package com.guigarage.vagrant.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyBoolean;
import org.jruby.RubyNil;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.Vagrant;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.util.VagrantException;
* A {@link VagrantEnvironment} manages a set of VMs. By using the environment you can manage the lifecycle of all VMs inside the environment or access a specific VM.
* @author hendrikebbers
public class VagrantEnvironment {
private RubyObject vagrantEnvironment;
* The {@link VagrantEnvironment} is a Wrapper for a Vagrant environment. The class contains the JRuby object for the connections and forwards the method calls to it. This constructor is used by the builder classes or the {@link Vagrant} class. You do not need to call it in your code
* @param vagrantEnvironment The Vagrant environment connection object
public VagrantEnvironment(RubyObject vagrantEnvironment) {
this.vagrantEnvironment = vagrantEnvironment;
* Start all VMs in this environment
public void up() {
try {
vagrantEnvironment.getRuntime(), "up"));
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Adds a new box to Vagrant
* @param boxName name of the new box
* @param boxUrl the url of the template box. For example ""
public void addBox(String boxName, URL boxUrl) {
try {
vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("cli", RubyString.newString(
vagrantEnvironment.getRuntime(), "add"), RubyString
.newString(vagrantEnvironment.getRuntime(), boxName),
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Removes a box from Vagrant
* @param boxName name of the box you want to remove
public void removeBox(String boxName) {
try {
RubyArray boxes = (RubyArray) ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment
for (Object box : boxes) {
String name = ((RubyObject) box).callMethod("name").toString();
if(name.equals(boxName)) {
((RubyObject) box).callMethod("destroy");
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Returns the main path to all box templates that Vagrant has installed on your system.
* @return
public String getBoxesPath() {
try {
return ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("boxes_path"))
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Creates a simple vagrantfile / configuration for this environment. The configuration contains only one VM that uses the given box
* @param boxName name of the box for the VM
public void init(String boxName) {
try {
vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("cli", RubyString.newString(
vagrantEnvironment.getRuntime(), "init"), RubyString
.newString(vagrantEnvironment.getRuntime(), boxName));
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Return true if more than one VM is configured in this environment
* @return true if more than one VM is configured in this environment
public boolean isMultiVmEnvironment() {
try {
return ((RubyBoolean) vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("multivm?"))
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Each Vagrant environment is configured in a path on your system.
* @return path for this environment
public String getRootPath() {
try {
return ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("root_path"))
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Creates a iterator for all available boxes in Vagrant.
* @return a iterator for all boxes.
public Iterable<String> getAllAvailableBoxes() {
try {
RubyArray boxes = (RubyArray) ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment
ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object box : boxes) {
ret.add(((RubyObject) box).callMethod("name").toString());
return ret;
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Creates a iterator for all configured VMs in this environment.
* @return a iterator for all VMs in this environment.
public Iterable<VagrantVm> getAllVms() {
try {
RubyArray o = (RubyArray) vagrantEnvironment
ArrayList<VagrantVm> vms = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object vm : o) {
vms.add(new VagrantVm((RubyObject) vm));
return vms;
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Returns a specific VM at the given index.
* @param index the index
* @return the VM at the given index
public VagrantVm getVm(int index) {
try {
RubyArray o = (RubyArray) vagrantEnvironment
return new VagrantVm((RubyObject) o.get(index));
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Returns the count of all VMs configured in this environment
* @return the count of all VMs
public int getVmCount() {
try {
RubyArray o = (RubyArray) vagrantEnvironment
return o.size();
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Returns the filename of the Vagrantfile for this environment. Normally the name is "Vagrantfile"
* @return the filename of the Vagrantfile
public String getVagrantfileName() {
try {
return ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* Returns the global home path for Vagrant. This path is used by Vagrant to store global configs and states
* @return the global home path for Vagrant
public String getHomePath() {
try {
return ((RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("home_path"))
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* If this environment is a single VM environment (only contains one VM) this methode will return the VM object.
* @return the object for the VM in this environment.
public VagrantVm getPrimaryVm() {
try {
RubyObject rubyVm = (RubyObject) vagrantEnvironment.callMethod("primary_vm");
if(rubyVm == null || rubyVm instanceof RubyNil) {
throw new VagrantException("No primary vm found. Maybe there is no vm defined in your configuration or you are working with a multi vm environment.");
return new VagrantVm(rubyVm);
} catch (RaiseException exception) {
throw new VagrantException(exception);
* destroys the complete environment with all VMs configured and running in it.
public void destroy() {
for (VagrantVm vm : getAllVms()) {
if (vm.isCreated()) {