package magick4j.effects;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import magick4j.Constants;
import magick4j.MagickImage;
import magick4j.PixelPacket;
import magick4j.exceptions.OptionException;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import static magick4j.Quantum.scaleQuantumToMap;
import static magick4j.Quantum.roundToQuantum;
* @author serabe
public class ContrastStretchEffect extends BasicEffect{
protected double blackPoint;
protected double currentWhitePoint;
protected double whitePoint;
public ContrastStretchEffect(double blackPoint, double whitePoint){
this.blackPoint = blackPoint;
this.whitePoint = whitePoint;
protected MagickImage effect(MagickImage image) throws OptionException {
MagickImage norm = image.createCompatible();
int h = image.getHeight(), w = image.getWidth();
int x, y, intensity, base;
this.currentWhitePoint = w*h-this.whitePoint;
double[] histogram = new double[(int) (Constants.MaxMap+1)*4];
double[] stretchMap = new double[(int) (Constants.MaxMap+1)*4];
double[] p = new double[w*4];
double[] q = new double[w*4];
double[] black = new double[4];
double[] white = new double[4];
WritableRaster o = image.getImage().getRaster();
WritableRaster d = norm.getImage().getRaster();
* Calculate histogram.
for(y = 0; y < h; y++){
p = o.getPixels(0, y, w, 1, p);
// TODO Include Channels
for(x = 0; x < w; x++){
intensity = 4*((int) round(scaleQuantumToMap(PixelPacket.calculateIntensity(p, x*4))));
* Find boundaries.
// TODO Include Channels.
black[0] = black[1] = black[2] = black[3] = 0;
white[0] = white[1] = white[2] = white[3] = (int) Constants.QuantumRange;
black[0] = minLimit(histogram, 0);
white[0] = maxLimit(histogram, 0);
black[1] = minLimit(histogram, 1);
white[1] = maxLimit(histogram, 1);
black[2] = minLimit(histogram, 2);
white[2] = maxLimit(histogram, 2);
//black[3] = minLimit(histogram, 0);
//white[3] = maxLimit(histogram, 0);
histogram = null;
* Calculate the strecht map
for(int i = 0; i<= Constants.MaxMap; i++){
base = 4*i;
// TODO Include Channels
stretchMap[base+0] = stretch(i, black[0], white[0]);
stretchMap[base+1] = stretch(i, black[1], white[1]);
stretchMap[base+2] = stretch(i, black[2], white[2]);
stretchMap[base+3] = 255;
* Modify the image.
for(y = 0; y < h; y++){
p = o.getPixels(0, y, w, 1, p);
System.arraycopy(p, 0, q, 0, w*4);
for(x = 0; x < w; x++){
base = x*4;
// TODO Include Channels.
q[base+0] = roundToQuantum(stretchMap[(int) (scaleQuantumToMap(p[base+0])*4+0)]);
q[base+1] = roundToQuantum(stretchMap[(int) (scaleQuantumToMap(p[base+1])*4+1)]);
q[base+2] = roundToQuantum(stretchMap[(int) (scaleQuantumToMap(p[base+2])*4+2)]);
q[base+3] = 255.0;
d.setPixels(0, y, w, 1, q);
return norm;
private int maxLimit(double[] histogram, int offSet) {
double intensity = 0.0;
int x = 0;
for(x = (int) Constants.MaxMap; x != 0 ; x--){
intensity += histogram[x*4 + offSet];
if(intensity > this.currentWhitePoint)
return x;
private int minLimit(double[] histogram, int offSet) {
double intensity = 0.0;
int x = 0;
for(x = 0; x <= Constants.MaxMap; x++){
intensity += histogram[x*4 + offSet];
if(intensity > this.blackPoint)
return x;
private double stretch(int i, double min, double max) {
if(i <= min){
return 0.0;
}else if(i >= max){
return Constants.QuantumRange;
}else if(min != max){
return scaleQuantumToMap(Constants.MaxMap*(i-min)/(max-min));
return 0.0;