* Copyright 2009-2013 Scale Unlimited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package bixo.examples.webmining;
import java.util.Iterator;
import bixo.datum.StatusDatum;
import bixo.datum.UrlStatus;
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.operation.BaseOperation;
import cascading.operation.Buffer;
import cascading.operation.BufferCall;
import cascading.operation.OperationCall;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntry;
import com.scaleunlimited.cascading.LoggingFlowProcess;
import com.scaleunlimited.cascading.LoggingFlowReporter;
import com.scaleunlimited.cascading.NullContext;
@SuppressWarnings({"serial", "rawtypes"})
public class UpdateCrawlDbBuffer extends BaseOperation<NullContext> implements Buffer<NullContext> {
private LoggingFlowProcess _flowProcess;
private static final Fields CRAWLDBDATUM_URL_FIELD = new Fields(CrawlDbDatum.URL_FIELD);
private static final Fields STATUSDATUM_URL_FIELD = new Fields(StatusDatum.URL_FN);
private static final Fields ANALYZEDDATUM_URL_FIELD = new Fields(AnalyzedDatum.URL_FIELD);
public UpdateCrawlDbBuffer() {
public void prepare(FlowProcess flowProcess,
OperationCall<NullContext> operationCall) {
super.prepare(flowProcess, operationCall);
_flowProcess = new LoggingFlowProcess(flowProcess);
_flowProcess.addReporter(new LoggingFlowReporter());
public void cleanup(FlowProcess flowProcess, OperationCall<NullContext> operationCall) {
super.cleanup(flowProcess, operationCall);
public void operate(FlowProcess process, BufferCall<NullContext> bufferCall) {
Iterator<TupleEntry> iter = bufferCall.getArgumentsIterator();
// We will end up with 1- n entries of (C)rawlDbDatum, (S)tatusDatum, (A)nalyzedDatum, (L)inkDatum
// [C | S | A | L] [C | S | A | L] [C | S | A | L] [C | S | A | L]
CrawlDbDatum crawlDbDatum = null;
StatusDatum statusDatum = null;
AnalyzedDatum analyzedDatum = null;
UrlStatus status = null;
float pageScore = 0;
float linkScore = 0;
String url = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
TupleEntry entry = iter.next();
boolean isCrawlDatum = entry.getString(CRAWLDBDATUM_URL_FIELD) != null;
boolean isStatus = entry.getString(STATUSDATUM_URL_FIELD) != null;
boolean isAnalyzed = entry.getString(ANALYZEDDATUM_URL_FIELD) != null;
if (isCrawlDatum) {
Tuple crawlDbTuple = TupleEntry.select(CrawlDbDatum.FIELDS, entry);
crawlDbDatum = new CrawlDbDatum(crawlDbTuple);
url = crawlDbDatum.getUrl();
if (isStatus) {
statusDatum = new StatusDatum(entry);
url = statusDatum.getUrl();
if (isAnalyzed) {
Tuple analyzedTuple = TupleEntry.select(AnalyzedDatum.FIELDS, entry);
analyzedDatum = new AnalyzedDatum(analyzedTuple);
url = analyzedDatum.getUrl();
// we could have either status + link or just link tuple entry
if (entry.getString(new Fields(LinkDatum.URL_FN)) != null) {
LinkDatum linkDatum = new LinkDatum(TupleEntry.select(LinkDatum.FIELDS, entry));
pageScore = linkDatum.getPageScore();
// Add up the link scores
linkScore += linkDatum.getLinkScore();
url = linkDatum.getUrl();
long lastFetched = 0;
if (crawlDbDatum != null) {
status = crawlDbDatum.getLastStatus();
pageScore = crawlDbDatum.getPageScore();
linkScore += crawlDbDatum.getLinksScore();
lastFetched = crawlDbDatum.getLastFetched();
} else if (statusDatum != null) {
status = statusDatum.getStatus();
if (status != UrlStatus.FETCHED ) {
pageScore = 0; // if we didn't fetch the page, then we can't have a page score
linkScore += (Float)statusDatum.getPayloadValue(CustomFields.LINKS_SCORE_FN);
} else {
if (analyzedDatum != null) {
pageScore = analyzedDatum.getPageScore();
lastFetched = statusDatum.getStatusTime();
} else {
status = UrlStatus.UNFETCHED;
if (url == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("There's a bug in this code - url shouldn't be null");
CrawlDbDatum updatedDatum = new CrawlDbDatum(url, lastFetched, status, pageScore, linkScore);