package com.guigarage.vagrant.model;
import org.jruby.RubyBoolean;
import org.jruby.RubyNumeric;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.util.VagrantException;
* Wrapper for a Vagrant SSH connection. The class contains the JRuby object for the connections and forwards the method calls to it.
* You can execute commands on the VM or upload files to it.
* @author hendrikebbers
public class VagrantSSHConnection {
private RubyObject vagrantSSH;
* Constructor for the SHH connection. Normally you do not need to create a connection on your own. Use {@link VagrantVm.createConnection()} to create a new SSH connection.
* @param vagrantSSH The Vagrant SSH connection object
public VagrantSSHConnection(RubyObject vagrantSSH) {
this.vagrantSSH = vagrantSSH;
* Checks if the connection is ready. Normally you do not need this this methode because the connection should be always ready.
* @return true if the SSH connection is ready
public boolean isReady() {
try {
return ((RubyBoolean) vagrantSSH.callMethod("ready?")).isTrue();
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Uploads a file to the vm.
* @param localPath the locale path of the file
* @param pathOnVM the path on the vm where you want to upload the local file
public void upload(String localPath, String pathOnVM) {
try {
RubyString.newString(vagrantSSH.getRuntime(), localPath),
RubyString.newString(vagrantSSH.getRuntime(), pathOnVM));
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Executes a command on the vm
* @param command the command you want to execute. for example "touch /file.tmp"
* @param sudo if true the command will be executed as sudo
* @return the returncode of the command
public int execute(String command, boolean sudo) {
try {
if (sudo) {
RubyNumeric number = (RubyNumeric) vagrantSSH.callMethod(
RubyString.newString(vagrantSSH.getRuntime(), command));
return (int) number.getLongValue();
} else {
RubyNumeric number = (RubyNumeric) vagrantSSH.callMethod(
RubyString.newString(vagrantSSH.getRuntime(), command));
return (int) number.getLongValue();
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
public int execute(String command) {
return execute(command, false);