package com.guigarage.vagrant.junit;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.Vagrant;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.configuration.VagrantConfiguration;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.configuration.VagrantConfigurationUtilities;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.configuration.VagrantEnvironmentConfig;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.configuration.VagrantFileTemplateConfiguration;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.configuration.VagrantFolderTemplateConfiguration;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.model.VagrantEnvironment;
import com.guigarage.vagrant.util.VagrantException;
* A JUnit Rule that can be used by the {@link Rule} annotation. The {@link VagrantTestRule} will create a Vagrant environment before every test and destroys it after the test.
* @author hendrikebbers
public class VagrantTestRule extends TestWatcher {
private VagrantEnvironment environment;
private File vagrantDir;
* The VagrantTestRule will use the given {@link VagrantEnvironmentConfig} for the Vagrant environment that is wrapped around the tests.
* @param environmentConfig the configuration for the Vagrant enviroment.
public VagrantTestRule(VagrantEnvironmentConfig environmentConfig) {
* The VagrantTestRule will use the given vagrantfile for the Vagrant environment that is wrapped around the tests.
* @param vagrantFileContent the content of the vagrantfile for the Vagrant enviroment.
public VagrantTestRule(String vagrantFileContent) {
File tmpDir = FileUtils.getTempDirectory();
vagrantDir = new File(tmpDir, "vagrant-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
init("Vagrantfile", vagrantFileContent);
* The VagrantTestRule will use the given {@link VagrantConfiguration} for the Vagrant environment that is wrapped around the tests.
* @param configuration the configuration for the Vagrant enviroment.
public VagrantTestRule(VagrantConfiguration configuration) {
try {
File tmpDir = FileUtils.getTempDirectory();
vagrantDir = new File(tmpDir, "vagrant-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
if(configuration.getFileTemplateConfigurations() != null) {
for(VagrantFileTemplateConfiguration fileTemplate : configuration.getFileTemplateConfigurations()) {
File fileInVagrantFolder = new File(vagrantDir, fileTemplate.getPathInVagrantFolder());
if(fileTemplate.useLocalFile()) {
FileUtils.copyFile(fileTemplate.getLocalFile(), fileInVagrantFolder);
} else {
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(fileTemplate.getUrlTemplate(), fileInVagrantFolder);
if(configuration.getFolderTemplateConfigurations() != null) {
for(VagrantFolderTemplateConfiguration folderTemplate : configuration.getFolderTemplateConfigurations()) {
File folderInVagrantFolder = new File(vagrantDir, folderTemplate.getPathInVagrantFolder());
if(folderTemplate.useUriTemplate()) {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(folderTemplate.getUriTemplate()), folderInVagrantFolder);
} else {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(folderTemplate.getLocalFolder(), folderInVagrantFolder);
init("Vagrantfile", VagrantConfigurationUtilities
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new VagrantException(e);
private synchronized void init(String vagrantfileName,
String vagrantfileContent) {
File vagrantFile = new File(vagrantDir, vagrantfileName);
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(vagrantFile, vagrantfileContent, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new VagrantException("Error while creating "
+ this.getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
Vagrant vagrant = new Vagrant(true);
environment = vagrant.createEnvironment(vagrantDir);
protected synchronized void starting(Description description) {
protected synchronized void finished(Description description) {
* This gives you access to the VagrantEnvironment while the test is running. You can use it to execute some commands on the VMs etc.
* @return the created VagrantEnvironment for the current unittest
public VagrantEnvironment getEnvironment() {
return environment;
private synchronized void clean() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {
throw new VagrantException("Can't clean Vagrantfolder", e2);