* Copyright (c) 2013, 2013 Bruno Medeiros and other Contributors.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Bruno Medeiros - initial API and implementation
package melnorme.utilbox.process;
import static melnorme.utilbox.core.Assert.AssertNamespace.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import melnorme.utilbox.concurrency.OperationCancellation;
import melnorme.utilbox.core.CommonException;
import melnorme.utilbox.misc.ByteArrayOutputStreamExt;
import melnorme.utilbox.misc.ExceptionTrackingRunnable;
import melnorme.utilbox.misc.StreamUtil;
import melnorme.utilbox.misc.StringUtil;
* Helper for running external processes.
* Reads all stdout and stderr output into a byte array (using worker threads)
* @see AbstractExternalProcessHelper
public class ExternalProcessHelper extends AbstractExternalProcessHelper {
protected ReadAllBytesTask mainReader;
protected ReadAllBytesTask stderrReader;
public ExternalProcessHelper(ProcessBuilder pb) throws IOException {
public ExternalProcessHelper(Process process, boolean readStdErr, boolean startReaders) {
super(process, readStdErr, startReaders);
protected boolean isCanceled() {
return false;
protected ReadAllBytesTask createMainReaderTask() {
return mainReader = new ReadAllBytesTask(process.getInputStream());
protected ReadAllBytesTask createStdErrReaderTask() {
return stderrReader = new ReadAllBytesTask(process.getErrorStream());
protected static class ReadAllBytesTask extends ExceptionTrackingRunnable<ByteArrayOutputStreamExt, IOException> {
protected final InputStream is;
protected final ByteArrayOutputStreamExt byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStreamExt(32);
public ReadAllBytesTask(InputStream is) {
this.is = is;
public ByteArrayOutputStreamExt doRun() throws IOException {
// BM: Hum, should we treat an IOException not as an error, but just like an EOF?
try {
final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int read;
while((read = is.read(buffer)) != StreamUtil.EOF) {
byteArray.write(buffer, 0, read);
notifyReadChunk(buffer, 0, read);
return byteArray;
} finally {
protected void notifyReadChunk(byte[] buffer, int offset, int readCount) {
// Default implementation: do nothing
/* ----------------- ----------------- */
protected CommonException createCommonException(String message, Throwable cause) {
return new CommonException(message, cause);
public static Process startProcess(ProcessBuilder pb) throws CommonException {
try {
return pb.start();
} catch (IOException ie) {
throw new CommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_CouldNotStart, ie);
/* ----------------- writing helpers ----------------- */
public void writeInput(String input) throws IOException {
writeInput(input, StringUtil.UTF8);
public void writeInput(String input, Charset charset) throws IOException {
if(input == null)
OutputStream processInputStream = getProcess().getOutputStream();
StreamUtil.writeStringToStream(input, processInputStream, charset);
public void writeInput_(String input) throws CommonException {
writeInput_(input, StringUtil.UTF8);
public void writeInput_(String input, Charset charset) throws CommonException {
try {
writeInput(input, charset);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw createCommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_ErrorWritingInput, e);
/* ----------------- result helpers ----------------- */
protected ByteArrayOutputStreamExt getStdOutBytes() {
return mainReader.byteArray;
protected ByteArrayOutputStreamExt getStdErrBytes() {
return stderrReader.byteArray;
public class ExternalProcessResult {
public final int exitValue;
public final ByteArrayOutputStreamExt stdout;
public final ByteArrayOutputStreamExt stderr;
public ExternalProcessResult(int exitValue, ByteArrayOutputStreamExt stdout, ByteArrayOutputStreamExt stderr) {
this.exitValue = exitValue;
this.stdout = stdout;
this.stderr = stderr;
public ByteArrayOutputStreamExt getStdOutBytes() {
return stdout;
public ByteArrayOutputStreamExt getStdErrBytes() {
return stderr;
public void tryStrictAwaitTermination(int timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException {
* Awaits for successful process termination, as well as successful termination of reader threads,
* throws an exception otherwise (and destroys the process).
* @return the process result encapsulated in data class {@link ExternalProcessResult}.
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
* @throws TimeoutException if timeout occurs, or cancel requested.
* @throws IOException if an IO error occured in the reader threads.
public ExternalProcessResult strictAwaitTermination(int timeoutMs)
throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return new ExternalProcessResult(process.exitValue(), getStdOutBytes(), getStdErrBytes());
public ExternalProcessResult strictAwaitTermination() throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException {
return strictAwaitTermination(NO_TIMEOUT);
public ExternalProcessResult strictAwaitTermination_(int timeout) throws CommonException {
try {
return strictAwaitTermination(timeout);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw createCommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_InterruptedAwaitingTermination, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw createCommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_ErrorStreamReaderIOException, e);
} catch (TimeoutException te) {
// at this point a TimeoutException can be one of two things, an actual timeout, or a cancellation.
if(isCanceled()) {
// Send this as an exception. It will be the responsibility of higher-level application code
// to check if exception was a cancellation, if they want to respond differently to this case.
throw createCommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_TaskCancelled,
new OperationCancellation());
} else {
throw createCommonException(ProcessHelperMessages.ExternalProcess_ProcessTimeout, te);
public ExternalProcessResult strictAwaitTermination_() throws CommonException {
return strictAwaitTermination_(false);
public ExternalProcessResult strictAwaitTermination_(boolean throwOnNonZeroStatus) throws CommonException {
ExternalProcessResult processResult = strictAwaitTermination_(NO_TIMEOUT);
if(throwOnNonZeroStatus && processResult.exitValue != 0) {
throw new CommonException("Process completed with non-zero exit value (" + processResult.exitValue + ")");
return processResult;