import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.jdom2.Attribute;
import org.jdom2.Content;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;
import org.jdom2.ProcessingInstruction;
import org.jdom2.filter.ContentFilter;
import com.rometools.rome.feed.WireFeed;
import com.rometools.rome.feed.module.Extendable;
import com.rometools.rome.feed.module.Module;
* @author Alejandro Abdelnur
public abstract class BaseWireFeedParser implements WireFeedParser {
* [TYPE].feed.ModuleParser.classes= [className] ...
private static final String FEED_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY = ".feed.ModuleParser.classes";
* [TYPE].item.ModuleParser.classes= [className] ...
private static final String ITEM_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY = ".item.ModuleParser.classes";
* [TYPE].person.ModuleParser.classes= [className] ...
private static final String PERSON_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY = ".person.ModuleParser.classes";
private final String type;
private final ModuleParsers feedModuleParsers;
private final ModuleParsers itemModuleParsers;
private final ModuleParsers personModuleParsers;
private final Namespace namespace;
protected BaseWireFeedParser(final String type, final Namespace namespace) {
this.type = type;
this.namespace = namespace;
feedModuleParsers = new ModuleParsers(type + FEED_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY, this);
itemModuleParsers = new ModuleParsers(type + ITEM_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY, this);
personModuleParsers = new ModuleParsers(type + PERSON_MODULE_PARSERS_POSFIX_KEY, this);
* Returns the type of feed the parser handles.
* <p>
* @see WireFeed for details on the format of this string.
* <p>
* @return the type of feed the parser handles.
public String getType() {
return type;
protected List<Module> parseFeedModules(final Element feedElement, final Locale locale) {
return feedModuleParsers.parseModules(feedElement, locale);
protected List<Module> parseItemModules(final Element itemElement, final Locale locale) {
return itemModuleParsers.parseModules(itemElement, locale);
protected List<Module> parsePersonModules(final Element itemElement, final Locale locale) {
return personModuleParsers.parseModules(itemElement, locale);
protected List<Element> extractForeignMarkup(final Element e, final Extendable ext, final Namespace namespace) {
final ArrayList<Element> foreignElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
for (final Element element : e.getChildren()) {
if (!namespace.equals(element.getNamespace()) && ext.getModule(element.getNamespaceURI()) == null) {
// if element not in the RSS namespace and elem was not handled by a module save it
// as foreign markup but we can't detach it while we're iterating
// now we can detach the foreign markup elements
for (final Element foreignElement : foreignElements) {
return foreignElements;
protected Attribute getAttribute(final Element e, final String attributeName) {
Attribute attribute = e.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (attribute == null) {
attribute = e.getAttribute(attributeName, namespace);
return attribute;
protected String getAttributeValue(final Element e, final String attributeName) {
final Attribute attr = getAttribute(e, attributeName);
if (attr != null) {
return attr.getValue();
} else {
return null;
protected String getStyleSheet(final Document doc) {
String styleSheet = null;
for (final Content c : doc.getContent(new ContentFilter(ContentFilter.PI))) {
final ProcessingInstruction pi = (ProcessingInstruction) c;
if ("text/xsl".equals(pi.getPseudoAttributeValue("type"))) {
styleSheet = pi.getPseudoAttributeValue("href");
return styleSheet;