Package org.geotools.referencing.operation.builder

Source Code of org.geotools.referencing.operation.builder.LocalizationGridTransform2D$Provider

*    GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
*    (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
*    version 2.1 of the License.
*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotools.referencing.operation.builder;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptorGroup;
import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterNotFoundException;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform2D;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Transformation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;

import org.geotools.metadata.iso.citation.Citations;
import org.geotools.referencing.NamedIdentifier;
import org.geotools.referencing.operation.MathTransformProvider;
import org.geotools.referencing.operation.matrix.Matrix2;
import org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.AbstractMathTransform;
import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging;
import org.geotools.util.Utilities;
import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors;
import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys;

* Transform a set of coordinate points using a grid of localization.
* Input coordinates are index in this two-dimensional array.
* Those input coordinates (or index) should be in the range
* <code>x</sub>input</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;[0..width-1]</code> and
* <code>y</sub>input</sub>&nbsp;=&nbsp;[0..height-1]</code> inclusive,
* where {@code width} and {@code height} are the number of columns and
* rows in the grid of localization. Output coordinates are the values stored in
* the grid of localization at the specified index. If input coordinates (index)
* are non-integer values, then output coordinates are interpolated using a bilinear
* interpolation. If input coordinates are outside the grid range, then output
* coordinates are extrapolated.
* @since 2.0
* @source $URL$
* @version $Id$
* @author Remi Eve
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
* @todo This class should extends {@link WarpTransform2D} and constructs a
*       {@link} the first time the {@link WarpTransform2D#getWarp()}
*       method is invoked (GEOT-522).
final class LocalizationGridTransform2D extends AbstractMathTransform
                                     implements MathTransform2D, Serializable
     * Serial number for interoperability with different versions.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1067560328828441295L;

     * Maximal number of iterations to try before to fail
     * during an inverse transformation.
    private static final int MAX_ITER = 40;

     * Set to {@code true} for a conservative (and maybe slower) algorithm
     * in {@link #inverseTransform}.
    private static final boolean CONSERVATIVE = true;

     * Set to {@code true} for forcing {@link #inverseTransform} to returns
     * a value instead of throwing an exception if the transform do not converge.
     * This is a temporary flag until we find why the inverse transform fails to
     * converge in some case.
    private static final boolean MASK_NON_CONVERGENCE;
    static {
        String property;
        try {
            property = System.getProperty("org.geotools.referencing.forceConvergence", "false");
        } catch (SecurityException exception) {
            // We are running in an applet.
            property = "false";
        MASK_NON_CONVERGENCE = property.equalsIgnoreCase("true");

     * <var>x</var> (usually longitude) offset relative to an entry.
     * Points are stored in {@link #grid} as {@code (x,y)} pairs.
    static final int X_OFFSET = 0;

     * <var>y</var> (usually latitude) offset relative to an entry.
     * Points are stored in {@link #grid} as {@code (x,y)} pairs.
    static final int Y_OFFSET = 1;

     * Length of an entry in the {@link #grid} array. This lenght
     * is equals to the dimension of output coordinate points.
    static final int CP_LENGTH = 2;

     * Number of grid's columns.
    private final int width;

     * Number of grid's rows.
    private final int height;

     * Grid of coordinate points.
     * Points are stored as {@code (x,y)} pairs.
    private final double[] grid;

     * A global affine transform for the whole grid.
    private final AffineTransform global;

     * The inverse math transform. Will be constructed only when first requested.
    private transient MathTransform2D inverse;

     * Constructs a localization grid using the specified data.
     * @param width  Number of grid's columns.
     * @param height Number of grid's rows.
     * @param grid   The localization grid as an array of {@code (x,y)} coordinates.
     *               This array is not cloned; this is the caller's responsability to ensure
     *               that it will not be modified as long as this transformation is strongly
     *               reachable.
     * @param global A global affine transform for the whole grid.
    protected LocalizationGridTransform2D(final int width, final int height, final double[] grid,
                                          final AffineTransform global)
        this.width  = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.grid   = grid; = global;

     * Returns the parameter descriptors for this math transform.
    public ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors() {
        return Provider.PARAMETERS;

     * Returns the dimension of input points.
    public int getSourceDimensions() {
        return 2;

     * Returns the dimension of output points.
    public int getTargetDimensions() {
        return 2;

     * Tests if this transform is the identity transform.
    public boolean isIdentity() {
        return false;

     * Gets the derivative of this transform at a point.
    public Matrix derivative(final Point2D point) {
        final AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform();
        getAffineTransform(point.getX(), point.getY(), tr);
        return new Matrix2(tr.getScaleX(), tr.getShearX(),
                           tr.getShearY(), tr.getScaleY());

     * Transforme des coordonnées sources (généralement des index de pixels) en coordonnées
     * destinations (généralement des degrés de longitude et latitude). Les transformations
     * feront intervenir des interpolations linéaires si les coordonnées sources ne sont pas
     * entières.
     * @param  srcPts  Points d'entrée.
     * @param  srcOff  Index du premier point d'entrée à transformer.
     * @param  dstPts  Points de sortie.
     * @param  dstOff  Index du premier point de sortie.
     * @param  numPts  Nombre de points à transformer.
    public void transform(final float[] srcPts, int srcOff,
                          final float[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
        transform(srcPts, null, srcOff, dstPts, null, dstOff, numPts);

     * Transforme des coordonnées sources (généralement des index de pixels) en coordonnées
     * destinations (généralement des degrés de longitude et latitude). Les transformations
     * feront intervenir des interpolations linéaires si les coordonnées sources ne sont pas
     * entières.
     * @param  srcPts  Points d'entrée.
     * @param  srcOff  Index du premier point d'entrée à transformer.
     * @param  dstPts  Points de sortie.
     * @param  dstOff  Index du premier point de sortie.
     * @param  numPts  Nombre de points à transformer.
    public void transform(final double[] srcPts, int srcOff,
                          final double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
        transform(null, srcPts, srcOff, null, dstPts, dstOff, numPts);

     * Implementation of direct transformation.
    private void transform(final float[] srcPts1, final double[] srcPts2, int srcOff,
                           final float[] dstPts1, final double[] dstPts2, int dstOff, int numPts)
        final int minCol = 0;
        final int minRow = 0;
        final int maxCol = width  - 2;
        final int maxRow = height - 2;
        int postIncrement = 0;
        if (srcOff < dstOff) {
            if ((srcPts2!=null) ? srcPts2==dstPts2 : srcPts1==dstPts1) {
                srcOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                dstOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                postIncrement = -4;
        while (--numPts >= 0) {
            final double xi, yi;
            if (srcPts2 != null) {
                xi = srcPts2[srcOff++];
                yi = srcPts2[srcOff++];
            } else {
                xi = srcPts1[srcOff++];
                yi = srcPts1[srcOff++];
            final int col = Math.max(Math.min((int)xi, maxCol), minCol);
            final int row = Math.max(Math.min((int)yi, maxRow), minRow);
            final int offset00 = (col + row*width)*CP_LENGTH;
            final int offset01 = offset00 + CP_LENGTH*width; // Une ligne plus bas
            final int offset10 = offset00 + CP_LENGTH;  // Une colonne à droite
            final int offset11 = offset01 + CP_LENGTH;  // Une colonne à droite, une ligne plus bas
             * Interpole les coordonnées de destination        [00]--.(x0,y0)----[10]
             * sur la ligne courante (x0,y0)  ainsi que         |                  |
             * sur la ligne suivante (x1,y1).   Exemple         |    .(x,y)        |
             * ci-contre:  les coordonnées sources sont         |                  |
             * entre crochets, et les coordonnées de la        [01]--.(x1,y1)----[11]
             * sortie (à calculer) sont entre parenthèses.
            final double x0 = linearInterpolation(col+0, grid[offset00 + X_OFFSET],
                                                  col+1, grid[offset10 + X_OFFSET], xi);
            final double y0 = linearInterpolation(col+0, grid[offset00 + Y_OFFSET],
                                                  col+1, grid[offset10 + Y_OFFSET], xi);
            final double x1 = linearInterpolation(col+0, grid[offset01 + X_OFFSET],
                                                  col+1, grid[offset11 + X_OFFSET], xi);
            final double y1 = linearInterpolation(col+0, grid[offset01 + Y_OFFSET],
                                                  col+1, grid[offset11 + Y_OFFSET], xi);
             * Interpole maintenant les coordonnées (x,y) entre les deux lignes.
            final double xf = linearInterpolation(row, x0, row+1, x1, yi);
            final double yf = linearInterpolation(row, y0, row+1, y1, yi);
            if (dstPts2 != null) {
                dstPts2[dstOff++] = xf;
                dstPts2[dstOff++] = yf;
            } else {
                dstPts1[dstOff++] = (float) xf;
                dstPts1[dstOff++] = (float) yf;
            srcOff += postIncrement;
            dstOff += postIncrement;
            if (false) {
                final out = System.out;
                out.print("TD  ==> xi : "); out.print  (xi);
                out.print(     " / yi : "); out.print  (yi);
                out.print("  --->  xo : "); out.print  (xf);
                out.print(     " / yo : "); out.println(yf);

     * Interpole/extrapole entre deux points.
     * @param   x1  Coordonnee <var>x</var> du premier point.
     * @param   y1  Coordonnee <var>y</var> du premier point.
     * @param   x2  Coordonnee <var>x</var> du second point.
     * @param   y2  Coordonnee <var>y</var> du second point.
     * @param   x   Position <var>x</var> à laquelle calculer la valeur de <var>y</var>.
     * @return      La valeur <var>y</var> interpolée entre les deux points.
    private static double linearInterpolation(final double x1, final double y1,
                                              final double x2, final double y2, final double x)
        return y1 + (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) * (x-x1);

     * Retourne une approximation de la transformation affine à la position indiquée.
     * @param  col  Coordonnee <var>x</var> du point.
     * @param  row  Coordonnee <var>y</var> du point.
     * @param dest  Matrice dans laquelle écrire la transformation affine.
    private void getAffineTransform(double x, double y, final AffineTransform dest) {
        int col = (int) x;
        int row = (int) y;
        if (col > width -2) col = width -2;
        if (row > height-2) row = height-2;
        if (col < 0)        col = 0;
        if (row < 0)        row = 0;
        final int sgnCol;
        final int sgnRow;
        if (x-col > 0.5) {
            sgnCol = -1;
        } else sgnCol = +1;
        if (y-row > 0.5) {
            sgnRow = -1;
        } else sgnRow = +1;
         * Le calcul de la transformation affine  comprend 6        P00------P10
         * inconnues. Sa solution recquiert donc 6 équations.        |        |
         * Nous les obtenons en utilisant 3 points,   chaque         |        |
         * points ayant 2 coordonnées. Voir exemple ci-contre:      P01----(ignoré)
        final int offset00 = (col + row*width)*CP_LENGTH;
        final int offset01 = offset00 + sgnRow*CP_LENGTH*width;
        final int offset10 = offset00 + sgnCol*CP_LENGTH;
        x = grid[offset00 + X_OFFSET];
        y = grid[offset00 + Y_OFFSET];
        final double dxCol = (grid[offset10 + X_OFFSET] - x) * sgnCol;
        final double dyCol = (grid[offset10 + Y_OFFSET] - y) * sgnCol;
        final double dxRow = (grid[offset01 + X_OFFSET] - x) * sgnRow;
        final double dyRow = (grid[offset01 + Y_OFFSET] - y) * sgnRow;
        dest.setTransform(dxCol, dyCol, dxRow, dyRow,
                          x - dxCol*col - dxRow*row,
                          y - dyCol*col - dyRow*row);
         * Si l'on transforme les 3 points qui ont servit à déterminer la transformation
         * affine, on devrait obtenir un résultat identique (aux erreurs d'arrondissement
         * près) peu importe que l'on utilise la transformation affine ou la grille de
         * localisation.
        assert distance(new Point(col,        row       ), dest) < 1E-5;
        assert distance(new Point(col+sgnCol, row       ), dest) < 1E-5;
        assert distance(new Point(col,        row+sgnRow), dest) < 1E-5;

     * Transform a point using the localization grid, transform it back using the inverse
     * of the specified affine transform, and returns the distance between the source and
     * the resulting point. This is used for assertions only.
     * @param  index The source point to test.
     * @param  tr The affine transform to test.
     * @return The distance in grid coordinate. Should be close to 0.
    private double distance(final Point2D index, final AffineTransform tr) {
        try {
            Point2D geoCoord = transform(index, null);
            geoCoord = tr.inverseTransform(geoCoord, geoCoord);
            return geoCoord.distance(index);
        } catch (TransformException exception) {
            // Should not happen
            throw new AssertionError(exception);
        } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
            // Not impossible. What should we do? Open question...
            throw new AssertionError(exception);

     * Apply the inverse transform to a set of points. More specifically, this method transform
     * "real world" coordinates to grid coordinates. This method use an iterative algorithm for
     * that purpose. A {@link TransformException} is thrown in the computation do not converge.
     * The algorithm applied by this method and its callers is:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Transform the first point using a "global" affine transform (i.e. the affine
     *       transformed computed using the "least squares" method in LocalizationGrid).
     *       Other points will be transformed using the last successful affine transform,
     *       since we assume that the points to transform are close to each other.</li>
     *   <li>Next, compute a local affine transform and use if for transforming the point
     *       again. Recompute again the local affine transform and continue until the cell
     *       (x0,y0) doesn't change.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param source The "real world" coordinate to transform.
     * @param target A pre-allocated destination point. <strong>This point
     *               can't be the same than {@code source}!<strong>
     * @param tr In input, the affine transform to use for the first step.
     *        In output, the last affine transform used for the transformation.
    final void inverseTransform(final Point2D        source,
                                final Point2D.Double target,
                                final AffineTransform tr) throws TransformException
        if (CONSERVATIVE) {
            // In an optimal approach, we should reuse the same affine transform than the one used
            // in the last transformation, since it is likely to converge faster for a point close
            // to the previous one. However, it may lead to strange and hard to predict
            // discontinuity in transformations.
        try {
            tr.inverseTransform(source, target);
            int previousX = (int)target.x;
            int previousY = (int)target.y;
            for (int iter=0; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {
                getAffineTransform(target.x, target.y, tr);
                tr.inverseTransform(source, target);
                final int ix = (int)target.x;
                final int iy = (int)target.y;
                if (previousX==ix && previousY==iy) {
                    // Computation converged.
                    if (target.x>=0 && target.x<width &&
                        target.y>=0 && target.y<height)
                        // Point is inside the grid. Check the precision.
                        assert transform(target, null).distanceSq(source) < 1E-3 : target;
                    } else {
                        // Point is outside the grid. Use the global transform for uniformity.
                        inverseTransform(source, target);
                previousX = ix;
                previousY = iy;
             * No convergence found in the "ordinary" loop. The following code checks if
             * we are stuck in a never-ending loop. If yes, then it will try to minimize
             * the following function:
             *     {@code transform(target).distance(source)}.
            final int x0 = previousX;
            final int y0 = previousY;
            global.inverseTransform(source, target);
            double x,y;
            double bestX = x = target.x;
            double bestY = y = target.y;
            double minSq = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            for (int iter=1-MAX_ITER; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {
                previousX = (int)x;
                previousY = (int)y;
                getAffineTransform(x, y, tr);
                tr.inverseTransform(source, target);
                x = target.x;
                y = target.y;
                final int ix = (int)x;
                final int iy = (int)y;
                if (previousX==ix && previousY==iy) {
                    // Computation converged.
                    assert iter >= 0;
                    if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height) {
                        // Point is inside the grid. Check the precision.
                        assert transform(target, null).distanceSq(source) < 1E-3 : target;
                    } else {
                        // Point is outside the grid. Use the global transform for uniformity.
                        inverseTransform(source, target);
                if (iter == 0) {
                    assert x0==ix && y0==iy;
                } else if (x0==ix && y0==iy) {
                    // Loop detected.
                    if (bestX>=0 && bestX<width && bestY>=0 && bestY<height) {
                        target.x = bestX;
                        target.y = bestY;
                    } else {
                        inverseTransform(source, target);
                transform(target, target);
                final double distanceSq = target.distanceSq(source);
                if (distanceSq < minSq) {
                    minSq = distanceSq;
                    bestX = x;
                    bestY = y;
             * The transformation didn't converge, and no loop has been found.
             * If the following block is enabled (true), then the best point
             * will be returned. It may not be the best approach since we don't
             * know if this point is valid. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
            if (MASK_NON_CONVERGENCE) {
                Logging.getLogger(LocalizationGridTransform2D.class).fine("No convergence");
                if (bestX>=0 && bestX<width && bestY>=0 && bestY<height) {
                    target.x = bestX;
                    target.y = bestY;
                } else {
                    inverseTransform(source, target);
        } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) {
            final TransformException e;
            e = new TransformException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.NONINVERTIBLE_TRANSFORM));
            throw e;
        throw new TransformException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.NO_CONVERGENCE));

     * Inverse transforms a point using the {@link #global} affine transform, and
     * make sure that the result point is outside the grid. This method is used
     * for the transformation of a point which shouldn't be found in the grid.
     * @param  source The source coordinate point.
     * @param  target The target coordinate point (should not be {@code null}).
     * @throws NoninvertibleTransformException if the transform is non-invertible.
     * @todo Current implementation project an inside point on the nearest border.
     *       Could we do something better?
    private void inverseTransform(final Point2D source, final Point2D.Double target)
            throws NoninvertibleTransformException
        if (global.inverseTransform(source, target) != target) {
            throw new AssertionError(); // Should not happen.
        double x = target.x;
        double y = target.y;
        if (x>=0 && x<width && y>=0 && y<height) {
            // Project on the nearest border. TODO: Could we do something better here?
            x -= 0.5 * width;
            y -= 0.5 * height;
            if (Math.abs(x) < Math.abs(y)) {
                target.x = x>0 ? width  : -1;
            } else {
                target.y = y>0 ? height : -1;

     * Returns the inverse transform.
    public MathTransform2D inverse() {
        if (inverse == null) {
            inverse = new Inverse();
        return inverse;

     * The inverse transform. This inner class is the inverse of the enclosing math transform.
     * @version $Id$
     * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    private final class Inverse extends AbstractMathTransform.Inverse
                             implements MathTransform2D, Serializable
         * Serial number for interoperability with different versions.
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4876426825123740986L;

         * Default constructor.
        public Inverse() {

         * Transform a "real world" coordinate into a grid coordinate.
        public Point2D transform(final Point2D ptSrc, final Point2D ptDst) throws TransformException {
            final AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform(global);
            if (ptDst == null) {
                final Point2D.Double target = new Point2D.Double();
                inverseTransform(ptSrc, target, tr);
                return target;
            if (ptDst!=ptSrc && (ptDst instanceof Point2D.Double)) {
                inverseTransform(ptSrc, (Point2D.Double) ptDst, tr);
                return ptDst;
            final Point2D.Double target = new Point2D.Double();
            inverseTransform(ptSrc, target, tr);
            return ptDst;

         * Apply the inverse transform to a set of points. More specifically, this method transform
         * "real world" coordinates to grid coordinates. This method use an iterative algorithm for
         * that purpose. A {@link TransformException} is thrown in the computation do not converge.
         * @param srcPts the array containing the source point coordinates.
         * @param srcOff the offset to the first point to be transformed in the source array.
         * @param dstPts the array into which the transformed point coordinates are returned.
         *               May be the same than {@code srcPts}.
         * @param dstOff the offset to the location of the first transformed
         *               point that is stored in the destination array.
         * @param numPts the number of point objects to be transformed.
         * @throws TransformException if a point can't be transformed.
        public void transform(final float[] srcPts, int srcOff,
                              final float[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
            throws TransformException
            int postIncrement = 0;
            if (srcPts == dstPts && srcOff < dstOff) {
                srcOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                dstOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                postIncrement = -4;
            final Point2D.Double source = new Point2D.Double();
            final Point2D.Double target = new Point2D.Double();
            final AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform(global);
            while (--numPts >= 0) {
                source.x = srcPts[srcOff++];
                source.y = srcPts[srcOff++];
                inverseTransform(source, target, tr);
                dstPts[dstOff++] = (float)target.x;
                dstPts[dstOff++] = (float)target.y;
                srcOff += postIncrement;
                dstOff += postIncrement;

         * Apply the inverse transform to a set of points. More specifically, this method transform
         * "real world" coordinates to grid coordinates. This method use an iterative algorithm for
         * that purpose. A {@link TransformException} is thrown in the computation do not converge.
         * @param srcPts the array containing the source point coordinates.
         * @param srcOff the offset to the first point to be transformed in the source array.
         * @param dstPts the array into which the transformed point coordinates are returned.
         *               May be the same than {@code srcPts}.
         * @param dstOff the offset to the location of the first transformed
         *               point that is stored in the destination array.
         * @param numPts the number of point objects to be transformed.
         * @throws TransformException if a point can't be transformed.
        public void transform(final double[] srcPts, int srcOff,
                              final double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
            throws TransformException
            int postIncrement = 0;
            if (srcPts == dstPts && srcOff < dstOff) {
                srcOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                dstOff += (numPts-1)*2;
                postIncrement = -4;
            final Point2D.Double source = new Point2D.Double();
            final Point2D.Double target = new Point2D.Double();
            final AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform(global);
            while (--numPts >= 0) {
                source.x = srcPts[srcOff++];
                source.y = srcPts[srcOff++];
                inverseTransform(source, target, tr);
                dstPts[dstOff++] = target.x;
                dstPts[dstOff++] = target.y;
                srcOff += postIncrement;
                dstOff += postIncrement;

         * Returns the original localization grid transform.
        public MathTransform2D inverse() {
            return (MathTransform2D) super.inverse();

         * Restore reference to this object after deserialization.
        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            LocalizationGridTransform2D.this.inverse = this;

     * Returns a hash value for this transform.
    public int hashCode() {
        return (int)serialVersionUID ^ super.hashCode() ^ global.hashCode();

     * Compares this transform with the specified object for equality.
    public boolean equals(final Object object) {
        if (super.equals(object)) {
            final LocalizationGridTransform2D that = (LocalizationGridTransform2D) object;
            return this.width == that.width  && this.height == that.height &&
                   Utilities.equals(, &&
                   Arrays.equals(this.grid, that.grid);
        return false;

     * The provider for the {@link LocalizationGridTransform2D}.
     * @version $Id$
     * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
     * @todo Not yet fully implemented. Once it is implemented, we need to add a
     *       getParameterValues() method in LocalizationGridTransform2D.
    private static class Provider extends MathTransformProvider {
        /** Serial number for interoperability with different versions. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8263439392080019340L;

         * The parameters group.
        static final ParameterDescriptorGroup PARAMETERS = createDescriptorGroup(new NamedIdentifier[] {
                new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTOOLS, "WarpPolynomial")
            }, new ParameterDescriptor[] {});

         * Create a provider for warp transforms.
        public Provider() {
            super(2, 2, PARAMETERS);

         * Returns the operation type.
        public Class<Transformation> getOperationType() {
            return Transformation.class;

         * Creates a warp transform from the specified group of parameter values.
         * @param  values The group of parameter values.
         * @return The created math transform.
         * @throws ParameterNotFoundException if a required parameter was not found.
        protected MathTransform createMathTransform(final ParameterValueGroup values)
                throws ParameterNotFoundException, FactoryException
            throw new FactoryException("Not yet implemented");

Related Classes of org.geotools.referencing.operation.builder.LocalizationGridTransform2D$Provider

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