* Christopher Deckers (chrriis@nextencia.net)
* http://www.nextencia.net
* See the file "readme.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
* this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.components;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import chrriis.common.Utils;
import chrriis.common.WebServer;
import chrriis.common.WebServer.HTTPRequest;
import chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContent;
import chrriis.common.WebServer.WebServerContentProvider;
import chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSOption;
import chrriis.dj.nativeswing.NSSystemProperty;
import chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.NSPanelComponent;
import chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.WebBrowserObject;
* A native Flash player. It is a browser-based component, which relies on the Flash plugin.<br/>
* Methods execute when this component is initialized. If the component is not initialized, methods will be executed as soon as it gets initialized.
* If the initialization fails, the methods will not have any effect. The results from methods have relevant values only when the component is valid.
* @author Christopher Deckers
public class JFlashPlayer extends NSPanelComponent {
private static final String SET_CUSTOM_JAVASCRIPT_DEFINITIONS_OPTION_KEY = "Flash Player Custom Javascript definitions";
* Create an option to set some custom Javascript definitions (functions) that are added to the HTML page that contains the plugin.
* @return the option to set some custom Javascript definitions.
public static NSOption setCustomJavascriptDefinitions(final String javascript) {
public Object getOptionValue() {
return javascript;
static {
WebServer.getDefaultWebServer().addContentProvider(new WebServerContentProvider() {
public WebServerContent getWebServerContent(HTTPRequest httpRequest) {
// When the Flash player wants to access the host files, it asks for this one...
if("/crossdomain.xml".equals(httpRequest.getResourcePath())) {
return new WebServerContent() {
public InputStream getInputStream() {
return getInputStream("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
"<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"http://www.adobe.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd\">" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
"<cross-domain-policy>" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
" <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=\"all\"/>" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
" <allow-access-from domain=\"*\" secure=\"false\"/>" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
" <allow-http-request-headers-from domain=\"*\" headers=\"*\" secure=\"false\"/>" + Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR +
return null;
* A factory that creates the decorators for flash players.
* @author Christopher Deckers
public static interface FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory {
* Create the decorator for a flash player, which adds the rendering component to its component hierarchy and will itself be added to the flash player.
* @param flashPlayer the flash player for which to create the decorator.
* @param renderingComponent the component that renders the flash player's content.
* @return the decorator.
public FlashPlayerDecorator createFlashPlayerDecorator(JFlashPlayer flashPlayer, Component renderingComponent);
private static FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory flashPlayerDecoratorFactory;
* Set the decorator that will be used for future flash player instances.
* @param flashPlayerDecoratorFactory the factory that creates the decorators, or null for default decorators.
public static void setFlashPlayerDecoratorFactory(FlashPlayerDecoratorFactory flashPlayerDecoratorFactory) {
JFlashPlayer.flashPlayerDecoratorFactory = flashPlayerDecoratorFactory;
private FlashPlayerDecorator flashPlayerDecorator;
FlashPlayerDecorator getFlashPlayerDecorator() {
return flashPlayerDecorator;
* Create a decorator for this flash player. This method can be overridden so that the flash player uses a different decorator.
* @param renderingComponent the component to add to the decorator's component hierarchy.
* @return the decorator that was created.
protected FlashPlayerDecorator createFlashPlayerDecorator(Component renderingComponent) {
if(flashPlayerDecoratorFactory != null) {
FlashPlayerDecorator flashPlayerDecorator = flashPlayerDecoratorFactory.createFlashPlayerDecorator(this, renderingComponent);
if(flashPlayerDecorator != null) {
return flashPlayerDecorator;
return new DefaultFlashPlayerDecorator(this, renderingComponent);
private JWebBrowser webBrowser;
private static class NWebBrowserObject extends WebBrowserObject {
private final JFlashPlayer flashPlayer;
NWebBrowserObject(JFlashPlayer flashPlayer) {
this.flashPlayer = flashPlayer;
protected ObjectHTMLConfiguration getObjectHtmlConfiguration() {
ObjectHTMLConfiguration objectHTMLConfiguration = new ObjectHTMLConfiguration();
if(flashPlayer.options != null) {
// Possible when debugging and calling the same URL again. No options but better than nothing.
Map<String, String> htmlParameters = flashPlayer.options.getHTMLParameters();
if(!htmlParameters.containsKey("base")) {
String loadedResource = flashPlayer.webBrowserObject.getLoadedResource();
if(loadedResource != null) {
int lastIndex = loadedResource.lastIndexOf('/');
htmlParameters.put("base", loadedResource.substring(0, lastIndex + 1));
// flashPlayer.options = null;
return objectHTMLConfiguration;
private final String LS = Utils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
protected String getJavascriptDefinitions() {
String javascriptDefinitions = flashPlayer.customJavascriptDefinitions;
" function " + getEmbeddedObjectJavascriptName() + "_DoFSCommand(command, args) {" + LS +
" sendCommand(command, args);" + LS +
" }" +
(javascriptDefinitions == null? "": LS + javascriptDefinitions);
protected String getAdditionalHeadDefinitions() {
" <script language=\"VBScript\">" + LS +
" <!-- " + LS +
" Sub " + getEmbeddedObjectJavascriptName() + "_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)" + LS +
" call " + getEmbeddedObjectJavascriptName() + "_DoFSCommand(command, args)" + LS +
" end sub" + LS +
" //-->" + LS +
" </script>";
public String getLocalFileURL(File localFile) {
if(Boolean.parseBoolean(NSSystemProperty.WEBSERVER_ACTIVATEOLDRESOURCEMETHOD.get())) {
// Local files cannot be played due to security restrictions. We need to proxy.
// Moreover, we need to double encode non ASCII characters.
return WebServer.getDefaultWebServer().getResourcePathURL(encodeSpecialCharacters(localFile.getParent()), encodeSpecialCharacters(localFile.getName()));
return WebServer.getDefaultWebServer().getResourcePathURL(localFile.getParent(), localFile.getName());
private String encodeSpecialCharacters(String s) {
// We have to convert all special remaining characters (e.g. letters with accents).
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
boolean isToEncode = false;
if((c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < '0' || c > '9')) {
switch(c) {
case '.':
case '-':
case '*':
case '_':
case '+':
case '%':
case ':':
case '/':
case '\\':
if(Utils.IS_WINDOWS) {
c = '/';
isToEncode = true;
if(isToEncode) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
private WebBrowserObject webBrowserObject;
* Construct a flash player.
* @param options the options to configure the behavior of this component.
public JFlashPlayer(NSOption... options) {
Map<Object, Object> optionMap = NSOption.createOptionMap(options);
customJavascriptDefinitions = (String)optionMap.get(SET_CUSTOM_JAVASCRIPT_DEFINITIONS_OPTION_KEY);
webBrowser = new JWebBrowser(options);
webBrowserObject = new NWebBrowserObject(this);
webBrowser.addWebBrowserListener(new WebBrowserAdapter() {
public void commandReceived(WebBrowserCommandEvent e) {
String command = e.getCommand();
Object[] parameters = e.getParameters();
boolean isInternal = command.startsWith("[Chrriis]");
FlashPlayerCommandEvent ev = null;
for(FlashPlayerListener listener: getFlashPlayerListeners()) {
if(!isInternal || listener.getClass().getName().startsWith("chrriis.")) {
if(ev == null) {
ev = new FlashPlayerCommandEvent(JFlashPlayer.this, command, parameters);
flashPlayerDecorator = createFlashPlayerDecorator(webBrowser);
add(flashPlayerDecorator, BorderLayout.CENTER);
private volatile String customJavascriptDefinitions;
// public String getLoadedResource() {
// return webBrowserObject.getLoadedResource();
// }
* Load a file from the classpath.
* @param clazz the reference clazz of the file to load.
* @param resourcePath the path to the file.
public void load(Class<?> clazz, String resourcePath) {
load(clazz, resourcePath, null);
* Load a file from the classpath.
* @param clazz the reference clazz of the file to load.
* @param resourcePath the path to the file.
* @param options the options to better configure the initialization of the flash plugin.
public void load(Class<?> clazz, String resourcePath, FlashPluginOptions options) {
load(WebServer.getDefaultWebServer().getClassPathResourceURL(clazz.getName(), resourcePath), options);
* Load a file.
* @param resourceLocation the path or URL to the file.
public void load(String resourceLocation) {
load(resourceLocation, null);
private volatile FlashPluginOptions options;
* Load a file.
* @param resourceLocation the path or URL to the file.
* @param options the options to better configure the initialization of the flash plugin.
public void load(String resourceLocation, FlashPluginOptions options) {
if("".equals(resourceLocation)) {
resourceLocation = null;
if(options == null) {
options = new FlashPluginOptions();
this.options = options;
* Play a timeline-based flash applications.
public void play() {
if(!webBrowserObject.hasContent()) {
* Pause the execution of timeline-based flash applications.
public void pause() {
if(!webBrowserObject.hasContent()) {
* Stop the execution of timeline-based flash applications.
public void stop() {
if(!webBrowserObject.hasContent()) {
* Set the value of a variable. It is also possible to set object properties with that method, though it is recommended to create special accessor methods.
* @param name the name of the variable.
* @param value the new value of the variable.
public void setVariable(String name, String value) {
if(!webBrowserObject.hasContent()) {
webBrowserObject.invokeObjectFunction("SetVariable", name, value);
* Get the value of a variable, or an object property if the web browser used is Internet Explorer. On Mozilla, it is not possible to access object properties with that method, an accessor method or a global variable in the Flash application should be used instead.
* @return the value, potentially a String, Number, Boolean.
public Object getVariable(String name) {
if(!webBrowserObject.hasContent()) {
return null;
return webBrowserObject.invokeObjectFunctionWithResult("GetVariable", name);
* Invoke a function on the Flash object, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans).
* @param functionName the name of the function to invoke.
* @param args optional arguments.
public void invokeFlashFunction(String functionName, Object... args) {
webBrowserObject.invokeObjectFunction(functionName, args);
* Invoke a function on the Flash object and waits for a result, with optional arguments (Strings, numbers, booleans).
* @param functionName the name of the function to invoke.
* @param args optional arguments.
* @return The value, potentially a String, Number, Boolean.
public Object invokeFlashFunctionWithResult(String functionName, Object... args) {
return webBrowserObject.invokeObjectFunctionWithResult(functionName, args);
* Get the web browser that contains this component. The web browser should only be used to add listeners, for example to listen to window creation events.
* @return the web browser.
public JWebBrowser getWebBrowser() {
return webBrowser;
* Indicate whether the control bar is visible.
* @return true if the control bar is visible.
public boolean isControlBarVisible() {
return flashPlayerDecorator.isControlBarVisible();
* Set whether the control bar is visible.
* @param isControlBarVisible true if the control bar should be visible, false otherwise.
public void setControlBarVisible(boolean isControlBarVisible) {
* Add a flash player listener.
* @param listener The flash player listener to add.
public void addFlashPlayerListener(FlashPlayerListener listener) {
listenerList.add(FlashPlayerListener.class, listener);
* Remove a flash player listener.
* @param listener the flash player listener to remove.
public void removeFlashPlayerListener(FlashPlayerListener listener) {
listenerList.remove(FlashPlayerListener.class, listener);
* Get the flash player listeners.
* @return the flash player listeners.
public FlashPlayerListener[] getFlashPlayerListeners() {
return listenerList.getListeners(FlashPlayerListener.class);
private List<ClassLoader> referenceClassLoaderList = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>(1);
private void addReferenceClassLoader(ClassLoader referenceClassLoader) {
if(referenceClassLoader == null || referenceClassLoader == getClass().getClassLoader() || referenceClassLoaderList.contains(referenceClassLoader)) {
// If a different class loader is used to locate a resource, we need to allow th web server to find that resource
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
for(ClassLoader referenceClassLoader: referenceClassLoaderList) {
public void removeNotify() {
public void disposeNativePeer() {
private void cleanup() {
if(isNativePeerDisposed()) {