package mapwriter;
import mapwriter.region.BlockColours;
import mapwriter.region.BlockColours.BlockType;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
// Static class to generate BlockColours.
// This is separate from BlockColours because it needs to run in the GL rendering thread
// whereas the generated BlockColours object is used only in the background thread.
// So basically split to make it clear that BlockColourGen and the generated BlockColours
// must not have any interaction after it is generated.
public class BlockColourGen {
private static int getIconMapColour(IIcon icon, Texture terrainTexture) {
// flipped icons have the U and V coords reversed (minU > maxU, minV > maxV).
// thanks go to taelnia for fixing this.
int iconX = (int) Math.round(((float) terrainTexture.w) * Math.min(icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxU()));
int iconY = (int) Math.round(((float) terrainTexture.h) * Math.min(icon.getMinV(), icon.getMaxV()));
int iconWidth = (int) Math.round(((float) terrainTexture.w) * Math.abs(icon.getMaxU() - icon.getMinU()));
int iconHeight = (int) Math.round(((float) terrainTexture.h) * Math.abs(icon.getMaxV() - icon.getMinV()));
int[] pixels = new int[iconWidth * iconHeight];
//MwUtil.log("(%d, %d) %dx%d", iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight);
terrainTexture.getRGB(iconX, iconY, iconWidth, iconHeight, pixels, 0, iconWidth);
// need to use custom averaging routine rather than scaling down to one pixel to
// stop transparent pixel colours being included in the average.
return Render.getAverageColourOfArray(pixels);
private static int adjustBlockColourFromType(BlockColours bc, int blockAndMeta, int blockColour) {
// for normal blocks multiply the block colour by the render colour.
// for other blocks the block colour will be multiplied by the biome colour.
int blockid = blockAndMeta >> 4;
Block block = (Block) Block.blockRegistry.getObjectById(blockid);
BlockType blockType = bc.getBlockType(blockAndMeta);
switch (blockType) {
case OPAQUE:
blockColour |= 0xff000000;
case NORMAL:
// fix crash when mods don't implement getRenderColor for all
// block meta values.
try {
int renderColour = block.getRenderColor(blockAndMeta & 0xf);
if (renderColour != 0xffffff) {
blockColour = Render.multiplyColours(blockColour, 0xff000000 | renderColour);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// do nothing
case LEAVES:
// leaves look weird on the map if they are not opaque.
// they also look too dark if the render colour is applied.
blockColour |= 0xff000000;
return blockColour;
private static void genBiomeColours(BlockColours bc) {
// generate array of foliage, grass, and water colour multipliers
// for each biome.
for (int i = 0; i < BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray().length; i++) {
if (BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray()[i] != null) {
bc.setBiomeWaterShading(i, BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray()[i].getWaterColorMultiplier() & 0xffffff);
bc.setBiomeGrassShading(i, BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray()[i].getBiomeGrassColor(0,0,0) & 0xffffff); //FIXME 0,0,0?
bc.setBiomeFoliageShading(i, BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray()[i].getBiomeFoliageColor(0,0,0) & 0xffffff); //FIXME 0,0,0?
} else {
bc.setBiomeWaterShading(i, 0xffffff);
bc.setBiomeGrassShading(i, 0xffffff);
bc.setBiomeFoliageShading(i, 0xffffff);
public static void genBlockColours(BlockColours bc) {
MwUtil.log("generating block map colours from textures");
// copy terrain texture to MwRender pixel bytebuffer
// bind the terrain texture
// get the bound texture id
//int terrainTextureId = Render.getBoundTextureId();
int terrainTextureId = Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.getTexture(TextureMap.locationBlocksTexture).getGlTextureId();
// create texture object from the currently bound GL texture
if (terrainTextureId == 0) {
MwUtil.log("error: could get terrain texture ID");
Texture terrainTexture = new Texture(terrainTextureId);
double u1Last = 0;
double u2Last = 0;
double v1Last = 0;
double v2Last = 0;
int blockColourLast = 0;
int e_count = 0;
int b_count = 0;
int s_count = 0;
for (int blockID = 0; blockID < 4096; blockID++) { //TODO: replace hardcoded 4096 with actual registry size
for (int dv = 0; dv < 16; dv++) {
int blockAndMeta = ((blockID & 0xfff) << 4) | (dv & 0xf);
Block block = (Block) Block.blockRegistry.getObjectById(blockID);
int blockColour = 0;
if (block != null) {
IIcon icon = null;
try {
icon = block.getIcon(1, dv);
} catch (Exception e) {
//MwUtil.log("genFromTextures: exception caught when requesting block texture for %03x:%x", blockID, dv);
if (icon != null) {
double u1 = icon.getMinU();
double u2 = icon.getMaxU();
double v1 = icon.getMinV();
double v2 = icon.getMaxV();
if ((u1 == u1Last) && (u2 == u2Last) && (v1 == v1Last) && (v2 == v2Last)) {
blockColour = blockColourLast;
} else {
blockColour = getIconMapColour(icon, terrainTexture);
u1Last = u1;
u2Last = u2;
v1Last = v1;
v2Last = v2;
blockColourLast = blockColour;
//if (dv == 0)
// MwUtil.log("block %03x:%x colour = %08x", blockID, dv, blockColour);
// doesn't work as some leaves blocks aren't rendered using the biome
// foliage colour
//try {
// if (block.isLeaves(null, 0, 0, 0)) {
// bc.setBlockType(blockAndMeta, BlockType.LEAVES);
// }
//} catch (NullPointerException e) {
blockColour = adjustBlockColourFromType(bc, blockAndMeta, blockColour);
bc.setColour(blockAndMeta, blockColour);
MwUtil.log("processed %d block textures, %d skipped, %d exceptions", b_count, s_count, e_count);