package litil.parser;
import litil.lexer.LookaheadLexer;
import litil.lexer.Token;
public class BaseParser {
protected LookaheadLexer lexer;
protected Token token;
public boolean debug = false;
private void dbg(Token.Type k, String v, Token tk) {
if (debug) {
String w = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2].getMethodName();
StackTraceElement caller = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3];
StackTraceElement bcaller = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[4];
if ("expect".equals(caller.getMethodName())) {
w = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName();
caller = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[4];
bcaller = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[5];
System.err.println(w + "(" + k + (v == null ? "" : "<" + v + ">") + ") and got " + tk + " at " + caller);//+"\n\tat "+bcaller);
protected boolean is(Token tk, Token.Type key) {
return tk.type == key;
protected boolean is(Token tk, Token.Type key, String value) {
return (tk.type == key && tk.text.equals(value));
protected boolean lookahead(Token.Type key) {
Token tk = lexer.peek(1);
dbg(key, null, tk);
return tk.type == key;
protected boolean lookahead(Token.Type key, String value) {
Token tk = lexer.peek(1);
dbg(key, value, tk);
return tk.type == key && tk.text.equals(value);
protected Token advance() {
token = lexer.pop();
if(debug) {
System.err.println("advance and got "+token);
return token;
protected boolean found(Token.Type key) {
Token tk = lexer.peek(1);
dbg(key, null, tk);
if (tk.type == key) {
token = tk;
return true;
} else {
return false;
protected boolean found(Token.Type key, String value) {
Token tk = lexer.peek(1);
dbg(key, value, tk);
if (tk.type == key && tk.text.equals(value)) {
token = tk;
return true;
} else {
return false;
protected void check(Token.Type key, String value) {
dbg(key, value, token);
if (token.type != key || !token.text.equals(value)) {
throw error("Was expecting '" + value + "'(" + key + ")");
protected void check(Token.Type key) {
dbg(key, null, token);
if (token.type != key) {
throw error("Was expecting a token of type '" + key + "' but got " + token);
protected void expect(Token.Type key) {
if (!found(key)) {
throw error("Was expecting a token of type '" + key + "' but got " + lexer.peek(1));
protected void expect(Token.Type key, String value) {
if (!found(key, value)) {
throw error("Was expecting '" + value + "'(" + key + ")");
protected RuntimeException error(String msg) {
Token where = token == null ? lexer.peek(1) : token;
System.err.println("error "+token);
throw new RuntimeException(msg + " (line " + where.row +
")" + "\n" + lexer.getCurrentLine() + "\n" + indent(where.col - 1) + "^\n+token="+token);
protected String indent(int n) {
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res.append(" ");
return res.toString();