Package com.rapidminer.ItemRecommendation

Source Code of com.rapidminer.ItemRecommendation.WRMF

package com.rapidminer.ItemRecommendation;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import com.rapidminer.matrixUtils.MatrixUtils;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Annotations;
import com.rapidminer.operator.IOObject;
import com.rapidminer.operator.Operator;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.OutputPort;
import com.rapidminer.operator.ports.ProcessingStep;

*Copyright (C) 2010 Steffen Rendle, Zeno Gantner
*Copyright (C) 2011 Zeno Gantner

*This file is originally part of MyMediaLite.

*Ported by Matej Mihelcic (Ru�er Bo�kovi� Institute) 02.08.2011

public class WRMF extends MF{
  /// <summary>Weighted matrix factorization method proposed by Hu et al. and Pan et al.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   Y. Hu Y. Koren C. Volinsky: Collaborative filtering for implicit feedback datasets,
    ///   IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2008
    ///   R. Pan, Y. Zhou, B. Cao, N. N. Liu, R. M. Lukose, M. Scholz, Q. Yang:
    ///   One-class collaborative filtering,
    ///   IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2008
    /// We use the fast computation method proposed by Hu et al. and we use a global
    /// weight to penalize observed/unobserved values.
   static final long serialVersionUID=3453434;
/// <summary>C position: the weight/confidence that is put on positive observations</summary>
    /// <remarks>The alpha value in Hu et al.</remarks>
    public double GetCPos() {  return c_pos; }
    public void SetCPos(double value)
    { c_pos = value;  }
    double c_pos = 1;

    /// <summary>Regularization parameter</summary>
    public double GetRegularization() {  return regularization;  }
    public void SetRegularization(double value){
    regularization = value;  }
    double regularization = 0.015;

    public void Iterate()
      // perform alternating parameter fitting
      Optimize(GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix(), user_factors, item_factors);
      Optimize(GetFeedback().GetItemMatrix(), item_factors, user_factors); // TODO create different formulation to save 50% memory
    public int GetNumIter(){
      return NumIter;
    /// <summary>Optimizes the specified data</summary>
    /// <param name="data">data</param>
    /// <param name="W">W</param>
    /// <param name="H">H</param>
    protected void Optimize(IBooleanMatrix data, Matrix W, Matrix H)
      Matrix HH          = new Matrix(num_factors, num_factors);
      Matrix HC_minus_IH = new Matrix(num_factors, num_factors);
      double[] HCp         = new double[num_factors];
      cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D m=new cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D(num_factors,num_factors);
      cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D m_inv;
      // TODO speed up using more parts of that library

      // source code comments are in terms of computing the user factors
      // works the same with users and items exchanged

      // (1) create HH in O(f^2|Items|)
      // HH is symmetric
      for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
        for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
          double d = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < H.dim1; i++)
            d += H.getLocation(i, f_1) * H.getLocation(i, f_2);
          HH.setLocation(f_1, f_2,d);
      // (2) optimize all U
      // HC_minus_IH is symmetric
      for (int u = 0; u < W.dim1; u++)
        List<Integer> row = data.GetEntriesByRow(u);
        // create HC_minus_IH in O(f^2|S_u|)
        for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            double d = 0;
            for(int i1=0;i1<row.size();i1++){
              int i=row.get(i1);
              d += H.getLocation(i, f_1) * H.getLocation(i, f_2) * c_pos;
            HC_minus_IH.setLocation(f_1, f_2, d);
        // create HCp in O(f|S_u|)
        for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
          double d = 0;
          for(int i1=0;i1<row.size();i1++){
            int i=row.get(i1);
            d += H.getLocation(i, f) * (1 + c_pos);
          HCp[f] = d;
        // create m = HH + HC_minus_IH + reg*I
        // m is symmetric
        // the inverse m_inv is symmetric
        cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra a=new cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra();
        for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            double d = HH.getLocation(f_1, f_2) + HC_minus_IH.getLocation(f_1, f_2);
            if (f_1 == f_2)
              d += regularization;
            m.set(f_1, f_2, d);
        m_inv = a.inverse(m);
        // write back optimal W
        for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
          double d = 0;
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            d += m_inv.get(f, f_2) * HCp[f_2];
          W.setLocation(u, f, d);
    protected void OptimizeUpdate(IBooleanMatrix data,List<Integer> entities, Matrix W, Matrix H)
      Matrix HH          = new Matrix(num_factors, num_factors);
      Matrix HC_minus_IH = new Matrix(num_factors, num_factors);
      double[] HCp         = new double[num_factors];
      cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D m=new cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D(num_factors,num_factors);
      cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D m_inv;
      // TODO speed up using more parts of that library

      // source code comments are in terms of computing the user factors
      // works the same with users and items exchanged

      // (1) create HH in O(f^2|Items|)
      // HH is symmetric
      for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
        for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
          double d = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < H.dim1; i++)
            d += H.getLocation(i, f_1) * H.getLocation(i, f_2);
          HH.setLocation(f_1, f_2,d);
      // (2) optimize all U
      // HC_minus_IH is symmetric
      for (int u = W.dim1-entities.size(); u < W.dim1; u++)
        List<Integer> row = data.GetEntriesByRow(u);
        // create HC_minus_IH in O(f^2|S_u|)
        for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            double d = 0;
            for(int i1=0;i1<row.size();i1++){
              int i=row.get(i1);
              d += H.getLocation(i, f_1) * H.getLocation(i, f_2) * c_pos;
            HC_minus_IH.setLocation(f_1, f_2, d);
        // create HCp in O(f|S_u|)
        for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
          double d = 0;
          for(int i1=0;i1<row.size();i1++){
            int i=row.get(i1);
            d += H.getLocation(i, f) * (1 + c_pos);
          HCp[f] = d;
        // create m = HH + HC_minus_IH + reg*I
        // m is symmetric
        // the inverse m_inv is symmetric
        cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra a=new cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra();
        for (int f_1 = 0; f_1 < num_factors; f_1++)
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            double d = HH.getLocation(f_1, f_2) + HC_minus_IH.getLocation(f_1, f_2);
            if (f_1 == f_2)
              d += regularization;
            m.set(f_1, f_2, d);
        m_inv = a.inverse(m);
        // write back optimal W
        for (int f = 0; f < num_factors; f++)
          double d = 0;
          for (int f_2 = 0; f_2 < num_factors; f_2++)
            d += m_inv.get(f, f_2) * HCp[f_2];
          W.setLocation(u, f, d);
    public void AddUsers(List<Integer> users)
      Matrix um=new Matrix(MaxUserID + 1, GetNumFactors());
      MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(user_factors, InitMean, InitStdev);
      for(int i=0;i<this.user_factors.dim1;i++)
          for(int j=0;j<this.user_factors.dim2;j++)
              um.setLocation(i, j, this.user_factors.getLocation(i, j));   

      this.user_factors=new Matrix(MaxUserID+1,GetNumFactors());
      for(int i=0;i<this.user_factors.dim1;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<this.user_factors.dim2;j++)
            this.user_factors.setLocation(i, j, um.getLocation(i, j))
    public void AddItems(List<Integer> items)
      Matrix im=new Matrix(MaxItemID + 1, GetNumFactors());
      MatrixUtils.RowInitNormal(item_factors, InitMean, InitStdev);
      for(int i=0;i<this.item_factors.dim1;i++)
          for(int j=0;j<this.item_factors.dim2;j++)
              im.setLocation(i, j, this.item_factors.getLocation(i, j));   
      this.item_factors=new Matrix(MaxItemID+1,GetNumFactors());
      for(int i=0;i<this.item_factors.dim1;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<this.item_factors.dim2;j++)
            this.item_factors.setLocation(i, j, im.getLocation(i, j))

    public void RetrainUsers(List<Integer> users)

        OptimizeUpdate(GetFeedback().GetUserMatrix(),users,user_factors, item_factors);


    public void RetrainItems(List<Integer> items)
        OptimizeUpdate(GetFeedback().GetItemMatrix(),items, item_factors, user_factors);
    public double ComputeFit()
      return -1;
    public  void SaveModel(String file)
      //not needed

    public void LoadModel(String file)
      //not needed

    public String ToString()
      return String.format("WRMF num_factors={0} regularization={1} c_pos={2} num_iter={3} init_mean={4} init_stdev={5}",
                 GetNumFactors(), GetRegularization(), GetCPos(), NumIter, InitMean, InitStdev);
      private String source = null;
        /** The current working operator. */
        private transient LoggingHandler loggingHandler;
        private transient LinkedList<ProcessingStep> processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
        /** Sets the source of this IOObject. */
        public void setSource(String sourceName) {
            this.source = sourceName;

        /** Returns the source of this IOObject (might return null if the source is unknown). */
        public String getSource() {
            return source;
        public void appendOperatorToHistory(Operator operator, OutputPort port) {
          if (processingHistory == null) {
            processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
          if (operator.getProcess() != null)
            processingHistory.add(new ProcessingStep(operator, port));
          ProcessingStep newStep = new ProcessingStep(operator, port);
          if (operator.getProcess() != null && (processingHistory.isEmpty() || !processingHistory.getLast().equals(newStep))) {
        public List<ProcessingStep> getProcessingHistory() {
          if (processingHistory == null)
            processingHistory = new LinkedList<ProcessingStep>();
          return processingHistory;
        /** Gets the logging associated with the operator currently working on this
         *  IOObject or the global log service if no operator was set. */
        public LoggingHandler getLog() {
            if (this.loggingHandler != null) {
                return this.loggingHandler;
            } else {
                return LogService.getGlobal();
        /** Sets the current working operator, i.e. the operator which is currently
         *  working on this IOObject. This might be used for example for logging. */
        public void setLoggingHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) {
            this.loggingHandler = loggingHandler;
       * Returns not a copy but the very same object. This is ok for IOObjects
       * which cannot be altered after creation. However, IOObjects which might be
       * changed (e.g. {@link com.rapidminer.example.ExampleSet}s) should
       * overwrite this method and return a proper copy.
      public IOObject copy() {
        return this;
      protected void initWriting() {}

      public Annotations getAnnotations(){
        Annotations temp=new Annotations();
        return temp;

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