* GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* http://geotools.org
* (C) 2006-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package tigerpoly;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.geotools.data.DataStore;
import org.geotools.data.DefaultQuery;
import org.geotools.data.DefaultTransaction;
import org.geotools.data.FeatureReader;
import org.geotools.data.FeatureSource;
import org.geotools.data.FeatureStore;
import org.geotools.data.FeatureWriter;
import org.geotools.data.Query;
import org.geotools.data.SchemaNotFoundException;
import org.geotools.data.memory.MemoryDataStore;
import org.geotools.data.postgis.PostgisDataStore;
import org.geotools.data.postgis.PostgisDataStoreFactory;
import org.geotools.feature.Feature;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType;
import org.geotools.filter.AttributeExpression;
import org.geotools.filter.AttributeExpressionImpl;
import org.geotools.filter.AttributeExpressionImpl2;
import org.geotools.filter.CompareFilter;
import org.geotools.filter.FilterFactory;
import org.geotools.filter.FilterType;
import org.geotools.filter.IllegalFilterException;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.strtree.SIRtree;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.strtree.STRtree;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.polygonize.Polygonizer;
* a. load the completechains (lines) store in hash table that takes TLID -> geometry
* b. load the polylink (links lines and polygons). end result is a hashtable that takes a polyid to a list of lines (chains)
* c. load the PIP file and put in STRTree (spatial index)
* d. for each polygon (set of lines), polygonize.
* for each polygon produced, they should enclose at least one PIP (>1 only for holes of the main polygon)
* the one one with the correct polygon is the result (exactly one pip inside it)
* if ANY polygon contains != 1 PIP then an error has occured
* e. send back polygon (with module and polyid)
* @author david blasby
* insert into geometry_columns values ('','public','poly2','the_geom',2,1,'POLYGON');
* create table poly2 (the_geom geometry,polyid numeric(10,0), module char(8)) with oids;
public class TigerPoly
String MODULE = "";
Hashtable completeChains = new Hashtable(); // links TLID (Long) to LineString
Hashtable polyLineSet = new Hashtable(); // links polyid (Long) to ArrayList of Linestring
STRtree PIP = new STRtree() ;// links in the PIP Points (with internal JTS Long corresponding to polyid)
Hashtable finishedPolys = new Hashtable(); //links POLYID (Long) to Polygon
DataStore ds = null;
boolean allowHolesWithNoPIP = false; // I noticed that some counties (TGR13231,TGR08031,TGR34017,TGR51683) have missing pips. This
// normally causes a qa/qc exception, this prevents it. I recommend against this unless you know
// what you are doing.
* adds a line to the polygon line set
* @param tlidBD
* @param polyidBD
public void addToPolylineset(BigDecimal tlidBD, BigDecimal polyidBD)
Long tlid = new Long(tlidBD.longValue());
Long polyid = new Long(polyidBD.longValue());
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)polyLineSet.get(polyid);
if (al == null)
al = new ArrayList();
al.add( completeChains.get(tlid) );
* reads the completechain dataset
* @throws Exception
public void getCC() throws Exception
FilterFactory ff = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory();
CompareFilter cf = ff.createCompareFilter(FilterType.COMPARE_EQUALS);
cf.addLeftValue( ff.createAttributeExpression( null, "module") );
cf.addRightValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(MODULE));
String[] ps = new String []{"wkb_geometry","tlid"};
Query q = new DefaultQuery("completechain",cf,ps);
FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, new DefaultTransaction() );
while (fr.hasNext())
Feature f= fr.next();
BigDecimal tlidBD = (BigDecimal) f.getAttribute(1);
Long tlid = new Long(tlidBD.longValue());
if (tlid == null)
throw new Exception("cchain has null tlid");
completeChains.put(tlid, f.getAttribute(0));//linestring
* reads the polychainlink dataset
public void getPolygonLines() throws Exception
FilterFactory ff = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory();
CompareFilter cf = ff.createCompareFilter(FilterType.COMPARE_EQUALS);
cf.addLeftValue( ff.createAttributeExpression( null, "module") );
cf.addRightValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(MODULE));
String[] ps = new String []{"polyidl","polyidr","tlid"};
Query q = new DefaultQuery("polychainlink",cf,ps);
FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, new DefaultTransaction() );
while (fr.hasNext())
Feature f= fr.next();
BigDecimal polyidlBD = (BigDecimal) f.getAttribute(0);
BigDecimal polyidrBD = (BigDecimal) f.getAttribute(1);
BigDecimal tlidBD = (BigDecimal) f.getAttribute(2);
if (tlidBD == null)
throw new Exception("polylink has null tlid");
if ( (polyidlBD == null) && (polyidrBD ==null) )
throw new Exception("polylink has 2 null polyids");
boolean one_null = ((polyidlBD == null) || (polyidrBD ==null));
if (one_null || (polyidlBD.longValue() != polyidrBD.longValue())) // == means that they are dangles
if (polyidlBD != null)
addToPolylineset( tlidBD, polyidlBD);
if (polyidrBD != null)
addToPolylineset( tlidBD, polyidrBD);
* reads the pip dataset
* @throws Exception
public void getPIP() throws Exception
FilterFactory ff = FilterFactory.createFilterFactory();
CompareFilter cf = ff.createCompareFilter(FilterType.COMPARE_EQUALS);
cf.addLeftValue( ff.createAttributeExpression( null, "module") );
cf.addRightValue( ff.createLiteralExpression(MODULE));
String[] ps = new String []{"wkb_geometry","polyid"};
Query q = new DefaultQuery("pip",cf,ps);
FeatureReader fr = ds.getFeatureReader(q, new DefaultTransaction() );
while (fr.hasNext())
Feature f= fr.next();
BigDecimal polyidBD = (BigDecimal) f.getAttribute(1);
Long polyid = new Long(polyidBD.longValue());
if (polyid == null)
throw new Exception("PIP has null polyid");
Geometry g = (Geometry) f.getAttribute(0);
* dbname=tiger2005fe user=postgres host=localhost
* parses the PG connect string into geotools postgis datastore params
* pg_Connect("host=myHost port=myPort dbname=myDB user=myUser password=myPassword ");
* @param connectstring
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static Map parsePG(String connectstring) throws Exception
Map param = new HashMap();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*host=([^ ]+).*");
Matcher m = p.matcher(connectstring);
if (m.matches())
p = Pattern.compile(".*user=([^ ]+).*");
m = p.matcher(connectstring);
if (m.matches())
throw new Exception("PG CONNECT string does not contain a user name. connect string should look like: 'host=myHost port=myPort dbname=myDB user=myUser password=myPassword'");
p = Pattern.compile(".*dbname=([^ ]+).*");
m = p.matcher(connectstring);
if (m.matches())
throw new Exception("PG CONNECT string does not contain a dbname. connect string should look like: 'host=myHost port=myPort dbname=myDB user=myUser password=myPassword'");
p = Pattern.compile(".*port=([^ ]+).*");
m = p.matcher(connectstring);
if (m.matches())
p = Pattern.compile(".*password=([^ ]+).*");
m = p.matcher(connectstring);
if (m.matches())
//do nothing
return param;
public static void main(String[] args)
if ( (args.length !=2) && (args.length !=3) )
System.out.println("usage: \"host=myHost port=myPort dbname=myDB user=myUser password=myPassword\" <module name> [allowMissingPIP]");
System.out.println("dont forget to:");
System.out.println("1. put quotes around the postgresql connection string");
System.out.println("2. pre-create the output database table:");
System.out.println(" create table poly2 (the_geom geometry, polyid numeric(10,0), module char(8)) with oids;");
System.out.println(" insert into geometry_columns values ('','public','poly2','the_geom',2,1,'POLYGON');");
System.out.println("allowMissingPIP -- dont set this unless you know what you're doing. TIGER is supposed to be a coverage, but a few groups have 'holes' in the coverage. There's nothing you can do about it -- setting this option will cause this program NOT to throw qa-qc exceptions in this case. ");
TigerPoly THIS = new TigerPoly();
if (args.length ==3)
if (args[2].equalsIgnoreCase("allowMissingPIP" ))
THIS.allowHolesWithNoPIP = true;
System.out.println("to turn on 'allowMissingPIP', just put those words after your group.");
PostgisDataStoreFactory pgdsf = new PostgisDataStoreFactory();
Map param = parsePG(args[0]);
param.put("wkb enabled","true");
param.put("loose bbox","true");
THIS.ds = pgdsf.createDataStore(param);
THIS.MODULE = args[1];
System.out.println("start module = "+THIS.MODULE);
System.out.println("loading completechains...");
System.out.println("loaded " + THIS.completeChains.size() +" completechains...");
System.out.println("loading polychainlink...");
System.out.println("loaded " + THIS.polyLineSet.size() +" polygons...");
System.out.println("loading PIP...");
System.out.println("loaded " + THIS.PIP.size() +" PIPs...");
if (THIS.polyLineSet.size() != THIS.PIP.size())
throw new Exception("polylineset and PIP should be the same size!");
if (THIS.polyLineSet.size() != THIS.finishedPolys.size())
throw new Exception("didnt build enough polygons!");
System.out.println("done! " +THIS.MODULE);
catch (SchemaNotFoundException ee)
System.out.println("You must create the poly2 table in the postgis database:");
System.out.println(" create table poly2 (the_geom geometry, polyid numeric(10,0), module char(8)) with oids;");
System.out.println(" insert into geometry_columns values ('','public','poly2','the_geom',2,1,'POLYGON');");
catch (Exception e)
/** write out the results to poly2
* @throws Exception
public void write() throws Exception
FeatureStore fs = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource("poly2");
FeatureType ft = fs.getSchema();
MemoryDataStore memorystore =new MemoryDataStore();
Enumeration enum = finishedPolys.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements())
Polygon p = (Polygon) enum.nextElement();
Long polyid = ( (Long) p.getUserData());
Object[] values = new Object[3];
values[ft.find("module")] = MODULE;
values[ft.find("the_geom")] = p;
values[ft.find("polyid")] = polyid;
Feature f = ft.create(values);
* build polygon and qa/qc it
* @throws Exception
private void process() throws Exception
Enumeration polys = polyLineSet.keys();
int t=0;
Long polyid = (Long) polys.nextElement();
long polyid_long = polyid.longValue();
ArrayList lines = (ArrayList) polyLineSet.get(polyid);
if (lines.size() ==0 )
throw new Exception("polygon has no edges");
Polygonizer polyizer = new Polygonizer();
Collection builtpolys = polyizer.getPolygons();
if (polyizer.getCutEdges().size() != 0)
throw new Exception("polygon has cut edges");
if (polyizer.getDangles().size() != 0)
throw new Exception("polygon has dandgle edges");
if (polyizer.getInvalidRingLines().size() != 0)
throw new Exception("polygon has invalid edges");
// System.out.println("poly has invalid edges "+polyid_long);
//validate the polygons
Geometry finalPolygon = null;
Iterator it = builtpolys.iterator();
ArrayList seenPolyIDs = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Polygon p = (Polygon) it.next();
//each polygon must contain exactly one PIP
//each PIP must be contained by at most one polygon!
long polyidPIP;
polyidPIP = getPIP(p,polyid_long, 0);
catch(Exception e)
if (!allowHolesWithNoPIP)
throw e; // rethrow it -- stop processing
//otherwise, this might be okay.
polyidPIP = -666; // fake -- we pretend its a 'real' hole (ie. one with a pip in it)
System.out.println("found a polygon without a PIP! Try adding a PIP at "+p.getInteriorPoint() + " module = "+MODULE);
// if (seenPolyIDs.contains( new Long(polyidPIP) ))
// {
// //throw new Exception( "poly has 2 pips - dont think we're looking for it!");
// // this is actually okay - you can have holes-inside holes! or holes touching each other
// }
// seenPolyIDs.add ( new Long(polyidPIP) );
if (polyidPIP == polyid_long)
if (finalPolygon != null )
throw new Exception( "poly has 2 pips - that we're looking for!");
//this is ours
finalPolygon = p;
finalPolygon.setUserData( polyid);
if (finalPolygon == null)
throw new Exception("couldnt find a pip for a main polygon - "+polyid.longValue());
finalPolygon = null;
* given a polyon, find the pip for it.
* @param p
* @param pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside NEVER CALL WITH THIS TRUE!
* @return
* @throws Exception
private long getPIP(Polygon p,long mainPolyID, int pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside) throws Exception
//pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside -- I noticed that there are points in the dataset that are touching
// the outside edge of a polygon. This only happens for very small polygons - when then numerical precision of the
// outside edge's points arent really big enough to discern a point inside.
// this happens when the area is <10E-11
// cases -- one pip & its the mainPolyID --> okay (found poly)
// 1+ pip and none of them are mainpolyID (its a whole)
// 0 --> exception (no point in this poly)
List l = PIP.query(p.getEnvelopeInternal());
Iterator it = l.iterator();
boolean determinedThisIsMainPolygon = false;
boolean found=false;
long foundID = 0;
while (it.hasNext())
Point point = (Point) it.next();
boolean inside = p.contains(point);
if (pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside ==1)
inside |= p.touches(point);
if (pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside ==2)
inside |= p.distance(point) < 1E-8;
System.out.println("distance = "+p.distance(point));
if (inside)
foundID = ( (Long) point.getUserData()).longValue(); //Polyid for this PIP.
if (determinedThisIsMainPolygon)
//bad -- this is the 2nd pip in a "main polygon"
throw new Exception( "found a 2nd PIP in a main polygon "+mainPolyID+" and "+foundID);
determinedThisIsMainPolygon |= (foundID == mainPolyID);
found = true;
if (!found)
if (p.getArea() < 5E-9)
// its really small - we re-try allowing touching to mean inside
if (pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside ==0) // dont recurse indefinatly!
System.out.println("small polygon with no PIP - retrying with pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside=1 - "+mainPolyID +" area="+p.getArea());
return getPIP( p, mainPolyID, 1);
if (pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside ==1) // dont recurse indefinatly!
System.out.println("small polygon with no PIP - retrying with pointsTouchingOuterRightCountAsInside=2 - "+mainPolyID +" area="+p.getArea());
return getPIP( p, mainPolyID, 2);
throw new Exception( "poly has 0 pips! area="+p.getArea());
return foundID;