package com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves;
import java.util.*;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.ArenaClass;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.Messenger;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.framework.Arena;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.region.ArenaRegion;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.util.ItemParser;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.ability.Ability;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.ability.AbilityManager;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.enums.*;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.BossWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.DefaultWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.SpecialWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.SupplyWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.SwarmWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.UpgradeWave;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.waves.types.UpgradeWave.*;
public class WaveParser
public static TreeSet<Wave> parseWaves(Arena arena, ConfigurationSection config, WaveBranch branch) {
// Create a TreeSet with the Comparator for the specific branch.
TreeSet<Wave> result = new TreeSet<Wave>(WaveUtils.getComparator(branch));
// If the config is null, return the empty set.
if (config == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.BRANCH_MISSING.format(branch.toString().toLowerCase(), arena.configName()));
return result;
// If no waves were found, return the empty set.
Set<String> waves = config.getKeys(false);
if (waves == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.BRANCH_MISSING.format(branch.toString().toLowerCase(), arena.configName()));
return result;
// Otherwise, parse each wave in the branch.
for (String wave : waves) {
ConfigurationSection waveSection = config.getConfigurationSection(wave);
Wave w = parseWave(arena, wave, waveSection, branch);
// Only add properly parsed waves.
if (w == null) {
return result;
public static Wave parseWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config, WaveBranch branch) {
// Grab the WaveType and verify that it isn't null.
String t = config.getString("type", null);
WaveType type = WaveType.fromString(t);
if (type == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.INVALID_TYPE.format(t, name, arena.configName()));
return null;
// Prepare the result
Wave result = null;
// Switch on the type of wave.
switch (type) {
result = parseDefaultWave(arena, name, config);
result = parseSpecialWave(arena, name, config);
case SWARM:
result = parseSwarmWave(arena, name, config);
case SUPPLY:
result = parseSupplyWave(arena, name, config);
result = parseUpgradeWave(arena, name, config);
case BOSS:
result = parseBossWave(arena, name, config);
// Check that the result isn't null
if (result == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.INVALID_WAVE.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
// Grab the branch-specific nodes.
int priority = config.getInt("priority", -1);
int frequency = config.getInt("frequency", -1);
int firstWave = config.getInt("wave", frequency);
// Get multipliers
double healthMultiplier = config.getDouble("health-multiplier", -1D);
if (healthMultiplier == -1D) {
healthMultiplier = config.getInt("health-multiplier", 1);
double amountMultiplier = config.getDouble("amount-multiplier", -1D);
if (amountMultiplier == -1D) {
amountMultiplier = config.getInt("amount-multiplier", 1);
// Grab the specific spawnpoints if any
List<Location> spawnpoints = getSpawnpoints(arena, name, config);
// Recurrent must have priority + frequency, single must have firstWave
if (branch == WaveBranch.RECURRENT && (priority == -1 || frequency <= 0)) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.RECURRENT_NODES.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
} else if (branch == WaveBranch.SINGLE && firstWave <= 0) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.SINGLE_NODES.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
// Set the important required values.
// And the multipliers.
// Aaand the spawnpoints
return result;
private static Wave parseDefaultWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
// Grab the monster map.
SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> monsters = getMonsterMap(config);
if (monsters == null || monsters.isEmpty()) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.MONSTER_MAP_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
// Create the wave.
DefaultWave result = new DefaultWave(monsters);
// Check if this is a fixed wave
boolean fixed = config.getBoolean("fixed", false);
if (fixed) {
return result;
// Grab the WaveGrowth
String grw = config.getString("growth");
WaveGrowth growth = WaveGrowth.fromString(grw);
return result;
private static Wave parseSpecialWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> monsters = getMonsterMap(config);
if (monsters == null || monsters.isEmpty()) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.MONSTER_MAP_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
SpecialWave result = new SpecialWave(monsters);
return result;
private static Wave parseSwarmWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
MACreature monster = getSingleMonster(config);
if (monster == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.SINGLE_MONSTER_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
SwarmWave result = new SwarmWave(monster);
// Grab SwarmAmount
String amnt = config.getString("amount");
SwarmAmount amount = SwarmAmount.fromString(amnt);
return result;
private static Wave parseSupplyWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> monsters = getMonsterMap(config);
if (monsters == null || monsters.isEmpty()) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.MONSTER_MAP_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
SupplyWave result = new SupplyWave(monsters);
// Grab the loot.
String loot = config.getString("drops");
List<ItemStack> stacks = ItemParser.parseItems(loot);
return result;
private static Wave parseUpgradeWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
Map<String,List<Upgrade>> upgrades = getUpgradeMap(config);
if (upgrades == null || upgrades.isEmpty()) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.UPGRADE_MAP_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
UpgradeWave result = new UpgradeWave(upgrades);
// Determine if all items should be given
boolean giveAll = config.getBoolean("give-all-items", false);
return result;
private static Wave parseBossWave(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
MACreature monster = getSingleMonster(config);
if (monster == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.SINGLE_MONSTER_MISSING.format(name, arena.configName()));
return null;
BossWave result = new BossWave(monster);
// Check if there's a specific boss name
String bossName = config.getString("name");
if (bossName != null && !bossName.equals("")) {
// Grab the boss health
String hlth = config.getString("health");
BossHealth health = BossHealth.fromString(hlth);
if (health != null) {
} else {
try {
int flatHealth;
if (hlth != null) {
flatHealth = Integer.parseInt(hlth);
} else {
flatHealth = config.getInt("health");
} catch (Exception e) {
String warning = "Unable to parse health of boss '%s' in arena '%s'. Defaulting to medium. Value was '%s'";
Messenger.warning(String.format(warning, name, arena.configName(), hlth));
// And the abilities.
String ablts = config.getString("abilities");
if (ablts != null) {
String[] parts = ablts.split(",");
for (String ability : parts) {
Ability a = AbilityManager.getAbility(ability.trim());
if (a == null) {
Messenger.warning(WaveError.BOSS_ABILITY.format(ability.trim(), name, arena.configName()));
// As well as the ability interval and ability announce.
result.setAbilityInterval(config.getInt("ability-interval", 3) * 20);
result.setAbilityAnnounce(config.getBoolean("ability-announce", true));
// Rewards!
String rew = config.getString("reward");
if (rew != null) {
ItemStack item = ItemParser.parseItem(rew);
if (item != null) result.setReward(item);
// Drops!
String drp = config.getString("drops");
List<ItemStack> drops = ItemParser.parseItems(drp);
return result;
* Scan the ConfigSection for a "monster" (singular) node, which
* must be exactly a single monster.
* @param config a ConfigSection
* @return an MACreature, if the monster node contains one that is valid
private static MACreature getSingleMonster(ConfigurationSection config) {
String monster = config.getString("monster");
if (monster == null) {
return null;
MACreature result = MACreature.fromString(monster);
return result;
* Scan the ConfigSection for a "monsters" (plural) node, which
* must contain a list of at least one "monster: number" node.
* @param config
* @return a "reverse" map of monsters and numbers
private static SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> getMonsterMap(ConfigurationSection config) {
ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("monsters");
if (section == null) {
return null;
Set<String> monsters = section.getKeys(false);
if (monsters == null || monsters.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// Prepare the map.
SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> monsterMap = new TreeMap<Integer,MACreature>();
int sum = 0;
String path = "monsters.";
// Check all the monsters.
for (String monster : monsters) {
MACreature creature = MACreature.fromString(monster);
if (creature == null) continue;
int prob = config.getInt(path + monster, 0);
if (prob == 0) continue;
sum += prob;
monsterMap.put(sum, creature);
return monsterMap;
private static List<Location> getSpawnpoints(Arena arena, String name, ConfigurationSection config) {
List<Location> result = new ArrayList<Location>();
String spawnString = config.getString("spawnpoints");
if (spawnString == null) {
return result;
// Split the string by semicolons
String[] spawns = spawnString.split(";");
ArenaRegion region = arena.getRegion();
for (String spawn : spawns) {
Location spawnpoint = region.getSpawnpoint(spawn.trim());
if (spawnpoint == null) {
Messenger.warning("Spawnpoint '" + spawn + "' in wave '" + name + "' for arena '" + arena.configName() + "' could not be parsed!");
return result;
private static Map<String,List<Upgrade>> getUpgradeMap(ConfigurationSection config) {
ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("upgrades");
if (section == null) {
return null;
Set<String> classes = section.getKeys(false);
if (classes == null || classes.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Map<String,List<Upgrade>> upgrades = new HashMap<String,List<Upgrade>>();
String path = "upgrades.";
for (String className : classes) {
String itemList;
// Legacy support
Object val = config.get(path + className, null);
if (val instanceof String) {
itemList = (String) val;
List<ItemStack> stacks = ItemParser.parseItems(itemList);
List<Upgrade> list = new ArrayList<Upgrade>();
for (ItemStack stack : stacks) {
list.add(new GenericUpgrade(stack));
upgrades.put(className.toLowerCase(), list);
// New complex setup
else if (val instanceof ConfigurationSection) {
ConfigurationSection classSection = (ConfigurationSection) val;
List<Upgrade> list = new ArrayList<Upgrade>();
// Items (Generic + Weapons)
itemList = classSection.getString("items", null);
if (itemList != null) {
for (ItemStack stack : ItemParser.parseItems(itemList)) {
list.add(ArenaClass.isWeapon(stack) ? new WeaponUpgrade(stack) : new GenericUpgrade(stack));
// Armor
itemList = classSection.getString("armor", null);
if (itemList != null) {
for (ItemStack stack : ItemParser.parseItems(itemList)) {
list.add(new ArmorUpgrade(stack));
// Permissions
List<String> perms = classSection.getStringList("permissions");
if (!perms.isEmpty()) {
for (String perm : perms) {
list.add(new PermissionUpgrade(perm));
// Put in the map
upgrades.put(className.toLowerCase(), list);
return upgrades;
public static Wave createDefaultWave() {
SortedMap<Integer,MACreature> monsters = new TreeMap<Integer,MACreature>();
monsters.put(10, MACreature.ZOMBIE);
monsters.put(20, MACreature.SKELETON);
monsters.put(30, MACreature.SPIDER);
monsters.put(40, MACreature.SLIMESMALL);
DefaultWave result = new DefaultWave(monsters);
return result;