import java.awt.Point;
import mapwriter.forge.MwConfig;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
public class MapMode {
private final MwConfig config;
public final String configCategory;
private int sw = 320;
private int sh = 240;
private double screenScalingFactor = 1.0;
// calculated before every frame drawn by updateMapDimensions
public int xTranslation = 0;
public int yTranslation = 0;
public int x = -25;
public int y = -25;
public int w = 50;
public int h = 50;
public int wPixels = 50;
public int hPixels = 50;
// config settings
public boolean enabled = true;
public boolean rotate = true;
public boolean circular = true;
public boolean coordsEnabled = false;
public int borderMode = 1;
public int playerArrowSize = 5;
public int markerSize = 5;
public int trailMarkerSize = 3;
public int alphaPercent = 100;
public int marginTop = 0;
public int marginBottom = 0;
public int marginLeft = 0;
public int marginRight = 0;
public int heightPercent = -1;
public int textX = 0;
public int textY = 0;
public int textColour = 0xffffffff;
public MapMode(MwConfig config, String configCategory) {
this.config = config;
this.configCategory = configCategory;
public void loadConfig() {
// get options from config file
this.enabled = this.config.getOrSetBoolean(this.configCategory, "enabled", this.enabled);
this.playerArrowSize = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "playerArrowSize", this.playerArrowSize, 1, 20);
this.markerSize = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "markerSize", this.markerSize, 1, 20);
this.alphaPercent = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "alphaPercent", this.alphaPercent, 0, 100);
this.heightPercent = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "heightPercent", this.heightPercent, 0, 100);
this.marginTop = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "marginTop", this.marginTop, -1, 320);
this.marginBottom = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "marginBottom", this.marginBottom, -1, 320);
this.marginLeft = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "marginLeft", this.marginLeft, -1, 320);
this.marginRight = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "marginRight", this.marginRight, -1, 320);
this.rotate = this.config.getOrSetBoolean(this.configCategory, "rotate", this.rotate);
this.circular = this.config.getOrSetBoolean(this.configCategory, "circular", this.circular);
this.coordsEnabled = this.config.getOrSetBoolean(this.configCategory, "coordsEnabled", this.coordsEnabled);
this.borderMode = this.config.getOrSetInt(this.configCategory, "borderMode", this.borderMode, 0, 1);
this.trailMarkerSize = Math.max(1, this.markerSize - 1);
public void saveConfig() {
this.config.setBoolean(this.configCategory, "enabled", this.enabled);
this.config.setInt(this.configCategory, "heightPercent", this.heightPercent);
this.config.setInt(this.configCategory, "marginTop", this.marginTop);
this.config.setInt(this.configCategory, "marginBottom", this.marginBottom);
this.config.setInt(this.configCategory, "marginLeft", this.marginLeft);
this.config.setInt(this.configCategory, "marginRight", this.marginRight);
this.config.setBoolean(this.configCategory, "rotate", this.rotate);
this.config.setBoolean(this.configCategory, "circular", this.circular);
public void close() {
public void setScreenRes(int dw, int dh, int sw, int sh, double scaling) {
if ((sw != this.sw) || (sh != || (scaling != this.screenScalingFactor)) {
this.sw = sw; = sh;
this.screenScalingFactor = scaling;
public void setScreenRes() {
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
ScaledResolution sRes = new ScaledResolution(mc.gameSettings, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight);
this.setScreenRes(mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight, sRes.getScaledWidth(), sRes.getScaledHeight(), sRes.getScaleFactor());
public void setMargins(int marginTop, int marginBottom, int marginLeft, int marginRight) {
this.marginTop = marginTop;
this.marginBottom = marginBottom;
this.marginLeft = marginLeft;
this.marginRight = marginRight;
public void setHeightPercent(int heightPercent) {
this.heightPercent = heightPercent;
public void toggleHeightPercent() {
int i = (this.heightPercent / 5) + 1;
if (i > 12) {
i = 1;
this.setHeightPercent(i * 5);
private void update() {
int size = ( * this.heightPercent) / 100;
int x, y;
// calculate map x position and width
if ((this.marginLeft >= 0) && (this.marginRight >= 0)) {
x = this.marginLeft;
this.w = this.sw - this.marginLeft - this.marginRight;
} else if (this.marginLeft >= 0) {
x = this.marginLeft;
this.w = size;
} else if (this.marginRight >= 0) {
x = this.sw - size - this.marginRight;
this.w = size;
} else {
x = (this.sw - size) / 2;
this.w = size;
// calculate map y position and height
if ((this.marginTop >= 0) && (this.marginBottom >= 0)) {
y = this.marginTop;
this.h = - this.marginTop - this.marginBottom;
} else if (this.marginTop >= 0) {
y = this.marginTop;
this.h = size;
} else if (this.marginBottom >= 0) {
y = - size - this.marginBottom;
this.h = size;
} else {
y = ( - size) / 2;
this.h = size;
// make sure width and height are multiples of 2
this.w &= -2;
this.h &= -2;
this.xTranslation = x + (this.w >> 1);
this.yTranslation = y + (this.h >> 1);
if (this.circular) {
this.w = this.h;
this.x = -(this.w >> 1);
this.y = -(this.h >> 1);
this.wPixels = (int) Math.round(((double) this.w) * this.screenScalingFactor);
this.hPixels = (int) Math.round(((double) this.h) * this.screenScalingFactor);
// calculate coords display location
this.textX = 0;
this.textY = (this.h >> 1) + 4;
//MwUtil.log("MapMode: map = %d %d %d %d, screen = %d %d", this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, this.sw,;
//MwUtil.log("MapMode: margins = left %d, right %d, top %d, bottom %d, size = %d",
// this.marginLeft, this.marginRight, this.marginTop, this.marginBottom, size);
public void setRotating(boolean enabled) {
this.rotate = enabled;
this.circular = enabled;
public boolean toggleRotating() {
return this.rotate;
public Point screenXYtoBlockXZ(MapView mapView, int sx, int sy) {
double withinMapX = ((double) (sx - this.xTranslation)) / ((double) this.w);
double withinMapY = ((double) (sy - this.yTranslation)) / ((double) this.h);
int bx = (int) Math.floor((mapView.getX() + (withinMapX * mapView.getWidth())));
int bz = (int) Math.floor((mapView.getZ() + (withinMapY * mapView.getHeight())));
return new Point(bx, bz);
public Point.Double blockXZtoScreenXY(MapView mapView, double bX, double bZ) {
double xNorm = (bX - mapView.getX()) / mapView.getWidth();
double zNorm = (bZ - mapView.getZ()) / mapView.getHeight();
return new Point.Double(this.w * xNorm, this.h * zNorm);
public Point.Double getClampedScreenXY(MapView mapView, double bX, double bZ) {
double xRel = (bX - mapView.getX()) / mapView.getWidth();
double zRel = (bZ - mapView.getZ()) / mapView.getHeight();
double limit = 0.49;
if (!this.circular) {
if (xRel < -limit) {
zRel = -limit * zRel / xRel;
xRel = -limit;
if (xRel > limit) {
zRel = limit * zRel / xRel;
xRel = limit;
if (zRel < -limit) {
xRel = -limit * xRel / zRel;
zRel = -limit;
if (zRel > limit) {
xRel = limit * xRel / zRel;
zRel = limit;
if (xRel < -limit) {
zRel = -limit * zRel / xRel;
xRel = -limit;
if (xRel > limit) {
zRel = limit * zRel / xRel;
xRel = limit;
} else {
double dSq = (xRel * xRel) + (zRel * zRel);
if (dSq > (limit * limit)) {
double a = Math.atan2(zRel, xRel);
xRel = limit * Math.cos(a);
zRel = limit * Math.sin(a);
// multiply by the overlay size and add the overlay position to
// get the position within the overlay in screen coordinates
return new Point.Double(this.w * xRel, this.h * zRel);