* Copyright 2013
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.openntf.domino.impl;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
import org.openntf.domino.WrapperFactory;
import org.openntf.domino.events.EnumEvent;
import org.openntf.domino.events.IDominoEvent;
import org.openntf.domino.events.IDominoListener;
import org.openntf.domino.ext.Formula;
import org.openntf.domino.napi.NapiFactory;
import org.openntf.domino.types.Encapsulated;
import org.openntf.domino.types.FactorySchema;
import org.openntf.domino.utils.DominoUtils;
import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory;
import com.ibm.commons.util.NotImplementedException;
* A common Base class for almost all org.openntf.domino types.
* @param <T>
* the generic type
* @param <D>
* the delegate type
* @param <P>
* the parent type
public abstract class Base<T extends org.openntf.domino.Base<D>, D extends lotus.domino.Base, P extends org.openntf.domino.Base<?>>
implements org.openntf.domino.Base<D> {
public static final int SOLO_NOTES_NAMES = 1000;
public static final int NOTES_SESSION = 1;
public static final int NOTES_DATABASE = 2;
public static final int NOTES_VIEW = 3;
public static final int NOTES_NOTE = 4;
public static final int NOTES_ITEM = 5;
public static final int NOTES_RTITEM = 6;
public static final int NOTES_REPORT = 7;
public static final int NOTES_TIME = 8;
public static final int NOTES_MACRO = 9;
public static final int NOTES_SERVER = 10;
public static final int NOTES_DOCCOLL = 11;
public static final int NOTES_AGENTLOG = 12;
public static final int NOTES_ACL = 13;
public static final int NOTES_ACLENTRY = 14;
public static final int NOTES_VIEWCOLUMN = 15;
public static final int NOTES_EMBEDOBJ = 16;
public static final int NOTES_REGISTRATION = 17;
public static final int NOTES_TIMER = 18;
public static final int NOTES_NAME = 19;
public static final int NOTES_FORM = 20;
public static final int NOTES_INTL = 21;
public static final int NOTES_DATERNG = 22;
public static final int NOTES_AGENTCTX = 25;
public static final int NOTES_RTSTYLE = 26;
public static final int NOTES_VIEWENTRY = 27;
public static final int NOTES_VECOLL = 28;
public static final int NOTES_RTPSTYLE = 29;
public static final int NOTES_RTTAB = 30;
public static final int NOTES_REPLICATION = 43;
public static final int NOTES_VIEWNAV = 44;
public static final int NOTES_OUTLINEENTRY = 48;
public static final int NOTES_OUTLINE = 49;
public static final int NOTES_MIMEENTITY = 50;
public static final int NOTES_RTTABLE = 51;
public static final int NOTES_RTNAVIGATOR = 52;
public static final int NOTES_RTRANGE = 53;
public static final int NOTES_NOTECOLLECTION = 54;
public static final int NOTES_DXLEXPORTER = 55;
public static final int NOTES_DXLIMPORTER = 56;
public static final int NOTES_MIMEHDR = 78;
public static final int NOTES_SESSTRM = 79;
public static final int NOTES_ADMINP = 80;
public static final int NOTES_RTDOCLNK = 81;
public static final int NOTES_COLOR = 82;
public static final int NOTES_RTSECTION = 83;
public static final int NOTES_REPLENT = 84;
public static final int NOTES_XMLREFORMATTER = 85;
public static final int NOTES_DOMDOCUMENTFRAGMENTNODE = 86;
public static final int NOTES_DOMNOTATIONNODE = 87;
public static final int NOTES_DOMCHARACTERDATANODE = 88;
public static final int NOTES_PROPERTYBROKER = 89;
public static final int NOTES_NOTESPROPERTY = 90;
public static final int NOTES_DIRECTORY = 91;
public static final int NOTES_DIRNAVIGATOR = 92;
public static final int NOTES_DIRENTRY = 93;
public static final int NOTES_DIRENTRYCOLLECTION = 94;
public static final int NOTES_DOMAIN = 95;
public static final int NOTES_CALENDAR = 96;
public static final int NOTES_CALENDARENTRY = 97;
public static final int NOTES_CALENDARNOTICE = 98;
/** The Constant log_. */
private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(Base.class.getName());
private static Method getCppObjMethod;
private static Method checkArgMethod;
private static Method checkObjectMethod;
private static Method checkObjectActiveMethod;
private static Method clearCppObjMethod;
private static Method getCppSessionMethod;
private static Method getGCParentMethod;
private static Method getSessionMethod;
// private static Method getStringArrayPropertyMethod;
private static Method getWeakMethod;
private static Method isDeadMethod;
private static Method isInvalidMethod;
private static Method isEqualMethod;
private static Method markInvalidMethod;
// private static Method notImplementedMethod;
private static Method validateObjArgMethod;
// private static Method restoreObjectMethod;
/** the class id of this object type (implemented as precaution) **/
final int clsid;
/** The wrapperFactory we are from **/
private final WrapperFactory factory_;
static {
try {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws Exception {
checkArgMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("CheckArg", Object.class);
checkObjectMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("CheckObject", (Class<?>[]) null);
checkObjectActiveMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("CheckObjectActive", (Class<?>[]) null);
clearCppObjMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("ClearCppObj", (Class<?>[]) null);
getCppObjMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("GetCppObj", (Class<?>[]) null);
getCppSessionMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("GetCppSession", (Class<?>[]) null);
getGCParentMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("getGCParent", (Class<?>[]) null);
getSessionMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("getSession", (Class<?>[]) null);
getWeakMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("getWeak", (Class<?>[]) null);
isDeadMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("isDead", (Class<?>[]) null);
isInvalidMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("isInvalid", (Class<?>[]) null);
isEqualMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("isEqual", Long.TYPE);
markInvalidMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("markInvalid", (Class<?>[]) null);
validateObjArgMethod = lotus.domino.local.NotesBase.class.getDeclaredMethod("validateObjArg", Object.class,
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
/** The delegate_. */
protected transient D delegate_ = null;
/** The CPP-Object ID */
private transient long cpp_object;
/** The CPP-Object ID of the session */
private transient long cpp_session;
* returns the cpp_id. DO NOT REMOVE. Otherwise native funtions won't work
* @return the cpp_id
public long GetCppObj() {
return cpp_object;
/** The parent_. */
protected final P parent_;
* returns the cpp-session id. Needed for some BackendBridge functions
* @return the cpp_id of the session
public long GetCppSession() {
return cpp_session;
// @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
// void setParent(final P parent) {
// parent_ = parent;
// if (parent instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
// cpp_session = ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) parent).GetCppSession();
// }
// }
* Find the parent if no one was specified
* @param delegate
* @return
protected P findParent(final D delegate) throws NotesException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You must specify a valid parent when creating a " + getClass().getName());
* Returns the class-id. Currently not used
* @return
int GetClassID() {
return clsid;
// public static class WrapCounter extends ThreadLocal<Long> {
// @Override
// protected Long initialValue() {
// return new Long(0);
// }
// public void increment() {
// long cur = super.get();
// super.set(cur++);
// }
// }
// public static WrapCounter traceWrapCount = new WrapCounter();
// public static ThreadLocal<Long> traceMinDelta = new ThreadLocal<Long>() {
// @Override
// protected Long initialValue() {
// return Long.MAX_VALUE;
// }
// @Override
// public void set(final Long value) {
// if (value < super.get()) {
// super.set(value);
// // System.out.println("New min delta discovered: " + value);
// }
// }
// };
// public static ThreadLocal<Long> traceMaxDelta = new ThreadLocal<Long>() {
// @Override
// protected Long initialValue() {
// return Long.MIN_VALUE;
// }
// @Override
// public void set(final Long value) {
// long curValue = super.get();
// if (value > curValue) {
// if ((curValue - value) > 100000) {
// System.out.println("Jump greater than 100000 when we wrapped object count " + traceWrapCount.get());
// }
// super.set(value);
// // System.out.println("New max delta discovered: " + value);
// }
// }
// };
/** The NAPI-Factory to speed up some things */
private static NapiFactory napiFactory_ = null;
* Gets the parent.
* @return the parent
//org.openntf.domino.Base<?> getParent() {
// return parent_;
protected P getAncestor() {
return parent_;
// TODO NTF - not sure about maintaining a set pointer to children. Not using for now. Just setting up (no pun intended)
/** The children_. */
// private final Set<org.openntf.domino.Base<?>> children_ = Collections
// .newSetFromMap(new WeakHashMap<org.openntf.domino.Base<?>, Boolean>());
* @deprecated Use constructor with ClassID in future
* @param delegate
* @param parent
protected Base(final D delegate, final P parent) {
this(delegate, parent, null, 0L, 0);
* Instantiates a new base.
* @param delegate
* the delegate
* @param parent
* the parent (may be null)
* @param wf
* the wrapperFactory
* @param cppId
* the cpp-id
* @param classId
* the class id
protected Base(final D delegate, P parent, final WrapperFactory wf, final long cppId, final int classId) {
if (wf == null) {
factory_ = Factory.getWrapperFactory();
} else {
factory_ = wf;
if (parent == null) {
try {
parent = findParent(delegate);
} catch (NotesException e) {
// final, these will never change
parent_ = parent;
clsid = classId;
if (delegate instanceof lotus.domino.local.NotesBase) {
setDelegate(delegate, cppId);
} else if (delegate != null) {
// normally you won't get here if you come from fromLotus
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Why are you wrapping a non-Lotus object? " + delegate.getClass().getName());
// copy the cpp_session from the parent
if (delegate instanceof lotus.domino.Session) {
cpp_session = cpp_object;
} else if (parent_ instanceof Base) {
cpp_session = ((Base) parent_).GetCppSession();
} else {
cpp_session = 0;
protected Base(final P parent, final WrapperFactory wf, final int classId) {
if (wf == null) {
factory_ = Factory.getWrapperFactory();
} else {
factory_ = wf;
parent_ = parent;
clsid = classId;
cpp_session = 0;
* Sets the delegate on init or if resurrect occured
* @param delegate
* the delegate
void setDelegate(final D delegate) {
setDelegate(delegate, 0);
* Sets the delegate on init or if resurrect occured
* @param delegate
* the delegate
* @param cppId
* the cpp-id
void setDelegate(final D delegate, final long cppId) {
delegate_ = delegate;
if (cppId != 0) {
cpp_object = cppId;
} else {
cpp_object = getLotusId(delegate);
// void setDelegate(final D delegate, final long cppId, final boolean recache) {
// setDelegate(delegate, cppId);
// if (recache) {
// Factory.recacheLotus(delegate, this, parent_);
// }
// }
* Gets the lotus id.
* @param base
* the base
* @return the lotus id
public static long getLotusId(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
try {
if (base instanceof lotus.domino.local.NotesBase) {
return ((Long) getCppObjMethod.invoke(base, (Object[]) null)).longValue();
} else if (base instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
return ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base<?, ?, ?>) base).GetCppObj();
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0L;
* Checks if the lotus object is invalid. A object is invalid if it is recycled by the java side.
* i.E.: Some Java code has called base.recycle();
* @param base
* the base
* @return true, if is recycled
public static boolean isInvalid(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
if (base == null)
return true;
try {
return ((Boolean) isInvalidMethod.invoke(base, (Object[]) null)).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
* Checks if is dead. A object is dead if it is invalid (=recycled by java) or if it's cpp-object = 0.
* This happens if the parent was recycled.
* @param base
* the base
* @return true, if is recycled
public static boolean isDead(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
if (base == null)
return true;
try {
return ((Boolean) isDeadMethod.invoke(base, (Object[]) null)).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
return true;
* Returns the session for a certain base object
* @param base
* @return
protected static lotus.domino.Session getSession(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
if (base == null)
return null;
try {
return ((lotus.domino.Session) getSessionMethod.invoke(base, (Object[]) null));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Gets the delegate.
* @param wrapper
* the wrapper
* @return the delegate
public static lotus.domino.Base getDelegate(final lotus.domino.Base wrapper) {
if (wrapper instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
return ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) wrapper).getDelegate();
return wrapper;
* Gets the delegate.
* @return the delegate
protected D getDelegate() {
return delegate_;
// wrap objects. Delegate this to the wrapperFactory
* Wraps objects. Delegate to WrapperFactory
* @see org.openntf.domino.WrapperFactory#fromLotus(lotus.domino.Base, FactorySchema, org.openntf.domino.Base)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
public <T1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base, D1 extends lotus.domino.Base, P1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base> T1 fromLotus(
final D1 lotus, final FactorySchema<T1, D1, P1> schema, final P1 parent) {
return factory_.fromLotus(lotus, schema, parent);
* Wraps a collection. Delegate to WrapperFactory
* @see org.openntf.domino.WrapperFactory#fromLotus(Collection, FactorySchema, org.openntf.domino.Base)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
<T1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base, D1 extends lotus.domino.Base, P1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base> Collection<T1> fromLotus(
final Collection<?> lotusColl, final FactorySchema<T1, D1, P1> schema, final P1 parent) {
return factory_.fromLotus(lotusColl, schema, parent);
* Wraps a collection and returns it as vector. Delegate to WrapperFactory
* @see org.openntf.domino.WrapperFactory#fromLotusAsVector(Collection, FactorySchema, org.openntf.domino.Base)
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
<T1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base, D1 extends lotus.domino.Base, P1 extends org.openntf.domino.Base> Vector<T1> fromLotusAsVector(
final Collection<?> lotusColl, final FactorySchema<T1, D1, P1> schema, final P1 parent) {
return factory_.fromLotusAsVector(lotusColl, schema, parent);
* Wraps column values
* @see org.openntf.domino.WrapperFactory#wrapColumnValues(Collection, org.openntf.domino.Session)
Vector<Object> wrapColumnValues(final Collection<?> values, final org.openntf.domino.Session session) {
return factory_.wrapColumnValues(values, session);
* returns the WrapperFactory
* @return
protected WrapperFactory getFactory() {
return factory_;
* Checks if is encapsulated.
* @return true, if is encapsulated
public boolean isEncapsulated() {
return (this instanceof Encapsulated);
* Checks if is locked.
* @deprecated Do not use objects acros threads
* @param base
* the base
* @return true, if is locked
public static boolean isLocked(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
//return lockedRefSet.isLocked(base);
return false;
* Unlock.
* @deprecated Do not use objects acros threads
* @param base
* the base
public static void unlock(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
* Lock.
* @deprecated Do not use objects acros threads
* @param base
* the base
public static void lock(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
* Lock.
* @deprecated Do not use objects acros threads
* @param allYourBase
* the all your base
public static void lock(final lotus.domino.Base... allYourBase) {
//for (lotus.domino.Base everyZig : allYourBase) {
// lockedRefSet.lock(everyZig);
* Unlock.
* @deprecated Do not use objects acros threads
* @param allYourBase
* the all your base
public static void unlock(final lotus.domino.Base... allYourBase) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* This method recycles the delegate (and counts it as manual recycle)
* @see lotus.domino.Base#recycle()
public void recycle() {
if (isDead(delegate_))
s_recycle(delegate_); // RPr: we must recycle the delegate, not "this". Do not call getDelegate as it may reinstantiate it
// unwrap objects
* gets the delegate
* @param wrapper
* the wrapper
* @param recycleThis
* adds the delegate to the list, if it has to be recycled.
* @return the delegate
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static <T extends lotus.domino.Base> T toLotus(final T wrapper, final Collection recycleThis) {
if (wrapper instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
lotus.domino.Base ret = ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) wrapper).getDelegate();
if (wrapper instanceof Encapsulated && recycleThis != null) {
return (T) ret;
return wrapper;
* Gets the delegate.
* @param wrapper
* the wrapper
* @return the delegate
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static <T extends lotus.domino.Base> T toLotus(final T wrapper) {
if (wrapper instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
return (T) ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) wrapper).getDelegate();
return wrapper;
* To lotus.
* @param baseObj
* the base obj
* @return the lotus.domino. base version or the object itself, as appropriate
public static Object toLotus(final Object baseObj) {
if (baseObj instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
return ((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) baseObj).getDelegate();
return baseObj;
* Unwraps anything to a dominofriendly object
* @deprecated use {@link #toDominoFriendly(Object, org.openntf.domino.Base, Collection)} instead
* @param value
* @param context
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
protected static Object toDominoFriendly(final Object value, final org.openntf.domino.Base<?> context) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return toDominoFriendly(value, context, null);
* toItemFriendly: special case for "toDominoFriendly" that handles "DateTime" / "DateRange" correctly
* @param value
* The Object value to coerce into an Item-friendly type.
* @param context
* The context object.
* @param recycleThis
* A rolling collection of to-recycle objects
* @return An object value that can be stored in an Item.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* When the provided value cannot be successfully converted into an Item-safe value.
public static Object toItemFriendly(final Object value, final org.openntf.domino.Base<?> context,
final Collection<lotus.domino.Base> recycleThis) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (value == null) {
log_.log(Level.INFO, "Trying to convert a null argument to Domino friendly. Returning null...");
return null;
if (value instanceof lotus.domino.Base) {
if (value instanceof lotus.domino.Name) {
// Names are written as canonical
try {
return ((lotus.domino.Name) value).getCanonical();
} catch (NotesException e) {
} else if (value instanceof org.openntf.formula.DateTime) {
return javaToDominoFriendly(value, context, recycleThis);
} else if (value instanceof org.openntf.domino.DateTime || value instanceof org.openntf.domino.DateRange) {
// according to documentation, these datatypes should be compatible to write to a field ... but DateRanges make problems
return toLotus((org.openntf.domino.Base<?>) value, recycleThis);
} else if (value instanceof lotus.domino.DateTime || value instanceof lotus.domino.DateRange) {
return value;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert to Domino friendly from type " + value.getClass().getName());
} else {
return javaToDominoFriendly(value, context, recycleThis);
* <p>
* Attempts to convert a provided scalar value to a "Domino-friendly" data type like DateTime, String, etc. Currently, the data types
* supported are the already-Domino-friendly ones, Number, Date, Calendar, and CharSequence.
* </p>
* @param value
* The incoming non-collection value
* @param context
* The context Base object, for finding the correct session
* @return The Domino-friendly conversion of the object, or the object itself if it is already usable.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* When the object is not convertible.
protected static Object toDominoFriendly(final Object value, final org.openntf.domino.Base context,
final Collection<lotus.domino.Base> recycleThis) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (value == null) {
log_.log(Level.INFO, "Trying to convert a null argument to Domino friendly. Returning null...");
return null;
//Extended in order to deal with Arrays
if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
int i = Array.getLength(value);
java.util.Vector<Object> result = new java.util.Vector<Object>(i);
for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) {
Object o = Array.get(value, k);
result.add(toDominoFriendly(o, context, recycleThis));
return result;
if (value instanceof Collection) {
java.util.Vector<Object> result = new java.util.Vector<Object>();
Collection<?> coll = (Collection) value;
for (Object o : coll) {
result.add(toDominoFriendly(o, context, recycleThis));
return result;
if (value instanceof org.openntf.domino.Base) {
// this is a wrapper
return toLotus((org.openntf.domino.Base) value, recycleThis);
} else if (value instanceof lotus.domino.Base) {
// this is already domino friendly
return value;
} else {
return javaToDominoFriendly(value, context, recycleThis);
* converts a lot of java types to domino-friendly types
* @param value
* @param context
* @param recycleThis
* @return
private static Object javaToDominoFriendly(final Object value, final org.openntf.domino.Base context,
final Collection<lotus.domino.Base> recycleThis) {
if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Double) {
return value;
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return value;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
if ((Boolean) value) {
return "1";
} else {
return "0";
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return value.toString();
// Now for the illegal-but-convertible types
if (value instanceof Number) {
// TODO Check if this is greater than what Domino can handle and serialize if so
// CHECKME: Is "doubleValue" really needed. (according to help.nsf only Integer and Double is supported, so keep it)
return ((Number) value).doubleValue();
} else if (value instanceof java.util.Date || value instanceof java.util.Calendar || value instanceof org.openntf.formula.DateTime) {
lotus.domino.Session lsess = toLotus(Factory.getSession(context));
try {
lotus.domino.DateTime dt = null;
if (value instanceof java.util.Date) {
dt = lsess.createDateTime((java.util.Date) value);
} else if (value instanceof org.openntf.formula.DateTime) {
dt = lsess.createDateTime(((org.openntf.formula.DateTime) value).toJavaDate());
} else {
dt = lsess.createDateTime((java.util.Calendar) value);
if (recycleThis != null) {
return dt;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return null;
// return toLotus(Factory.getSession(context).createDateTime((java.util.Date) value));
} else if (value instanceof CharSequence) {
return value.toString();
// } else if (value instanceof CaseInsensitiveString) { // CaseInsensitiveString is a CharSequence
// return value.toString();
} else if (value instanceof Pattern) {
return ((Pattern) value).pattern();
} else if (value instanceof Class<?>) {
return ((Class<?>) value).getName();
} else if (value instanceof Enum<?>) {
return ((Enum<?>) value).getDeclaringClass().getName() + " " + ((Enum<?>) value).name();
} else if (value instanceof Formula) {
return ((Formula) value).getExpression();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert to Domino friendly from type " + value.getClass().getName());
* To domino friendly.
* @deprecated use {@link #toDominoFriendly(Collection, org.openntf.domino.Base, Collection)}
* @param values
* the values
* @param context
* the context
* @return the vector
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* the illegal argument exception
protected static java.util.Vector<Object> toDominoFriendly(final Collection<?> values, final org.openntf.domino.Base<?> context)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
java.util.Vector<Object> result = new java.util.Vector<Object>();
for (Object value : values) {
result.add(toDominoFriendly(value, context));
return result;
* @param values
* the values
* @param context
* @param recycleThis
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
protected static java.util.Vector<Object> toDominoFriendly(final Collection<?> values, final org.openntf.domino.Base context,
final Collection<lotus.domino.Base> recycleThis) throws IllegalArgumentException {
java.util.Vector<Object> result = new java.util.Vector<Object>();
for (Object value : values) {
result.add(toDominoFriendly(value, context, recycleThis));
return result;
* To lotus.
* @param values
* the values
* @return the java.util. vector
public static java.util.Vector<Object> toLotus(final Collection<?> values) {
if (values == null) {
return null;
} else {
java.util.Vector<Object> result = new java.util.Vector<Object>(values.size());
for (Object value : values) {
if (value instanceof lotus.domino.Base) {
result.add(toLotus((lotus.domino.Base) value));
} else {
return result;
* Recycle.
* @param base
* the base
* @return true, if successful
public static boolean s_recycle(final lotus.domino.Base base) {
if (base == null || base instanceof org.openntf.domino.Base) {
return false; // wrappers and null objects are not recycled!
boolean result = false;
lotus.domino.DateTime sdtAux = null;
lotus.domino.DateTime edtAux = null;
//if (!isLocked(base)) {
try {
if (base instanceof lotus.domino.local.DateRange) { //NTF - check to see if we have valid start/end dates to prevent crashes in 9.0.1
lotus.domino.local.DateRange dr = (lotus.domino.local.DateRange) base;
if (dr.getStartDateTime() == null || dr.getEndDateTime() == null) {
lotus.domino.Session rawsession = toLotus(Base.getSession(base));
sdtAux = rawsession.createDateTime("2001/01/01");
edtAux = rawsession.createDateTime("2001/02/02");
result = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// shikata ga nai
} finally {
try {
if (sdtAux != null)
if (edtAux != null)
} catch (NotesException ne) { // Now it's enough
//} else {
// System.out.println("Not recycling a " + base.getClass().getName() + " because it's locked.");
return result;
* recycle ALL native objects
* @param o
* the object(s) to recycle
public static void s_recycle(final Object o) {
// NTF this is for recycling of encapsulated objects like DateTime and Name
// RPr ' do we need an extra method here?
if (o instanceof Collection) {
Collection<?> c = (Collection<?>) o;
if (!c.isEmpty()) {
for (Object io : c) {
s_recycle((lotus.domino.Base) io);
} else if (o instanceof lotus.domino.Base) {
s_recycle((lotus.domino.Base) o);
// /**
// * recycle encapsulated objects
// *
// * @param o
// * the objects to recycle (only encapsulated are recycled)
// */
// public static void enc_recycle(final Object o) {
// // NTF this is for recycling of encapsulated objects like DateTime and Name
// // RPr ' do we need an extra method here?
// if (o instanceof Collection) {
// Collection<?> c = (Collection<?>) o;
// if (!c.isEmpty()) {
// for (Object io : c) {
// if (io instanceof lotus.domino.DateTime || io instanceof lotus.domino.DateRange || io instanceof lotus.domino.Name) {
// s_recycle((lotus.domino.Base) io);
// }
// }
// }
// } else if (o instanceof lotus.domino.DateTime || o instanceof lotus.domino.DateRange || o instanceof lotus.domino.Name) {
// s_recycle((lotus.domino.Base) o);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Checks if is recycled.
// *
// * @return true, if is recycled
// */
// public boolean isRecycled() {
// return recycled_;
// }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see lotus.domino.Base#recycle(java.util.Vector)
public void recycle(final Vector arg0) {
for (Object o : arg0) {
if (o instanceof org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) {
((org.openntf.domino.impl.Base) o).recycle();
} else if (o instanceof lotus.domino.local.NotesBase) {
s_recycle((lotus.domino.local.NotesBase) o);
private List<IDominoListener> listeners_;
public List<IDominoListener> getListeners() {
if (listeners_ == null) {
listeners_ = new ArrayList<IDominoListener>();
return listeners_;
public void addListener(final IDominoListener listener) {
public void removeListener(final IDominoListener listener) {
public List<IDominoListener> getListeners(final EnumEvent event) {
List<IDominoListener> result = new ArrayList<IDominoListener>();
for (IDominoListener listener : getListeners()) {
for (EnumEvent curEvent : listener.getEventTypes()) {
if (curEvent.equals(event)) {
return result;
public boolean fireListener(final IDominoEvent event) {
boolean result = true;
for (IDominoListener listener : getListeners(event.getEvent())) {
try {
if (!listener.eventHappened(event)) {
result = false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return getDelegate().toString();
// ------------ native functions - to be as much compatible to the lotus.domino.local...
// Methods that have no meaningful implementation throw a exception
public boolean needsGui() {
log_.fine("needsGui called");
return false;
public void dontUseGui() {
log_.fine("dontUseGui called");
public void okToUseGui() {
log_.fine("okToUseGui called");
public boolean avoidingGui() {
log_.fine("avoidingGui called");
return true;
// ---- package private
void markInvalid() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
void ClearCppObj() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Object getWeak() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
lotus.domino.Session getSession() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Object getGCParent() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
boolean isInvalid() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
void restoreObject(final lotus.domino.Session paramSession, final long paramLong) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
void CheckObject() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
void CheckObjectActive() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public boolean isDead() {
return isDead(delegate_);
void CheckArg(final Object paramObject) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
boolean isEqual(final long paramLong) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Vector PropGetVector(final int paramInt) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
void validateObjArg(final Object paramObject, final boolean paramBoolean) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
Vector getStringArrayProperty(final int paramInt) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
* Set the NAPI Factory if you are running in an XPage-environment.
* @param napiFactory
* the NapiFactory Interface
public static void setNapiFactory(final NapiFactory napiFactory) {
napiFactory_ = napiFactory;
* Return the NAPI-Factory
* @return
protected NapiFactory getNapiFactory() {
return napiFactory_;