* Copyright 2010 Ning, Inc.
* Ning licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.asynchttpclient;
import static org.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClientConfigDefaults.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import org.asynchttpclient.date.TimeConverter;
import org.asynchttpclient.filter.IOExceptionFilter;
import org.asynchttpclient.filter.RequestFilter;
import org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter;
import org.asynchttpclient.util.DefaultHostnameVerifier;
import org.asynchttpclient.util.ProxyUtils;
* Configuration class to use with a {@link AsyncHttpClient}. System property can be also used to configure this
* object default behavior by doing:
* <p/>
* -Dorg.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClientConfig.nameOfTheProperty
public class AsyncHttpClientConfig {
protected final static String ASYNC_CLIENT = AsyncHttpClientConfig.class.getName() + ".";
public final static String AHC_VERSION;
static {
InputStream is = null;
Properties prop = new Properties();
try {
is = AsyncHttpClientConfig.class.getResourceAsStream("version.properties");
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
AHC_VERSION = prop.getProperty("ahc.version", "UNKNOWN");
protected int connectTimeout;
protected int maxConnections;
protected int maxConnectionsPerHost;
protected int requestTimeout;
protected int readTimeout;
protected int webSocketTimeout;
protected boolean allowPoolingConnections;
protected boolean allowPoolingSslConnections;
protected int pooledConnectionIdleTimeout;
protected int connectionTTL;
protected SSLContext sslContext;
protected HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier;
protected boolean acceptAnyCertificate;
protected boolean followRedirect;
protected int maxRedirects;
protected boolean removeQueryParamOnRedirect;
protected boolean strict302Handling;
protected ProxyServerSelector proxyServerSelector;
protected boolean useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies;
protected boolean compressionEnforced;
protected String userAgent;
protected ExecutorService applicationThreadPool;
protected Realm realm;
protected List<RequestFilter> requestFilters;
protected List<ResponseFilter> responseFilters;
protected List<IOExceptionFilter> ioExceptionFilters;
protected int maxRequestRetry;
protected boolean disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests;
protected int ioThreadMultiplier;
protected TimeConverter timeConverter;
protected String[] enabledProtocols;
protected String[] enabledCipherSuites;
protected AsyncHttpProviderConfig<?, ?> providerConfig;
// AHC 2 specific
protected boolean spdyEnabled;
protected int spdyInitialWindowSize;
protected int spdyMaxConcurrentStreams;
protected AsyncHttpClientConfig() {
private AsyncHttpClientConfig(int connectTimeout,//
int maxConnections,//
int maxConnectionsPerHost,//
int requestTimeout,//
int readTimeout,//
int webSocketTimeout,//
boolean allowPoolingConnection,//
boolean allowSslConnectionPool,//
int idleConnectionInPoolTimeout,//
int maxConnectionLifeTime,//
SSLContext sslContext, //
HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier,//
boolean acceptAnyCertificate, //
boolean followRedirect, //
int maxRedirects, //
boolean removeQueryParamOnRedirect,//
boolean strict302Handling, //
ExecutorService applicationThreadPool,//
ProxyServerSelector proxyServerSelector, //
boolean useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies, //
boolean compressionEnforced, //
String userAgent,//
Realm realm,//
List<RequestFilter> requestFilters,//
List<ResponseFilter> responseFilters,//
List<IOExceptionFilter> ioExceptionFilters,//
int maxRequestRetry, //
boolean disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests, //
int ioThreadMultiplier, //
TimeConverter timeConverter,//
String[] enabledProtocols,//
String[] enabledCipherSuites,//
AsyncHttpProviderConfig<?, ?> providerConfig,//
boolean spdyEnabled, //
int spdyInitialWindowSize, //
int spdyMaxConcurrentStreams) {
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
this.maxConnections = maxConnections;
this.maxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost;
this.requestTimeout = requestTimeout;
this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
this.webSocketTimeout = webSocketTimeout;
this.allowPoolingConnections = allowPoolingConnection;
this.allowPoolingSslConnections = allowSslConnectionPool;
this.pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = idleConnectionInPoolTimeout;
this.connectionTTL = maxConnectionLifeTime;
this.sslContext = sslContext;
this.hostnameVerifier = hostnameVerifier;
this.acceptAnyCertificate = acceptAnyCertificate;
this.followRedirect = followRedirect;
this.maxRedirects = maxRedirects;
this.removeQueryParamOnRedirect = removeQueryParamOnRedirect;
this.strict302Handling = strict302Handling;
this.proxyServerSelector = proxyServerSelector;
this.useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies = useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies;
this.compressionEnforced = compressionEnforced;
this.userAgent = userAgent;
this.applicationThreadPool = applicationThreadPool == null ? Executors.newCachedThreadPool() : applicationThreadPool;
this.realm = realm;
this.requestFilters = requestFilters;
this.responseFilters = responseFilters;
this.ioExceptionFilters = ioExceptionFilters;
this.maxRequestRetry = maxRequestRetry;
this.disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests = disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests;
this.ioThreadMultiplier = ioThreadMultiplier;
this.timeConverter = timeConverter;
this.enabledProtocols = enabledProtocols;
this.enabledCipherSuites = enabledCipherSuites;
this.providerConfig = providerConfig;
this.spdyEnabled = spdyEnabled;
this.spdyInitialWindowSize = spdyInitialWindowSize;
this.spdyMaxConcurrentStreams = spdyMaxConcurrentStreams;
* Return the maximum number of connections an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @return the maximum number of connections an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
public int getMaxConnections() {
return maxConnections;
* Return the maximum number of connections per hosts an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @return the maximum number of connections per host an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
public int getMaxConnectionsPerHost() {
return maxConnectionsPerHost;
* Return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can wait when connecting to a remote host
* @return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can wait when connecting to a remote host
public int getConnectTimeout() {
return connectTimeout;
* Return the maximum time, in milliseconds, a {@link org.asynchttpclient.websocket.WebSocket} may be idle before being timed out.
* @return the maximum time, in milliseconds, a {@link org.asynchttpclient.websocket.WebSocket} may be idle before being timed out.
public int getWebSocketTimeout() {
return webSocketTimeout;
* Return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can stay idle.
* @return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can stay idle.
public int getReadTimeout() {
return readTimeout;
* Return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection
* in pool.
* @return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection
* in pool.
public int getPooledConnectionIdleTimeout() {
return pooledConnectionIdleTimeout;
* Return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} wait for a response
* @return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} wait for a response
public int getRequestTimeout() {
return requestTimeout;
* Is HTTP redirect enabled
* @return true if enabled.
public boolean isFollowRedirect() {
return followRedirect;
* Get the maximum number of HTTP redirect
* @return the maximum number of HTTP redirect
public int getMaxRedirects() {
return maxRedirects;
* Is the {@link ConnectionsPool} support enabled.
* @return true if keep-alive is enabled
public boolean isAllowPoolingConnections() {
return allowPoolingConnections;
* Return the USER_AGENT header value
* @return the USER_AGENT header value
public String getUserAgent() {
return userAgent;
* Is HTTP compression enforced.
* @return true if compression is enforced
public boolean isCompressionEnforced() {
return compressionEnforced;
* Return the {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService} an {@link AsyncHttpClient} use for handling
* asynchronous response.
* @return the {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService} an {@link AsyncHttpClient} use for handling
* asynchronous response. If no {@link ExecutorService} has been explicitly provided,
* this method will return <code>null</code>
public ExecutorService executorService() {
return applicationThreadPool;
* An instance of {@link ProxyServer} used by an {@link AsyncHttpClient}
* @return instance of {@link ProxyServer}
public ProxyServerSelector getProxyServerSelector() {
return proxyServerSelector;
* Return an instance of {@link SSLContext} used for SSL connection.
* @return an instance of {@link SSLContext} used for SSL connection.
public SSLContext getSSLContext() {
return sslContext;
* Return the {@link AsyncHttpProviderConfig}
* @return the {@link AsyncHttpProviderConfig}
public AsyncHttpProviderConfig<?, ?> getAsyncHttpProviderConfig() {
return providerConfig;
* Return the current {@link Realm}}
* @return the current {@link Realm}}
public Realm getRealm() {
return realm;
* @return <code>true</code> if {@link RequestFilter}s have been defined.
* @since 2.0.0
public boolean hasRequestFilters() {
return !requestFilters.isEmpty();
* Return the list of {@link RequestFilter}
* @return Unmodifiable list of {@link ResponseFilter}
public List<RequestFilter> getRequestFilters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(requestFilters);
* @return <code>true</code> if {@link ResponseFilter}s have been defined.
* @since 2.0.0
public boolean hasResponseFilters() {
return !responseFilters.isEmpty();
* Return the list of {@link ResponseFilter}
* @return Unmodifiable list of {@link ResponseFilter}
public List<ResponseFilter> getResponseFilters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(responseFilters);
* Return the list of {@link java.io.IOException}
* @return Unmodifiable list of {@link java.io.IOException}
public List<IOExceptionFilter> getIOExceptionFilters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(ioExceptionFilters);
* Return the number of time the library will retry when an {@link java.io.IOException} is throw by the remote server
* @return the number of time the library will retry when an {@link java.io.IOException} is throw by the remote server
public int getMaxRequestRetry() {
return maxRequestRetry;
* Return true is SSL connection polling is enabled. Default is true.
* @return true is enabled.
public boolean isAllowPoolingSslConnections() {
return allowPoolingSslConnections;
* @return the disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests
public boolean isDisableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests() {
return disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests;
* @return whether or not SPDY is enabled.
public boolean isSpdyEnabled() {
return spdyEnabled;
* @return the windows size new SPDY sessions should be initialized to.
public int getSpdyInitialWindowSize() {
return spdyInitialWindowSize;
* @return the maximum number of concurrent streams over one SPDY session.
public int getSpdyMaxConcurrentStreams() {
return spdyMaxConcurrentStreams;
* Return true if the query parameters will be stripped from the request when a redirect is requested.
* @return true if the query parameters will be stripped from the request when a redirect is requested.
public boolean isRemoveQueryParamOnRedirect() {
return removeQueryParamOnRedirect;
* @return <code>true</code> if both the application and reaper thread pools
* haven't yet been shutdown.
* @since 1.7.21
public boolean isValid() {
boolean atpRunning = true;
try {
atpRunning = applicationThreadPool.isShutdown();
} catch (Exception ignore) {
// isShutdown() will thrown an exception in an EE7 environment
// when using a ManagedExecutorService.
// When this is the case, we assume it's running.
return atpRunning;
* Return the {@link HostnameVerifier}
* @return the {@link HostnameVerifier}
public HostnameVerifier getHostnameVerifier() {
return hostnameVerifier;
* @return number to multiply by availableProcessors() that will determine # of NioWorkers to use
public int getIoThreadMultiplier() {
return ioThreadMultiplier;
* <p>
* In the case of a POST/Redirect/Get scenario where the server uses a 302
* for the redirect, should AHC respond to the redirect with a GET or
* whatever the original method was. Unless configured otherwise,
* for a 302, AHC, will use a GET for this case.
* </p>
* @return <code>true</code> if string 302 handling is to be used,
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
* @since 1.7.2
public boolean isStrict302Handling() {
return strict302Handling;
* @return<code>true</code> if AHC should use relative URIs instead of absolute ones when talking with a SSL proxy
* or WebSocket proxy, otherwise <code>false</code>.
* @since 1.8.13
public boolean isUseRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies() {
return useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies;
* Return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection in the pool, or -1 to keep connection while possible.
* @return the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection in the pool, or -1 to keep connection while possible.
public int getConnectionTTL() {
return connectionTTL;
* @return the TimeConverter used for converting RFC2616Dates into time
* since 1.9.0
public TimeConverter getTimeConverter() {
return timeConverter;
public boolean isAcceptAnyCertificate() {
return acceptAnyCertificate;
* since 1.9.0
public String[] getEnabledProtocols() {
return enabledProtocols;
* since 1.9.0
public String[] getEnabledCipherSuites() {
return enabledCipherSuites;
* Builder for an {@link AsyncHttpClient}
public static class Builder {
private int connectTimeout = defaultConnectTimeout();
private int maxConnections = defaultMaxConnections();
private int maxConnectionsPerHost = defaultMaxConnectionsPerHost();
private int requestTimeout = defaultRequestTimeout();
private int readTimeout = defaultReadTimeout();
private int webSocketTimeout = defaultWebSocketTimeout();
private boolean allowPoolingConnections = defaultAllowPoolingConnections();
private boolean allowPoolingSslConnections = defaultAllowPoolingSslConnections();
private int pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = defaultPooledConnectionIdleTimeout();
private int connectionTTL = defaultConnectionTTL();
private SSLContext sslContext;
private HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier;
private boolean acceptAnyCertificate = defaultAcceptAnyCertificate();
private boolean followRedirect = defaultFollowRedirect();
private int maxRedirects = defaultMaxRedirects();
private boolean removeQueryParamOnRedirect = defaultRemoveQueryParamOnRedirect();
private boolean strict302Handling = defaultStrict302Handling();
private ProxyServerSelector proxyServerSelector = null;
private boolean useProxySelector = defaultUseProxySelector();
private boolean useProxyProperties = defaultUseProxyProperties();
private boolean useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies = defaultUseRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies();
private boolean compressionEnforced = defaultCompressionEnforced();
private String userAgent = defaultUserAgent();
private ExecutorService applicationThreadPool;
private Realm realm;
private final List<RequestFilter> requestFilters = new LinkedList<RequestFilter>();
private final List<ResponseFilter> responseFilters = new LinkedList<ResponseFilter>();
private final List<IOExceptionFilter> ioExceptionFilters = new LinkedList<IOExceptionFilter>();
private int maxRequestRetry = defaultMaxRequestRetry();
private boolean disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests = defaultDisableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests();
private int ioThreadMultiplier = defaultIoThreadMultiplier();
private TimeConverter timeConverter;
private String[] enabledProtocols;
private String[] enabledCipherSuites;
private AsyncHttpProviderConfig<?, ?> providerConfig;
// AHC 2
private boolean spdyEnabled = defaultSpdyEnabled();
private int spdyInitialWindowSize = defaultSpdyInitialWindowSize();
private int spdyMaxConcurrentStreams = defaultSpdyMaxConcurrentStreams();
public Builder() {
* Set the maximum number of connections an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @param maxConnections the maximum number of connections an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setMaxConnections(int maxConnections) {
this.maxConnections = maxConnections;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of connections per hosts an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @param maxConnectionsPerHost the maximum number of connections per host an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can handle.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setMaxConnectionsPerHost(int maxConnectionsPerHost) {
this.maxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can wait when connecting to a remote host
* @param connectTimeout the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can wait when connecting to a remote host
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) {
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond an {@link org.asynchttpclient.websocket.WebSocket} can stay idle.
* @param webSocketTimeout
* the maximum time in millisecond an {@link org.asynchttpclient.websocket.WebSocket} can stay idle.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setWebSocketTimeout(int webSocketTimeout) {
this.webSocketTimeout = webSocketTimeout;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can stay idle.
* @param readTimeout
* the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} can stay idle.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setReadTimeout(int readTimeout) {
this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection
* idle in pool.
* @param pooledConnectionIdleTimeout
* the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} will keep connection
* idle in pool.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setPooledConnectionIdleTimeout(int pooledConnectionIdleTimeout) {
this.pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = pooledConnectionIdleTimeout;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} wait for a response
* @param requestTimeout the maximum time in millisecond an {@link AsyncHttpClient} wait for a response
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setRequestTimeout(int requestTimeout) {
this.requestTimeout = requestTimeout;
return this;
* Set to true to enable HTTP redirect
* @param redirectEnabled true if enabled.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setFollowRedirect(boolean followRedirect) {
this.followRedirect = followRedirect;
return this;
* Set the maximum number of HTTP redirect
* @param maxRedirects the maximum number of HTTP redirect
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setMaxRedirects(int maxRedirects) {
this.maxRedirects = maxRedirects;
return this;
* Enforce HTTP compression.
* @param compressionEnabled true if compression is enforced
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setCompressionEnforced(boolean compressionEnforced) {
this.compressionEnforced = compressionEnforced;
return this;
* Set the USER_AGENT header value
* @param userAgent the USER_AGENT header value
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
this.userAgent = userAgent;
return this;
* Set true if connection can be pooled by a {@link ConnectionsPool}. Default is true.
* @param allowPoolingConnections true if connection can be pooled by a {@link ConnectionsPool}
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setAllowPoolingConnections(boolean allowPoolingConnections) {
this.allowPoolingConnections = allowPoolingConnections;
return this;
* Set the {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService} an {@link AsyncHttpClient} use for handling
* asynchronous response.
* @param applicationThreadPool the {@link java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService} an {@link AsyncHttpClient} use for handling
* asynchronous response.
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setExecutorService(ExecutorService applicationThreadPool) {
this.applicationThreadPool = applicationThreadPool;
return this;
* Set an instance of {@link ProxyServerSelector} used by an {@link AsyncHttpClient}
* @param proxyServerSelector instance of {@link ProxyServerSelector}
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setProxyServerSelector(ProxyServerSelector proxyServerSelector) {
this.proxyServerSelector = proxyServerSelector;
return this;
* Set an instance of {@link ProxyServer} used by an {@link AsyncHttpClient}
* @param proxyServer instance of {@link ProxyServer}
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setProxyServer(ProxyServer proxyServer) {
this.proxyServerSelector = ProxyUtils.createProxyServerSelector(proxyServer);
return this;
* Set the {@link SSLContext} for secure connection.
* @param sslContext the {@link SSLContext} for secure connection
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setSSLContext(final SSLContext sslContext) {
this.sslContext = sslContext;
return this;
* Set the {@link AsyncHttpProviderConfig}
* @param providerConfig the {@link AsyncHttpProviderConfig}
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setAsyncHttpClientProviderConfig(AsyncHttpProviderConfig<?, ?> providerConfig) {
this.providerConfig = providerConfig;
return this;
* Set the {@link Realm} that will be used for all requests.
* @param realm the {@link Realm}
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setRealm(Realm realm) {
this.realm = realm;
return this;
* Add an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.RequestFilter} that will be invoked before {@link AsyncHttpClient#executeRequest(Request)}
* @param requestFilter {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.RequestFilter}
* @return this
public Builder addRequestFilter(RequestFilter requestFilter) {
return this;
* Remove an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.RequestFilter} that will be invoked before {@link AsyncHttpClient#executeRequest(Request)}
* @param requestFilter {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.RequestFilter}
* @return this
public Builder removeRequestFilter(RequestFilter requestFilter) {
return this;
* Add an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter} that will be invoked as soon as the response is
* received, and before {@link AsyncHandler#onStatusReceived(HttpResponseStatus)}.
* @param responseFilter an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter}
* @return this
public Builder addResponseFilter(ResponseFilter responseFilter) {
return this;
* Remove an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter} that will be invoked as soon as the response is
* received, and before {@link AsyncHandler#onStatusReceived(HttpResponseStatus)}.
* @param responseFilter an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter}
* @return this
public Builder removeResponseFilter(ResponseFilter responseFilter) {
return this;
* Add an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.IOExceptionFilter} that will be invoked when an {@link java.io.IOException}
* occurs during the download/upload operations.
* @param ioExceptionFilter an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter}
* @return this
public Builder addIOExceptionFilter(IOExceptionFilter ioExceptionFilter) {
return this;
* Remove an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.IOExceptionFilter} tthat will be invoked when an {@link java.io.IOException}
* occurs during the download/upload operations.
* @param ioExceptionFilter an {@link org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter}
* @return this
public Builder removeIOExceptionFilter(IOExceptionFilter ioExceptionFilter) {
return this;
* Set the number of times a request will be retried when an {@link java.io.IOException} occurs because of a Network exception.
* @param maxRequestRetry the number of times a request will be retried
* @return this
public Builder setMaxRequestRetry(int maxRequestRetry) {
this.maxRequestRetry = maxRequestRetry;
return this;
* Return true is if connections pooling is enabled.
* @param pooledConnectionIdleTimeout true if enabled
* @return this
public Builder setAllowPoolingSslConnections(boolean allowPoolingSslConnections) {
this.allowPoolingSslConnections = allowPoolingSslConnections;
return this;
* Allows use unescaped URLs in requests
* useful for retrieving data from broken sites
* @param disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests
* @return this
public Builder setDisableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests(boolean disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests) {
this.disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests = disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests;
return this;
* Set to false if you don't want the query parameters removed when a redirect occurs.
* @param removeQueryParamOnRedirect
* @return this
public Builder setRemoveQueryParamsOnRedirect(boolean removeQueryParamOnRedirect) {
this.removeQueryParamOnRedirect = removeQueryParamOnRedirect;
return this;
* Sets whether AHC should use the default JDK ProxySelector to select a proxy server.
* <p/>
* If useProxySelector is set to <code>true</code> but {@link #setProxyServer(ProxyServer)}
* was used to explicitly set a proxy server, the latter is preferred.
* <p/>
* See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/ProxySelector.html
public Builder setUseProxySelector(boolean useProxySelector) {
this.useProxySelector = useProxySelector;
return this;
* Sets whether AHC should use the default http.proxy* system properties
* to obtain proxy information. This differs from {@link #setUseProxySelector(boolean)}
* in that AsyncHttpClient will use its own logic to handle the system properties,
* potentially supporting other protocols that the the JDK ProxySelector doesn't.
* <p/>
* If useProxyProperties is set to <code>true</code> but {@link #setUseProxySelector(boolean)}
* was also set to true, the latter is preferred.
* <p/>
* See http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/net/properties.html
public Builder setUseProxyProperties(boolean useProxyProperties) {
this.useProxyProperties = useProxyProperties;
return this;
public Builder setIOThreadMultiplier(int multiplier) {
this.ioThreadMultiplier = multiplier;
return this;
* Set the {@link HostnameVerifier}
* @param hostnameVerifier {@link HostnameVerifier}
* @return this
public Builder setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) {
this.hostnameVerifier = hostnameVerifier;
return this;
* Configures this AHC instance to be strict in it's handling of 302 redirects
* in a POST/Redirect/GET situation.
* @param strict302Handling strict handling
* @return this
* @since 1.7.2
public Builder setStrict302Handling(final boolean strict302Handling) {
this.strict302Handling = strict302Handling;
return this;
* Set the maximum time in millisecond connection can be added to the pool for further reuse
* @param connectionTTL the maximum time in millisecond connection can be added to the pool for further reuse
* @return a {@link Builder}
public Builder setConnectionTTL(int connectionTTL) {
this.connectionTTL = connectionTTL;
return this;
* Configures this AHC instance to use relative URIs instead of absolute ones when talking with a SSL or WebSocket proxy.
* @param useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies
* @return this
* @since 1.7.2
public Builder setUseRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies(boolean useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies) {
this.useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies = useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies;
return this;
* Enables SPDY support. Note that doing so, will currently disable WebSocket support
* for this client instance. If not explicitly enabled, spdy will not be used.
* @param spdyEnabled configures spdy support.
* @return this
* @since 2.0
public Builder setSpdyEnabled(boolean spdyEnabled) {
this.spdyEnabled = spdyEnabled;
return this;
* Configures the initial window size for the SPDY session.
* @param spdyInitialWindowSize the initial window size.
* @return this
* @since 2.0
public Builder setSpdyInitialWindowSize(int spdyInitialWindowSize) {
this.spdyInitialWindowSize = spdyInitialWindowSize;
return this;
* Configures the maximum number of concurrent streams over a single
* SPDY session.
* @param spdyMaxConcurrentStreams the maximum number of concurrent
* streams over a single SPDY session.
* @return this
* @since 2.0
public Builder setSpdyMaxConcurrentStreams(int spdyMaxConcurrentStreams) {
this.spdyMaxConcurrentStreams = spdyMaxConcurrentStreams;
return this;
public Builder setTimeConverter(TimeConverter timeConverter) {
this.timeConverter = timeConverter;
return this;
public Builder setAcceptAnyCertificate(boolean acceptAnyCertificate) {
this.acceptAnyCertificate = acceptAnyCertificate;
return this;
public Builder setEnabledProtocols(String[] enabledProtocols) {
this.enabledProtocols = enabledProtocols;
return this;
public Builder setEnabledCipherSuites(String[] enabledCipherSuites) {
this.enabledCipherSuites = enabledCipherSuites;
return this;
* Create a config builder with values taken from the given prototype configuration.
* @param prototype the configuration to use as a prototype.
public Builder(AsyncHttpClientConfig prototype) {
allowPoolingConnections = prototype.isAllowPoolingConnections();
providerConfig = prototype.getAsyncHttpProviderConfig();
connectTimeout = prototype.getConnectTimeout();
pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = prototype.getPooledConnectionIdleTimeout();
readTimeout = prototype.getReadTimeout();
maxConnectionsPerHost = prototype.getMaxConnectionsPerHost();
connectionTTL = prototype.getConnectionTTL();
maxRedirects = prototype.getMaxRedirects();
maxConnections = prototype.getMaxConnections();
proxyServerSelector = prototype.getProxyServerSelector();
realm = prototype.getRealm();
requestTimeout = prototype.getRequestTimeout();
sslContext = prototype.getSSLContext();
userAgent = prototype.getUserAgent();
followRedirect = prototype.isFollowRedirect();
compressionEnforced = prototype.isCompressionEnforced();
applicationThreadPool = prototype.executorService();
disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests = prototype.isDisableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests();
ioThreadMultiplier = prototype.getIoThreadMultiplier();
maxRequestRetry = prototype.getMaxRequestRetry();
allowPoolingSslConnections = prototype.isAllowPoolingConnections();
removeQueryParamOnRedirect = prototype.isRemoveQueryParamOnRedirect();
hostnameVerifier = prototype.getHostnameVerifier();
strict302Handling = prototype.isStrict302Handling();
timeConverter = prototype.timeConverter;
acceptAnyCertificate = prototype.acceptAnyCertificate;
enabledProtocols = prototype.enabledProtocols;
enabledCipherSuites = prototype.enabledCipherSuites;
spdyEnabled = prototype.isSpdyEnabled();
spdyInitialWindowSize = prototype.getSpdyInitialWindowSize();
spdyMaxConcurrentStreams = prototype.getSpdyMaxConcurrentStreams();
* Build an {@link AsyncHttpClientConfig}
* @return an {@link AsyncHttpClientConfig}
public AsyncHttpClientConfig build() {
if (proxyServerSelector == null && useProxySelector)
proxyServerSelector = ProxyUtils.getJdkDefaultProxyServerSelector();
if (proxyServerSelector == null && useProxyProperties)
proxyServerSelector = ProxyUtils.createProxyServerSelector(System.getProperties());
if (proxyServerSelector == null)
proxyServerSelector = ProxyServerSelector.NO_PROXY_SELECTOR;
if (acceptAnyCertificate)
hostnameVerifier = null;
else if (hostnameVerifier == null)
hostnameVerifier = new DefaultHostnameVerifier();
return new AsyncHttpClientConfig(connectTimeout,//
sslContext, //
acceptAnyCertificate, //
followRedirect, //
maxRedirects, //
strict302Handling, //
applicationThreadPool, //
proxyServerSelector, //
useRelativeURIsWithConnectProxies, //
compressionEnforced, //
requestFilters, //
maxRequestRetry, //
disableUrlEncodingForBoundRequests, //
ioThreadMultiplier, //
enabledProtocols, //
enabledCipherSuites, //
providerConfig, //
spdyEnabled, //
spdyInitialWindowSize, //