* Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Fry and Casey Reas
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* Contributors:
* Chris Lonnen - initial API and implementation
package processing.plugin.ui.perspective;
import org.eclipse.ui.IFolderLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveFactory;
/** The perspective for writing sketches. */
public class Sketching implements IPerspectiveFactory {
/* (non-JavaDoc) organization suggested by http://www.eclipse.org/articles/using-perspectives/PerspectiveArticle.html */
public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
//Editors are in assumed to be in the center, so there is no placement info for them.
String editorAreaIdentifier = layout.getEditorArea();
// Left set of stuff
float leftPanelSizeAsRatio = 0.2f;
IFolderLayout leftPanels =
layout.createFolder("left", IPageLayout.LEFT, leftPanelSizeAsRatio, editorAreaIdentifier);
// Bottom set of tabs
// strangely, this number is the screen ratio the bottom panel should *not* take up
// which is different than the fast view size as ratio
float bottomPanelSizeAsInverseRatio = 0.7f;
IFolderLayout bottomPanels =
layout.createFolder("bottom", IPageLayout.BOTTOM, bottomPanelSizeAsInverseRatio, editorAreaIdentifier);
bottomPanels.addView("org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsoleView"); }
/* //TODO Fix the toolbars
* Frustratingly I cannot figure out much here. Toolbar contributions
* seem to be set in plugin extensions, and I don't see any API for
* changing that in the perspective. Menu contributions are primarily
* controlled by plugin manifest entries. It would seem that we are
* looking at specifying a lot of commands as contributions with this
* perspective as the filter.
* Also, the documentation regarding any recent changes to this has
* only been updated to point out that things are broken and it
* has not been updated. It predates commands, so I'm not surprised.
* Things have only gotten more complicated since then.
* Maybe try to implement some functions that purge the menus and call
* them here. Rely on the commands API's for populating the toolbar as
* the PDE toolbars are -- run, stop?, new, open, save, export
* For now, the Java perspective may actually be a better way for
* people to interact with the sketch.
* @see Eclipse Bug 36968 - "[Contributions] Improve action contributions "
* https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=36968