package magick4j.effects;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import magick4j.Constants;
import magick4j.MagickImage;
import magick4j.PixelPacket;
import magick4j.exceptions.OptionException;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.toRadians;
* @author serabe
public class ShadeEffect extends BasicEffect{
private boolean shading;
private double azimuth;
private double elevation;
public ShadeEffect(boolean shading, double azimuth, double elevation){
this.shading = shading;
this.azimuth = azimuth;
this.elevation = elevation;
protected MagickImage effect(MagickImage image) throws OptionException {
double[] light = this.calculateLightVector();
BufferedImage orig = image.getImageToConvolve(3);
MagickImage dst = image.createCompatible();
int h = image.getHeight(), w = image.getWidth();
int cw = w +2;
int lcw = cw*4;
int base;
double distance, normalDistance, shade;
double[] normal = new double[3];
double[][] p = new double[3][lcw];
double[] q = new double[w*4];
double[][] s = new double[3][cw];
WritableRaster o = orig.getRaster();
WritableRaster d = dst.getImage().getRaster();
p[1] = o.getPixels(0, 0, cw, 1, p[1]);
p[2] = o.getPixels(0, 1, cw, 1, p[2]);
for(int i = 0; i < cw; i++){
base = 4*i;
s[1][i] = PixelPacket.calculateIntensity(p[1], base);
s[2][i] = PixelPacket.calculateIntensity(p[2], base);
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++){
// Slide the p array.
System.arraycopy(p[1], 0, p[0], 0, lcw);
System.arraycopy(p[2], 0, p[1], 0, lcw);
p[2] = o.getPixels(0, y+2, cw, 1, p[2]);
// Slide the s array.
System.arraycopy(s[1], 0, s[0], 0, cw);
System.arraycopy(s[2], 0, s[1], 0, cw);
for(int i = 0; i < cw; i++){
base = 4*i;
s[2][i] = PixelPacket.calculateIntensity(p[2], base);
normal[2] = 2.0*Constants.QuantumRange;
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++){
normal[0] = s[0][x]+s[1][x]+s[2][x]-s[0][x+2]-s[1][x+2]-s[2][x+2];
normal[1] = s[2][x]+s[2][x+1]+s[2][x+2]-s[0][x]-s[0][x+1]-s[0][x+2];
if(normal[0] == 0.0 && normal[1] == 0.0)
shade = light[2];
shade = 0.0;
distance = normal[0]*light[0]+normal[1]*light[1]+normal[2]*light[2];
if(distance > Constants.MagickEpsilon){
normalDistance = normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1] + normal[2]*normal[2];
if(normalDistance > Constants.MagickEpsilon*Constants.MagickEpsilon)
shade = distance/sqrt(normalDistance);
base = x*4;
q[base+0] = shade;
q[base+1] = shade;
q[base+2] = shade;
q[base+0] = roundToQuantum(Constants.QuantumScale*shade*p[1][base+4+0]);
q[base+1] = roundToQuantum(Constants.QuantumScale*shade*p[1][base+4+1]);
q[base+2] = roundToQuantum(Constants.QuantumScale*shade*p[1][base+4+2]);
q[base+3] = p[1][base+4+3];
d.setPixels(0, y, w, 1, q);
return dst;
protected double[] calculateLightVector(){
double azimuthRadians = toRadians(this.azimuth);
double elevationRadians = toRadians(this.elevation);
double[] light = new double[3];
light[0] = Constants.QuantumRange*cos(azimuthRadians)*cos(elevationRadians);
light[1] = Constants.QuantumRange*sin(azimuthRadians)*cos(elevationRadians);
light[2] = Constants.QuantumRange*sin(elevationRadians);
return light;