package de.foconis.lsext;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.openntf.formula.DateTime;
import org.openntf.formula.Formatter;
import org.openntf.formula.impl.FormatterImpl;
public class LSExt2Java {
private String iLSExtStr;
private int iLSExtStrLh;
public LSExt2Java(final String lsExtStr) {
iLSExtStr = lsExtStr;
iLSExtStrLh = lsExtStr.length();
private ArrayList<String> iStringList;
private ArrayList<Object> iObjectList;
private int iActPos = 0;
private Formatter iFormatter = null;
public Object toJavaObj() {
String start = LSExt2JavaConsts.HEADER;
if (!iLSExtStr.startsWith(start))
throwExc("LS stream doesn't start with " + start);
iActPos = start.length();
String hexVersion = iLSExtStr.substring(iActPos, iActPos + 8);
long version = parseHexStr(hexVersion);
if (version != LSExt2JavaConsts.VERSION)
throwExc("Can't convert old LS ext stream version " + version);
iActPos += 8;
if (iLSExtStr.charAt(iActPos++) != '$')
throwExc("'$' expected after hex version");
iStringList = new ArrayList<String>(256);
iObjectList = new ArrayList<Object>(256);
Object ret = toJavaObjRec();
iStringList = null;
iObjectList = null;
if (iActPos != iLSExtStrLh)
throwExc("End of stream expected");
return ret;
private Object toJavaObjRec() {
String start = readString();
if (start.isEmpty()) // STRING
return toCache(readString());
if (start.equals("N"))
return null;
String focIF = null;
if (start.charAt(0) == ':') {
focIF = start.substring(1);
start = readString();
if (start.equals("@")) {
int vInd = readInteger();
if (vInd >= iObjectList.size())
throwExc("Reference to Object " + vInd + " can't be satisfied");
return iObjectList.get(vInd);
if (start.startsWith(LSExt2JavaConsts.BOX_PREFIX)) // Some Box
return toCache(fromBox(start));
if (start.equals(LSExt2JavaConsts.ARRAYLIST))
return fromArrayList(focIF); // Cache before cache List elements!
int strMapCase = -1;
if (start.equals(LSExt2JavaConsts.STRINGMAP))
strMapCase = 0;
else if (start.equals(LSExt2JavaConsts.STRINGMAP_IC))
strMapCase = 1;
if (strMapCase >= 0)
return fromStringMap(strMapCase == 1, focIF); // Cache before cache
// Map elements!
throwExc("Foc-Class " + start + " not yet supported");
return null;
private Object fromBox(final String focClass) {
int boxType = readInteger();
if (boxType == LSExt2JavaConsts.INTEGER || boxType == LSExt2JavaConsts.LONG)
return fromBoxLong();
if (boxType == LSExt2JavaConsts.DOUBLE || boxType == LSExt2JavaConsts.SINGLE)
return fromBoxDouble();
if (boxType == LSExt2JavaConsts.DATE)
return fromBoxDate();
throwExc("FocBox-Class " + focClass + " (type=" + boxType + ") not yet supported");
return null;
private Long fromBoxLong() {
return new Long(readLong());
private Double fromBoxDouble() {
String dStr = readString();
try {
return Double.valueOf(dStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
throwExc("Error converting " + dStr + " to Double: " + ne.getMessage());
return null;
private DateTime fromBoxDate() {
int year = readInteger();
int month = readInteger();
int day = readInteger();
int hour = readInteger();
int minute = readInteger();
int second = readInteger();
if (iFormatter == null)
iFormatter = new FormatterImpl(Locale.getDefault());
DateTime ret = iFormatter.getNewSDTInstance();
ret.setLocalDate(year, month, day);
ret.setLocalTime(hour, minute, second, 0);
return ret;
private List<Object> fromArrayList(final String focIF) {
int listVersion = readInteger();
if (listVersion != LSExt2JavaConsts.ARRAYLIST_VERSION)
throwExc("FocArrayList version " + listVersion + " is not supported");
int modCount = readInteger();
int capacity = readInteger();
int capacityIncrement = readInteger();
int elementCount = readInteger();
LSFocArrayList ret = new LSFocArrayList(elementCount, modCount, capacity, capacityIncrement, focIF);
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
return ret;
private Map<String, Object> fromStringMap(final boolean caseInsensitive, final String focIF) {
int mapVersion = readInteger();
if (mapVersion != LSExt2JavaConsts.STRINGMAP_VERSION)
throwExc("FocStringMap version " + mapVersion + " is not supported");
int modCount = readInteger();
int elementCount = readInteger();
LSFocStringMap ret = new LSFocStringMap(caseInsensitive, modCount, focIF);
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
String key = readString();
ret.put(key, toJavaObjRec());
return ret;
private Object toCache(final Object what) {
return what;
private String readString() {
int sLh = readInteger();
if (sLh == 0)
return "";
if (sLh < 0) {
int vInd = (-sLh) - 1;
if (vInd >= iStringList.size())
throwExc("Reference to String " + sLh + " can't be satisfied");
return iStringList.get(vInd);
String ret = iLSExtStr.substring(iActPos, iActPos + sLh);
iActPos += sLh;
if (sLh >= LSExt2JavaConsts.MINCACHESTRLH && sLh <= LSExt2JavaConsts.MAXCACHESTRLH)
return ret;
private long readLong() {
char firstSign = iLSExtStr.charAt(iActPos++);
boolean negative;
if (firstSign == '-') {
negative = true;
firstSign = iLSExtStr.charAt(iActPos++);
} else
negative = false;
if (firstSign == '!' || firstSign == '\'' || firstSign == '&') {
if (negative)
throwExc("Invalid number format: " + '-' + firstSign);
if (firstSign == '!')
return -1;
if (firstSign == '\'')
return LSExt2JavaConsts.MIN_LS_INTEGER;
return LSExt2JavaConsts.MIN_LS_LONG;
int needBytes;
long ret;
if (firstSign == '$')
needBytes = 2;
else if (firstSign == '%')
needBytes = 4;
else if (firstSign == '#')
needBytes = 8;
needBytes = 0;
if (needBytes == 0) {
int aux = firstSign - '0';
if (aux < 0 || aux > LSExt2JavaConsts.MAX_INT_1BYTE)
throwExc("Invalid 1-character number: " + firstSign);
ret = aux;
} else {
String hexStr = iLSExtStr.substring(iActPos, iActPos + needBytes);
ret = parseHexStr(hexStr);
iActPos += needBytes;
return negative ? -ret : ret;
private int readInteger() {
return (int) readLong();
private void assureAvailable(final int howMany) {
if (iActPos + howMany > iLSExtStrLh)
throwExc("No more " + howMany + " byte(s) available in LS stream");
private int parseHexStr(final String hexStr) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(hexStr, 16);
} catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
throwExc("Error converting hex string " + hexStr + ": " + ne.getMessage());
return -1;
private void throwExc(final String cause) {
throw new LSExtConvertException(iActPos, cause);
* Testunterstuetzung: Dump des Ergebnis-Objekts
private PrintStream iDumpPS = null;
public void dumpObject(final PrintStream ps, final Object o) {
iDumpPS = ps;
dumpObject(o, 0);
private void dumpObject(final Object o, final int level) {
if (o == null) {
iDumpPS.println("*** NULL ***");
if (o instanceof List) {
List<?> l = (List<?>) o;
int sz = l.size();
int modCount = -1;
int capacity = -1;
int capacityIncrement = -1;
String focIF = null;
if (o instanceof LSFocArrayList) {
modCount = ((LSFocArrayList) o).getModCount();
capacity = ((LSFocArrayList) o).getCapacity();
capacityIncrement = ((LSFocArrayList) o).getCapacityIncrement();
focIF = ((LSFocArrayList) o).getFocIF();
iDumpPS.println("LIST, size=" + sz + " FocIF=" + focIF + ", MC=" + modCount + "/CAP=" + capacity + "/CAPI=" + capacityIncrement);
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
printLevelPrefix(level + 1);
iDumpPS.println("List element " + (i + 1));
dumpObject(l.get(i), level + 2);
if (o instanceof Map) {
Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>) o;
int sz = m.size();
int modCount = -1;
boolean caseInsensitive = false;
String focIF = null;
if (o instanceof LSFocStringMap) {
modCount = ((LSFocStringMap) o).getModCount();
caseInsensitive = ((LSFocStringMap) o).isCaseInsensitive();
focIF = ((LSFocStringMap) o).getFocIF();
iDumpPS.println("MAP, size=" + sz + ", CaseInsensitive=" + caseInsensitive + ", FocIF=" + focIF + ", MC=" + modCount);
int i = 0;
Set<?> s = m.entrySet();
for (Object so : s) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> me = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) so;
printLevelPrefix(level + 1);
iDumpPS.println("Map element " + (i + 1) + ", Key=" + me.getKey());
dumpObject(me.getValue(), level + 2);
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = (String) o;
iDumpPS.println("(String)=" + s);
if (o instanceof Long) {
Long l = (Long) o;
iDumpPS.println("(Long)=" + l.toString());
if (o instanceof Double) {
Double d = (Double) o;
iDumpPS.println("(Double)=" + d.toString());
if (o instanceof DateTime) {
DateTime d = (DateTime) o;
iDumpPS.println("(DateTime)=" + d.toString());
throw new LSExtConvertException("Unsupported Java type: " + o.getClass().getName());
private void printLevelPrefix(int i) {
while (i-- != 0)
iDumpPS.print(" ");