// Capstone Java binding
// By Nguyen Anh Quynh & Dang Hoang Vu, 2013
package capstone;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import com.sun.jna.Union;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.RuntimeException;
public class Capstone {
protected static abstract class OpInfo {};
protected static abstract class UnionOpInfo extends Structure {};
public static class UnionArch extends Union {
public static class ByValue extends UnionArch implements Union.ByValue {};
public Arm.UnionOpInfo arm;
public Arm64.UnionOpInfo arm64;
public X86.UnionOpInfo x86;
public Mips.UnionOpInfo mips;
public Ppc.UnionOpInfo ppc;
public Sparc.UnionOpInfo sparc;
public Systemz.UnionOpInfo sysz;
public Xcore.UnionOpInfo xcore;
protected static class _cs_insn extends Structure {
// instruction ID.
public int id;
// instruction address.
public long address;
// instruction size.
public short size;
// machine bytes of instruction.
public byte[] bytes;
// instruction mnemonic. NOTE: irrelevant for diet engine.
public byte[] mnemonic;
// instruction operands. NOTE: irrelevant for diet engine.
public byte[] op_str;
// detail information of instruction.
public _cs_detail.ByReference cs_detail;
public _cs_insn() {
bytes = new byte[16];
mnemonic = new byte[32];
op_str = new byte[160];
java.util.Arrays.fill(mnemonic, (byte) 0);
java.util.Arrays.fill(op_str, (byte) 0);
public _cs_insn(Pointer p) {
public List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("id", "address", "size", "bytes", "mnemonic", "op_str", "cs_detail");
protected static class _cs_detail extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends _cs_detail implements Structure.ByReference {};
// list of all implicit registers being read.
public byte[] regs_read = new byte[12];
public byte regs_read_count;
// list of all implicit registers being written.
public byte[] regs_write = new byte[20];
public byte regs_write_count;
// list of semantic groups this instruction belongs to.
public byte[] groups = new byte[8];
public byte groups_count;
public UnionArch arch;
public List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("regs_read", "regs_read_count", "regs_write", "regs_write_count", "groups", "groups_count", "arch");
public static class CsInsn {
private NativeLong csh;
private CS cs;
private _cs_insn raw;
private int arch;
// instruction ID.
public int id;
// instruction address.
public long address;
// instruction size.
public short size;
// instruction mnemonic. NOTE: irrelevant for diet engine.
public String mnemonic;
// instruction operands. NOTE: irrelevant for diet engine.
public String opStr;
// list of all implicit registers being read.
public byte[] regsRead;
// list of all implicit registers being written.
public byte[] regsWrite;
// list of semantic groups this instruction belongs to.
public byte[] groups;
public OpInfo operands;
public CsInsn (_cs_insn insn, int _arch, NativeLong _csh, CS _cs, boolean diet) {
id = insn.id;
address = insn.address;
size = insn.size;
if (!diet) {
int lm = 0;
while (insn.mnemonic[lm++] != 0);
int lo = 0;
while (insn.op_str[lo++] != 0);
mnemonic = new String(insn.mnemonic, 0, lm-1);
opStr = new String(insn.op_str, 0, lo-1);
cs = _cs;
arch = _arch;
raw = insn;
csh = _csh;
if (insn.cs_detail != null) {
if (!diet) {
regsRead = new byte[insn.cs_detail.regs_read_count];
for (int i=0; i<regsRead.length; i++)
regsRead[i] = insn.cs_detail.regs_read[i];
regsWrite = new byte[insn.cs_detail.regs_write_count];
for (int i=0; i<regsWrite.length; i++)
regsWrite[i] = insn.cs_detail.regs_write[i];
groups = new byte[insn.cs_detail.groups_count];
for (int i=0; i<groups.length; i++)
groups[i] = insn.cs_detail.groups[i];
operands = getOptInfo(insn.cs_detail);
private OpInfo getOptInfo(_cs_detail detail) {
OpInfo op_info = null;
switch (this.arch) {
op_info = new Arm.OpInfo((Arm.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.arm);
case CS_ARCH_ARM64:
op_info = new Arm64.OpInfo((Arm64.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.arm64);
op_info = new Mips.OpInfo((Mips.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.mips);
case CS_ARCH_X86:
op_info = new X86.OpInfo((X86.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.x86);
op_info = new Sparc.OpInfo((Sparc.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.sparc);
op_info = new Systemz.OpInfo((Systemz.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.sysz);
op_info = new Ppc.OpInfo((Ppc.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.ppc);
op_info = new Xcore.OpInfo((Xcore.UnionOpInfo) detail.arch.xcore);
return op_info;
public int opCount(int type) {
return cs.cs_op_count(csh, raw.getPointer(), type);
public int opIndex(int type, int index) {
return cs.cs_op_index(csh, raw.getPointer(), type, index);
public boolean regRead(int reg_id) {
return cs.cs_reg_read(csh, raw.getPointer(), reg_id) != 0;
public boolean regWrite(int reg_id) {
return cs.cs_reg_write(csh, raw.getPointer(), reg_id) != 0;
public int errno() {
return cs.cs_errno(csh);
public String regName(int reg_id) {
return cs.cs_reg_name(csh, reg_id);
public String insnName() {
return cs.cs_insn_name(csh, id);
public String groupName(int id) {
return cs.cs_group_name(csh, id);
public boolean group(int gid) {
return cs.cs_insn_group(csh, raw.getPointer(), gid) != 0;
private CsInsn[] fromArrayRaw(_cs_insn[] arr_raw) {
CsInsn[] arr = new CsInsn[arr_raw.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr_raw.length; i++) {
arr[i] = new CsInsn(arr_raw[i], this.arch, ns.csh, cs, this.diet);
return arr;
private interface CS extends Library {
public int cs_open(int arch, int mode, NativeLongByReference handle);
public NativeLong cs_disasm(NativeLong handle, byte[] code, NativeLong code_len,
long addr, NativeLong count, PointerByReference insn);
public void cs_free(Pointer p, NativeLong count);
public int cs_close(NativeLongByReference handle);
public int cs_option(NativeLong handle, int option, NativeLong optionValue);
public String cs_reg_name(NativeLong csh, int id);
public int cs_op_count(NativeLong csh, Pointer insn, int type);
public int cs_op_index(NativeLong csh, Pointer insn, int type, int index);
public String cs_insn_name(NativeLong csh, int id);
public String cs_group_name(NativeLong csh, int id);
public byte cs_insn_group(NativeLong csh, Pointer insn, int id);
public byte cs_reg_read(NativeLong csh, Pointer insn, int id);
public byte cs_reg_write(NativeLong csh, Pointer insn, int id);
public int cs_errno(NativeLong csh);
public int cs_version(IntByReference major, IntByReference minor);
public boolean cs_support(int query);
// Capstone API version
public static final int CS_API_MAJOR = 3;
public static final int CS_API_MINOR = 0;
// architectures
public static final int CS_ARCH_ARM = 0;
public static final int CS_ARCH_ARM64 = 1;
public static final int CS_ARCH_MIPS = 2;
public static final int CS_ARCH_X86 = 3;
public static final int CS_ARCH_PPC = 4;
public static final int CS_ARCH_SPARC = 5;
public static final int CS_ARCH_SYSZ = 6;
public static final int CS_ARCH_XCORE = 7;
public static final int CS_ARCH_MAX = 8;
public static final int CS_ARCH_ALL = 0xFFFF; // query id for cs_support()
// disasm mode
public static final int CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0; // default mode
public static final int CS_MODE_ARM = 0; // 32-bit ARM
public static final int CS_MODE_16 = 1 << 1;
public static final int CS_MODE_32 = 1 << 2;
public static final int CS_MODE_64 = 1 << 3;
public static final int CS_MODE_THUMB = 1 << 4; // ARM's Thumb mode, including Thumb-2
public static final int CS_MODE_MCLASS = 1 << 5; // ARM's Cortex-M series
public static final int CS_MODE_MICRO = 1 << 4; // MicroMips mode (Mips arch)
public static final int CS_MODE_MIPS3 = 1 << 5; // Mips III ISA
public static final int CS_MODE_MIPS32R6 = 1 << 6; // Mips32r6 ISA
public static final int CS_MODE_MIPSGP64 = 1 << 7; // General Purpose Registers are 64-bit wide (MIPS arch)
public static final int CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN = 1 << 31;
public static final int CS_MODE_V9 = 1 << 4; // SparcV9 mode (Sparc arch)
// Capstone error
public static final int CS_ERR_OK = 0;
public static final int CS_ERR_MEM = 1; // Out-Of-Memory error
public static final int CS_ERR_ARCH = 2; // Unsupported architecture
public static final int CS_ERR_HANDLE = 3; // Invalid handle
public static final int CS_ERR_CSH = 4; // Invalid csh argument
public static final int CS_ERR_MODE = 5; // Invalid/unsupported mode
public static final int CS_ERR_OPTION = 6; // Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
public static final int CS_ERR_DETAIL = 7; // Invalid/unsupported option: cs_option()
public static final int CS_ERR_MEMSETUP = 8;
public static final int CS_ERR_VERSION = 9; //Unsupported version (bindings)
public static final int CS_ERR_DIET = 10; //Information irrelevant in diet engine
public static final int CS_ERR_SKIPDATA = 11; //Access irrelevant data for "data" instruction in SKIPDATA mode
public static final int CS_ERR_X86_ATT = 12; //X86 AT&T syntax is unsupported (opt-out at compile time)
public static final int CS_ERR_X86_INTEL = 13; //X86 Intel syntax is unsupported (opt-out at compile time)
// Capstone option type
public static final int CS_OPT_SYNTAX = 1; // Intel X86 asm syntax (CS_ARCH_X86 arch)
public static final int CS_OPT_DETAIL = 2; // Break down instruction structure into details
public static final int CS_OPT_MODE = 3; // Change engine's mode at run-time
// Capstone option value
public static final int CS_OPT_OFF = 0; // Turn OFF an option - default option of CS_OPT_DETAIL
public static final int CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL = 1; // Intel X86 asm syntax - default syntax on X86 (CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_ARCH_X86)
public static final int CS_OPT_SYNTAX_ATT = 2; // ATT asm syntax (CS_OPT_SYNTAX, CS_ARCH_X86)
public static final int CS_OPT_ON = 3; // Turn ON an option (CS_OPT_DETAIL)
public static final int CS_OPT_SYNTAX_NOREGNAME = 3; // PPC asm syntax: Prints register name with only number (CS_OPT_SYNTAX)
// Common instruction operand types - to be consistent across all architectures.
public static final int CS_OP_INVALID = 0;
public static final int CS_OP_REG = 1;
public static final int CS_OP_IMM = 2;
public static final int CS_OP_MEM = 3;
public static final int CS_OP_FP = 4;
// Common instruction groups - to be consistent across all architectures.
public static final int CS_GRP_INVALID = 0; // uninitialized/invalid group.
public static final int CS_GRP_JUMP = 1; // all jump instructions (conditional+direct+indirect jumps)
public static final int CS_GRP_CALL = 2; // all call instructions
public static final int CS_GRP_RET = 3; // all return instructions
public static final int CS_GRP_INT = 4; // all interrupt instructions (int+syscall)
public static final int CS_GRP_IRET = 5; // all interrupt return instructions
// Query id for cs_support()
public static final int CS_SUPPORT_DIET = CS_ARCH_ALL+1; // diet mode
protected class NativeStruct {
private NativeLong csh;
private NativeLongByReference handleRef;
protected NativeStruct ns; // for memory retention
private CS cs;
public int arch;
public int mode;
private int syntax;
private int detail;
private boolean diet;
public Capstone(int arch, int mode) {
cs = (CS)Native.loadLibrary("capstone", CS.class);
int version = cs.cs_version(null, null);
if (version != (CS_API_MAJOR << 8) + CS_API_MINOR) {
throw new RuntimeException("Different API version between core & binding (CS_ERR_VERSION)");
this.arch = arch;
this.mode = mode;
ns = new NativeStruct();
ns.handleRef = new NativeLongByReference();
if (cs.cs_open(arch, mode, ns.handleRef) != CS_ERR_OK) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Wrong arch or mode");
ns.csh = ns.handleRef.getValue();
this.detail = CS_OPT_OFF;
this.diet = cs.cs_support(CS_SUPPORT_DIET);
// return combined API version
public int version() {
return cs.cs_version(null, null);
// set Assembly syntax
public void setSyntax(int syntax) {
if (cs.cs_option(ns.csh, CS_OPT_SYNTAX, new NativeLong(syntax)) == CS_ERR_OK) {
this.syntax = syntax;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Failed to set assembly syntax");
// set detail option at run-time
public void setDetail(int opt) {
if (cs.cs_option(ns.csh, CS_OPT_DETAIL, new NativeLong(opt)) == CS_ERR_OK) {
this.detail = opt;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Failed to set detail option");
// set mode option at run-time
public void setMode(int opt) {
if (cs.cs_option(ns.csh, CS_OPT_MODE, new NativeLong(opt)) == CS_ERR_OK) {
this.mode = opt;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Failed to set mode option");
// destructor automatically caled at destroyed time.
protected void finalize() {
// disassemble until either no more code, or encounter broken insn.
public CsInsn[] disasm(byte[] code, long address) {
return disasm(code, address, 0);
// disassemble maximum @count instructions, or until encounter broken insn.
public CsInsn[] disasm(byte[] code, long address, long count) {
PointerByReference insnRef = new PointerByReference();
NativeLong c = cs.cs_disasm(ns.csh, code, new NativeLong(code.length), address, new NativeLong(count), insnRef);
Pointer p = insnRef.getValue();
_cs_insn byref = new _cs_insn(p);
CsInsn[] allInsn = fromArrayRaw((_cs_insn[]) byref.toArray(c.intValue()));
// free allocated memory
// cs.cs_free(p, c);
// FIXME(danghvu): Can't free because memory is still inside CsInsn
return allInsn;