package org.farng.mp3.id3;
import org.farng.mp3.InvalidTagException;
import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectByteArraySizeTerminated;
import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectNumberFixedLength;
import org.farng.mp3.object.ObjectStringNullTerminated;
* <h3>4.25. Encryption method registration</h3>
* <p/>
* <p> To identify with which method a frame has been encrypted the<br>
* <p/>
* encryption method must be registered in the tag with this frame. The<br> 'Owner identifier'
* is a null-terminated string with a URL [URL]<br> containing an email address, or a link to a location
* where an email<br> address can be found, that belongs to the organisation responsible<br>
* for this specific encryption method. Questions regarding the<br>
* <p/>
* encryption method should be sent to the indicated email address. The<br> 'Method symbol'
* contains a value that is associated with this method<br> throughout the whole tag, in the range $80-F0.
* All other values are<br> reserved. The 'Method symbol' may optionally be followed by<br>
* encryption specific data. There may be several "ENCR"
* <p/>
* frames in a tag<br> but only one containing the same symbol and only one containing the<br>
* same owner identifier. The method must be used somewhere in the tag.<br> See the description of the
* frame encryption flag in the ID3v2<br> structure document [ID3v2-strct] for more information.</p>
* <p/>
* <p> <Header for 'Encryption method registration', ID: "ENCR"><br>
* Owner identifier <text string> $00<br>
* Method symbol $xx<br>
* <p/>
* Encryption data <binary data><br> </p>
* @author Eric Farng
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
public class FrameBodyENCR extends AbstractID3v2FrameBody {
* Creates a new FrameBodyENCR object.
public FrameBodyENCR() {
* Creates a new FrameBodyENCR object.
public FrameBodyENCR(final FrameBodyENCR body) {
* Creates a new FrameBodyENCR object.
public FrameBodyENCR(final String owner, final byte methodSymbol, final byte[] data) {
setObject("Owner", owner);
setObject("Method Symbol", new Byte(methodSymbol));
setObject("Encryption Data", data);
* Creates a new FrameBodyENCR object.
public FrameBodyENCR(final RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException, InvalidTagException {;
public String getIdentifier() {
return "ENCR" + ((char) 0) + getOwner();
public void setOwner(final String owner) {
setObject("Owner", owner);
public String getOwner() {
return (String) getObject("Owner");
protected void setupObjectList() {
appendToObjectList(new ObjectStringNullTerminated("Owner"));
appendToObjectList(new ObjectNumberFixedLength("Method Symbol", 1));
appendToObjectList(new ObjectByteArraySizeTerminated("Encryption Data"));