package org.geotools.brewer;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.geotools.brewer.color.ColorBrewer;
import org.geotools.brewer.color.StyleGenerator;
import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder;
import org.geotools.filter.function.Classifier;
import org.geotools.filter.function.ExplicitClassifier;
import org.geotools.filter.function.RangedClassifier;
import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Function;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName;
public class BrewerExamples {
public void classiferExample() {
SimpleFeatureCollection collection = null;
SimpleFeature feature = null;
// classiferExample start
FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
Function classify = ff.function("Quantile","name"), ff.literal(2));
Classifier groups = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);
// classiferExample end
// classiferExample2 start
groups.setTitle(0, "Group A");
groups.setTitle(1, "Group B");
// classiferExample2 end
// classiferExample3 start
// groups is a classifier with "Group A" and "Group B"
Function sort = ff.function("classify","name"), ff.literal(groups));
int slot = (Integer) sort.evaluate(feature);
System.out.println(groups.getTitle(slot)); // ie. "Group A"
// classiferExample3 end
public void classiferQuantile() {
SimpleFeatureCollection collection = null;
SimpleFeature feature = null;
// classiferQuantile start
FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
Function classify = ff.function("Quantile","zone"), ff.literal(2));
// Zones assigned by a municipal board do not have an intrinsic numerical
// meaning making them suitable for display using:
// - qualitative palette where each zone would have the same visual impact
Classifier groups = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);
// classiferQuantile end
public void classiferEqualInterval() {
SimpleFeatureCollection collection = null;
SimpleFeature feature = null;
// classiferEqualInterval start
FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
Function classify = ff.function("EqualInterval","height"), ff.literal(5));
// this will create a nice smooth series of intervals suitable for presentation
// with:
// - sequential color palette to make each height blend smoothly into the next
// - diverging color palettes if you want to make higher and lower areas stand out more
Classifier height = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);
// classiferEqualInterval end
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void explicitClassifierExample() {
// explicitClassifierExample start
Set[] zones = new Set[3];
// urban commercial or residencial
zones[0] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Zone 1", "Zone 2", }));
// municipal or crown parkland
zones[1] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Zone 4", "Crown 2", }));
// industrial
zones[2] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Zone 3" }));
Classifier landuse = new ExplicitClassifier(zones);
landuse.setTitle(0, "urban");
landuse.setTitle(1, "park");
landuse.setTitle(2, "industrial");
// explicitClassifierExample end
public void rangedClassifierExample() {
// rangedClassifierExample start
Comparable min[] = new Comparable[25];
Comparable max[] = new Comparable[25];
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
min[i] = (char) ('A' + i);
max[i] = (char) ('B' + i);
Classifier alphabetical = new RangedClassifier(min, max);
// rangedClassifierExample end
void colorBrewerExample(SimpleFeatureCollection featureCollection) {
// colorBrewerExample start
// STEP 0 Set up Color Brewer
ColorBrewer brewer = ColorBrewer.instance();
// STEP 1 - call a classifier function to summarise your content
FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
PropertyName propteryExpression ="height");
// classify into five categories
Function classify = ff.function("Quantile", propteryExpression, ff.literal(5));
Classifier groups = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(featureCollection);
// STEP 2 - look up a predefined palette from color brewer
String paletteName = "GrBu";
Color[] colors = brewer.getPalette(paletteName).getColors(5);
// STEP 3 - ask StyleGenerator to make a set of rules for the Classifier
// assigning features the correct color based on height
FeatureTypeStyle style = StyleGenerator.createFeatureTypeStyle(
"Generated FeatureTypeStyle for GreeBlue",
// colorBrewerExample end