Part of the XQMode project - https://github.com/Manindra29/XQMode
Under Google Summer of Code 2012 -
Copyright (C) 2012 Manindra Moharana
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package quarkninja.mode.xqmode;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.Writer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CompilationProgress;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch.BatchCompiler;
import processing.app.Base;
import processing.app.SketchException;
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.mode.java.JavaEditor;
* This class is copied as it is from processing.mode.java.Compiler. This was
* needed so that it can access the required JDT jar files that have been class
* loaded along with XQMode.
* @author Manindra Moharana <mkmoharana29@gmail.com>
public class XQCompiler extends processing.mode.java.Compiler {
// public Compiler() { }
* Compile with ECJ. See http://j.mp/8paifz for documentation.
* @param sketch
* Sketch object to be compiled, used for placing exceptions
* @param buildPath
* Where the temporary files live and will be built from.
* @return true if successful.
* @throws RunnerException
* Only if there's a problem. Only then.
// public boolean compile(Sketch sketch,
// File srcFolder,
// File binFolder,
// String primaryClassName,
// String sketchClassPath,
// String bootClassPath) throws RunnerException {
static public boolean compile(XQJavaBuild build) throws SketchException {
// This will be filled in if anyone gets angry
SketchException exception = null;
boolean success = false;
String baseCommand[] = new String[] { "-Xemacs",
// "-noExit", // not necessary for ecj
"-source", "1.5", "-target", "1.5", "-classpath",
build.getClassPath(), "-nowarn", // we're not currently
// interested in warnings
// (works in ecj)
"-d", build.getBinFolder().getAbsolutePath() // output the
// classes in
// the buildPath
// PApplet.println(baseCommand);
// make list of code files that need to be compiled
// String[] sourceFiles = new String[sketch.getCodeCount()];
// int sourceCount = 0;
// sourceFiles[sourceCount++] =
// new File(buildPath, primaryClassName + ".java").getAbsolutePath();
// for (SketchCode code : sketch.getCode()) {
// if (code.isExtension("java")) {
// String path = new File(buildPath,
// code.getFileName()).getAbsolutePath();
// sourceFiles[sourceCount++] = path;
// }
// }
String[] sourceFiles = Base.listFiles(build.getSrcFolder(), false,
// String[] command = new String[baseCommand.length +
// sourceFiles.length];
// System.arraycopy(baseCommand, 0, command, 0, baseCommand.length);
// // append each of the files to the command string
// System.arraycopy(sourceFiles, 0, command, baseCommand.length,
// sourceCount);
String[] command = PApplet.concat(baseCommand, sourceFiles);
// PApplet.println(command);
try {
// Load errors into a local StringBuffer
final StringBuffer errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
// Create single method dummy writer class to slurp errors from ecj
Writer internalWriter = new Writer() {
public void write(char[] buf, int off, int len) {
errorBuffer.append(buf, off, len);
public void flush() {
public void close() {
// Wrap as a PrintWriter since that's what compile() wants
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(internalWriter);
// result = com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(command, writer);
CompilationProgress progress = null;
PrintWriter outWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out);
success = BatchCompiler.compile(command, outWriter, writer,
// Close out the stream for good measure
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(
// System.err.println(errorBuffer.toString());
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// System.out.println("got line " + line); // debug
// get first line, which contains file name, line number,
// and at least the first line of the error message
String errorFormat = "([\\w\\d_]+.java):(\\d+):\\s*(.*):\\s*(.*)\\s*";
String[] pieces = PApplet.match(line, errorFormat);
// PApplet.println(pieces);
// if it's something unexpected, die and print the mess to the
// console
if (pieces == null) {
exception = new SketchException("Cannot parse error text: "
+ line);
// Send out the rest of the error message to the console.
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
// translate the java filename and line number into a
// un-preprocessed
// location inside a source file or tab in the environment.
String dotJavaFilename = pieces[1];
// Line numbers are 1-indexed from javac
int dotJavaLineIndex = PApplet.parseInt(pieces[2]) - 1;
String errorMessage = pieces[4];
exception = build.placeException(errorMessage, dotJavaFilename,
* int codeIndex = 0; //-1; int codeLine = -1;
* // first check to see if it's a .java file for (int i = 0; i
* < sketch.getCodeCount(); i++) { SketchCode code =
* sketch.getCode(i); if (code.isExtension("java")) { if
* (dotJavaFilename.equals(code.getFileName())) { codeIndex = i;
* codeLine = dotJavaLineIndex; } } }
* // if it's not a .java file, codeIndex will still be 0 if
* (codeIndex == 0) { // main class, figure out which tab //for
* (int i = 1; i < sketch.getCodeCount(); i++) { for (int i = 0;
* i < sketch.getCodeCount(); i++) { SketchCode code =
* sketch.getCode(i);
* if (code.isExtension("pde")) { if (code.getPreprocOffset() <=
* dotJavaLineIndex) { codeIndex = i;
* //System.out.println("i'm thinkin file " + i); codeLine =
* dotJavaLineIndex - code.getPreprocOffset(); } } } }
* //System.out.println("code line now " + codeLine); exception
* = new RunnerException(errorMessage, codeIndex, codeLine, -1,
* false);
if (exception == null) {
exception = new SketchException(errorMessage);
// for a test case once message parsing is implemented,
// use new Font(...) since that wasn't getting picked up
// properly.
* if (errorMessage.equals("cannot find symbol")) {
* handleCannotFindSymbol(reader, exception);
* } else if (errorMessage.indexOf("is already defined") != -1)
* { reader.readLine(); // repeats the line of code w/ error int
* codeColumn = caretColumn(reader.readLine()); exception = new
* RunnerException(errorMessage, codeIndex, codeLine,
* codeColumn);
* } else if (errorMessage.startsWith("package") &&
* errorMessage.endsWith("does not exist")) { // Because imports
* are stripped out and re-added to the 0th line of // the
* preprocessed code, codeLine will always be wrong for imports.
* exception = new RunnerException("P" +
* errorMessage.substring(1) +
* ". You might be missing a library."); } else { exception =
* new RunnerException(errorMessage); }
if (errorMessage.startsWith("The import ")
&& errorMessage.endsWith("cannot be resolved")) {
// The import poo cannot be resolved
// import poo.shoe.blah.*;
// String what =
// errorMessage.substring("The import ".length());
String[] m = PApplet.match(errorMessage,
"The import (.*) cannot be resolved");
// what = what.substring(0, what.indexOf(' '));
if (m != null) {
// System.out.println("'" + m[1] + "'");
if (m[1].equals("processing.xml")) {
.setMessage("processing.xml no longer exists, this code needs to be updated for 2.0.");
.println("The processing.xml library has been replaced "
+ "with a new 'XML' class that's built-in.");
} else {
exception.setMessage("The package " + "\u201C"
+ m[1] + "\u201D" + " does not exist. "
+ "You might be missing a library.");
.println("Libraries must be "
+ "installed in a folder named 'libraries' "
+ "inside the 'sketchbook' folder.");
// // Actually create the folder and open it for the user
// File sketchbookLibraries =
// Base.getSketchbookLibrariesFolder();
// if (!sketchbookLibraries.exists()) {
// if (sketchbookLibraries.mkdirs()) {
// Base.openFolder(sketchbookLibraries);
// }
// }
} else if (errorMessage
.endsWith("cannot be resolved to a type")) {
// xxx cannot be resolved to a type
// xxx c;
String what = errorMessage.substring(0,
errorMessage.indexOf(' '));
if (what.equals("BFont") || what.equals("BGraphics")
|| what.equals("BImage")) {
exception.setMessage(what + " has been replaced with P"
+ what.substring(1));
} else {
exception.setMessage("Cannot find a class or type "
+ "named \u201C" + what + "\u201D");
} else if (errorMessage.endsWith("cannot be resolved")) {
// xxx cannot be resolved
// println(xxx);
String what = errorMessage.substring(0,
errorMessage.indexOf(' '));
if (what.equals("LINE_LOOP") || what.equals("LINE_STRIP")) {
.setMessage("LINE_LOOP and LINE_STRIP are not available, "
+ "please update your code.");
} else if (what.equals("framerate")) {
.setMessage("framerate should be changed to frameRate.");
} else if (what.equals("screen")) {
.setMessage("Change screen.width and screen.height to "
+ "displayWidth and displayHeight.");
} else if (what.equals("screenWidth")
|| what.equals("screenHeight")) {
.setMessage("Change screenWidth and screenHeight to "
+ "displayWidth and displayHeight.");
} else {
exception.setMessage("Cannot find anything "
+ "named \u201C" + what + "\u201D");
} else if (errorMessage.startsWith("Duplicate")) {
// "Duplicate nested type xxx"
// "Duplicate local variable xxx"
} else {
String[] parts = null;
// The method xxx(String) is undefined for the type
// Temporary_XXXX_XXXX
// xxx("blah");
// The method xxx(String, int) is undefined for the type
// Temporary_XXXX_XXXX
// xxx("blah", 34);
// The method xxx(String, int) is undefined for the type
// PApplet
// PApplet.sub("ding");
String undefined = "The method (\\S+\\(.*\\)) is undefined for the type (.*)";
parts = PApplet.match(errorMessage, undefined);
if (parts != null) {
if (parts[1].equals("framerate(int)")) {
.setMessage("framerate() no longer exists, use frameRate() instead.");
} else if (parts[1].equals("push()")) {
.setMessage("push() no longer exists, use pushMatrix() instead.");
} else if (parts[1].equals("pop()")) {
.setMessage("pop() no longer exists, use popMatrix() instead.");
} else {
String mess = "The function " + parts[1]
+ " does not exist.";
if (exception != null) {
// The stack trace just shows that this happened inside the
// compiler,
// which is a red herring. Don't ever show it for compiler
// stuff.
} catch (IOException e) {
String bigSigh = "Error while compiling. (" + e.getMessage() + ")";
exception = new SketchException(bigSigh);
success = false;
// In case there was something else.
if (exception != null)
throw exception;
return success;
static protected void handleCrustyCode() {
System.err.println("This code needs to be updated "
+ "for this version of Processing, "
+ "please read the Changes page on the Wiki.");
protected int caretColumn(String caretLine) {
return caretLine.indexOf("^");