package com.garbagemule.MobArena.leaderboards;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.ArenaPlayer;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.ArenaPlayerStatistics;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.Messenger;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.MobArena;
import com.garbagemule.MobArena.framework.Arena;
public class Leaderboard
private MobArena plugin;
private Arena arena;
private Location topLeft;
private Sign topLeftSign;
private BlockFace direction;
private int rows, cols, trackingId;
private List<LeaderboardColumn> boards;
private List<ArenaPlayerStatistics> stats;
private boolean isValid;
* Private constructor.
* Creates a new leaderboard with no signs or locations or anything.
* @param plugin MobArena instance.
* @param arena The arena to which this leaderboard belongs.
private Leaderboard(MobArena plugin, Arena arena)
this.plugin = plugin;
this.arena = arena;
this.boards = new ArrayList<LeaderboardColumn>();
this.stats = new ArrayList<ArenaPlayerStatistics>();
* Location constructor.
* Used to create a leaderboard on-the-fly from the location from the SignChangeEvent.
* @param plugin MobArena instance.
* @param arena The arena to which this leaderboard belongs.
* @param topLeft The location at which the main leaderboard sign exists.
public Leaderboard(MobArena plugin, Arena arena, Location topLeft)
this(plugin, arena);
if (topLeft == null) {
if (!(topLeft.getBlock().getState() instanceof Sign)) {
Messenger.warning("The leaderboard-node for arena '" + arena.configName() + "' does not point to a sign!");
this.topLeft = topLeft;
* Grab all adjacent signs and register the individual columns.
public void initialize()
if (!isGridWellFormed()) {
public void clear()
for (LeaderboardColumn column : boards)
public void update()
Collections.sort(stats, ArenaPlayerStatistics.waveComparator());
for (LeaderboardColumn column : boards)
public void startTracking()
trackingId = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin,
new Runnable()
public void run()
}, 100, 100);
public void stopTracking()
* Check if the leaderboards grid is well-formed.
* @return true, if the grid is well-formed, false otherwise.
private boolean isGridWellFormed()
if (topLeft == null) {
return false;
BlockState state = topLeft.getBlock().getState();
if (!(state instanceof Sign))
Messenger.severe("Leaderboards for '" + arena.configName() + "' could not be established!");
return false;
// Grab the top left sign and set up a copy for parsing.
this.topLeftSign = (Sign) state;
Sign current = this.topLeftSign;
// Calculate matrix dimensions.
this.direction = getRightDirection(current);
this.rows = getSignCount(current, BlockFace.DOWN);
this.cols = getSignCount(current, direction);
// Require at least 2x2 to be valid
if (rows <= 1 || cols <= 1) {
return false;
// Get the left-most sign in the current row.
Sign first = getAdjacentSign(current, BlockFace.DOWN);
for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++)
// Back to the first sign of the row.
current = first;
for (int j = 1; j < cols; j++)
// Grab the sign to the right, if not a sign, grid is ill-formed.
current = getAdjacentSign(current, direction);
if (current == null) return false;
// Hop down to the next row.
first = getAdjacentSign(first, BlockFace.DOWN);
return true;
* Build the leaderboards.
* Requires: The grid MUST be valid!
private void initializeBoards()
Sign header = this.topLeftSign;
Sign current;
// Strip the sign of any colors.
String name = ChatColor.stripColor(header.getLine(2));
// Grab the stat to track.
Stats stat = Stats.getByFullName(name);
if (stat == null) continue;
// Create the list of signs
List<Sign> signs = new ArrayList<Sign>();
current = header;
for (int i = 1; i < rows; i++)
current = getAdjacentSign(current, BlockFace.DOWN);
// Create the column.
LeaderboardColumn column = null;
// Switch on the type of stat
switch (stat) {
column = new PlayerLeaderboardColumn(stat.getShortName(), header, signs);
column = new ClassLeaderboardColumn(stat.getShortName(), header, signs);
column = new IntLeaderboardColumn(stat.getShortName(), header, signs);
while ((header = getAdjacentSign(header, direction)) != null);
private void initializeStats()
for (ArenaPlayer ap : arena.getArenaPlayerSet())
private int getSignCount(Sign s, BlockFace direction)
int i = 1;
BlockState state = s.getBlock().getState();
while ((state = state.getBlock().getRelative(direction).getState()) instanceof Sign)
return i;
private Sign getAdjacentSign(Sign s, BlockFace direction)
BlockState state = s.getBlock().getRelative(direction).getState();
if (state instanceof Sign)
return (Sign) state;
return null;
private BlockFace getRightDirection(Sign s)
byte data = s.getRawData();
if (data == 2) return BlockFace.WEST;//BlockFace.NORTH;
if (data == 3) return BlockFace.EAST;//BlockFace.SOUTH;
if (data == 4) return BlockFace.SOUTH;//BlockFace.WEST;
if (data == 5) return BlockFace.NORTH;//BlockFace.EAST;
return null;
public boolean isValid()
return isValid;