"            PROPERTY: modifier = public",
"        [I KeywordModifier static (10-10)]",
"            PROPERTY: modifier = static",
"    returnType: [I TypeReference int (10-10)]",
"        PROPERTY: WildcardKind = NONE",
"        PROPERTY: arrayDimensions = 0",
"        [I TypeReferencePart (10-10)]",
"            [I Identifier int (10-10)]",
"                PROPERTY: name = int",
"    methodName: [I Identifier floobargle (50-60)]",
"        PROPERTY: name = floobargle",
"    parameter: [I VariableDefinition (60-90)]",
"        PROPERTY: varargs = false",
"        [I Modifiers (60-60)]",
"        type: [I TypeReference int (60-60)]",
"            PROPERTY: WildcardKind = NONE",
"            PROPERTY: arrayDimensions = 0",
"            [I TypeReferencePart (60-60)]",
"                [I Identifier int (60-60)]",
"                    PROPERTY: name = int",
"        [I VariableDefinitionEntry (60-90)]",
"            PROPERTY: arrayDimensions = 0",
"            varName: [I Identifier bar (80-90)]",
"                PROPERTY: name = bar",
"    [B Block (90-90)]",
"            [B Return (90-90)]",
"                [I IntegralLiteral 5 (90-90)]",
"                    PROPERTY: value = 5"
        ), sf.finish());
  public void testExpression() {
    Expression expr = Template.parseExpression("5 + (a ? b : 10)");
    Template<Expression> template = Template.of(expr);
    Expression replacement = new FloatingPointLiteral().astDoubleValue(0.5);
    template.replaceExpression("b", replacement, new Position(20, 30));
    Expression finish = template.finish();
    StructureFormatter sf = StructureFormatter.formatterWithPositions();
    finish.accept(new SourcePrinter(sf));
"[I BinaryExpression + (10-30)]",
"    PROPERTY: operator = +",
"    left: [I IntegralLiteral 5 (10-10)]",
"        PROPERTY: value = 5",
"    right: [I InlineIfExpression (10-30)]",
"        condition: [I VariableReference (10-10)]",
"            [I Identifier a (10-10)]",
"                PROPERTY: name = a",
"        ifTrue: [I FloatingPointLiteral 0.5 (20-30)]",
"            PROPERTY: value = 0.5",
"        ifFalse: [I IntegralLiteral 10 (30-30)]",
"            PROPERTY: value = 10"
        ), sf.finish());
  public void testStatements() {
    String expected1 = literal(
"[B ClassDeclaration X (20-80)]",
"    [I Modifiers (20-20)]",
"    typeName: [I Identifier X (20-20)]",
"        PROPERTY: name = X",
"    [B NormalTypeBody (20-80)]",
"            [B InstanceInitializer (20-80)]",
"                [B Block (20-80)]",
"                        [B Synchronized (60-80)]",
"                            lock: [I This (60-80)]",
"                            [B Block (60-80)]");
    ClassDeclaration classDecl = (ClassDeclaration) Template.parseMember("class X {{foo:;}}");
      Template<ClassDeclaration> template = Template.of(classDecl);
      Statement x = new Synchronized().astBody(new Block()).astLock(new This());
      Ast.setAllPositions(x, new Position(60, 80));
      template.replaceStatement("foo", x);
      ClassDeclaration finish = template.finish();
      StructureFormatter sf = StructureFormatter.formatterWithPositions();
      finish.accept(new SourcePrinter(sf));
      assertEquals(expected1, sf.finish());
      Template<ClassDeclaration> template = Template.of(classDecl);
      Statement x = new Synchronized().astBody(new Block()).astLock(new This());
      template.replaceStatement("foo", x, new Position(60, 80));
      ClassDeclaration finish = template.finish();
      StructureFormatter sf = StructureFormatter.formatterWithPositions();
      finish.accept(new SourcePrinter(sf));
      assertEquals(expected1, sf.finish());
    String expected2 = literal(
"[B ClassDeclaration X (20-200)]",
"    [I Modifiers (20-20)]",
"    typeName: [I Identifier X (20-20)]",
"        PROPERTY: name = X",
"    [B NormalTypeBody (20-200)]",
"            [B InstanceInitializer (20-200)]",
"                [B Block (20-200)]",
"                        [B Synchronized (40-50)]",
"                            lock: [I This (40-50)]",
"                            [B Block (40-50)]",
"                        [B While (100-200)]",
"                            condition: [I BooleanLiteral (100-200)]",
"                                PROPERTY: value = true",
"                            [B EmptyStatement (100-200)]");
      Template<ClassDeclaration> template = Template.of(classDecl);
      Statement x = new Synchronized().astBody(new Block()).astLock(new This());
      Statement y = new While().astCondition(new BooleanLiteral().astValue(true)).astStatement(new EmptyStatement());
      Ast.setAllPositions(x, new Position(40, 50));
      Ast.setAllPositions(y, new Position(100, 200));
      template.replaceStatement("foo", Arrays.asList(x, y));
      ClassDeclaration finish = template.finish();
      StructureFormatter sf = StructureFormatter.formatterWithPositions();
      finish.accept(new SourcePrinter(sf));
      assertEquals(expected2, sf.finish());

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