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   Copyright (c) 2012 LinkedIn Corp.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;


import static*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

* Test schema validation.
public class TestValidation
  public static ValidationResult validate(DataMap map, DataSchema schema, ValidationOptions options)
    VisitedTrackingValidator visitedTrackingValidator = new VisitedTrackingValidator(null);
    ValidationResult result = ValidateDataAgainstSchema.validate(map, schema, options, visitedTrackingValidator);
    assertEquals(visitedTrackingValidator.getVisitedMoreThanOnce(), Collections.EMPTY_SET);
    return result;

  public static ValidationResult validate(DataElement element, ValidationOptions options)
    VisitedTrackingValidator visitedTrackingValidator = new VisitedTrackingValidator(null);
    ValidationResult result = ValidateDataAgainstSchema.validate(element, options, visitedTrackingValidator);
    assertEquals(visitedTrackingValidator.getVisitedMoreThanOnce(), Collections.EMPTY_SET);
    return result;

  public static ValidationOptions noCoercionValidationOption()
    ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
    assertSame(options.getRequiredMode(), RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT);
    return options;

  public static ValidationOptions normalCoercionValidationOption()
    ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
    assertSame(options.getRequiredMode(), RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT);
    assertEquals(options.getCoercionMode(), CoercionMode.NORMAL);
    return options;

  public static ValidationOptions stringToPrimitiveCoercionValidationOption()
    ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
    assertSame(options.getRequiredMode(), RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT);
    return options;

  // For CoercionMode.STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE we want to coerce Strings into the correct datatype
  // also
  private static void assertAllowedClass(CoercionMode coercionMode, Class<?> clazz)
    assertTrue(clazz == Integer.class ||
               clazz == Long.class ||
               clazz == Float.class ||
               clazz == Double.class ||
               (coercionMode == CoercionMode.STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE && clazz == String.class));

  public void testCoercionValidation(String schemaText,
                                     String key,
                                     Object[][] inputs,
                                     Object[] badObjects,
                                     CoercionMode coercionMode)
      throws IOException
    assertTrue(coercionMode != CoercionMode.OFF);
    final boolean debug = false;
    ValidationOptions options = normalCoercionValidationOption();

    if (debug) out.println("--------------\nschemaText: " + schemaText);

    RecordDataSchema schema = (RecordDataSchema) dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
    if (debug) out.println("schema: " + schema);
    assertTrue(schema != null);

    DataMap map = new DataMap();
    for (Object[] row : inputs)
      if (debug) out.println("input: " + row[0] + " expected output: " + row[1]);
      map.put(key, row[0]);
      ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, options);
      if (debug) out.println("result: " + result);
      if (result.hasFix())
        DataMap fixedMap = (DataMap) result.getFixed();
        assertSame(fixedMap.getClass(), DataMap.class);
        Object fixed = fixedMap.get(key);
        assertTrue(fixed != null);
        Class<?> fixedClass = fixed.getClass();
        Class<?> goodClass = row[0].getClass();
        if (debug) out.println(goodClass + " " + fixedClass);
        switch (schema.getField(key).getType().getDereferencedType())
          case BYTES:
          case FIXED:
            // String to ByteString conversion check
            assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            assertSame(goodClass, String.class);
            assertSame(fixedClass, ByteString.class);
            assertEquals(((ByteString) fixed).asAvroString(), row[0]);
          case INT:
            // convert numbers to Integer
            assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            assertAllowedClass(coercionMode, goodClass);
            assertSame(fixedClass, Integer.class);
          case LONG:
            // convert numbers to Long
            assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            assertAllowedClass(coercionMode, goodClass);
            assertSame(fixedClass, Long.class);
          case FLOAT:
            // convert numbers to Float
            assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            assertAllowedClass(coercionMode, goodClass);
            assertSame(fixedClass, Float.class);
          case DOUBLE:
            // convert numbers to Double
            assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            assertAllowedClass(coercionMode, goodClass);
            assertSame(fixedClass, Double.class);
          case BOOLEAN:
            if(coercionMode == CoercionMode.STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE)
              assertNotSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
              assertTrue(goodClass == String.class);
              assertSame(fixedClass, Boolean.class);
          case RECORD:
          case ARRAY:
          case MAP:
          case UNION:
            assertSame(goodClass, fixedClass);
            throw new IllegalStateException("unknown conversion");
        assertEquals(fixed, row[1]);
        assertSame(map, result.getFixed());

    for (Object bad : badObjects)
      if (debug) out.println("bad: " + bad);
      map.put(key, bad);
      ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, options);
      if (debug) out.println(result);
      assertSame(map, result.getFixed());

  // Tests for CoercionMode.NORMAL
  public void testNormalCoercionValidation(String schemaText,
                                           String key,
                                           Object[][] inputs,
                                           Object[] badObjects) throws IOException
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, key, inputs, badObjects, CoercionMode.NORMAL);

  // Tests for CoercionMode.STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE
  public void testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(String schemaText,
                                                      String key,
                                                      Object[][] inputs,
                                                      Object[] badObjects) throws IOException
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, key, inputs, badObjects, CoercionMode.STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE);

  public void testCoercionValidation(String schemaText,
                                     String key,
                                     Object[] goodObjects,
                                     Object[] badObjects,
                                     ValidationOptions options) throws IOException
    final boolean debug = false;

    if (debug) out.println("--------------\nschemaText: " + schemaText);

    RecordDataSchema schema = (RecordDataSchema) dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
    if (debug) out.println("schema: " + schema);
    assertTrue(schema != null);

    DataMap map = new DataMap();
    for (Object good : goodObjects)
      if (debug) out.println("good: " + good);
      map.put(key, good);
      ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, options);
      if (debug) out.println("result: " + result);
      assertSame(map, result.getFixed());

    for (Object bad : badObjects)
      if (debug) out.println("bad: " + bad);
      map.put(key, bad);
      ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, options);
      if (debug) out.println(result);
      assertSame(map, result.getFixed());

  public void testStringValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"string\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        "a valid string"

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(false),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    // There is no coercion for this type.
    // Test with all coercion modes, result should be the same for all cases.
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, normalCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, stringToPrimitiveCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testBooleanValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"boolean\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Boolean(false)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, normalCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testBooleanStringToPrimitiveFixupValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"boolean\" } ] }";

    Object input[][] =
            { new String("true"), Boolean.TRUE },
            { new String("false"), Boolean.FALSE },

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Integer(1),
            new Long(1),
            new Float(1),
            new Double(1),
            new String("abc"),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", input, badObjects);

  public void testIntegerNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Integer(1),
        new Integer(-1),
        Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testIntegerNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }";

    Object input[][] =
        { new Integer(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Integer(-1), new Integer(-1) },
        { Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE },
        { Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 },
        { new Long(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Float(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Double(1), new Integer(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", input, badObjects);

  public void testIntegerStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }";

    Object input[][] =
            { new String("1"), new Integer(1) },
            { new String("-1"), new Integer(-1) },
            { new String("" + Integer.MAX_VALUE), Integer.MAX_VALUE},
            { new String("" + (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)), Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1},
            { new String("1.5"), new Integer(1) },
            { new String("-1.5"), new Integer(-1) },

            { new Integer(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Integer(-1), new Integer(-1) },
            { Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE },
            { Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 },
            { new Long(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Float(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Double(1), new Integer(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new String("abc"),
            ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", input, badObjects);

  public void testLongNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"long\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Long(1),
        new Long(-1)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testLongNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"long\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new Long(1), new Long(1) },
        { new Long(-1), new Long(-1) },
        { new Integer(1), new Long(1) },
        { new Float(1), new Long(1) },
        { new Double(1), new Long(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testLongStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"long\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new String("1"), new Long(1) },
            { new String("-1"), new Long(-1) },
            { new String("" + Long.MAX_VALUE), Long.MAX_VALUE },

            { new Long(1), new Long(1) },
            { new Long(-1), new Long(-1) },
            { new Integer(1), new Long(1) },
            { new Float(1), new Long(1) },
            { new Double(1), new Long(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new String("abc"),
            ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testFloatNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"float\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Float(1),
        new Float(-1)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testFloatNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"float\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new Float(1), new Float(1) },
        { new Float(-1), new Float(-1) },
        { new Integer(1), new Float(1) },
        { new Long(1), new Float(1) },
        { new Double(1), new Float(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testFloatStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"float\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new String("1"), new Float(1) },
            { new String("-1"), new Float(-1) },
            { new String("1.01"), new Float(1.01) },
            { new String("-1.01"), new Float(-1.01) },
            { new String("" + Float.MAX_VALUE), Float.MAX_VALUE },

            { new Float(1), new Float(1) },
            { new Float(1), new Float(1) },
            { new Float(-1), new Float(-1) },
            { new Integer(1), new Float(1) },
            { new Long(1), new Float(1) },
            { new Double(1), new Float(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new String("abc"),
            ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testDoubleNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"double\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Double(1),
        new Double(-1)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testDoubleNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"double\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new Double(1), new Double(1) },
        { new Double(-1), new Double(-1) },
        { new Integer(1), new Double(1) },
        { new Long(1), new Double(1) },
        { new Float(1), new Double(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testDoubleStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"double\" } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new String("1"), new Double(1) },
            { new String("-1"), new Double(-1) },
            { new String("1.01"), new Double(1.01) },
            { new String("-1.01"), new Double(-1.01) },
            { new String("" + Double.MAX_VALUE), Double.MAX_VALUE },

            { new Double(1), new Double(1) },
            { new Double(-1), new Double(-1) },
            { new Integer(1), new Double(1) },
            { new Long(1), new Double(1) },
            { new Float(1), new Double(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new String("abc"),
            ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testBytesValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : \"bytes\" } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList(),
        new String("\u0100"),
        new String("ab\u0100c"),
        new String("ab\u0100c\u0200")

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

    Object inputs[][] =
        { ByteString.copyAvroString("abc", false), ByteString.copyAvroString("abc", false) },
        { "abc", ByteString.copyAvroString("abc", false) }

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);
    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testFixedValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"name\" : \"fixed4\", \"type\" : \"fixed\", \"size\" : 4 } } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        ByteString.copyAvroString("abcd", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("1234", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("\u0001\u0002\u00ff\u00fe", false)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList(),
        new String(),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("1", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("12", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("123", false),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("12345", false)

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

    Object inputs[][] =
        { "abcd", ByteString.copyAvroString("abcd", false) },
        { "\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004", ByteString.copyAvroString("\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004", false) },
        { ByteString.copyAvroString("abcd", false), ByteString.copyAvroString("abcd", false) },
        { ByteString.copyAvroString("\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004", false), ByteString.copyAvroString("\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004", false) }

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);
    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testEnumCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"name\" : \"fruits\", \"type\" : \"enum\", \"symbols\" : [ \"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\" ] } } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new String("apple"),
        new String("orange"),
        new String("banana")

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new String("foobar"),
        new String("Apple"),
        new String("Orange"),
        new String("BaNaNa"),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    // There is no coercion for this type.
    // Test with all coercion validation options, result should be the same for all cases.
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, normalCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, stringToPrimitiveCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testArrayNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new DataList(),
        new DataList(asList(new Integer(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new Integer(2), new Integer(3))),

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true))),
        new DataList(asList(new Long(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new Float(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new Double(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new String("1"))),
        new DataList(asList(new DataMap())),
        new DataList(asList(new DataList())),
        new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true), new Integer(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new Integer(1), new Boolean(true)))

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testArrayNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new DataList(), new DataList() },
        { new DataList(asList(1)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
        { new DataList(asList(2, 3)), new DataList(asList(2, 3)) },
        { new DataList(asList(1L)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
        { new DataList(asList(1.0f)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
        { new DataList(asList(1.0)), new DataList(asList(1)) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true))),
        new DataList(asList(new String("1"))),
        new DataList(asList(new DataMap())),
        new DataList(asList(new DataList())),
        new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true), new Integer(1))),
        new DataList(asList(new Integer(1), new Boolean(true)))

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testArrayStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new DataList(asList("1")), new DataList(asList(1)) },
            { new DataList(asList("1", "2", "3")), new DataList(asList(1, 2, 3)) },

            { new DataList(), new DataList() },
            { new DataList(asList(1)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
            { new DataList(asList(2, 3)), new DataList(asList(2, 3)) },
            { new DataList(asList(1L)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
            { new DataList(asList(1.0f)), new DataList(asList(1)) },
            { new DataList(asList(1.0)), new DataList(asList(1)) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new Integer(1),
            new Long(1),
            new Float(1),
            new Double(1),
            new String(),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true))),
            new DataList(asList(new DataMap())),
            new DataList(asList(new DataList())),
            new DataList(asList(new Boolean(true), new Integer(1))),
            new DataList(asList(new Integer(1), new Boolean(true)))

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testMapNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new DataMap(),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)),

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataList(),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Long(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Float(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Double(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new String("1"))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Integer(1), "key2", new Long(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Long(1), "key2", new Integer(1)))

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testMapNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new DataMap(), new DataMap() },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1L)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1.0)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1.0f)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2L)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1L, "key2", 2.0)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataList(),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new String("1"))),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataList())),

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testMapStringToPrimitiveValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"int\" } } ] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", "1")), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", "1", "key2", "2")), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },

            { new DataMap(), new DataMap() },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1L)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1.0)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1.0f)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2L)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },
            { new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1L, "key2", 2.0)), new DataMap(asMap("key1", 1, "key2", 2)) },

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new Integer(1),
            new Long(1),
            new Float(1),
            new Double(1),
            new String(),
            new DataList(),
            new DataMap(asMap("key1", new Boolean(true))),
            new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataMap())),
            new DataMap(asMap("key1", new DataList())),

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testUnionNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{\n" +
      "  \"type\" : \"record\",\n" +
      "  \"name\" : \"foo\",\n" +
      "  \"fields\" : [\n" +
      "    {\n" +
      "      \"name\" : \"bar\",\n" +
      "      \"type\" : [\n" +
      "        \"null\",\n" +
      "        \"int\",\n" +
      "        \"string\",\n" +
      "        { \"type\" : \"enum\", \"name\" : \"Fruits\", \"symbols\" : [ \"APPLE\", \"ORANGE\" ] }\n" +
      "      ]\n" +
      "    }\n" +
      "  ]\n" +

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Integer(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", "x")),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "APPLE")),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "ORANGE")),

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataList(),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new String("1"))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Long(1L))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Float(1.0f))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Double(1.0))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Integer(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Long(1L))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Float(1.0f))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Double(1.0))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "foobar")),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new Integer(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Integer(1), "string", "x")),
        new DataMap(asMap("x", new Integer(1), "y", new Long(1))),

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testUnionNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{\n" +
      "  \"type\" : \"record\",\n" +
      "  \"name\" : \"foo\",\n" +
      "  \"fields\" : [\n" +
      "    {\n" +
      "      \"name\" : \"bar\",\n" +
      "      \"type\" : [\n" +
      "        \"null\",\n" +
      "        \"int\",\n" +
      "        \"string\",\n" +
      "        { \"type\" : \"enum\", \"name\" : \"Fruits\", \"symbols\" : [ \"APPLE\", \"ORANGE\" ] }\n" +
      "      ]\n" +
      "    }\n" +
      "  ]\n" +

    Object inputs[][] =
        { Data.NULL, Data.NULL },
        { new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)), new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("string", "x")), new DataMap(asMap("string", "x")) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "APPLE")), new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "APPLE")) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "ORANGE")), new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "ORANGE")) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("int", 1L)), new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0f)), new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)) },
        { new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0)), new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)) },


    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Integer(1),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String(),
        new DataList(),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new String("1"))),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Boolean(true))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Integer(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Long(1L))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Float(1.0f))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new Double(1.0))),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("string", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", "foobar")),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new Integer(1))),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new DataMap())),
        new DataMap(asMap("Fruits", new DataList())),
        new DataMap(asMap("int", new Integer(1), "string", "x")),
        new DataMap(asMap("x", new Integer(1), "y", new Long(1))),

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testTyperefNoCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar1\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int2\", \"ref\" : \"int\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar2\", \"type\" : \"int2\", \"optional\" : true }, " +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar3\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int3\", \"ref\" : \"int2\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar4\", \"type\" : \"int3\", \"optional\" : true }" +
      "] }";

    Object goodObjects[] =
        new Integer(1),
        new Integer(-1)

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new Long(1),
        new Float(1),
        new Double(1),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar1", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar2", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar3", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());
    testCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar4", goodObjects, badObjects, noCoercionValidationOption());

  public void testTyperefNormalCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar1\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int2\", \"ref\" : \"int\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar2\", \"type\" : \"int2\", \"optional\" : true }, " +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar3\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int3\", \"ref\" : \"int2\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
      "  { \"name\" : \"bar4\", \"type\" : \"int3\", \"optional\" : true }" +
      "] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
        { new Integer(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Integer(-1), new Integer(-1) },
        { new Long(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Float(1), new Integer(1) },
        { new Double(1), new Integer(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
        new Boolean(true),
        new String("abc"),
        ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
        new DataMap(),
        new DataList()

    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar1", inputs, badObjects);
    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar2", inputs, badObjects);
    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar3", inputs, badObjects);
    testNormalCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar4", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testTyperefStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
        "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
            "[ { \"name\" : \"bar1\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int2\", \"ref\" : \"int\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
            "  { \"name\" : \"bar2\", \"type\" : \"int2\", \"optional\" : true }, " +
            "  { \"name\" : \"bar3\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"int3\", \"ref\" : \"int2\" }, \"optional\" : true }," +
            "  { \"name\" : \"bar4\", \"type\" : \"int3\", \"optional\" : true }" +
            "] }";

    Object inputs[][] =
            { new String("1"), new Integer(1) },

            { new Integer(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Integer(-1), new Integer(-1) },
            { new Long(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Float(1), new Integer(1) },
            { new Double(1), new Integer(1) }

    Object badObjects[] =
            new Boolean(true),
            new String("abc"),
            ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false),
            new DataMap(),
            new DataList()

    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar1", inputs, badObjects);
    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar2", inputs, badObjects);
    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar3", inputs, badObjects);
    testStringToPrimitiveCoercionValidation(schemaText, "bar4", inputs, badObjects);

  public void testRecordValidation() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : " +
      "[ " +
        "{ \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"name\" : \"barType\", \"type\" : \"record\", \"fields\" : [" +
        "{ \"name\" : \"requiredInt\", \"type\" : \"int\" }," +
        "{ \"name\" : \"requiredString\", \"type\" : \"string\" }," +
        "{ \"name\" : \"defaultString\", \"type\" : \"string\", \"default\" : \"apple\" }," +
        "{ \"name\" : \"optionalBoolean\", \"type\" : \"boolean\", \"optional\" : true }," +
        "{ \"name\" : \"optionalDouble\", \"type\" : \"double\", \"optional\" : true }," +
        "{ \"name\" : \"optionalWithDefaultString\", \"type\" : \"string\", \"optional\" : true, \"default\" : \"orange\" }" +
      "] } } ] }";

    Object good[][][] =
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.IGNORE, CoercionMode.OFF)
          new DataMap(),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("optionalBoolean", false)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12, "requiredString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 34, "defaultString", "cow")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "cow")),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF)
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12, "requiredString", "", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 34, "requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "dog")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 56, "requiredString", "cat", "defaultString", "pig", "optionalBoolean", false)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "cog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "cog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5, "optionalWithDefaultString", "tag")),
          // unnecessary keys
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "cog", "extra1", new Boolean(true))),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "cog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5, "extra1", new Boolean(true)))
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.NORMAL)
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12, "requiredString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 34, "requiredString", "cow")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 56, "requiredString", "cat", "optionalBoolean", false)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5, "optionalWithDefaultString", "tag")),
          // unnecessary keys
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "extra1", new Boolean(true))),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5, "extra1", new Boolean(true)))

    final String notBackedBy = "is not backed by";
    final String isRequired = "is required";

    Object bad[][][] =
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.IGNORE, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF)
          new Boolean(true),
          new Integer(1),
          new Long(1),
          new Float(1),
          new Double(1),
          new String(),
          new DataList(),
          // invalid field value types
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", true,  "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", 123,   "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", 123L"defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", 12.5f, "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", 12.5"defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", new DataMap()"defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", new DataList(), "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", true,  "requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 124L"requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12.5f, "requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 12.5"requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", "cat", "requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", new DataMap()"requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", new DataList(), "requiredString", "cow", "defaultString", ""))
          new String[] { "/bar" },
          new String[] { "/bar" },
          new String[] { "/bar" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar/requiredInt" }
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          // combinations of missing required and added optionals
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog")),
          new DataMap(asMap("defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "requiredString", "dog", "optionalBoolean", true)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "", "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString", "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt", "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt", "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" }
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF),
          // combinations of missing required and added optionals
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog")),
          new DataMap(asMap("defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "optionalBoolean", true)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "", "optionalBoolean", true)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt", "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" }
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT, CoercionMode.OFF)
          // combinations of missing required and added optionals
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog")),
          new DataMap(asMap("defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "")),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "optionalBoolean", true)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredInt", 78, "defaultString", "", "optionalBoolean", true)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new DataMap(asMap("requiredString", "dog", "defaultString", "", "optionalBoolean", true, "optionalDouble", 999.5)),
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString", "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt", "/bar", "/bar/defaultString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt", "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredString" },
          new String[] { "/bar", "/bar/requiredInt" }

    testValidationWithDifferentValidationOptions(schemaText, "bar", good, bad);

  public void testValidationWithDifferentValidationOptions(String schemaText,
                                                           String key,
                                                           Object[][][] goodInput,
                                                           Object[][][] badInput) throws IOException
    final boolean debug = false;
    final boolean printExpectedOutput = false;
    final String[][] emptyErrorPaths = {};

    if (debug) out.println("--------------\nschemaText: " + schemaText);

    DataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
    if (debug) out.println("schema: " + schema);
    assertTrue(schema != null);

    DataMap map = new DataMap();
    for (Object[][] rows : goodInput)
      Object[] modes = rows[0];
      Object[] dataObjects = rows[1];
      for (Object mode : modes)
        ValidationOptions validationOptions = (ValidationOptions) mode;
        for (Object dataObject : dataObjects)
          if (debug) out.println("good " + mode + ": " + dataObject);
          map.put(key, dataObject);
          ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, validationOptions);
          if (result.hasFix() == false)
            assertSame(map, result.getFixed());

    for (Object[][] rows : badInput)
      Object[] modes =  rows[0];
      Object[] dataObjects = rows[1];
      String expectedString = (String) rows[2][0];
      String[][] errorPaths = rows.length > 4 ? (String[][]) rows[3] : emptyErrorPaths;
      for (Object mode : modes)
        ValidationOptions validationOptions = (ValidationOptions) mode;
        int index = 0;
        for (Object dataObject : dataObjects)
          if (debug) out.println("bad " + mode + ": " + dataObject);
          map.put(key, dataObject);
          ValidationResult result = validate(map, schema, validationOptions);
          if (debug) out.println(result.getMessages());
          assertSame(map, result.getFixed());
          checkMessages(debug, result.getMessages(), expectedString);
          if (printExpectedOutput) printErrorPaths(out, result.getMessages());
          if (index < errorPaths.length)
            checkMessagesErrorPath(result.getMessages(), errorPaths[index]);
        if (printExpectedOutput) out.println();

  private void checkMessages(boolean debug, Collection<Message> messages, String expectedString)
    for (Message m : messages)
      if (debug) out.println(m.getFormat() + " --- " + expectedString);

  private void checkMessagesErrorPath(Collection<Message> messages, String[] errorPaths)
    int index = 0;
    for (Message m : messages)
      if (index >= errorPaths.length)
      String path = pathAsString(m.getPath());
      assertEquals(path, errorPaths[index]);

  private void printErrorPaths(PrintStream out, Collection<Message> messages)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("new String[] { ");
    boolean first = true;
    for (Message m : messages)
      if (first == false) sb.append(", ");
      first = false;
    sb.append(" },");

  private String pathAsString(Object[] path)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (Object component : path)
    return sb.toString();

  public void testValidationWithNormalCoercion() throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : \n" +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"name\" : \"barType\", \"type\" : \"record\", \"fields\" : [ \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"boolean\", \"type\" : \"boolean\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"int\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"long\", \"type\" : \"long\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"float\", \"type\" : \"float\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"double\", \"type\" : \"double\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"string\", \"type\" : \"string\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"bytes\", \"type\" : \"bytes\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"array\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"int\" }, \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"enum\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"enum\", \"name\" : \"enumType\", \"symbols\" : [ \"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\" ] }, \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"fixed\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"fixed\", \"name\" : \"fixedType\", \"size\" : 4 }, \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"map\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"int\" }, \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"record\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"recordType\", \"fields\" : [ { \"name\" : \"int\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }, \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"union\", \"type\" : [ \"int\", \"recordType\", \"enumType\", \"fixedType\" ], \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"unionWithNull\", \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"enumType\", \"fixedType\" ], \"optional\" : true } \n" +
      "] } } ] }";

    String key = "bar";
    DataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);

    Object input[][][] =
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.IGNORE),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.CAN_BE_ABSENT_IF_HAS_DEFAULT),
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT)
        // int
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1L)),
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0f)),
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0)),
          new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))
        // long
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1)),
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1L))
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1.0f)),
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1L))
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1.0)),
          new DataMap(asMap("long", 1L))
        // float
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1)),
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1.0f))
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1L)),
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1.0f))
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1.0)),
          new DataMap(asMap("float", 1.0f))
        // double
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1)),
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1.0))
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1L)),
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1.0))
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1.0f)),
          new DataMap(asMap("double", 1.0))
        // array of int's
          new DataMap(asMap("array", new DataList(asList(1, 2, 3, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("array", new DataList(asList(1, 2, 3, 1,   2,   3,   1,    2,    3,    1,   2,   ))))
        // map of int's
          new DataMap(asMap("map", new DataMap(asMap("int1", 1, "long", 1L, "float", 1.0f, "double", 1.0)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("map", new DataMap(asMap("int1", 1, "long", 1, "float", 1, "double", 1))))
        // record with int fields
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1L)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0f)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
        // union with int
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1L)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0f)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0)))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))
        // union with record containing int
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1L)))))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))))
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0f)))))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))))
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1.0)))))),
          new DataMap(asMap("union", new DataMap(asMap("recordType", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1))))))

    testValidationWithNormalCoercion(schema, key, input);

  public void testValidationWithFixupAbsentWithDefault() throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException
    String schemaText =
      "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"foo\", \"fields\" : \n" +
      "[ { \"name\" : \"bar\", \"type\" : { \"name\" : \"barType\", \"type\" : \"record\", \"fields\" : [ \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"boolean\", \"type\" : \"boolean\", \"default\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"int\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"default\" : 1 }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"long\", \"type\" : \"long\", \"default\" : 2 }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"float\", \"type\" : \"float\", \"default\" : 3.0 }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"double\", \"type\" : \"double\", \"default\" : 4.0 }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"string\", \"type\" : \"string\", \"default\" : \"cow\" }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"bytes\", \"type\" : \"bytes\", \"default\" : \"dog\" }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"array\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"int\" }, \"default\" : [ -1, -2, -3 ] }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"enum\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"enum\", \"name\" : \"enumType\", \"symbols\" : [ \"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\" ] }, \"default\" : \"apple\" }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"fixed\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"fixed\", \"name\" : \"fixedType\", \"size\" : 4 }, \"default\" : \"1234\" }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"map\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"int\" }, \"default\" : { \"1\" : 1, \"2\" : 2 } }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"record\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"recordType\", \"fields\" : [ { \"name\" : \"int\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }, \"default\" : { \"int\" : 1 } }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"union\", \"type\" : [ \"int\", \"recordType\", \"enumType\", \"fixedType\" ], \"default\" : { \"enumType\" : \"orange\" } }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"unionWithNull\", \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"enumType\", \"fixedType\" ], \"default\" : null }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"optionalInt\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true }, \n" +
      "{ \"name\" : \"optionalDefaultInt\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true, \"default\" : 42 } \n" +
      "] } } ] }";

    String key = "bar";
    DataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
    assertTrue(schema != null);

    Object input[][][] =
          new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.FIXUP_ABSENT_WITH_DEFAULT)
          new DataMap(),
          new DataMap(asMap(
            "boolean", true,
            "int", 1,
            "long", 2L,
            "float", 3.0f,
            "double", 4.0,
            "string", "cow",
            "bytes", ByteString.copyAvroString("dog", false),
            "array", new DataList(asList(-1, -2, -3)),
            "enum", "apple",
            "fixed", ByteString.copyAvroString("1234", false),
            "map", new DataMap(asMap("1", 1, "2", 2)),
            "record", new DataMap(asMap("int", 1)),
            "union", new DataMap(asMap("enumType", "orange")),
            "unionWithNull", Data.NULL

    testValidationWithNormalCoercion(schema, key, input);

  private void testValidationWithNormalCoercion(DataSchema schema, String key, Object[][][] input) throws CloneNotSupportedException
    for (Object[][] row : input)
      Object[] options = row[0];
      Object[][] pairs = new Object[row.length - 1][];
      System.arraycopy(row, 1, pairs, 0, pairs.length);
      for (Object option : options)

        ValidationOptions validationOptions = (ValidationOptions) option;

        // Data object is read-only.
        for (Object[] pair : pairs)
          DataMap foo = new DataMap();
          foo.put(key, pair[0]);
          assertTrue(((DataComplex) pair[0]).isReadOnly());
          assertSame(foo.get(key), pair[0]);
          ValidationResult result = ValidateDataAgainstSchema.validate(foo, schema, validationOptions);
          assertTrue(((DataComplex) pair[0]).isReadOnly());
          DataMap fooFixed = (DataMap) result.getFixed();
          Object barFixed = fooFixed.get(key);
          assertEquals(pair[0], barFixed); // not changed
          assertSame(fooFixed, foo);
          assertTrue(((DataComplex) barFixed).isReadOnly());
          assertSame(barFixed, pair[0]);

        // Data object is read-write
        for (Object[] pair : pairs)
          DataMap foo = new DataMap();
          DataMap pair0 = ((DataMap) pair[0]).copy(); // get read-write clone
          foo.put(key, pair0);
          ValidationResult result = validate(foo, schema, validationOptions);
          DataMap fooFixed = (DataMap) result.getFixed();
          Object barFixed = fooFixed.get(key);
          assertEquals(pair[1], barFixed);
          assertSame(result.getFixed(), foo); // modify in place
          assertFalse(((DataComplex) barFixed).isReadOnly());
          assertSame(barFixed, pair0); // modify in place

  public void testJsonValidation() throws IOException
    Object[][] input =
          "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"Foo\", \"fields\" : [ { \"name\" : \"intField\", \"type\" : \"int\" } ] }",
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.NORMAL),
            "{ \"intField\" : " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
            "{ \"intField\" : " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.NORMAL),
            "{ \"intField\" : " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
            "{ \"intField\" : " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
            "{ \"intField\" : " + ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1) + " }",
            "ERROR :: /intField :: 2147483648 is not backed by a Integer"
          "{ \"type\" : \"record\", \"name\" : \"Foo\", \"fields\" : [ { \"name\" : \"longField\", \"type\" : \"long\" } ] }",
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.NORMAL),
            "{ \"longField\" : " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
            "{ \"longField\" : " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.NORMAL),
            "{ \"longField\" : " + Long.MIN_VALUE + " }"
          new Object[] {
            new ValidationOptions(RequiredMode.MUST_BE_PRESENT, CoercionMode.OFF),
            "{ \"longField\" : " + Long.MIN_VALUE + " }"

    for (Object[] row : input)
      String schemaText = (String) row[0];
      for (int i = 1; i < row.length; i++)
        Object[] test = (Object[]) row[i];
        ValidationOptions options = (ValidationOptions) test[0];
        String dataText = (String) test[1];
        String expectedResult = test.length > 2 ? (String) test[2] : null;
        DataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
        DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(dataText);
        ValidationResult result = ValidateDataAgainstSchema.validate(dataMap, schema, options);
        if (expectedResult == null)
          assertEquals(result.getMessages().size(), 0);

  public void testNonRootStartDataElement() throws IOException
    String schemaText =
      "{\n" +
      "  \"name\" : \"Foo\",\n" +
      "  \"type\" : \"record\",\n" +
      "  \"fields\" : [\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"intField\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true },\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"stringField\", \"type\" : \"string\", \"optional\" : true },\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"arrayField\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"Foo\" }, \"optional\" : true },\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"mapField\", \"type\" : { \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"Foo\" }, \"optional\" : true },\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"unionField\", \"type\" : [ \"int\", \"string\", \"Foo\" ], \"optional\" : true },\n" +
      "    { \"name\" : \"fooField\", \"type\" : \"Foo\", \"optional\" : true }\n" +
      "  ]\n" +

    String[] empty = {};

    Object[][] input =
          "{ \"intField\" : \"bad\", \"fooField\" : { \"intField\" : 32 } }",
          new String[] { "ERROR" }
          "{ \"intField\" : 32, \"fooField\" : { \"intField\" : \"bad\" } }",
          new String[] { "ERROR", "/fooField/intField" },
          "{\n" +
          "  \"stringField\" : 32,\n" +
          "  \"arrayField\" : [ { \"intField\" : \"bad0\" }, { \"intField\" : \"bad1\" } ]\n" +
          new String[] { "ERROR", "/arrayField/0/intField" },
          new String[] { "/stringField", "/arrayField/1/intField" }
          "{\n" +
          "  \"stringField\" : 32,\n" +
          "  \"mapField\" : { \"m0\" : { \"intField\" : \"bad0\" }, \"m1\" : { \"intField\" : \"bad1\" } }\n" +
          new String[] { "ERROR", "/mapField/m1/intField" },
          new String[] { "/stringField", "/mapField/m0/intField" }
          "{\n" +
          "  \"stringField\" : 32,\n" +
          "  \"arrayField\" : [\n" +
          "    { \"unionField\" : { \"Foo\" : { \"intField\" : \"bad0\" } } },\n" +
          "    { \"unionField\" : { \"int\" : \"bad1\" } }\n" +
          "  ]\n" +
          new String[] { "ERROR", "/arrayField/0/unionField/Foo/intField" },
          new String[] { "/stringField", "/arrayField/1/unionField/int" }
          "{\n" +
          "  \"stringField\" : 32,\n" +
          "  \"fooField\" : {\n" +
          "    \"stringField\" : 45,\n" +
          "    \"fooField\" : { \"intField\" : \"bad1\" } }\n" +
          "  }\n" +
          new String[] { "ERROR", "/fooField/fooField/intField" },
          new String[] { "/stringField", "/fooField/stringField" }

    DataSchema schema = dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
    for (Object[] row : input)
      String dataString = (String) row[0];
      String startPath = (String) row[1];
      String[] expectedStrings = (String[]) row[2];
      String[] notExpectedStrings = (String[]) row[3];
      DataMap map = dataMapFromString(dataString);
      DataElement startElement = DataElementUtil.element(map, schema, startPath);
      assertNotSame(startElement, null);
      ValidationResult result = validate(startElement, new ValidationOptions());
      String message = result.getMessages().toString();
      for (String expected : expectedStrings)
        assertTrue(message.contains(expected), message + " does not contain " + expected);
      for (String notExpected : notExpectedStrings)
        assertFalse(message.contains(notExpected), message + " contains " + notExpected);

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