* Javolution - Java(TM) Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
* Copyright (C) 2012 - Javolution (http://javolution.org/)
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
* freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
package javolution.context.internal;
import javolution.context.LogContext;
import javolution.osgi.internal.OSGiServices;
import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
* The default implementation of LogContext.
public final class LogContextImpl extends LogContext {
private static final Object[] NONE = new Object[0];
private static final int[] TO_OSGI_LEVEL = { LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
LogService.LOG_INFO, LogService.LOG_WARNING, LogService.LOG_ERROR };
private Level level; // Null to use configurable LEVEL.
private Object[] prefix = NONE;
private Object[] suffix = NONE;
public void prefix(Object... pfx) {
Object[] tmp = new Object[prefix.length + pfx.length];
System.arraycopy(pfx, 0, tmp, 0, pfx.length);
System.arraycopy(prefix, 0, tmp, pfx.length, prefix.length);
prefix = tmp;
public void setLevel(Level level) {
this.level = level;
public void suffix(Object... sfx) {
Object[] tmp = new Object[suffix.length + sfx.length];
System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, tmp, 0, suffix.length);
System.arraycopy(sfx, 0, tmp, suffix.length, sfx.length);
suffix = tmp;
protected LogContext inner() {
LogContextImpl ctx = new LogContextImpl();
ctx.prefix = prefix;
ctx.suffix = suffix;
ctx.level = level;
return ctx;
protected void log(Level level, Object... message) {
if (level.compareTo(currentLevel()) < 0)
TextBuilder tmp = new TextBuilder();
Throwable exception = null;
for (Object pfx : prefix) {
tmp.append(pfx); // Uses TextContext for formatting.
for (Object obj : message) {
if ((exception == null) && (obj instanceof Throwable)) {
exception = (Throwable) obj;
} else {
tmp.append(obj); // Uses TextContext for formatting.
for (Object sfx : suffix) {
tmp.append(sfx); // Uses TextContext for formatting.
int osgiLevel = TO_OSGI_LEVEL[level.ordinal()];
String msg = tmp.toString();
Object[] logServices = OSGiServices.getLogServices();
for (Object logService : logServices) {
((LogService)logService).log(osgiLevel, msg, exception);
private Level currentLevel() {
if (LEVEL == null) return Level.INFO; // Only during class initialization.
if (level == null) return LEVEL.get();
return level;