Package org.geotools.xml

Source Code of org.geotools.xml.Schemas

*    GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
*    (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
*    version 2.1 of the License.
*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotools.xml;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIHandler;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ExtensibleURIConverterImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.URIHandlerImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeGroupContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDImport;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDInclude;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDNamedComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaDirective;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDSchemaLocationResolver;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDSchemaLocator;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDUtil;
import org.geotools.util.Utilities;
import org.geotools.xml.impl.SchemaIndexImpl;
import org.geotools.xml.impl.TypeWalker;
import org.picocontainer.ComponentAdapter;
import org.picocontainer.MutablePicoContainer;
import org.picocontainer.Parameter;
import org.picocontainer.PicoContainer;
import org.picocontainer.PicoVisitor;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard;

* Utility class for performing various operations.
* @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
* @source $URL$
public class Schemas {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger(Schemas.class.getPackage()

    static {
        //need to register custom factory to load schema resources
                                          .put("xsd", new XSDResourceFactoryImpl());

     * Finds all the XSDSchemas used by the {@link Configuration configuration}
     * by looking at the configuration's schema locator and its dependencies.
     * @param configuration the {@link Configuration} for which to find all its
     * related schemas
     * @return a {@link SchemaIndex} holding the schemas related to
     * <code>configuration</code>
    public static final SchemaIndex findSchemas(Configuration configuration) {
        Set configurations = new HashSet(configuration.allDependencies());

        List resolvedSchemas = new ArrayList(configurations.size());

        for (Iterator it = configurations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Configuration conf = (Configuration);

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                LOGGER.fine("looking up schema for " + conf.getNamespaceURI());

            XSDSchemaLocator locator = conf.getSchemaLocator();

            if (locator == null) {
                LOGGER.fine("No schema locator for " + conf.getNamespaceURI());


            String namespaceURI = conf.getNamespaceURI();
            String schemaLocation = null;

            try {
                URL location = new URL(conf.getSchemaFileURL());
                schemaLocation = location.toExternalForm();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                LOGGER.fine("schema location: " + schemaLocation);

            XSDSchema schema = locator.locateSchema(null, namespaceURI, schemaLocation, null);

            if (schema != null) {

        XSDSchema[] schemas = (XSDSchema[]) resolvedSchemas.toArray(new XSDSchema[resolvedSchemas
        SchemaIndex index = new SchemaIndexImpl(schemas);

        return index;

     * Finds all {@link XSDSchemaLocationResolver}'s used by the configuration.
     * @param configuration The parser configuration.
     * @return A list of location resolvers, empty if none found.
    public static List findSchemaLocationResolvers(Configuration configuration) {
        List all = configuration.allDependencies();
        List resolvers = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator c = all.iterator(); c.hasNext();) {
            configuration = (Configuration);

            XSDSchemaLocationResolver resolver = configuration.getSchemaLocationResolver();

            if (resolver != null) {

        return resolvers;

     * Parses a schema at the specified location.
     * @param location A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
     * @return The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
     * @throws IOException In the event of a schema parsing error.
    public static final XSDSchema parse(String location)
        throws IOException {
        return parse(location, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

     * Parses a schema at the specified location.
     * @param location A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
     * @param locators An array of schema locator objects to be used when
     * parsing imports/includes of the main schema.
     * @param resolvers An array of schema location resolvers used to override
     * schema locations encountered in an instance document or an imported
     * schema.
     * @return The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
     * @throws IOException In the event of a schema parsing error.
     * @deprecated use {@link #parse(String, List, List)}
    public static final XSDSchema parse(String location, XSDSchemaLocator[] locators,
        XSDSchemaLocationResolver[] resolvers) throws IOException {
        return parse(location, (locators != null) ? Arrays.asList(locators) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
            (resolvers != null) ? Arrays.asList(resolvers) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

     * Parses a schema at the specified location.
     * @param location A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
     * @param locators A list of schema locator objects to be used when
     * parsing imports/includes of the main schema.
     * @param resolvers A list of schema location resolvers used to override
     * schema locations encountered in an instance document or an imported
     * schema.
     * @return The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
     * @throws IOException In the event of a schema parsing error.
    public static final XSDSchema parse(String location, List locators, List resolvers)
        throws IOException {
        return parse(location, locators, resolvers, null);

     * Parses a schema at the specified location.
     * @param location A uri pointing to the location of the schema.
     * @param locators A list of schema locator objects to be used when
     * parsing imports/includes of the main schema.
     * @param resolvers A list of schema location resolvers used to override
     * schema locations encountered in an instance document or an imported schema.
     * @param uriHandlers A list of uri handlers to inject into the parsing chain, to handle
     * externally referenced resources, like external schemas, etc...
     * @return The parsed schema, or null if the schema could not be parsed.
     * @throws IOException In the event of a schema parsing error.
    public static final XSDSchema parse(String location, List locators, List resolvers,
        List<URIHandler> uriHandlers) throws IOException {
        ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
        //add the specialized schema location resolvers
        if ((resolvers != null) && !resolvers.isEmpty()) {
           AdapterFactory adapterFactory = new SchemaLocationResolverAdapterFactory(resolvers);
        //add the specialized schema locators as adapters
        if ((locators != null) && !locators.isEmpty()) {
            AdapterFactory adapterFactory = new SchemaLocatorAdapterFactory(locators);

        //add the specifialized uri handlers
        if (uriHandlers != null && !uriHandlers.isEmpty()) {
            resourceSet.getURIConverter().getURIHandlers().addAll(0, uriHandlers);
        return parse(location, resourceSet);
    public static final XSDSchema parse(String location, ResourceSet resourceSet)
        throws IOException {
        //check for case of file url, make sure it is an absolute reference
        File locationFile = null;
        try {
            locationFile = DataUtilities.urlToFile(new URL(location));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // Some tests use relative file URLs, which Schemas.parse cannot
            // support as it does not permit a context URL. Treat them
            // as local file paths. Naughty, naughty.
            locationFile = new File(location);
        if (locationFile != null && locationFile.exists()) {
            location = locationFile.getCanonicalFile().toURI().toString();

        URI uri = URI.createURI(location);

        XSDResourceImpl xsdMainResource = (XSDResourceImpl) resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI(

        // schema building has effects on referenced schemas, it will alter them -> we need
        // to synchronize this call so that only one of these operations is active at any time
        synchronized(Schemas.class) {
            return xsdMainResource.getSchema();

     * Imports one schema into another.
     * @param schema The schema being imported into.
     * @param importee The schema being imported.
     * @return The import object.
    public static final XSDImport importSchema( XSDSchema schema, final XSDSchema importee ) throws IOException {
        Resource resource = schema.eResource();
        if ( resource == null ) {
            final ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
            resource = (XSDResourceImpl) resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI(".xsd"));
            resource.getContents().add( schema );
        XSDImport imprt = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDImport();
        imprt.setNamespace( importee.getTargetNamespace() );
        schema.getContents().add( imprt );
        List<XSDSchemaLocator> locators = new ArrayList<XSDSchemaLocator>();
        locators.add( new XSDSchemaLocator() {
            public XSDSchema locateSchema(XSDSchema xsdSchema,
                    String namespaceURI, String rawSchemaLocationURI,
                    String resolvedSchemaLocationURI) {
                if ( importee.getTargetNamespace().equals( namespaceURI ) ) {
                    return importee;
                return null;
        AdapterFactory adapterFactory = new SchemaLocatorAdapterFactory(locators);
        resource.getResourceSet().getAdapterFactories().add( adapterFactory );
        return imprt;
     * Remove all references to a schema
     * It is important to call this method for every dynamic schema created that is not needed
     * anymore, because references in the static schema's will otherwise keep it alive forever
     * @param schema to be flushed
    public static final void dispose(XSDSchema schema) {
        for (XSDSchemaContent content : schema.getContents()) {
            if (content instanceof XSDSchemaDirective) {
                XSDSchemaDirective directive = (XSDSchemaDirective) content;
                XSDSchema resolvedSchema = directive.getResolvedSchema();
                if (resolvedSchema != null) {
                    synchronized (Schemas.class) {
                        for (XSDElementDeclaration dec : resolvedSchema.getElementDeclarations()) {
                            if(dec == null) {
                            List<XSDElementDeclaration> toRemove = new ArrayList<XSDElementDeclaration>();
                            for (XSDElementDeclaration subs : dec.getSubstitutionGroup()) {
                                if (subs != null && subs.getContainer() != null && subs.getContainer().equals(schema)) {
    public static final List validateImportsIncludes(String location) throws IOException {
        return validateImportsIncludes(location,Collections.EMPTY_LIST,Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
    public static final List validateImportsIncludes(String location, XSDSchemaLocator[] locators,
            XSDSchemaLocationResolver[] resolvers ) throws IOException {
        return validateImportsIncludes(location, (locators != null) ? Arrays.asList(locators) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST,
                (resolvers != null) ? Arrays.asList(resolvers) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
    public static final List validateImportsIncludes(String location, List locators, List resolvers) throws IOException {
        //create a parser
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
        SAXParser parser = null;
        try {
            parser = factory.newSAXParser();   
        catch( Exception e ) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException("could not create parser").initCause( e );
        SchemaImportIncludeValidator validator = new SchemaImportIncludeValidator( locators, resolvers );
        //queue of files to parse
        LinkedList q = new LinkedList();
        q.add( location );
        while( !q.isEmpty() ) {
            location = (String) q.removeFirst();
            validator.setBaseLocation( location );
            try {
                parser.parse( location, validator );
            catch (SAXException e) {
                throw (IOException) new IOException( "parse error").initCause( e );
            //check for errors
            if ( !validator.errors.isEmpty() ) {
                return validator.errors;
            if ( ! ) {
                q.addAll( );
        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    static final class SchemaImportIncludeValidator extends DefaultHandler {
        /** base location */
        String baseLocation;
        /** locators for resolving to schemas directely */
        List locators;
        /** locators for resolving to absolute schema locations */
        List resolvers;
        /** tracking seen namespaces and schema locations */
        Set seen;
        /** list of errors encountered */
        List errors;
        /** next set of locations to process */
        List next;
        SchemaImportIncludeValidator( List locators, List resolvers ) {
            this.locators = locators;
            this.resolvers = resolvers;
            seen = new HashSet();
            errors = new ArrayList();
            next = new ArrayList();
        public void setBaseLocation(String baseLocation) {
            this.baseLocation = baseLocation;
        public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
            //process import
            if ( "import".equals( localName ) ) {
                //get the namespace + location
                String namespace = attributes.getValue( "namespace" );
                String schemaLocation = attributes.getValue( "schemaLocation" );
                //do not validate if we have already seen this import
                if ( seen.contains( namespace) ) {
                seen.add( namespace );
                if ( schemaLocation != null ) {
                    //look for a locator or resolver that can handle it
                    for ( Iterator l = locators.iterator(); l.hasNext(); ) {
                        XSDSchemaLocator locator = (XSDSchemaLocator);
                        //check for schema locator which canHandle
                        if ( locator instanceof SchemaLocator ) {
                            if ( ((SchemaLocator)locator).canHandle(null, namespace, schemaLocation, null)) {
                                //cool, return here and do not recurse
                    String resolvedSchemaLocation = resolve( namespace, schemaLocation );
                    if ( resolvedSchemaLocation != null ) {
                        recurse( resolvedSchemaLocation );
                    else {
                        errors.add( "Could not resolve import: " + namespace + "," + schemaLocation);
                else {
                    errors.add( "No schemaLocation attribute for namespace import: " + namespace );
            else if ( "include".equals( localName ) ) {
                //process include
                String location = attributes.getValue( "location" );
                String resolvedLocation = resolve( null, location );
                if ( resolvedLocation != null ) {
                    recurse( resolvedLocation );
                else {
                    errors.add( "Could not resolve include: " + location);
        String resolve( String namespace, String location ) {
            //look for a location resolver capable of handling it
            for ( Iterator r = resolvers.iterator(); r.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDSchemaLocationResolver resolver = (XSDSchemaLocationResolver);
                if ( resolver instanceof SchemaLocationResolver ) {
                    if ( ((SchemaLocationResolver) resolver ).canHandle(null, namespace,location)) {
                        //can handle, actually resolve and recurse
                        String resolvedSchemaLocation =
                            resolver.resolveSchemaLocation(null, namespace, location );
                        if ( resolvedSchemaLocation != null ) {
                            return resolvedSchemaLocation;
                        else {
                            //should not happen, but just continue
            //attempt tp resolve manuualy
            File file = new File( location );
            if ( file.exists() ) {
                return file.getAbsolutePath();
            else {
                //try relative to base location
                if ( !file.isAbsolute() ) {
                    File dir = new File( baseLocation ).getParentFile();
                    if ( dir != null ) {
                        file = new File( dir, location );
                        if ( file.exists() ) {
                            return file.getAbsolutePath();
            return null;
        void recurse( String location ) {
            //do not recurse if we have already processed this one
            if ( seen.contains( location ) ) {
            //mark it as seen
            seen.add( location );
            //add to queue for processing of in next round
            next.add( location );
     * Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified
     * element, no order is guaranteed.
     * @param element The parent element.
     * @return A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each
     * child element.
     * @deprecated use {@link #getChildElementDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition)}
    public static final List getChildElementDeclarations(XSDElementDeclaration element) {
        return getChildElementDeclarations(element.getType());

     * Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified
     * type, no order is guaranteed.
     * @param type The type.
     * @return A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each
     * child element.
    public static final List getChildElementDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
        return getChildElementDeclarations(type, true);

     * Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified
     * element.
     * <p>
     *         The <code>includeParents</code> flag controls if this method should
     * returns those elements defined on parent types.
     * </p>
     * @param element The parent element.
     * @param includeParents Flag indicating if parent types should be processed.
     * @return A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each
     * child element.
     * @deprecated use {@link #getChildElementDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition, boolean)}
    public static final List getChildElementDeclarations(XSDElementDeclaration element,
        boolean includeParents) {
        return getChildElementDeclarations(element.getType(), includeParents);

     * Returns the particle for an element declaration that is part of a type.
     * @param type The type definition.
     * @param name The naem of the child element declaration.
     * @param includeParents Flag to control wether parent types are included.
     * @return The particle representing the element declaration, or <code>null</code> if it could
     * not be found.
    public static final XSDParticle getChildElementParticle(XSDTypeDefinition type, String name,
        boolean includeParents) {
        List particles = getChildElementParticles(type, includeParents);

        for (Iterator p = particles.iterator(); p.hasNext();) {
            XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle);
            XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle.getContent();

            if (element.isElementDeclarationReference()) {

            if (name.equals(element.getName())) {
                return particle;

        return null;

     * Returns a list of all child element particles that corresponde to element declarations of
     * the specified type, no order is guaranteed.
     * <p>
     * The <code>includeParents</code> flag controls if this method should
     * returns those elements defined on parent types.
     * </p>
     * @param type THe type.
     * @param includeParents flag indicating if parent types should be processed
     * @return A list of {@link XSDParticle}.
    public static final List getChildElementParticles(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean includeParents) {
        final HashSet contents = new HashSet();
        final ArrayList particles = new ArrayList();
        TypeWalker.Visitor visitor = new TypeWalker.Visitor() {
                public boolean visit(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
                    //simple types dont have children
                    if (type instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
                        return true;

                    XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) type;

                    ElementVisitor visitor = new ElementVisitor() {
                            public void visit(XSDParticle particle) {
                                XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle

                                if (element.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
                                    element = element.getResolvedElementDeclaration();

                                //make sure unique
                                if (!contents.contains(element)) {

                    visitElements(cType, visitor);

                    return true;

        if (includeParents) {
            //walk up the type hierarchy of the element to generate a list of
            // possible elements
            new TypeWalker().rwalk(type, visitor);
        } else {
            //just visit this type

        return new ArrayList(particles);
     * Returns a list of all xs:any element particles that correspond to element declarations of the
     * specified type.
     * @param type
     *            The type.
     * @return A list of {@link XSDParticle}.
    public static final List getAnyElementParticles(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
        final HashSet contents = new HashSet();
        final ArrayList particles = new ArrayList();
        TypeWalker.Visitor visitor = new TypeWalker.Visitor() {
            public boolean visit(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
                // simple types doesn't have children
                if (type instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
                    return true;

                XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) type;

                ElementVisitor visitor = new ElementVisitor() {
                    public void visit(XSDParticle particle) {
                        XSDWildcard element = (XSDWildcard) particle.getContent();

                        // make sure unique
                        if (!contents.contains(element)) {

                visitAnyElements(cType, visitor);

                return true;

        // just visit this type

        return new ArrayList(particles);

     * Method to visit xs:any element. The method differs from visitElements only by the fact that
     * it visits xs:any rather than <element>
     * @param cType
     *            XSDComplexTypeDefinition
     * @param visitor
     *            ElementVisitor
    private static void visitAnyElements(XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType, ElementVisitor visitor) {
        // simple content cant define children
        if ((cType.getContent() == null) || (cType.getContent() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)) {

        // use a queue to simulate the recursion
        LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle) queue.removeFirst();

            // analyze type of particle content
            int pType = XSDUtil.nodeType(particle.getElement());

            if (pType == XSDConstants.ANY_ELEMENT) {
            } else {
                // model group
                XSDModelGroup grp = null;

                switch (pType) {
                case XSDConstants.GROUP_ELEMENT:

                    XSDModelGroupDefinition grpDef = (XSDModelGroupDefinition) particle

                    if (grpDef.isModelGroupDefinitionReference()) {
                        grpDef = grpDef.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition();

                    grp = grpDef.getModelGroup();


                case XSDConstants.CHOICE_ELEMENT:
                case XSDConstants.ALL_ELEMENT:
                case XSDConstants.SEQUENCE_ELEMENT:
                    grp = (XSDModelGroup) particle.getContent();


                if (grp != null) {
                    // enque all particles in the group
                    List parts = grp.getParticles();

                    // TODO: this check isa bit hacky.. .figure out why this is the case
                    if (parts.isEmpty()) {
                        parts = grp.getContents();

                    // add in reverse order to front of queue to maintain order
                    for (int i = parts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        } // while

     * Returns a list of all child element declarations of the specified
     * type, no order is guaranteed.
     * <p>
     *         The <code>includeParents</code> flag controls if this method should
     * returns those elements defined on parent types.
     * </p>
     * @param type           The type
     * @param includeParents flag indicating if parent types should be processed
     * @return A list of @link XSDElementDeclaration objects, one for each
     * child element.
    public static final List getChildElementDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition type,
        boolean includeParents) {
        List particles = getChildElementParticles(type, includeParents);
        List elements = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator p = particles.iterator(); p.hasNext();) {
            XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle);
            XSDElementDeclaration decl = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle.getContent();

            if (decl.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
                decl = decl.getResolvedElementDeclaration();


        return elements;

     * Returns the base type defintion of <code>type</code> named <code>parentTypeName<code>.
     * <p>
     * This method will handle the case in which the <code>parentTypeName == type.getTypeName()</code>.
     * If no such parent type is found this method will return <code>null</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param type The type.
     * @param parentTypeName The name of the base type to return.
     * @return The base type, or null if it could not be found.
    public static final XSDTypeDefinition getBaseTypeDefinition(XSDTypeDefinition type,
        final QName parentTypeName) {
        final List found = new ArrayList();

        TypeWalker.Visitor visitor = new TypeWalker.Visitor() {
                public boolean visit(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
                    if (nameMatches(type, parentTypeName)) {

                        return false;

                    return true;

        new TypeWalker().walk(type, visitor);

        return found.isEmpty() ? null : (XSDTypeDefinition) found.get(0);

     * Determines if the type of an element is a sub-type of another element.
     * @param e1 The element.
     * @param e2 The element to be tested as a base type.
     * @since 2.5
    public static final boolean isBaseType(XSDElementDeclaration e1, XSDElementDeclaration e2 ) {
        XSDTypeDefinition type = e1.getType();
        while( type != null ) {
            if ( type.equals( e2.getType() ) ) {
                return true;
            if ( type.equals( type.getBaseType() ) ) {
            type = type.getBaseType();
        return false;
     * Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex
     * type.
     * @param type The type definition containg the declaration <code>element</code>
     * @param element The declaration of the element.
     * @return The minimum number of occurences.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the element declaration cannot be
     * locaated withing the type definition.
    public static final int getMinOccurs(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type,
        XSDElementDeclaration element) {
        final XSDElementDeclaration fElement = element;
        final ArrayList minOccurs = new ArrayList();

        ElementVisitor visitor = new ElementVisitor() {
                public void visit(XSDParticle particle) {
                    XSDElementDeclaration decl = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle.getContent();

                    if (decl.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
                        decl = decl.getResolvedElementDeclaration();

                    if (decl == fElement) {
                        if (particle.isSetMinOccurs()) {
                            minOccurs.add(new Integer(particle.getMinOccurs()));
                        } else if (particle.getContainer() instanceof XSDModelGroup
                                && particle.getContainer().getContainer() instanceof XSDParticle) {
                            particle = (XSDParticle) particle.getContainer().getContainer();
                            minOccurs.add(new Integer(particle.getMinOccurs()));
                        } else {

        visitElements(type, visitor, true);

        if (minOccurs.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element: " + element + " not found in type: "
                + type);

        return ((Integer) minOccurs.get(0)).intValue();

     * Returns the minimum number of occurences of an element within a complex
     * type.
     * @param type The type definition containg the declaration <code>element</code>
     * @param element The declaration of the element.
     * @return The minimum number of occurences.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the element declaration cannot be
     * locaated withing the type definition.
    public static final int getMaxOccurs(XSDComplexTypeDefinition type,
        XSDElementDeclaration element) {
        final XSDElementDeclaration fElement = element;
        final ArrayList maxOccurs = new ArrayList();

        ElementVisitor visitor = new ElementVisitor() {
                public void visit(XSDParticle particle) {
                    XSDElementDeclaration decl = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle.getContent();

                    if (decl.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
                        decl = decl.getResolvedElementDeclaration();

                    if (decl == fElement) {
                        if (particle.isSetMaxOccurs()) {
                            maxOccurs.add(new Integer(particle.getMaxOccurs()));
                        } else if (particle.getContainer() instanceof XSDModelGroup
                                && particle.getContainer().getContainer() instanceof XSDParticle) {
                            particle = (XSDParticle) particle.getContainer().getContainer();
                            maxOccurs.add(new Integer(particle.getMaxOccurs()));
                        } else {

        visitElements(type, visitor, true);

        if (maxOccurs.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element: " + element + " not found in type: "
                + type);

        return ((Integer) maxOccurs.get(0)).intValue();

    private static void visitElements(XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType, ElementVisitor visitor,
        boolean includeParents) {
        if (includeParents) {
            LinkedList baseTypes = new LinkedList();
            XSDTypeDefinition baseType = cType.getBaseType();

            while ((baseType != null) && (baseType != baseType.getBaseType())) {
                if (baseType instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {

                baseType = baseType.getBaseType();

            for (Iterator it = baseTypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                baseType = (XSDTypeDefinition);
                visitElements((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) baseType, visitor);

        visitElements(cType, visitor);

    private static void visitElements(XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType, ElementVisitor visitor) {
        //simple content cant define children
        if ((cType.getContent() == null) || (cType.getContent() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)) {

        //use a queue to simulate the recursion
        LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle) queue.removeFirst();

            //analyze type of particle content
            int pType = XSDUtil.nodeType(particle.getElement());

            if (pType == XSDConstants.ELEMENT_ELEMENT) {
            } else {
                //model group
                XSDModelGroup grp = null;

                switch (pType) {
                case XSDConstants.GROUP_ELEMENT:

                    XSDModelGroupDefinition grpDef = (XSDModelGroupDefinition) particle.getContent();

                    if (grpDef.isModelGroupDefinitionReference()) {
                        grpDef = grpDef.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition();

                    grp = grpDef.getModelGroup();


                case XSDConstants.CHOICE_ELEMENT:
                case XSDConstants.ALL_ELEMENT:
                case XSDConstants.SEQUENCE_ELEMENT:
                    grp = (XSDModelGroup) particle.getContent();


                if (grp != null) {
                    //enque all particles in the group
                    List parts = grp.getParticles();
                    //TODO: this check isa  bit hacky.. .figure out why this is the case
                    if ( parts.isEmpty() ) {
                        parts = grp.getContents();

                    //add in reverse order to front of queue to maintain order
                    for (int i = parts.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        } //while

     * Returns an element declaration that is contained in the type of another
     * element declaration. The following strategy is used to locate the child
     * element declaration.
     * <ol>
     *         <li>The immediate children of the specified element are examined, if a
     * match is found, it is returned.
     *  </li>If 1. does not match, global elements that derive from the
     *  immediate children are examined.
     * </ol>
     * @param parent the containing element declaration
     * @param qName  the qualified name of the contained element
     * @return The contained element declaration, or false if containment is
     * not satisfied.
    public static final XSDElementDeclaration getChildElementDeclaration(
        XSDElementDeclaration parent, QName qName) {
        //look for a match in a direct child
        List children = getChildElementDeclarations(parent);

        for (Iterator itr = children.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration);

            if (nameMatches(element, qName)) {
                return element;

        //couldn't find one, look for match in derived elements
        ArrayList derived = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator itr = children.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            XSDElementDeclaration child = (XSDElementDeclaration);

        for (Iterator itr = derived.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            XSDElementDeclaration child = (XSDElementDeclaration);

            if (nameMatches(child, qName)) {
                return child;

        return null;

     * Returns a list of all top level elements that are of a type derived
     * from the type of the specified element.
     * @param element The element.
     * @return All elements which are of a type derived from the type of the
     * specified element.
    public static final List getDerivedElementDeclarations(XSDElementDeclaration element) {
        List elements = element.getSchema().getElementDeclarations();
        List derived = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator itr = elements.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            XSDElementDeclaration derivee = (XSDElementDeclaration);

            if (derivee.equals(element)) {
                continue; //same element

            XSDTypeDefinition type = derivee.getType();

            while (true) {
                if (type.equals(element.getType())) {


                if (type.equals(type.getBaseType())) {

                type = type.getBaseType();

        return derived;

     * Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or
     * any base type) of the specified element.
     * <p>
     * This method is just a shortcut for {@link #getAttributeDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition) getAttributeDeclarations(element.getType()}
     * </p>
     * @param element The element.
     * @return A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each
     * attribute of the element.
    public static final List getAttributeDeclarations(XSDElementDeclaration element) {
        return getAttributeDeclarations(element.getType());

     * Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (or
     * any base type) of the specified element.
     * @param element The element.
     * @return A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each
     * attribute of the element.
    public static final List getAttributeDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
        return getAttributeDeclarations(type,true);
     * Returns a list of all attribute declarations declared in the type (and optionally
     * any base type) of the specified element.
     * @param element The element.
     * @param includeParents Wether to include parent types.
     * @return A list of @link XSDAttributeDeclaration objects, one for each
     * attribute of the element.
    public static final List getAttributeDeclarations(XSDTypeDefinition type, boolean includeParents) {
        final ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();

        //walk up the type hierarchy of the element to generate a list of atts
        TypeWalker.Visitor visitor = new TypeWalker.Visitor() {
                public boolean visit(XSDTypeDefinition type) {
                    //simple types dont have attributes
                    if (type instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
                        return true;

                    XSDComplexTypeDefinition cType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) type;

                    //get all the attribute content (groups,or uses) and add to q
                    List attContent = cType.getAttributeContents();

                    for (Iterator itr = attContent.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                        XSDAttributeGroupContent content = (XSDAttributeGroupContent);

                        if (content instanceof XSDAttributeUse) {
                            //an attribute, add it to the list
                            XSDAttributeUse use = (XSDAttributeUse) content;
                        } else if (content instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) {
                            //attribute group, add all atts in group to list
                            XSDAttributeGroupDefinition attGrp = (XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) content;

                            if (attGrp.isAttributeGroupDefinitionReference()) {
                                attGrp = attGrp.getResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition();

                            List uses = attGrp.getAttributeUses();

                            for (Iterator aitr = uses.iterator(); aitr.hasNext();) {
                                XSDAttributeUse use = (XSDAttributeUse);

                    return true;

        if (includeParents) {
            //walk up the type hierarchy of the element to generate a list of
            // possible elements
            new TypeWalker().walk(type, visitor);
        } else {
            //just visit this type

        return attributes;

     * Returns an attribute declaration that is contained in the type of another
     * element declaration.
     * @param element The containing element declaration.
     * @param qName The qualified name of the contained attribute
     * @return The contained attribute declaration, or false if containment is
     * not satisfied.
    public static final XSDAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration(
        XSDElementDeclaration element, QName qName) {
        List atts = getAttributeDeclarations(element);

        for (Iterator itr = atts.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            XSDAttributeDeclaration att = (XSDAttributeDeclaration);

            if (nameMatches(att, qName)) {
                return att;

        return null;

     * Returns a flat list of imports from the specified schema.
     * <p>
     * The method recurses into imported schemas. The list returned is filtered so that
     * duplicate includes are removed. Two includes are considered equal if they have the same
     * target namespace.
     * </p>
     * @param schema The top-level schema.
     * @return A list containing objects of type {@link XSDImport}.
    public static final List getImports(XSDSchema schema) {
        LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
        ArrayList imports = new ArrayList();
        HashSet added = new HashSet();


        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            schema = (XSDSchema) queue.removeFirst();

            List contents = schema.getContents();

            for (Iterator itr = contents.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                XSDSchemaContent content = (XSDSchemaContent);

                if (content instanceof XSDImport) {
                    XSDImport imprt = (XSDImport) content;

                    if (!added.contains(imprt.getNamespace())) {

                        XSDSchema resolvedSchema = imprt.getResolvedSchema();
                        if(resolvedSchema == null){
                  "Schema import wasn't resolved: " + imprt.getNamespace()
                                    + " declared location: " + imprt.getSchemaLocation());

        return imports;

     * Returns a flat list of includes from the specified schema.
     * <p>
     * The method recurses into included schemas. The list returned is filtered so that
     * duplicate includes are removed. Two includes are considered equal if they have the same
     * uri location
     * </p>
     * @param schema The top-level schema.
     * @return A list containing objects of type {@link XSDInclude}.
    public static final List getIncludes(XSDSchema schema) {
        LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
        ArrayList includes = new ArrayList();
        HashSet added = new HashSet();


        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            schema = (XSDSchema) queue.removeFirst();

            List contents = schema.getContents();

            for (Iterator itr = contents.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                XSDSchemaContent content = (XSDSchemaContent);

                if (content instanceof XSDInclude) {
                    XSDInclude include = (XSDInclude) content;

                    if (!added.contains(include.getSchemaLocation())) {

                        if (include.getIncorporatedSchema() != null) {
                        } else {
                            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                                LOGGER.fine("include: " + include + " resulted in null schema");

        return includes;

     * Searches <code>schema</code> for an element which matches <code>name</code>.
     * @param schema The schema
     * @param name The element to search for
     * @return The element declaration, or null if it could not be found.
    public static XSDElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration(XSDSchema schema, QName name) {
        for (Iterator e = schema.getElementDeclarations().iterator(); e.hasNext();) {
            XSDElementDeclaration element = (XSDElementDeclaration);

            if (element.getTargetNamespace().equals(name.getNamespaceURI())) {
                if (element.getName().equals(name.getLocalPart())) {
                    return element;

        return null;

     * Method for comparing the name of a schema component to a qualified name.
     * The component name and the qualified name match if both the namespaces
     * match, and the local parts match. Prefixes are ignored. Two strings will
     * match if one of the following conditions hold.
     * <ul>
     <li>Both strings are null.
     *  <li>Both strings are the empty string.
     *  <li>One string is null, and the other is the empty string.
     *  <li>Both strings are non-null and non-empty and equals() return true.
     * </ul>
     * @param component The component in question.
     * @param qName The qualifined name.
    public static final boolean nameMatches(XSDNamedComponent component, QName qName) {
        String ns1 = component.getTargetNamespace();
        String ns2 = qName.getNamespaceURI();
        String n1 = component.getName();
        String n2 = qName.getLocalPart();

        ns1 = "".equals(ns1) ? null : ns1;
        ns2 = "".equals(ns2) ? null : ns2;
        n1 = "".equals(n1) ? null : n1;
        n2 = "".equals(n2) ? null : n2;

        if ((ns1 == null) && (ns2 != null)) {
            //try the default namespace
            if (component.getSchema() != null) {
                ns1 = component.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();

                if ("".equals(ns1)) {
                    ns1 = null;

        return Utilities.equals(ns1, ns2) && Utilities.equals(n1, n2);

        //        //is this the element we are looking for
        //        if ((component.getTargetNamespace() == null)
        //                || "".equals(component.getTargetNamespace())) {
        //            if ((qName.getNamespaceURI() == null)
        //                    || "".equals(qName.getNamespaceURI())) {
        //                //do a local name match
        //              String n1 = component.getName();
        //              if ( "".equals( n1 ) ) {
        //                n1 = null;
        //              }
        //              String n2 = qName.getLocalPart();
        //              if ( "".equals( n2 ) ) {
        //                n2 = null;
        //              }
        //                return (n1 == null && n2 == null) || n1.equals( n2 );
        //            }
        //            //assume default namespace
        //            if (component.getSchema().getTargetNamespace()
        //                             .equals(qName.getNamespaceURI())
        //                    && component.getName().equals(qName.getLocalPart())) {
        //                return true;
        //            }
        //        } else if (component.getTargetNamespace().equals(qName.getNamespaceURI())
        //                && component.getName().equals(qName.getLocalPart())) {
        //            return true;
        //        }

     * Returns the namespace prefix mapped to the targetNamespace of the schema.
     * @param schema The schema in question.
     * @return The namesapce prefix, or <code>null</code> if not found.
    public static String getTargetPrefix(XSDSchema schema) {
        String ns = schema.getTargetNamespace();
        Map pre2ns = schema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();

        for (Iterator itr = pre2ns.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

            if (entry.getKey() == null) {
                continue; //default prefix

            if (entry.getValue().equals(ns)) {
                return (String) entry.getKey();

        return null;

     * Obtains all instances of a particular class from a container by navigating
     * up the container hierachy.
     * @param container The container.
     * @param clazz The class.
     * @return A list of all instances of <code>clazz</code>, or the empty list if none found.
    public static List getComponentInstancesOfType(PicoContainer container, Class clazz) {
        List instances = new ArrayList();

        while (container != null) {
            List l = container.getComponentInstancesOfType(clazz);
            container = container.getParent();

        return instances;

     * Obtains all component adapters of a particular class from a container by navigating
     * up the container hierarchy.
     * @param container The container.
     * @param clazz The class.
     * @return A list of all adapters for components of class <code>clazz</code>, or the empty list
     *  if none found.
    public static List<ComponentAdapter> getComponentAdaptersOfType(PicoContainer container, Class clazz) {
        List instances = new ArrayList();

        while (container != null) {
            List l = container.getComponentAdaptersOfType(clazz);
            container = container.getParent();

        return instances;

     * Unregisters a component in the container and all parent containers.
     * @param container The container.
     * @param key The key of the component.
    public static void unregisterComponent(PicoContainer container, final Object key) {
        //go to the top of the hierachy
        while (container.getParent() != null) {
            container = container.getParent();

        container.accept(new PicoVisitor() {
                public Object traverse(Object node) {
                    return null;

                public void visitContainer(PicoContainer container) {
                    if (container instanceof MutablePicoContainer) {
                        ((MutablePicoContainer) container).unregisterComponent(key);

                public void visitComponentAdapter(ComponentAdapter adapter) {

                public void visitParameter(Parameter parameter) {

     * Returns the name of the element represented by the particle as a QName.
    public static QName getParticleName(XSDParticle particle) {
        XSDElementDeclaration content = (XSDElementDeclaration) particle.getContent();
        if ( content.isElementDeclarationReference() ) {
            content = content.getResolvedElementDeclaration();
        return new QName( content.getTargetNamespace(),content.getName() );
     * Simple visitor interface for visiting elements which are part of
     * complex types. This interface is private api because there is probably
     * a better way of visiting the contents of a type.
     * @author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project,
    private static interface ElementVisitor {
         * The particle containing the element.
         * @param element
        void visit(XSDParticle element);

    static class SchemaLocatorAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl {
        SchemaLocatorAdapter adapter;

        public SchemaLocatorAdapterFactory(List /*<XSDSchemaLocator>*/ locators) {
            adapter = new SchemaLocatorAdapter(locators);

        public boolean isFactoryForType(Object type) {
            return type == XSDSchemaLocator.class;

        public Adapter adaptNew(Notifier notifier, Object type) {
            return adapter;

    static class SchemaLocatorAdapter extends AdapterImpl implements XSDSchemaLocator {
        List /*<XSDSchemaLocator>*/ locators;

        public SchemaLocatorAdapter(List /*<XSDSchemaLocator>*/ locators) {
            this.locators = new ArrayList(locators);

        public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type) {
            return type == XSDSchemaLocator.class;

        public XSDSchema locateSchema(XSDSchema xsdSchema, String namespaceURI,
            String rawSchemaLocationURI, String resolvedSchemaLocationURI) {
            for (int i = 0; i < locators.size(); i++) {
                XSDSchemaLocator locator = (XSDSchemaLocator) locators.get(i);
                XSDSchema schema = locator.locateSchema(xsdSchema, namespaceURI,
                        rawSchemaLocationURI, resolvedSchemaLocationURI);

                if (schema != null) {
                    return schema;

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                LOGGER.fine("Could not locate schema for: " + rawSchemaLocationURI + ".");

            return null;

    static class SchemaLocationResolverAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl {
        SchemaLocationResolverAdapter adapter;

        public SchemaLocationResolverAdapterFactory(List /*<XSDSchemaLocationResolver>*/ resolvers) {
            adapter = new SchemaLocationResolverAdapter(resolvers);

        public boolean isFactoryForType(Object type) {
            return type == XSDSchemaLocationResolver.class;

        public Adapter adaptNew(Notifier notifier, Object type) {
            return adapter;

    static class SchemaLocationResolverAdapter extends AdapterImpl
        implements XSDSchemaLocationResolver {
        List /*<XSDSchemaLocationResolver>*/ resolvers;

        public SchemaLocationResolverAdapter(List /*<XSDSchemaLocationResolver>*/ resolvers) {
            this.resolvers = new ArrayList(resolvers);

        public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type) {
            return type == XSDSchemaLocationResolver.class;

        public String resolveSchemaLocation(XSDSchema schema, String namespaceURI,
            String rawSchemaLocationURI) {
            for (int i = 0; i < resolvers.size(); i++) {
                XSDSchemaLocationResolver resolver = (XSDSchemaLocationResolver) resolvers.get(i);
                String resolved = resolver.resolveSchemaLocation(schema, namespaceURI,

                if (resolved != null) {
                    return resolved;

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                LOGGER.fine("Could not resolve schema location: " + rawSchemaLocationURI
                    + " to physical location.");

            return null;

Related Classes of org.geotools.xml.Schemas

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