* Copyright (C) 2011-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
package com.ibm.icu.impl;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.TextTrieMap.ResultHandler;
import com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames;
import com.ibm.icu.util.TimeZone;
import com.ibm.icu.util.TimeZone.SystemTimeZoneType;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
import com.ibm.icu.util.UResourceBundle;
* The standard ICU implementation of TimeZoneNames
public class TimeZoneNamesImpl extends TimeZoneNames {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2179814848495897472L;
private static final String ZONE_STRINGS_BUNDLE = "zoneStrings";
private static final String MZ_PREFIX = "meta:";
private static Set<String> METAZONE_IDS;
private static final TZ2MZsCache TZ_TO_MZS_CACHE = new TZ2MZsCache();
private static final MZ2TZsCache MZ_TO_TZS_CACHE = new MZ2TZsCache();
private transient ICUResourceBundle _zoneStrings;
// These are hard cache. We create only one TimeZoneNamesImpl per locale
// and it's stored in SoftCache, so we do not need to worry about the
// footprint much.
private transient ConcurrentHashMap<String, ZNames> _mzNamesMap;
private transient ConcurrentHashMap<String, TZNames> _tzNamesMap;
private transient TextTrieMap<NameInfo> _namesTrie;
private transient boolean _namesTrieFullyLoaded;
public TimeZoneNamesImpl(final ULocale locale) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getAvailableMetaZoneIDs()
public synchronized Set<String> getAvailableMetaZoneIDs() {
if (METAZONE_IDS == null) {
UResourceBundle bundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, "metaZones");
UResourceBundle mapTimezones = bundle.get("mapTimezones");
Set<String> keys = mapTimezones.keySet();
METAZONE_IDS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(keys);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(java.lang.String)
public Set<String> getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(final String tzID) {
if (tzID == null || tzID.length() == 0) {
return Collections.emptySet();
List<MZMapEntry> maps = TZ_TO_MZS_CACHE.getInstance(tzID, tzID);
if (maps.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> mzIDs = new HashSet<String>(maps.size());
for (MZMapEntry map : maps) {
// make it unmodifiable because of the API contract. We may cache the results in futre.
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mzIDs);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getMetaZoneID(java.lang.String, long)
public String getMetaZoneID(final String tzID, final long date) {
if (tzID == null || tzID.length() == 0) {
return null;
String mzID = null;
List<MZMapEntry> maps = TZ_TO_MZS_CACHE.getInstance(tzID, tzID);
for (MZMapEntry map : maps) {
if (date >= map.from() && date < map.to()) {
mzID = map.mzID();
return mzID;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getReferenceZoneID(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public String getReferenceZoneID(final String mzID, final String region) {
if (mzID == null || mzID.length() == 0) {
return null;
String refID = null;
Map<String, String> regionTzMap = MZ_TO_TZS_CACHE.getInstance(mzID, mzID);
if (!regionTzMap.isEmpty()) {
refID = regionTzMap.get(region);
if (refID == null) {
refID = regionTzMap.get("001");
return refID;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getMetaZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String, com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames.NameType)
public String getMetaZoneDisplayName(final String mzID, final NameType type) {
if (mzID == null || mzID.length() == 0) {
return null;
return loadMetaZoneNames(mzID).getName(type);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getTimeZoneDisplayName(java.lang.String, com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames.NameType)
public String getTimeZoneDisplayName(final String tzID, final NameType type) {
if (tzID == null || tzID.length() == 0) {
return null;
return loadTimeZoneNames(tzID).getName(type);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#getExemplarLocationName(java.lang.String)
public String getExemplarLocationName(final String tzID) {
if (tzID == null || tzID.length() == 0) {
return null;
String locName = loadTimeZoneNames(tzID).getName(NameType.EXEMPLAR_LOCATION);
return locName;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.TimeZoneNames#find(java.lang.CharSequence, int, java.util.Set)
public synchronized Collection<MatchInfo> find(final CharSequence text, final int start, final EnumSet<NameType> nameTypes) {
if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || start < 0 || start >= text.length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad input text or range");
NameSearchHandler handler = new NameSearchHandler(nameTypes);
_namesTrie.find(text, start, handler);
if (handler.getMaxMatchLen() == (text.length() - start) || _namesTrieFullyLoaded) {
// perfect match
return handler.getMatches();
// All names are not yet loaded into the trie
// time zone names
Set<String> tzIDs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(SystemTimeZoneType.CANONICAL, null, null);
for (String tzID : tzIDs) {
// meta zone names
Set<String> mzIDs = getAvailableMetaZoneIDs();
for (String mzID : mzIDs) {
_namesTrieFullyLoaded = true;
// now, try it again
_namesTrie.find(text, start, handler);
return handler.getMatches();
* Initialize the transient fields, called from the constructor and readObject.
* @param locale
* The locale
private void initialize(final ULocale locale) {
ICUResourceBundle bundle = (ICUResourceBundle) ICUResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_ZONE_BASE_NAME, locale);
_zoneStrings = (ICUResourceBundle) bundle.get(ZONE_STRINGS_BUNDLE);
_tzNamesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TZNames>();
_mzNamesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ZNames>();
_namesTrie = new TextTrieMap<NameInfo>(true);
_namesTrieFullyLoaded = false;
// Preload zone strings for the default time zone
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
String tzCanonicalID = ZoneMeta.getCanonicalCLDRID(tz);
if (tzCanonicalID != null) {
* Load all strings used by the specified time zone. This is called from the initializer to load default zone's strings.
* @param tzCanonicalID
* the canonical time zone ID
private synchronized void loadStrings(final String tzCanonicalID) {
if (tzCanonicalID == null || tzCanonicalID.length() == 0) {
Set<String> mzIDs = getAvailableMetaZoneIDs(tzCanonicalID);
for (String mzID : mzIDs) {
* The custom serialization method.
* This implementation only preserve locale object used for the names.
private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
ULocale locale = _zoneStrings.getULocale();
* The custom deserialization method.
* This implementation only read locale object used by the object.
private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
ULocale locale = (ULocale) in.readObject();
* Returns a set of names for the given meta zone ID. This method loads the set of names into the internal map and trie for future
* references.
* @param mzID
* the meta zone ID
* @return An instance of ZNames that includes a set of meta zone display names.
private synchronized ZNames loadMetaZoneNames(String mzID) {
ZNames znames = _mzNamesMap.get(mzID);
if (znames == null) {
znames = ZNames.getInstance(_zoneStrings, MZ_PREFIX + mzID);
// put names into the trie
mzID = mzID.intern();
for (NameType t : NameType.values()) {
String name = znames.getName(t);
if (name != null) {
NameInfo info = new NameInfo();
info.mzID = mzID;
info.type = t;
_namesTrie.put(name, info);
ZNames tmpZnames = _mzNamesMap.putIfAbsent(mzID, znames);
znames = (tmpZnames == null) ? znames : tmpZnames;
return znames;
* Returns a set of names for the given time zone ID. This method loads the set of names into the internal map and trie for future
* references.
* @param tzID
* the canonical time zone ID
* @return An instance of TZNames that includes a set of time zone display names.
private synchronized TZNames loadTimeZoneNames(String tzID) {
TZNames tznames = _tzNamesMap.get(tzID);
if (tznames == null) {
tznames = TZNames.getInstance(_zoneStrings, tzID.replace('/', ':'), tzID);
// put names into the trie
tzID = tzID.intern();
for (NameType t : NameType.values()) {
String name = tznames.getName(t);
if (name != null) {
NameInfo info = new NameInfo();
info.tzID = tzID;
info.type = t;
_namesTrie.put(name, info);
TZNames tmpTznames = _tzNamesMap.putIfAbsent(tzID, tznames);
tznames = (tmpTznames == null) ? tznames : tmpTznames;
return tznames;
* An instance of NameInfo is stored in the zone names trie.
private static class NameInfo {
String tzID;
String mzID;
NameType type;
* NameSearchHandler is used for collecting name matches.
private static class NameSearchHandler implements ResultHandler<NameInfo> {
private EnumSet<NameType> _nameTypes;
private Collection<MatchInfo> _matches;
private int _maxMatchLen;
NameSearchHandler(final EnumSet<NameType> nameTypes) {
_nameTypes = nameTypes;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.impl.TextTrieMap.ResultHandler#handlePrefixMatch(int, java.util.Iterator)
public boolean handlePrefixMatch(final int matchLength, final Iterator<NameInfo> values) {
while (values.hasNext()) {
NameInfo ninfo = values.next();
if (_nameTypes != null && !_nameTypes.contains(ninfo.type)) {
MatchInfo minfo;
if (ninfo.tzID != null) {
minfo = new MatchInfo(ninfo.type, ninfo.tzID, null, matchLength);
} else {
assert (ninfo.mzID != null);
minfo = new MatchInfo(ninfo.type, null, ninfo.mzID, matchLength);
if (_matches == null) {
_matches = new LinkedList<MatchInfo>();
if (matchLength > _maxMatchLen) {
_maxMatchLen = matchLength;
return true;
* Returns the match results
* @return the match results
public Collection<MatchInfo> getMatches() {
if (_matches == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return _matches;
* Returns the maximum match length, or 0 if no match was found
* @return the maximum match length
public int getMaxMatchLen() {
return _maxMatchLen;
* Resets the match results
public void resetResults() {
_matches = null;
_maxMatchLen = 0;
* This class stores name data for a meta zone
private static class ZNames {
private static final ZNames EMPTY_ZNAMES = new ZNames(null);
private String[] _names;
private static final String[] KEYS = { "lg", "ls", "ld", "sg", "ss", "sd" };
protected ZNames(final String[] names) {
_names = names;
public static ZNames getInstance(final ICUResourceBundle zoneStrings, final String key) {
String[] names = loadData(zoneStrings, key);
if (names == null) {
return new ZNames(names);
public String getName(final NameType type) {
if (_names == null) {
return null;
String name = null;
switch (type) {
name = _names[0];
name = _names[1];
name = _names[2];
name = _names[3];
name = _names[4];
name = _names[5];
name = null; // implemented by subclass
return name;
protected static String[] loadData(final ICUResourceBundle zoneStrings, final String key) {
if (zoneStrings == null || key == null || key.length() == 0) {
return null;
ICUResourceBundle table = null;
try {
table = zoneStrings.getWithFallback(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return null;
boolean isEmpty = true;
String[] names = new String[KEYS.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
try {
names[i] = table.getStringWithFallback(KEYS[i]);
isEmpty = false;
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
names[i] = null;
if (isEmpty) {
return null;
return names;
* This class stores name data for a single time zone
private static class TZNames extends ZNames {
private String _locationName;
private static final TZNames EMPTY_TZNAMES = new TZNames(null, null);
public static TZNames getInstance(final ICUResourceBundle zoneStrings, final String key, final String tzID) {
if (zoneStrings == null || key == null || key.length() == 0) {
String[] names = loadData(zoneStrings, key);
String locationName = null;
ICUResourceBundle table = null;
try {
table = zoneStrings.getWithFallback(key);
locationName = table.getStringWithFallback("ec");
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
// fall through
if (locationName == null) {
locationName = getDefaultExemplarLocationName(tzID);
if (locationName == null && names == null) {
return new TZNames(names, locationName);
public String getName(final NameType type) {
if (type == NameType.EXEMPLAR_LOCATION) {
return _locationName;
return super.getName(type);
private TZNames(final String[] names, final String locationName) {
_locationName = locationName;
// Canonical time zone ID -> meta zone ID
private static class MZMapEntry {
private String _mzID;
private long _from;
private long _to;
MZMapEntry(final String mzID, final long from, final long to) {
_mzID = mzID;
_from = from;
_to = to;
String mzID() {
return _mzID;
long from() {
return _from;
long to() {
return _to;
private static class TZ2MZsCache extends SoftCache<String, List<MZMapEntry>, String> {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.impl.CacheBase#createInstance(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
protected List<MZMapEntry> createInstance(final String key, final String data) {
List<MZMapEntry> mzMaps = null;
UResourceBundle bundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, "metaZones");
UResourceBundle metazoneInfoBundle = bundle.get("metazoneInfo");
String tzkey = data.replace('/', ':');
try {
UResourceBundle zoneBundle = metazoneInfoBundle.get(tzkey);
mzMaps = new ArrayList<MZMapEntry>(zoneBundle.getSize());
for (int idx = 0; idx < zoneBundle.getSize(); idx++) {
UResourceBundle mz = zoneBundle.get(idx);
String mzid = mz.getString(0);
String fromStr = "1970-01-01 00:00";
String toStr = "9999-12-31 23:59";
if (mz.getSize() == 3) {
fromStr = mz.getString(1);
toStr = mz.getString(2);
long from, to;
from = parseDate(fromStr);
to = parseDate(toStr);
mzMaps.add(new MZMapEntry(mzid, from, to));
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
mzMaps = Collections.emptyList();
return mzMaps;
* Private static method parsing the date text used by meta zone to time zone mapping data in locale resource.
* @param text
* the UTC date text in the format of "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", for example - "1970-01-01 00:00"
* @return the date
private static long parseDate(final String text) {
int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0;
int idx;
int n;
// "yyyy" (0 - 3)
for (idx = 0; idx <= 3; idx++) {
n = text.charAt(idx) - '0';
if (n >= 0 && n < 10) {
year = 10 * year + n;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad year");
// "MM" (5 - 6)
for (idx = 5; idx <= 6; idx++) {
n = text.charAt(idx) - '0';
if (n >= 0 && n < 10) {
month = 10 * month + n;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad month");
// "dd" (8 - 9)
for (idx = 8; idx <= 9; idx++) {
n = text.charAt(idx) - '0';
if (n >= 0 && n < 10) {
day = 10 * day + n;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad day");
// "HH" (11 - 12)
for (idx = 11; idx <= 12; idx++) {
n = text.charAt(idx) - '0';
if (n >= 0 && n < 10) {
hour = 10 * hour + n;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad hour");
// "mm" (14 - 15)
for (idx = 14; idx <= 15; idx++) {
n = text.charAt(idx) - '0';
if (n >= 0 && n < 10) {
min = 10 * min + n;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad minute");
long date = Grego.fieldsToDay(year, month - 1, day) * Grego.MILLIS_PER_DAY + (long) hour * Grego.MILLIS_PER_HOUR + (long) min
return date;
// Meta zone ID -> time zone ID
private static class MZ2TZsCache extends SoftCache<String, Map<String, String>, String> {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.impl.CacheBase#createInstance(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
protected Map<String, String> createInstance(final String key, final String data) {
Map<String, String> map = null;
UResourceBundle bundle = UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, "metaZones");
UResourceBundle mapTimezones = bundle.get("mapTimezones");
try {
UResourceBundle regionMap = mapTimezones.get(key);
Set<String> regions = regionMap.keySet();
map = new HashMap<String, String>(regions.size());
for (String region : regions) {
String tzID = regionMap.getString(region).intern();
map.put(region.intern(), tzID);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
map = Collections.emptyMap();
return map;
private static final Pattern LOC_EXCLUSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("Etc/.*|SystemV/.*|.*/Riyadh8[7-9]");
* Default exemplar location name based on time zone ID
* @param tzID
* the time zone ID
* @return the exemplar location name or null if location is not available.
public static String getDefaultExemplarLocationName(final String tzID) {
if (tzID == null || tzID.length() == 0 || LOC_EXCLUSION_PATTERN.matcher(tzID).matches()) {
return null;
String location = null;
int sep = tzID.lastIndexOf('/');
if (sep > 0 && sep + 1 < tzID.length()) {
location = tzID.substring(sep + 1).replace('_', ' ');
return location;