package ruby;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.ExtensionComponent;
import hudson.Plugin;
import hudson.model.Describable;
import hudson.model.Descriptor;
import hudson.model.Hudson;
import hudson.model.Items;
import hudson.util.XStream2;
import org.jenkinsci.jruby.JRubyMapper;
import org.jenkinsci.jruby.JRubyXStream;
import org.jruby.embed.LocalContextScope;
import org.jruby.embed.ScriptingContainer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
* The primary Java interface to a plugin which is implemented in Ruby
* When this plugin initializes, it will instantiate a Jenkins::Plugin
* object which acts as the gateway for Ruby to interact with the java
* side.
* When the RubyPlugin is loaded, it will discover, load and provide
* a mechanism for extensions written in Ruby that it contains to register
* themselves.
* These Extensions are presented to Jenkins via the {@link RubyExtensionFinder}
* Each plugin has its own JRuby environment
public class RubyPlugin extends Plugin implements Describable<RubyPlugin> {
* The unique JRuby environment used by this plugin and all the objects
* and classes that it contains.
private ScriptingContainer ruby;
private Object plugin;
private ArrayList<ExtensionComponent> extensions;
public static RubyPlugin get() {
return Hudson.getInstance().getPlugin(RubyPlugin.class);
* Kinda acts like the "agent" of this ruby plugin in the Ruby world.
* This is the object that the internals of the ruby side talk to when
* then want to talk back to Java.
* @return an instance of Jenkins::Plugin
public static Object getRubyController() {
return get().plugin;
* invokes a Ruby method on the specified object in the context of this plugin's
* {@link ScriptingContainer}
* @param object <b>JRuby</b> object to use as invocant
* @param methodName the method to end
* @param args arguments to the method
* @return the return value of the method call.
public static Object callMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object... args) {
return RubyPlugin.get().ruby.callMethod(object, methodName, args);
* Registers an extenion with this Ruby plugin so that it will be found later on
* This method is generally called from inside Ruby, as objects that implement
* extension points register themselves.
* @param extension
public void addExtension(Object extension) {
extensions.add(new ExtensionComponent(extension));
* @return the list of extensions registered with this Plugin. this is used by
* the {@link RubyExtensionFinder} to present extension points to Jenkins
public static Collection<ExtensionComponent> getExtensions() {
return get().extensions;
* Reads a resource relative to this plugin's Java class using a formatted string
* @param resource the string template specifying the resource
* @param args format arguments
* @return the content of the resource
public static String readf(String resource, Object... args) {
return RubyPlugin.get().read(String.format(resource, args));
* Initializes this plugin by setting up the JRuby scripting container
* and then loading up the ruby side of the plugin by creating an
* instance of the Ruby class Jenkins::Plugin which will serve as
* its agent in the Ruby world.
* We also register xstream mappers for JRuby objects so that they
* can be persisted along with other objects in Jenkins.
public RubyPlugin() {
this.ruby = new ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope.THREADSAFE);
this.ruby.getLoadPaths().add(0, this.getClass().getResource("support").getPath());
this.extensions = new ArrayList<ExtensionComponent>();
this.ruby.runScriptlet("require 'rubygems'");
this.ruby.runScriptlet("require 'bundled-gems.jar'");
this.ruby.runScriptlet("require 'jenkins/plugins'");
Object pluginClass = this.ruby.runScriptlet("Jenkins::Plugin");
this.plugin = this.ruby.callMethod(pluginClass, "new", this);
register((XStream2)Hudson.XSTREAM, ruby);
register((XStream2)Items.XSTREAM, ruby);
private void register(XStream2 xs, ScriptingContainer ruby) {
synchronized (xs) {
xs.setMapper(new JRubyMapper(xs.getMapperInjectionPoint()));
* Read a resource relative to this plugin clas
* @param resource the name of the resource to be read
* @return the content of the resource
public String read(String resource) {
InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);
try {
if (stream == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("no such resource: " + resource);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int c =; c > 0; c = {
return buffer.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Jenkins will call this method whenever the plugin is initialized
* The plugin will in turn delegate to its instance of Jenkins::Plugin
* which can take action on the Ruby side.
* @throws Exception
public void start() throws Exception {
this.ruby.callMethod(plugin, "start");
* Jenkins will call this method whenever the plugin is shut down
* The plugin will in turn delegate to its instance of Jenkins::Plugin
* which can take action on the Ruby side
* @throws Exception
public void stop() throws Exception {
this.ruby.callMethod(plugin, "stop");
* This is mandatory for Jenkins to find this plugin, although I'm not
* exactly sure why.
* @return
public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() {
return (DescriptorImpl)Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorOrDie(getClass());
public static String getResourceURI(String relativePathFormat, Object... args) {
return get().getClass().getResource(String.format(relativePathFormat, args)).getPath();
* Again, this is mandatory for Jenkins to find this plugin, although I'm not
* exactly sure why.
public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<RubyPlugin> {
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Ruby Plugin";