Copyright (c) 2012 LinkedIn Corp.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.linkedin.restli.example;
import com.linkedin.common.callback.Callback;
import com.linkedin.common.callback.FutureCallback;
import com.linkedin.common.util.None;
import com.linkedin.r2.RemoteInvocationException;
import com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.Client;
import com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.client.TransportClient;
import com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.client.TransportClientAdapter;
import com.linkedin.r2.transport.http.client.HttpClientFactory;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.FindRequest;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.Request;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.Response;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.ResponseFuture;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.RestClient;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.response.CreateResponse;
import com.linkedin.restli.client.util.PatchGenerator;
import com.linkedin.restli.common.CollectionResponse;
import com.linkedin.restli.common.EmptyRecord;
import com.linkedin.restli.common.PatchRequest;
import com.linkedin.restli.example.photos.AlbumEntryBuilders;
import com.linkedin.restli.example.photos.AlbumsBuilders;
import com.linkedin.restli.example.photos.PhotosBuilders;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* @author Keren Jin
public class RestLiExampleBasicClient
* This is a stand-alone app to demo the use of client-side Pegasus API. To run in,
* com.linkedin.restli.example.RestLiExamplesServer has to be running.
* The only argument is the path to the resource on the photo server, e.g. /photos/1
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// create HTTP Netty client with default properties
final HttpClientFactory http = new HttpClientFactory();
final TransportClient transportClient = http.getClient(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
// create an abstraction layer over the actual client, which supports both REST and RPC
final Client r2Client = new TransportClientAdapter(transportClient);
// REST client wrapper that simplifies the interface
final StringBuilder serverUrlBuilder = new StringBuilder("http://").append(SERVER_HOSTNAME).append(":").append(SERVER_PORT).append("/");
final RestClient restClient = new RestClient(r2Client, serverUrlBuilder.toString());
final RestLiExampleBasicClient photoClient = new RestLiExampleBasicClient(restClient);
String pathInfo = args.length == 0 ? "" : args[0];
photoClient.sendRequest(pathInfo, new PrintWriter(System.out));
http.shutdown(new FutureCallback<None>());
public RestLiExampleBasicClient(RestClient restClient)
_restClient = restClient;
public void sendRequest(String pathInfo, PrintWriter respWriter)
/* Supported URLs
* /fail: just fail
* /album/<album_id>: display album
* all others: make photos, get photos, purge photos
if (pathInfo.equals("/fail"))
if (pathInfo.startsWith("/album/"))
getAlbum(respWriter, Long.parseLong(pathInfo.substring("/album/".length())));
// this track does not make any assumption on server
// we need to create photo first, find it and clean them up
// we use both sync and async approaches for creating
final long newPhotoId = createPhoto(respWriter);
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
createPhotoAsync(respWriter, latch, newPhotoId);
getPhoto(respWriter, newPhotoId);
partialUpdatePhoto(respWriter, newPhotoId);
// photos and albums have IDs starting from 1
getAlbumSummary(respWriter, (long) new Random().nextInt(10) + 1);
catch (InterruptedException e)
catch (RemoteInvocationException e)
respWriter.println("Error in example client: " + e.getMessage());
public void shutdown()
_restClient.shutdown(new Callback<None>()
public void onError(Throwable e)
throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred during example client shutdown.", e);
public void onSuccess(None result)
System.out.println("Example client is shutdown.");
private long createPhoto(PrintWriter respWriter) throws RemoteInvocationException
// make create photo request and send with the rest client synchronously
// response of create request does not have body, therefore use EmptyRecord as template
// create an instance of photo pragmatically
// this resembles to photo-create.json
final LatLong newLatLong = new LatLong().setLatitude(37.42394f).setLongitude(-122.0708f);
final EXIF newExif = new EXIF().setLocation(newLatLong);
final Photo newPhoto = new Photo().setTitle("New Photo").setFormat(PhotoFormats.PNG).setExif(newExif);
final Request<EmptyRecord> createReq1 = _photoBuilders.create().input(newPhoto).build();
final ResponseFuture<EmptyRecord> createFuture1 = _restClient.sendRequest(createReq1);
// Future.getResource() blocks until server responds
final Response<EmptyRecord> createResp1 = createFuture1.getResponse();
EmptyRecord entity1 = createResp1.getEntity();
final CreateResponse<Long> entity = (CreateResponse<Long>)createResp1.getEntity();
final long newPhotoId = entity.getId();
respWriter.println("New photo ID: " + newPhotoId);
return newPhotoId;
* make create photo request and send with the rest client asynchronously
private void createPhotoAsync(final PrintWriter respWriter, final CountDownLatch latch, final long newPhotoId)
// this resembles to photo-create-id.json
final LatLong newLatLong = new LatLong().setLatitude(40.725f).setLongitude(-74.005f);
final EXIF newExif = new EXIF().setIsFlash(false).setLocation(newLatLong);
final Photo newPhoto = new Photo().setTitle("Updated Photo").setFormat(PhotoFormats.JPG).setExif(newExif);
final Request<EmptyRecord> createReq2 = _photoBuilders.update().id(newPhotoId).input(newPhoto).build();
// send request with callback
_restClient.sendRequest(createReq2, new Callback<Response<EmptyRecord>>()
public void onError(Throwable e)
public void onSuccess(Response<EmptyRecord> result)
respWriter.println("Update photo is successful: " + (result.getStatus() == 204));
// without a condition variable or CountDownLatch,
// this callback might not be called before main thread terminates
* Retrieve the album information and each photo in the album. The photos are retrieved in parallel.
private void getAlbum(PrintWriter respWriter, long albumId) throws RemoteInvocationException
// get the specific album
final Request<Album> getAlbumReq = _albumBuilders.get().id(albumId).build();
final ResponseFuture<Album> getAlbumFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(getAlbumReq);
final Response<Album> getResp = getAlbumFuture.getResponse();
final Album album = getResp.getEntity();
respWriter.println("Created on " + new Date(album.getCreationTime()));
// get the album's entries
final FindRequest<AlbumEntry> searchReq = _albumEntryBuilders.findBySearch().albumIdParam(albumId).build();
final ResponseFuture<CollectionResponse<AlbumEntry>> responseFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(searchReq);
final Response<CollectionResponse<AlbumEntry>> response = responseFuture.getResponse();
final List<AlbumEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AlbumEntry>(response.getEntity().getElements());
entries.add(new AlbumEntry().setAlbumId(-1).setPhotoId(9999));
// don't return until all photo requests done
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(entries.size());
// fetch every photo asynchronously
// store either a photo or an exception
final Object[] photos = new Object[entries.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
final int finalI = i; // need final version for callback
final AlbumEntry entry = entries.get(i);
final long photoId = entry.getPhotoId();
final Request<Photo> getPhotoReq = _photoBuilders.get().id(photoId).build();
_restClient.sendRequest(getPhotoReq, new Callback<Response<Photo>>()
public void onSuccess(Response<Photo> result)
photos[finalI] = result.getEntity();
public void onError(Throwable e)
photos[finalI] = e;
// wait for all requests to finish
latch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (latch.getCount() > 0)
respWriter.println("Failed to retrieve some photo(s)");
catch (InterruptedException e)
// print photo data
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
final Object val = photos[i];
final AlbumEntry entry = entries.get(i);
if (val instanceof Throwable)
respWriter.println("Failed to load photo " + entry.getPhotoId());
respWriter.println("Stack trace:");
((Throwable) val).printStackTrace(respWriter);
else if (val instanceof Photo)
final Photo photo = (Photo) val;
respWriter.println("Photo " + photo.getTitle() + ":");
respWriter.println("Added on " + new Date(entry.getAddTime()));
throw new AssertionError("expected photo or exception");
* send request to retrieve created photo
private void getPhoto(PrintWriter respWriter, long newPhotoId) throws RemoteInvocationException
final Request<Photo> getReq = _photoBuilders.get().id(newPhotoId).build();
final ResponseFuture<Photo> getFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(getReq);
final Response<Photo> getResp = getFuture.getResponse();
respWriter.println("Photo: " + getResp.getEntity().toString());
* call action purge to delete all photos on server
private void purgeAllPhotos(PrintWriter respWriter) throws RemoteInvocationException
final Request<Integer> purgeReq = _photoBuilders.actionPurge().build();
final ResponseFuture<Integer> purgeFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(purgeReq);
final Response<Integer> purgeResp = purgeFuture.getResponse();
respWriter.println("Purged " + purgeResp.getEntity() + " photos");
* retrieve album
private void getAlbumSummary(PrintWriter respWriter, long newAlbumId) throws RemoteInvocationException
final Request<Album> getReq = _albumBuilders.get().id(newAlbumId).build();
final ResponseFuture<Album> getFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(getReq);
final Response<Album> getResp = getFuture.getResponse();
respWriter.println("Album: " + getResp.getEntity().toString());
* failed request that try to access non-existing photo and throw RestException
private void getNonPhoto() throws RemoteInvocationException
final Request<Photo> failReq = _photoBuilders.get().id(-1L).build();
final ResponseFuture<Photo> failFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(failReq);
final Response<Photo> failResponse = failFuture.getResponse();
private void partialUpdatePhoto(PrintWriter respWriter, long photoId) throws RemoteInvocationException
final Request<Photo> getReq = _photoBuilders.get().id(photoId).build();
final ResponseFuture<Photo> getFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(getReq);
final Response<Photo> getResp = getFuture.getResponse();
final Photo originalPhoto = getResp.getEntity();
final Photo updatedPhoto = new Photo().setTitle("Partially Updated Photo");
final PatchRequest<Photo> patch = PatchGenerator.diff(originalPhoto, updatedPhoto);
final Request<EmptyRecord> partialUpdateRequest = _photoBuilders.partialUpdate().id(photoId).input(patch).build();
final int status = _restClient.sendRequest(partialUpdateRequest).getResponse().getStatus();
respWriter.println("Partial update photo is successful: " + (status == 202));
* use Finder to find the photo with some criteria
private void findPhoto(PrintWriter respWriter) throws RemoteInvocationException
final long newPhotoId = createPhoto(respWriter);
final Request<Photo> getReq = _photoBuilders.get().id(newPhotoId).build();
final ResponseFuture<Photo> getFuture = _restClient.sendRequest(getReq);
final Response<Photo> getResp = getFuture.getResponse();
final Photo photo = getResp.getEntity();
final FindRequest<Photo> findReq = _photoBuilders
final CollectionResponse<Photo> crPhotos = _restClient.sendRequest(findReq).getResponse().getEntity();
final List<Photo> photos = crPhotos.getElements();
respWriter.println("Found " + photos.size() + " photos with title " + photo.getTitle());
private static final String SERVER_HOSTNAME = "localhost";
private static final int SERVER_PORT = 7279;
// builder is convenient way to generate rest.li request
private static final PhotosBuilders _photoBuilders = new PhotosBuilders();
private static final AlbumsBuilders _albumBuilders = new AlbumsBuilders();
private static final AlbumEntryBuilders _albumEntryBuilders = new AlbumEntryBuilders();
private final RestClient _restClient;