
Source Code of$Specs

*   Copyright (c) 2002-2011, International Business Machines Corporation
*   and others.  All Rights Reserved.
*   Date        Name        Description
*   01/14/2002  aliu        Creation.


import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


* Parsing component for transliterator IDs. This class contains only static members; it cannot be instantiated. Methods in this class parse
* various ID formats, including the following:
* A basic ID, which contains source, target, and variant, but no filter and no explicit inverse. Examples include "Latin-Greek/UNGEGN" and
* "Null".
* A single ID, which is a basic ID plus optional filter and optional explicit inverse. Examples include "[a-zA-Z] Latin-Greek" and
* "Lower (Upper)".
* A compound ID, which is a sequence of one or more single IDs, separated by semicolons, with optional forward and reverse global filters.
* The global filters are UnicodeSet patterns prepended or appended to the IDs, separated by semicolons. An appended filter must be enclosed
* in parentheses and applies in the reverse direction.
* @author Alan Liu
class TransliteratorIDParser {

  private static final char ID_DELIM = ';';

  private static final char TARGET_SEP = '-';

  private static final char VARIANT_SEP = '/';

  private static final char OPEN_REV = '(';

  private static final char CLOSE_REV = ')';

  private static final String ANY = "Any";

  private static final int FORWARD = Transliterator.FORWARD;

  private static final int REVERSE = Transliterator.REVERSE;

  private static final Map<CaseInsensitiveString, String> SPECIAL_INVERSES = Collections
      .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<CaseInsensitiveString, String>());

   * A structure containing the parsed data of a filtered ID, that is, a basic ID optionally with a filter.
   * 'source' and 'target' will always be non-null. The 'variant' will be non-null only if a non-empty variant was parsed.
   * 'sawSource' is true if there was an explicit source in the parsed id. If there was no explicit source, then an implied source of ANY
   * is returned and 'sawSource' is set to false.
   * 'filter' is the parsed filter pattern, or null if there was no filter.
  private static class Specs {
    public String source; // not null
    public String target; // not null
    public String variant; // may be null
    public String filter; // may be null
    public boolean sawSource;

    Specs(String s, String t, String v, boolean sawS, String f) {
      source = s;
      target = t;
      variant = v;
      sawSource = sawS;
      filter = f;

   * A structure containing the canonicalized data of a filtered ID, that is, a basic ID optionally with a filter.
   * 'canonID' is always non-null. It may be the empty string "". It is the id that should be assigned to the created transliterator. It
   * _cannot_ be instantiated directly.
   * 'basicID' is always non-null and non-empty. It is always of the form S-T or S-T/V. It is designed to be fed to low-level
   * instantiation code that only understands these two formats.
   * 'filter' may be null, if there is none, or non-null and non-empty.
  static class SingleID {
    public String canonID;
    public String basicID;
    public String filter;

    SingleID(String c, String b, String f) {
      canonID = c;
      basicID = b;
      filter = f;

    SingleID(String c, String b) {
      this(c, b, null);

    Transliterator getInstance() {
      Transliterator t;
      if (basicID == null || basicID.length() == 0) {
        t = Transliterator.getBasicInstance("Any-Null", canonID);
      } else {
        t = Transliterator.getBasicInstance(basicID, canonID);
      if (t != null) {
        if (filter != null) {
          t.setFilter(new UnicodeSet(filter));
      return t;

   * Parse a filter ID, that is, an ID of the general form "[f1] s1-t1/v1", with the filters optional, and the variants optional.
   * @param id
   *            the id to be parsed
   * @param pos
   *            INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. On input, the position of the first character to parse. On output, the position after the last
   *            character parsed.
   * @return a SingleID object or null if the parse fails
  public static SingleID parseFilterID(String id, int[] pos) {

    int start = pos[0];
    Specs specs = parseFilterID(id, pos, true);
    if (specs == null) {
      pos[0] = start;
      return null;

    // Assemble return results
    SingleID single = specsToID(specs, FORWARD);
    single.filter = specs.filter;
    return single;

   * Parse a single ID, that is, an ID of the general form "[f1] s1-t1/v1 ([f2] s2-t3/v2)", with the parenthesized element optional, the
   * filters optional, and the variants optional.
   * @param id
   *            the id to be parsed
   * @param pos
   *            INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. On input, the position of the first character to parse. On output, the position after the last
   *            character parsed.
   * @param dir
   *            the direction. If the direction is REVERSE then the SingleID is constructed for the reverse direction.
   * @return a SingleID object or null
  public static SingleID parseSingleID(String id, int[] pos, int dir) {

    int start = pos[0];

    // The ID will be of the form A, A(), A(B), or (B), where
    // A and B are filter IDs.
    Specs specsA = null;
    Specs specsB = null;
    boolean sawParen = false;

    // On the first pass, look for (B) or ().  If this fails, then
    // on the second pass, look for A, A(B), or A().
    for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; ++pass) {
      if (pass == 2) {
        specsA = parseFilterID(id, pos, true);
        if (specsA == null) {
          pos[0] = start;
          return null;
      if (Utility.parseChar(id, pos, OPEN_REV)) {
        sawParen = true;
        if (!Utility.parseChar(id, pos, CLOSE_REV)) {
          specsB = parseFilterID(id, pos, true);
          // Must close with a ')'
          if (specsB == null || !Utility.parseChar(id, pos, CLOSE_REV)) {
            pos[0] = start;
            return null;

    // Assemble return results
    SingleID single;
    if (sawParen) {
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
        single = specsToID(specsA, FORWARD);
        single.canonID = single.canonID + OPEN_REV + specsToID(specsB, FORWARD).canonID + CLOSE_REV;
        if (specsA != null) {
          single.filter = specsA.filter;
      } else {
        single = specsToID(specsB, FORWARD);
        single.canonID = single.canonID + OPEN_REV + specsToID(specsA, FORWARD).canonID + CLOSE_REV;
        if (specsB != null) {
          single.filter = specsB.filter;
    } else {
      // assert(specsA != null);
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
        single = specsToID(specsA, FORWARD);
      } else {
        single = specsToSpecialInverse(specsA);
        if (single == null) {
          single = specsToID(specsA, REVERSE);
      single.filter = specsA.filter;

    return single;

   * Parse a global filter of the form "[f]" or "([f])", depending on 'withParens'.
   * @param id
   *            the pattern the parse
   * @param pos
   *            INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. On input, the position of the first character to parse. On output, the position after the last
   *            character parsed.
   * @param dir
   *            the direction.
   * @param withParens
   *            INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. On entry, if withParens[0] is 0, then parens are disallowed. If it is 1, then parens are requires.
   *            If it is -1, then parens are optional, and the return result will be set to 0 or 1.
   * @param canonID
   *            OUTPUT parameter. The pattern for the filter added to the canonID, either at the end, if dir is FORWARD, or at the start,
   *            if dir is REVERSE. The pattern will be enclosed in parentheses if appropriate, and will be suffixed with an ID_DELIM
   *            character. May be null.
   * @return a UnicodeSet object or null. A non-null results indicates a successful parse, regardless of whether the filter applies to the
   *         given direction. The caller should discard it if withParens != (dir == REVERSE).
  public static UnicodeSet parseGlobalFilter(String id, int[] pos, int dir, int[] withParens, StringBuffer canonID) {
    UnicodeSet filter = null;
    int start = pos[0];

    if (withParens[0] == -1) {
      withParens[0] = Utility.parseChar(id, pos, OPEN_REV) ? 1 : 0;
    } else if (withParens[0] == 1) {
      if (!Utility.parseChar(id, pos, OPEN_REV)) {
        pos[0] = start;
        return null;

    pos[0] = PatternProps.skipWhiteSpace(id, pos[0]);

    if (UnicodeSet.resemblesPattern(id, pos[0])) {
      ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(pos[0]);
      try {
        filter = new UnicodeSet(id, ppos, null);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        pos[0] = start;
        return null;

      String pattern = id.substring(pos[0], ppos.getIndex());
      pos[0] = ppos.getIndex();

      if (withParens[0] == 1 && !Utility.parseChar(id, pos, CLOSE_REV)) {
        pos[0] = start;
        return null;

      // In the forward direction, append the pattern to the
      // canonID.  In the reverse, insert it at zero, and invert
      // the presence of parens ("A" <-> "(A)").
      if (canonID != null) {
        if (dir == FORWARD) {
          if (withParens[0] == 1) {
            pattern = String.valueOf(OPEN_REV) + pattern + CLOSE_REV;
          canonID.append(pattern + ID_DELIM);
        } else {
          if (withParens[0] == 0) {
            pattern = String.valueOf(OPEN_REV) + pattern + CLOSE_REV;
          canonID.insert(0, pattern + ID_DELIM);

    return filter;

   * Parse a compound ID, consisting of an optional forward global filter, a separator, one or more single IDs delimited by separators, an
   * an optional reverse global filter. The separator is a semicolon. The global filters are UnicodeSet patterns. The reverse global
   * filter must be enclosed in parentheses.
   * @param id
   *            the pattern the parse
   * @param dir
   *            the direction.
   * @param canonID
   *            OUTPUT parameter that receives the canonical ID, consisting of canonical IDs for all elements, as returned by
   *            parseSingleID(), separated by semicolons. Previous contents are discarded.
   * @param list
   *            OUTPUT parameter that receives a list of SingleID objects representing the parsed IDs. Previous contents are discarded.
   * @param globalFilter
   *            OUTPUT parameter that receives a pointer to a newly created global filter for this ID in this direction, or null if there
   *            is none.
   * @return true if the parse succeeds, that is, if the entire id is consumed without syntax error.
  public static boolean parseCompoundID(String id, int dir, StringBuffer canonID, List<SingleID> list, UnicodeSet[] globalFilter) {
    int[] pos = new int[] { 0 };
    int[] withParens = new int[1];
    UnicodeSet filter;
    globalFilter[0] = null;

    // Parse leading global filter, if any
    withParens[0] = 0; // parens disallowed
    filter = parseGlobalFilter(id, pos, dir, withParens, canonID);
    if (filter != null) {
      if (!Utility.parseChar(id, pos, ID_DELIM)) {
        // Not a global filter; backup and resume
        pos[0] = 0;
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
        globalFilter[0] = filter;

    boolean sawDelimiter = true;
    for (;;) {
      SingleID single = parseSingleID(id, pos, dir);
      if (single == null) {
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
      } else {
        list.add(0, single);
      if (!Utility.parseChar(id, pos, ID_DELIM)) {
        sawDelimiter = false;

    if (list.size() == 0) {
      return false;

    // Construct canonical ID
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
      SingleID single = list.get(i);
      if (i != (list.size() - 1)) {

    // Parse trailing global filter, if any, and only if we saw
    // a trailing delimiter after the IDs.
    if (sawDelimiter) {
      withParens[0] = 1; // parens required
      filter = parseGlobalFilter(id, pos, dir, withParens, canonID);
      if (filter != null) {
        // Don't require trailing ';', but parse it if present
        Utility.parseChar(id, pos, ID_DELIM);

        if (dir == REVERSE) {
          globalFilter[0] = filter;

    // Trailing unparsed text is a syntax error
    pos[0] = PatternProps.skipWhiteSpace(id, pos[0]);
    if (pos[0] != id.length()) {
      return false;

    return true;

   * Returns the list of Transliterator objects for the given list of SingleID objects.
   * @param ids
   *            list vector of SingleID objects.
   * @return Actual transliterators for the list of SingleIDs
  static List<Transliterator> instantiateList(List<SingleID> ids) {
    Transliterator t;
    List<Transliterator> translits = new ArrayList<Transliterator>();
    for (SingleID single : ids) {
      if (single.basicID.length() == 0) {
      t = single.getInstance();
      if (t == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal ID " + single.canonID);

    // An empty list is equivalent to a Null transliterator.
    if (translits.size() == 0) {
      t = Transliterator.getBasicInstance("Any-Null", null);
      if (t == null) {
        // Should never happen
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error; cannot instantiate Any-Null");
    return translits;

   * Parse an ID into pieces. Take IDs of the form T, T/V, S-T, S-T/V, or S/V-T. If the source is missing, return a source of ANY.
   * @param id
   *            the id string, in any of several forms
   * @return an array of 4 strings: source, target, variant, and isSourcePresent. If the source is not present, ANY will be given as the
   *         source, and isSourcePresent will be null. Otherwise isSourcePresent will be non-null. The target may be empty if the id is
   *         not well-formed. The variant may be empty.
  public static String[] IDtoSTV(String id) {
    String source = ANY;
    String target = null;
    String variant = "";

    int sep = id.indexOf(TARGET_SEP);
    int var = id.indexOf(VARIANT_SEP);
    if (var < 0) {
      var = id.length();
    boolean isSourcePresent = false;

    if (sep < 0) {
      // Form: T/V or T (or /V)
      target = id.substring(0, var);
      variant = id.substring(var);
    } else if (sep < var) {
      // Form: S-T/V or S-T (or -T/V or -T)
      if (sep > 0) {
        source = id.substring(0, sep);
        isSourcePresent = true;
      target = id.substring(++sep, var);
      variant = id.substring(var);
    } else {
      // Form: (S/V-T or /V-T)
      if (var > 0) {
        source = id.substring(0, var);
        isSourcePresent = true;
      variant = id.substring(var, sep++);
      target = id.substring(sep);

    if (variant.length() > 0) {
      variant = variant.substring(1);

    return new String[] { source, target, variant, isSourcePresent ? "" : null };

   * Given source, target, and variant strings, concatenate them into a full ID. If the source is empty, then "Any" will be used for the
   * source, so the ID will always be of the form s-t/v or s-t.
  public static String STVtoID(String source, String target, String variant) {
    StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder(source);
    if (id.length() == 0) {
    if (variant != null && variant.length() != 0) {
    return id.toString();

   * Register two targets as being inverses of one another. For example, calling registerSpecialInverse("NFC", "NFD", true) causes
   * Transliterator to form the following inverse relationships:
   * <pre>
   * NFC => NFD
   * Any-NFC => Any-NFD
   * NFD => NFC
   * Any-NFD => Any-NFC
   * </pre>
   * (Without the special inverse registration, the inverse of NFC would be NFC-Any.) Note that NFD is shorthand for Any-NFD, but that the
   * presence or absence of "Any-" is preserved.
   * <p>
   * The relationship is symmetrical; registering (a, b) is equivalent to registering (b, a).
   * <p>
   * The relevant IDs must still be registered separately as factories or classes.
   * <p>
   * Only the targets are specified. Special inverses always have the form Any-Target1 <=> Any-Target2. The target should have canonical
   * casing (the casing desired to be produced when an inverse is formed) and should contain no whitespace or other extraneous characters.
   * @param target
   *            the target against which to register the inverse
   * @param inverseTarget
   *            the inverse of target, that is Any-target.getInverse() => Any-inverseTarget
   * @param bidirectional
   *            if true, register the reverse relation as well, that is, Any-inverseTarget.getInverse() => Any-target
  public static void registerSpecialInverse(String target, String inverseTarget, boolean bidirectional) {
    SPECIAL_INVERSES.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(target), inverseTarget);
    if (bidirectional && !target.equalsIgnoreCase(inverseTarget)) {
      SPECIAL_INVERSES.put(new CaseInsensitiveString(inverseTarget), target);

  // Private implementation

   * Parse an ID into component pieces. Take IDs of the form T, T/V, S-T, S-T/V, or S/V-T. If the source is missing, return a source of
   * ANY.
   * @param id
   *            the id string, in any of several forms
   * @param pos
   *            INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. On input, pos[0] is the offset of the first character to parse in id. On output, pos[0] is the
   *            offset after the last parsed character. If the parse failed, pos[0] will be unchanged.
   * @param allowFilter
   *            if true, a UnicodeSet pattern is allowed at any location between specs or delimiters, and is returned as the fifth string
   *            in the array.
   * @return a Specs object, or null if the parse failed. If neither source nor target was seen in the parsed id, then the parse fails. If
   *         allowFilter is true, then the parsed filter pattern is returned in the Specs object, otherwise the returned filter reference
   *         is null. If the parse fails for any reason null is returned.
  private static Specs parseFilterID(String id, int[] pos, boolean allowFilter) {
    String first = null;
    String source = null;
    String target = null;
    String variant = null;
    String filter = null;
    char delimiter = 0;
    int specCount = 0;
    int start = pos[0];

    // This loop parses one of the following things with each
    // pass: a filter, a delimiter character (either '-' or '/'),
    // or a spec (source, target, or variant).
    for (;;) {
      pos[0] = PatternProps.skipWhiteSpace(id, pos[0]);
      if (pos[0] == id.length()) {

      // Parse filters
      if (allowFilter && filter == null && UnicodeSet.resemblesPattern(id, pos[0])) {

        ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(pos[0]);
        // Parse the set to get the position.
        new UnicodeSet(id, ppos, null);
        filter = id.substring(pos[0], ppos.getIndex());
        pos[0] = ppos.getIndex();

      if (delimiter == 0) {
        char c = id.charAt(pos[0]);
        if ((c == TARGET_SEP && target == null) || (c == VARIANT_SEP && variant == null)) {
          delimiter = c;

      // We are about to try to parse a spec with no delimiter
      // when we can no longer do so (we can only do so at the
      // start); break.
      if (delimiter == 0 && specCount > 0) {

      String spec = Utility.parseUnicodeIdentifier(id, pos);
      if (spec == null) {
        // Note that if there was a trailing delimiter, we
        // consume it.  So Foo-, Foo/, Foo-Bar/, and Foo/Bar-
        // are legal.

      switch (delimiter) {
      case 0:
        first = spec;
      case TARGET_SEP:
        target = spec;
      case VARIANT_SEP:
        variant = spec;
      delimiter = 0;

    // A spec with no prior character is either source or target,
    // depending on whether an explicit "-target" was seen.
    if (first != null) {
      if (target == null) {
        target = first;
      } else {
        source = first;

    // Must have either source or target
    if (source == null && target == null) {
      pos[0] = start;
      return null;

    // Empty source or target defaults to ANY
    boolean sawSource = true;
    if (source == null) {
      source = ANY;
      sawSource = false;
    if (target == null) {
      target = ANY;

    return new Specs(source, target, variant, sawSource, filter);

   * Givens a Spec object, convert it to a SingleID object. The Spec object is a more unprocessed parse result. The SingleID object
   * contains information about canonical and basic IDs.
   * @return a SingleID; never returns null. Returned object always has 'filter' field of null.
  private static SingleID specsToID(Specs specs, int dir) {
    String canonID = "";
    String basicID = "";
    String basicPrefix = "";
    if (specs != null) {
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      if (dir == FORWARD) {
        if (specs.sawSource) {
        } else {
          basicPrefix = specs.source + TARGET_SEP;
      } else {
      if (specs.variant != null) {
      basicID = basicPrefix + buf.toString();
      if (specs.filter != null) {
        buf.insert(0, specs.filter);
      canonID = buf.toString();
    return new SingleID(canonID, basicID);

   * Given a Specs object, return a SingleID representing the special inverse of that ID. If there is no special inverse then return null.
   * @return a SingleID or null. Returned object always has 'filter' field of null.
  private static SingleID specsToSpecialInverse(Specs specs) {
    if (!specs.source.equalsIgnoreCase(ANY)) {
      return null;
    String inverseTarget = SPECIAL_INVERSES.get(new CaseInsensitiveString(;
    if (inverseTarget != null) {
      // If the original ID contained "Any-" then make the
      // special inverse "Any-Foo"; otherwise make it "Foo".
      // So "Any-NFC" => "Any-NFD" but "NFC" => "NFD".
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
      if (specs.filter != null) {
      if (specs.sawSource) {

      String basicID = ANY + TARGET_SEP + inverseTarget;

      if (specs.variant != null) {
        basicID = basicID + VARIANT_SEP + specs.variant;
      return new SingleID(buf.toString(), basicID);
    return null;


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