* Copyright (c) 2013 Luigi Sgro. All rights reserved. This
* program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
* available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Luigi Sgro - initial API and implementation
package com.quantcomponents.series.jdbc;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.quantcomponents.core.model.IContract;
import com.quantcomponents.core.model.ISeriesListener;
import com.quantcomponents.core.model.ISeriesPoint;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.IMutableOHLCTimeSeries;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.IMutableTickTimeSeries;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.IOHLCPoint;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.IStockDatabase;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.IStockDatabaseContainer;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.ITickPoint;
import com.quantcomponents.marketdata.StockDatabase;
public class JdbcStockDatabaseContainer implements IStockDatabaseContainer {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JdbcStockDatabaseContainer.class.getName());
private enum EventType { ADD, UPDATE };
private class OHLCEvent {
final String stockDbId;
final EventType type;
final IOHLCPoint existingOhlc;
final IOHLCPoint newOhlc;
public OHLCEvent(String stockDbId, EventType type, IOHLCPoint existingOhlc, IOHLCPoint newOhlc) {
this.stockDbId = stockDbId;
this.type = type;
this.existingOhlc = existingOhlc;
this.newOhlc = newOhlc;
private class TickEvent {
public TickEvent(String stockDbId, ITickPoint tick) {
this.stockDbId = stockDbId;
this.tick = tick;
final String stockDbId;
final ITickPoint tick;
private class OHLCTimeSeriesListener implements ISeriesListener<Date, Double> {
private final String stockDbId;
OHLCTimeSeriesListener(String stockDbId) {
this.stockDbId = stockDbId;
public void onItemUpdated(ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> existingItem, ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> updatedItem) {
ohlcEventsQueue.add(new OHLCEvent(stockDbId, EventType.UPDATE, (IOHLCPoint) existingItem, (IOHLCPoint) updatedItem));
public void onItemAdded(ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> newItem) {
ohlcEventsQueue.add(new OHLCEvent(stockDbId, EventType.ADD, null, (IOHLCPoint) newItem));
private class TickTimeSeriesListener implements ISeriesListener<Date, Double> {
private final String stockDbId;
TickTimeSeriesListener(String stockDbId) {
this.stockDbId = stockDbId;
public void onItemUpdated(ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> existingItem, ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> updatedItem) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void onItemAdded(ISeriesPoint<Date, Double> newItem) {
tickEventsQueue.add(new TickEvent(stockDbId, (ITickPoint) newItem));
private static class StockDbCacheInfo {
public StockDbCacheInfo(String id, IStockDatabase stockDatabase, OHLCTimeSeriesListener ohlcListener, TickTimeSeriesListener tickListener) {
this.id = id;
this.stockDatabase = stockDatabase;
this.ohlcListener = ohlcListener;
this.tickListener = tickListener;
String id;
IStockDatabase stockDatabase;
OHLCTimeSeriesListener ohlcListener;
TickTimeSeriesListener tickListener;
private final Map<String, StockDbCacheInfo> cacheById = new HashMap<String, StockDbCacheInfo>();
private final Map<IStockDatabase, StockDbCacheInfo> cacheByStockDb = new HashMap<IStockDatabase, StockDbCacheInfo>();
private final BlockingQueue<OHLCEvent> ohlcEventsQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<OHLCEvent>();
private final BlockingQueue<TickEvent> tickEventsQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TickEvent>();
private final IStockDatabaseHeaderDao stockDbHeaderDao;
private final IOHLCPointDao ohlcPointDao;
private final ITickPointDao tickPointDao;
private volatile boolean interrupt;
private volatile boolean asyncPersistence = false;
private volatile Thread asyncOhlcPersisterThread;
private volatile Thread asyncTickPersisterThread;
private final Runnable asyncOhlcPersister = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
while (!interrupt) {
OHLCEvent event = ohlcEventsQueue.take();
if (event.type == EventType.ADD) {
ohlcPointDao.save(event.stockDbId, event.newOhlc);
} else if (event.type == EventType.UPDATE) {
ohlcPointDao.update(event.stockDbId, event.existingOhlc, event.newOhlc);
if (!asyncPersistence) { // for testing: do not call startAsynchronousPersisters()
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while persisting OHLCPoint", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "OHLC persisting thread interrupted");
private final Runnable asyncTickPersister = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
while (!interrupt) {
TickEvent event = tickEventsQueue.take();
tickPointDao.save(event.stockDbId, event.tick);
if (!asyncPersistence) { // for testing: do not call startAsynchronousPersisters()
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while persisting TickPoint", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Tick persisting thread interrupted");
public JdbcStockDatabaseContainer(IStockDatabaseHeaderDao stockDbHeaderDao, IOHLCPointDao ohlcPointDao, ITickPointDao tickPointDao) {
this.stockDbHeaderDao = stockDbHeaderDao;
this.ohlcPointDao = ohlcPointDao;
this.tickPointDao = tickPointDao;
public void start() throws SQLException {
public void stop() throws SQLException {
public void init() throws SQLException {
private void startAsynchronousPersisters() {
asyncPersistence = true;
asyncOhlcPersisterThread = new Thread(getAsyncOhlcPersister(), "OHLC persister");
asyncTickPersisterThread = new Thread(getAsyncTickPersister(), "Tick persister");
private void stopAsynchronousPersisters() {
interrupt = true;
public Runnable getAsyncOhlcPersister() {
return asyncOhlcPersister;
public Runnable getAsyncTickPersister() {
return asyncTickPersister;
public synchronized void addStockDatabase(IStockDatabase stockDatabase) {
StockDatabaseHeader hdr = StockDatabaseHeader.fromStockDatabase(stockDatabase);
try {
for (IOHLCPoint ohlc : stockDatabase.getOHLCTimeSeries()) {
ohlcPointDao.save(hdr.id, ohlc);
for (ITickPoint tick : stockDatabase.getTickTimeSeries()) {
tickPointDao.save(hdr.id, tick);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while saving stock DB", e);
addToCache(stockDatabase, hdr.id);
public synchronized Collection<IStockDatabase> allStockDatabases() {
Collection<IStockDatabase> result = new LinkedList<IStockDatabase>();
try {
Set<StockDatabaseHeader> headerSet = null;
headerSet = stockDbHeaderDao.findAll();
for (StockDatabaseHeader hdr : headerSet) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while finding all stock DBs", e);
return result;
return result;
public Collection<IStockDatabase> findStockDatabases(IContract contract) {
Collection<IStockDatabase> result = new LinkedList<IStockDatabase>();
try {
Set<StockDatabaseHeader> headerSet = null;
headerSet = stockDbHeaderDao.findByContract(contract);
for (StockDatabaseHeader hdr : headerSet) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while finding stock DBs for contract: " + contract, e);
return result;
return result;
public synchronized boolean removeStockDatabase(IStockDatabase stockDatabase) {
StockDbCacheInfo cacheItem = cacheByStockDb.get(stockDatabase);
if (cacheItem != null) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while deleting stock DB", e);
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
private void addToCache(IStockDatabase stockDatabase, String id) {
OHLCTimeSeriesListener ohlcListener = new OHLCTimeSeriesListener(id);
TickTimeSeriesListener tickListener = new TickTimeSeriesListener(id);
StockDbCacheInfo cacheItem = new StockDbCacheInfo(id, stockDatabase, ohlcListener, tickListener);
cacheById.put(id, cacheItem);
cacheByStockDb.put(stockDatabase, cacheItem);
private IStockDatabase getOrCreate(StockDatabaseHeader hdr) throws SQLException {
IStockDatabase stockDatabase;
StockDbCacheInfo cacheItem = cacheById.get(hdr.id);
if (cacheItem != null) {
stockDatabase = cacheItem.stockDatabase;
} else {
stockDatabase = new StockDatabase(hdr.contract, hdr.dataType, hdr.barSize, hdr.includeAfterHours, hdr.timeZone);
IMutableOHLCTimeSeries ohlcTimeSeries = stockDatabase.getOHLCTimeSeries();
for (IOHLCPoint ohlc : ohlcPointDao.find(hdr.id)) {
IMutableTickTimeSeries tickTimeSeries = stockDatabase.getTickTimeSeries();
for (ITickPoint tick : tickPointDao.find(hdr.id)) {
addToCache(stockDatabase, hdr.id);
return stockDatabase;
public int size() {
int size = -1;
try {
size = stockDbHeaderDao.countAll();
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while counting all stock DBs", e);
return size;
public IStockDatabase getStockDatabase(String ID) {
StockDbCacheInfo info = cacheById.get(ID);
if (info == null) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Stock database not found for ID: " + ID);
return null;
return cacheById.get(ID).stockDatabase;