* Javolution - Java(TM) Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
* Copyright (C) 2012 - Javolution (http://javolution.org/)
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
* freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
package javolution.xml.internal.stream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import javolution.io.UTF8StreamWriter;
import javolution.lang.Realtime;
import javolution.text.CharArray;
import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
* <p> This class represents an implementation of {@link XMLStreamWriter}.</p>
* <p> The <code>writeCharacters</code> methods will escape & , < and
* >. For attribute values, the <code>writeAttribute</code> methods will
* escape the above characters plus " and control characters.</p>
* @author <a href="mailto:jean-marie@dautelle.com">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
* @version 4.0, September 4, 2006
public final class XMLStreamWriterImpl implements XMLStreamWriter {
* Holds the length of intermediate buffer.
private static final int BUFFER_LENGTH = 2048;
* Holds the current nesting level.
private int _nesting = 0;
* Holds the element qualified name (indexed per nesting level)
private TextBuilder[] _qNames = new TextBuilder[16];
* Indicates if the current element is open.
private boolean _isElementOpen;
* Indicates if the current element is an empty element.
private boolean _isEmptyElement;
* Holds intermediate buffer.
private final char[] _buffer = new char[BUFFER_LENGTH];
* Holds the namespace stack.
private final NamespacesImpl _namespaces = new NamespacesImpl();
* Holds the buffer current index.
private int _index;
* Holds repairing namespace property.
private boolean _isRepairingNamespaces;
* Holds repairing prefix property.
private String _repairingPrefix = "ns";
* Holds indentation property.
private String _indentation;
* Holds line separator property.
private String _lineSeparator = "\n";
* Holds current indentation level.
private int _indentationLevel;
* Holds automatic empty elements property.
private boolean _automaticEmptyElements;
* Holds no empty element tag property.
private boolean _noEmptyElementTag;
* Holds counter for automatic namespace generation.
private int _autoNSCount;
* Indicates if the current object written is an attribute value.
private boolean _isAttributeValue;
// Temporary Settings //
* Holds the writer destination (<code>null</code> when unused).
private Writer _writer;
* Holds the encoding (<code>null</code> if N/A).
private String _encoding;
* Holds the default writer for output streams.
private final UTF8StreamWriter _utf8StreamWriter = new UTF8StreamWriter();
* Holds the factory (if any)
private final XMLOutputFactoryImpl _factory;
* Default constructor.
public XMLStreamWriterImpl() {
* Factory-based constructor.
XMLStreamWriterImpl(XMLOutputFactoryImpl factory) {
_factory = factory;
for (int i = 0; i < _qNames.length;) {
_qNames[i++] = new TextBuilder();
* Sets the output stream destination for this XML stream writer
* (UTF-8 encoding).
* @param out the output source with utf-8 encoding.
public void setOutput(OutputStream out) throws XMLStreamException {
_encoding = "UTF-8";
* Sets the output stream destination and encoding for this XML stream
* writer.
* @param out the output source.
* @param encoding the associated encoding.
* @throws XMLStreamException if the specified encoding is not supported.
public void setOutput(OutputStream out, String encoding)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (encoding.equals("UTF-8") || encoding.equals("utf-8")
|| encoding.equals("ASCII")) {
setOutput(out); // Default encoding.
} else {
try {
_encoding = encoding;
setOutput(new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
* Sets the writer output destination for this XML stream writer.
* @param writer the output destination writer.
* @see javolution.io.UTF8StreamWriter
* @see javolution.io.UTF8ByteBufferWriter
* @see javolution.io.AppendableWriter
public void setOutput(Writer writer) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_writer != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Writer not closed or reset");
_writer = writer;
* Requires this writer to create a new prefix when a namespace has none
* (default <code>false</code>).
* @param isRepairingNamespaces <code>true</code> if namespaces
* are repaired; <code>false</code> otherwise.
public void setRepairingNamespaces(boolean isRepairingNamespaces) {
_isRepairingNamespaces = isRepairingNamespaces;
* Specifies the prefix to be append by a trailing part
* (a sequence number) in order to make it unique to be usable as
* a temporary non-colliding prefix when repairing namespaces
* (default <code>"ns"</code>).
* @param repairingPrefix the prefix root.
public void setRepairingPrefix(String repairingPrefix) {
_repairingPrefix = repairingPrefix;
* Specifies the indentation string; non-null indentation
* forces the writer to write elements into separate lines
* (default <code>null</code>).
* @param indentation the indentation string.
public void setIndentation(String indentation) {
_indentation = indentation;
* Specifies the line separator (default <code>"\n"</code>).
* @param lineSeparator the line separator string.
public void setLineSeparator(String lineSeparator) {
_lineSeparator = lineSeparator;
* Requires this writer to automatically output empty elements when a
* start element is immediately followed by matching end element
* (default <code>false</code>).
* @param automaticEmptyElements <code>true</code> if start element
* immediately followed by end element results in an empty element
* beign written; <code>false</code> otherwise.
public void setAutomaticEmptyElements(boolean automaticEmptyElements) {
_automaticEmptyElements = automaticEmptyElements;
* Prevent this writer from using empty element tags
* (default <code>false</code>).
* @param noEmptyElementTag <code>true</code> if empty element tags
* are replaced by start/end elements with no content;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public void setNoEmptyElementTag(boolean noEmptyElementTag) {
_noEmptyElementTag = noEmptyElementTag;
// Implements reusable.
public void reset() {
_automaticEmptyElements = false;
_autoNSCount = 0;
_encoding = null;
_indentation = null;
_indentationLevel = 0;
_index = 0;
_isAttributeValue = false;
_isElementOpen = false;
_isEmptyElement = false;
_isRepairingNamespaces = false;
_nesting = 0;
_noEmptyElementTag = false;
_repairingPrefix = "ns";
_writer = null;
if (_factory != null)
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartElement(CharSequence localName)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
writeNewElement(null, localName, null);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartElement(CharSequence namespaceURI,
CharSequence localName) throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
if (namespaceURI == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Namespace URI cannot be null");
writeNewElement(null, localName, namespaceURI);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartElement(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence localName,
CharSequence namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
if (namespaceURI == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Namespace URI cannot be null");
if (prefix == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Prefix cannot be null");
writeNewElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEmptyElement(CharSequence localName)
throws XMLStreamException {
_isEmptyElement = true;
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEmptyElement(CharSequence namespaceURI,
CharSequence localName) throws XMLStreamException {
writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName);
_isEmptyElement = true;
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEmptyElement(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence localName,
CharSequence namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException {
writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI);
_isEmptyElement = true;
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEndElement() throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isElementOpen) { // Empty element.
if (_isEmptyElement) { // Closes the empty element tag.
} else { // Start element open.
if (_automaticEmptyElements) { // Do as if empty element written.
_isEmptyElement = true;
} else { // Closes the start element tag.
if ((_indentation != null) && (_indentationLevel != _nesting - 1)) {
// Do not indent if no change in indentation level
// to avoid interfering with text only elements.
for (int i = 1; i < _nesting; i++) {
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEndDocument() throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isElementOpen)
while (_nesting > 0) { // Implicits closing of all elements.
flush(); // Not mandatory but safer.
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void close() throws XMLStreamException {
if (_writer != null) {
if (_nesting != 0) { // Closes all elements.
reset(); // Explicit reset.
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void flush() throws XMLStreamException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeAttribute(CharSequence localName, CharSequence value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
if (value == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Value cannot be null");
writeAttributeOrNamespace(null, null, localName, value);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeAttribute(CharSequence namespaceURI,
CharSequence localName, CharSequence value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
if (value == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Value cannot be null");
if (namespaceURI == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Namespace URI cannot be null");
writeAttributeOrNamespace(null, namespaceURI, localName, value);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeAttribute(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence namespaceURI,
CharSequence localName, CharSequence value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (localName == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Local name cannot be null");
if (value == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Value cannot be null");
if (namespaceURI == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Namespace URI cannot be null");
if (prefix == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Prefix cannot be null");
writeAttributeOrNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeNamespace(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence namespaceURI)
throws XMLStreamException {
if ((prefix == null) || (prefix.length() == 0)
|| _namespaces._xmlns.equals(prefix)) {
prefix = _namespaces._defaultNsPrefix;
if (!_isElementOpen) // Check now as the actual writting is queued.
throw new IllegalStateException("No open start element");
(namespaceURI == null) ? _namespaces._nullNsURI : namespaceURI,
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeDefaultNamespace(CharSequence namespaceURI)
throws XMLStreamException {
writeNamespace(_namespaces._defaultNsPrefix, namespaceURI);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeComment(CharSequence data) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isElementOpen)
if (data != null) { // null values allowed.
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeProcessingInstruction(CharSequence target)
throws XMLStreamException {
writeProcessingInstruction(target, _noChar);
private final CharArray _noChar = new CharArray("");
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeProcessingInstruction(CharSequence target,
CharSequence data) throws XMLStreamException {
if (target == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Target cannot be null");
if (data == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Data cannot be null");
if (_isElementOpen)
write(' ');
writeNoEscape(" ?>");
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeCData(CharSequence data) throws XMLStreamException {
if (data == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("Data cannot be null");
if (_isElementOpen)
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeDTD(CharSequence dtd) throws XMLStreamException {
if (dtd == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("DTD cannot be null");
if (_nesting > 0)
throw new XMLStreamException(
"DOCTYPE declaration (DTD) when not in document root (prolog)");
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeEntityRef(CharSequence name) throws XMLStreamException {
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException {
writeStartDocument(null, null);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartDocument(CharSequence version)
throws XMLStreamException {
writeStartDocument(null, version);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeStartDocument(CharSequence encoding, CharSequence version)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (_nesting > 0)
throw new XMLStreamException("Not in document root");
writeNoEscape("<?xml version=\"");
if (version != null) {
} else { // Default to 1.0
if (encoding != null) {
writeNoEscape(" encoding=\"");
} else if (_encoding != null) { // Use init encoding (if any).
writeNoEscape(" encoding=\"");
writeNoEscape(" ?>");
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeCharacters(CharSequence text) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isElementOpen)
if (text == null)
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void writeCharacters(char[] text, int start, int length)
throws XMLStreamException {
_tmpCharArray.setArray(text, start, length);
private final CharArray _tmpCharArray = new CharArray();
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public CharSequence getPrefix(CharSequence uri) throws XMLStreamException {
return _namespaces.getPrefix(uri);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void setPrefix(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence uri)
throws XMLStreamException {
_namespaces.setPrefix(prefix, (uri == null) ? _namespaces._nullNsURI
: uri, false);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public void setDefaultNamespace(CharSequence uri) throws XMLStreamException {
setPrefix(_namespaces._defaultNsPrefix, uri);
// Implements XMLStreamWriter interface.
public Object getProperty(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.IS_REPAIRING_NAMESPACES)) {
return new Boolean(_isRepairingNamespaces);
} else if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.REPAIRING_PREFIX)) {
return _repairingPrefix;
} else if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.AUTOMATIC_EMPTY_ELEMENTS)) {
return new Boolean(_automaticEmptyElements);
} else if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.NO_EMPTY_ELEMENT_TAG)) {
return new Boolean(_noEmptyElementTag);
} else if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.INDENTATION)) {
return _indentation;
} else if (name.equals(XMLOutputFactory.LINE_SEPARATOR)) {
return _lineSeparator;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property: " + name
+ " not supported");
// Writes a new start or empty element.
private void writeNewElement(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence localName,
CharSequence namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException {
// Close any open element and gets ready to write a new one.
if (_isElementOpen)
if (_indentation != null) {
_indentationLevel = _nesting;
for (int i = 0; i < _indentationLevel; i++) {
_isElementOpen = true;
// Enters a new local scope.
if (++_nesting >= _qNames.length)
// Constructs qName.
TextBuilder qName = _qNames[_nesting].clear();
// Writes prefix if any.
if ((namespaceURI != null)
&& (!_namespaces._defaultNamespace.equals(namespaceURI))) {
if (_isRepairingNamespaces) { // Repairs prefix.
prefix = getRepairedPrefix(prefix, namespaceURI);
} else if (prefix == null) { // Retrieves prefix.
prefix = getPrefix(namespaceURI);
if (prefix == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("URI: " + namespaceURI
+ " not bound and repairing namespaces disabled");
if (prefix.length() > 0) {
// Writes a new attribute.
private void writeAttributeOrNamespace(CharSequence prefix,
CharSequence namespaceURI, CharSequence localName,
CharSequence value) throws XMLStreamException {
if (!_isElementOpen)
throw new IllegalStateException("No open start element");
write(' ');
// Writes prefix if any.
if ((namespaceURI != null)
&& (!_namespaces._defaultNamespace.equals(namespaceURI))) {
if (_isRepairingNamespaces) { // Repairs prefix if current prefix is not correct.
prefix = getRepairedPrefix(prefix, namespaceURI);
} else if (prefix == null) {
prefix = getPrefix(namespaceURI);
if (prefix == null)
throw new XMLStreamException("URI: " + namespaceURI
+ " not bound and repairing namespaces disabled");
if (prefix.length() > 0) {
_isAttributeValue = true;
_isAttributeValue = false;
// Closes the current element (scope if empty element).
private void closeOpenTag() throws XMLStreamException {
// Writes namespaces now.
// Closes the tag.
_isElementOpen = false;
if (_isEmptyElement) {
if (_noEmptyElementTag) {
} else { // Use empty element tag.
_isEmptyElement = false;
} else {
// Writes all namespaces, these include namespaces set but
// not written in outer scope.
private void writeNamespaces() throws XMLStreamException {
int i0 = (_nesting > 1) ? _namespaces._namespacesCount[_nesting - 2]
int i1 = _namespaces._namespacesCount[_nesting - 1];
int i2 = _namespaces._namespacesCount[_nesting];
for (int i = i0; i < i2; i++) {
if (((_isRepairingNamespaces && (i < i1) && !_namespaces._prefixesWritten[i]))
|| ((i >= i1) && _namespaces._prefixesWritten[i])) { // Write namespace.
// In repairing mode, removes redondancy.
if (_isRepairingNamespaces) {
CharArray prefix = _namespaces.getPrefix(
_namespaces._namespaces[i], i);
if (_namespaces._prefixes[i].equals(prefix))
continue; // Not necessary.
} // Direct mode, just write them as requested (no check).
// Writes namespace.
if (_namespaces._prefixes[i].length() == 0) { // Default namespace.
writeAttributeOrNamespace(null, null, _namespaces._xmlns,
} else {
_namespaces._xmlnsURI, _namespaces._prefixes[i],
// Returns the prefix for the specified namespace.
private CharSequence getRepairedPrefix(CharSequence prefix,
CharSequence namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray prefixForURI = _namespaces.getPrefix(namespaceURI);
if ((prefixForURI != null)
&& ((prefix == null) || prefixForURI.equals(prefix)))
return prefixForURI; // No repair needed.
if ((prefix == null) || (prefix.length() == 0)) { // Creates new prefix.
prefix = _autoPrefix.clear().append(_repairingPrefix)
_namespaces.setPrefix(prefix, namespaceURI, true); // Map to namespace URI.
return prefix;
private final TextBuilder _autoPrefix = new TextBuilder();
// Resizes element stack (same memory area as the writer).
private void resizeElemStack() {
final int oldLength = _qNames.length;
final int newLength = oldLength * 2;
// Resizes elements qNames stack.
TextBuilder[] tmp = new TextBuilder[newLength];
System.arraycopy(_qNames, 0, tmp, 0, oldLength);
_qNames = tmp;
for (int i = oldLength; i < newLength; i++) {
_qNames[i] = new TextBuilder();
// Writes methods.
private final void writeNoEscape(String str) throws XMLStreamException {
write(str, 0, str.length(), false);
private final void writeNoEscape(TextBuilder tb) throws XMLStreamException {
write(tb, 0, tb.length(), false);
private final void writeNoEscape(CharSequence csq)
throws XMLStreamException {
write(csq, 0, csq.length(), false);
private final void writeEscape(CharSequence csq) throws XMLStreamException {
write(csq, 0, csq.length(), true);
private final void write(Object csq, int start, int length,
boolean escapeMarkup) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_index + length <= BUFFER_LENGTH) { // Enough buffer space.
if (csq instanceof String) {
((String) csq).getChars(start, start + length, _buffer, _index);
} else if (csq instanceof javolution.text.Text) {
((javolution.text.Text) csq).getChars(start, start + length,
_buffer, _index);
} else if (csq instanceof javolution.text.TextBuilder) {
((javolution.text.TextBuilder) csq).getChars(start, start
+ length, _buffer, _index);
} else if (csq instanceof javolution.text.CharArray) {
((javolution.text.CharArray) csq).getChars(start, start
+ length, _buffer, _index);
} else {
getChars((CharSequence) csq, start, start + length, _buffer,
if (escapeMarkup) {
int end = _index + length;
for (int i = _index; i < end; i++) {
char c = _buffer[i];
if ((c >= '?') || !isEscaped(c))
// Found character to escape.
_index = i;
writeDirectEscapedCharacters(_buffer, i, end);
return; // Done (buffer is empty).
_index += length;
} else { // Not enough remaining space.
if (length <= BUFFER_LENGTH) { // Enough space if buffer emptied.
write(csq, start, length, escapeMarkup);
} else {
int half = length >> 1;
write(csq, start, half, escapeMarkup);
write(csq, start + half, length - half, escapeMarkup);
private static void getChars(CharSequence csq, int start, int end,
char dest[], int destPos) {
for (int i = start, j = destPos; i < end;) {
dest[j++] = csq.charAt(i++);
// The buffer must have been flushed prior to calling this method.
private final void writeDirectEscapedCharacters(char[] chars, int start,
int end) throws XMLStreamException {
try {
int blockStart = start;
for (int i = start; i < end;) {
char c = chars[i++];
if ((c >= '?') || !isEscaped(c))
// Flush already read characters (excluding escaped one).
int blockLength = i - blockStart - 1;
if (blockLength > 0) {
_writer.write(_buffer, blockStart, blockLength);
blockStart = i;
switch (c) {
case '<':
case '>':
case '\'':
case '"':
case '&':
_writer.write((char) ('0' + c / 10));
_writer.write((char) ('0' + c % 10));
// Flush the current block.
int blockLength = end - blockStart;
if (blockLength > 0) {
_writer.write(_buffer, blockStart, blockLength);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
private boolean isEscaped(char c) {
return ((c < ' ') && _isAttributeValue)
|| (c == '"' && _isAttributeValue) || (c == '<') || (c == '>')
|| (c == '&');
private final void write(char c) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_index == BUFFER_LENGTH) {
_buffer[_index++] = c;
private void flushBuffer() throws XMLStreamException {
try {
_writer.write(_buffer, 0, _index);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
} finally {
_index = 0;