package com.tellapart.cascading.hbase;
import cascading.CascadingException;
import cascading.hbase.HBaseScheme;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
// Yes, we're using the old Hadoop APIs until Cascading is ready for the new ones.
// Sigh.
* The SerializingHBaseScheme class is a {@link HBaseScheme} subclass.
* It is used in conjunction with the {@HBaseTap} to allow for the reading and writing of data to
* and from a HBase cluster.
* Unlike HBaseScheme, it supports serialization of the types inside the Tuples, as well as
* returning the timestamp of the HBase cell that was read.
* This must extend HBaseScheme since HBaseTap only takes an HBaseScheme.
* The other option is to make our own HBaseTap, or modify HBaseScheme directly.
* @see HBaseTap
public class SerializingHBaseScheme extends HBaseScheme {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Indicates if the scheme is used for reading or writing.
// This is a bit of a hack: Cascading doesn't allow a tap equal to another tap
// to be used both as a source and a sink for a Flow.
// For HBaseTaps, this is sometimes desirable -- if we want to read from a column
// in HBase, do some transformation, and write back to the same column. In such
// a case, normally, the HBaseTaps and schemes are equal so Cascading throws an error.
// To overcome this, we can mark one of the schemes for read and the other for write,
// and make sure (in the equals() method), that this is used for distinguishing between
// these kinds of taps. That way we can tell Cascading that it's OK to both read and
// write from this same source.
public enum Direction {
// Serialization object used to serialize and deserialize values.
private HBaseSerialization mSerialization;
// Indicates if the scheme will return timestamped results.
private boolean mIsTimestamped = false;
// The Direction of this scheme (READ or WRITE).
private Direction mDirection;
// Indicates which classes we expect the HBase table to contain.
private Class<?>[] mClasses;
// Corresponds to what we should set hbase.client.scanner.caching for this scheme.
// If not set, we do not override the jobconf value.
private Integer mClientScanCaching = null;
* Constructor SerializingHBaseScheme creates a new SerializingHBaseScheme instance using fully
* qualified column names. This means that the names of the fields in valueFields should
* correspond to the column family names in hbase that we will be pulling our data from.
* @param keyField the Field that will be used for the row key.
* @param valueFields the Fields, from the input pipe into this scheme, that will be written
* out to HBase. Each Field must be an HBase column.
* @param valueClasses the Classes that correspond to the values inside each of the valueFields.
* When this is used as a source, these classes are used to determine
* how to deserialize the object corresponding to that field.
* @param isTimestamped When this is used as a source, determines whether to return the raw
* deserialized object in the output tuple, or the CellElement
* wrapper object which will carry the deserialized object as well as the
* HBase timestamp of the cell it came from.
* @param use The Direction (FOR_READ or FOR_WRITE) of this scheme.
public SerializingHBaseScheme(Fields keyField, Fields valueFields, Class<?>[] valueClasses,
boolean isTimestamped, Direction direction) {
super(keyField, valueFields);
validateClasses(valueFields, valueClasses);
mClasses = valueClasses;
mIsTimestamped = isTimestamped;
mDirection = direction;
public SerializingHBaseScheme(Fields keyField, String familyName, Fields valueFields,
Class<?>[] valueClasses, boolean isTimestamped, Direction direction) {
super(keyField, familyName, valueFields);
validateClasses(valueFields, valueClasses);
mClasses = valueClasses;
mIsTimestamped = isTimestamped;
mDirection = direction;
* Sets the hbase.client.scanner.caching property for this scheme.
* This determines how many rows are cached for HBase reads.
* If not set, this defers to the hbase.client.scanner.caching set in the job conf
* that invoked this scheme, or to the default of "10".
* @param clientScanCaching how many rows to cache.
public void setClientScanCaching(int clientScanCaching) {
mClientScanCaching = clientScanCaching;
* Validates that the number of classes passed in matches the number of fields.
private void validateClasses(Fields valueFields, Class<?>[] valueClasses) {
if (valueClasses.length != valueFields.size()) {
throw new CascadingException("Expected same number of classes and value fields for "
+ "SerializingHBaseScheme. "
+ "Got: " + valueClasses.length + " classes, and " + valueFields.size() + " fields.");
public void sinkInit(Tap tap, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
super.sinkInit(tap, conf);
// We can only initialize serialization here and not in the constructor since we don't have
// JobConf available to us in the constructor.
public void sourceInit(Tap tap, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
super.sourceInit(tap, conf);
// We can only initialize serialization here and not in the constructor since we don't have
// JobConf available to us in the constructor.
if (mClientScanCaching != null) {
conf.set("hbase.client.scanner.caching", mClientScanCaching.toString());
* Initialize the HBaseSerialization used to serialize and deserialize classes.
private void initSerialization(JobConf conf) {
mSerialization = new HBaseSerialization(conf);
protected byte[] toCell(Tuple tuple, int pos) {
return toCell(tuple.getObject(pos));
* Serializes the given object using HBaseSerialization.
* @param object object to serialize.
* @return byte[] serialized bytes of the object.
protected byte[] toCell(Object object) {
return mSerialization.serialize(object);
protected Object fromCell(Cell cell, int fieldIndex) {
if (cell == null) {
return null;
// Deserialize this element based on the Class we expect this column to contain.
Object element = mSerialization.deserialize(cell.getValue(), mClasses[fieldIndex]);
// Wrap the element in a CellElement if requested.
if (mIsTimestamped && element != null) {
return new CellElement(element, cell.getTimestamp());
} else {
return element;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
boolean isEqual = super.equals(other);
if (isEqual) {
SerializingHBaseScheme otherScheme = (SerializingHBaseScheme)other;
isEqual &= (otherScheme.mIsTimestamped == mIsTimestamped);
isEqual &= (otherScheme.mDirection == mDirection);
return isEqual;
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + "," + mIsTimestamped + "," + mDirection;