package org.persvr.remote;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.mozilla.javascript.CompilerEnvirons;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined;
import org.persvr.Persevere;
import org.persvr.rpc.RPCall;
import org.persvr.util.JSON;
import org.persvr.util.JSONParser.JSONException;
public class JsonReceiver {
static Pattern DATE_MATCHER = Pattern.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$");
static SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ");
protected String path = "";
private static CompilerEnvirons compilerEnvirons = new CompilerEnvirons();
public Object parseJsponString(String jsponString) {
if (jsponString == null || jsponString.length() == 0)
return Undefined.instance;
return JSON.parse(jsponString);
Parser p = new Parser(compilerEnvirons, compilerEnvirons.getErrorReporter());
ScriptOrFnNode tree;
jsponString = "(\"hi\")3";
tree = p.parse(jsponString, "json", 0);
String encodedSource = p.getEncodedSource();
return parseNode(tree.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(),tree,jsponString);*/
/*protected Object parseNode(Node node,ScriptOrFnNode tree, String sourceString) {
switch (node.getType()) {
case Token.ARRAYLIT :
node = node.getFirstChild();
List list = new ArrayList();
while(node != null) {
node = node.getNext();
return list;
case Token.OBJECTLIT :
int i = 0;
Object[] keys = (Object[]) node.getProp(Node.OBJECT_IDS_PROP);
node = node.getFirstChild();
Map map = new HashMap();
while (node != null) {
map.put(keys[i++], parseNode(node,tree,sourceString));
node = node.getNext();
return map;
case Token.STRING :
return node.getString();
case Token.NUMBER :
return node.getDouble();
case Token.TRUE :
return true;
case Token.FALSE :
return false;
case Token.NULL :
return null;
case Token.FUNCTION:
SourceTrackingFunctionNode funcNode = (SourceTrackingFunctionNode) tree.getFunctionNode(node.getIntProp(Node.FUNCTION_PROP, -1));
String functionSource = sourceString.substring(funcNode.getSourceStart(),funcNode.getSourceEnd());
return PersistableImpl.createFunction(functionSource,"new function",UserSecurity.currentUser().hasPermission(SystemPermission.javaScriptCoding));
default :
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown node type found in JSON expression " + node.getType());
* Converts a string json representation of a value or object into an object
* @param jsponString
* @return
public Object convertJsonStringToObject(String jsponString) {
return convertParsedToObject(parseJsponString(jsponString));
protected Object convertParsedToObject(Object value) {
if (value instanceof List)
return listFromJSPONArray((List) value,null);
if (value instanceof Map)
return convertIdIfNeeded(idFromJSPONObject((Map) value, null, false));
if (value instanceof String && DATE_MATCHER.matcher((String)value).matches())
try {
value = DataSerializer.ISO_SDF.parse(((String) value));
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.err.println("date error: " + e.getMessage());
return value;
protected List listFromJSPONArray(List array, ObjectId targetId) {
List list = null;
if (targetId != null) {
Object target = targetId.getTarget();
if (target instanceof List) {
list = (List) target;
if (list == null)
list = Persevere.newArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.size();i++) {
try {
Object value = array.get(i);
if (value instanceof Map) {
value = convertIdIfNeeded(idFromJSPONObject((Map) value, null, false));
else if (value instanceof List) {
value = listFromJSPONArray((List)value, null);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return list;
public static final String FUNCTION_CODE_KEY = "function";
static String functionCompression(String code) {
//code = code.replaceAll("\\([\\w\\s,]*\\)\\{var njf(\\d+)=_frm\\(this,arguments([,\"\\w+\"]*)\\);nj:while\\(1\\)\\{switch\\(njf(\\d+).cp\\)\\{case 0:", "\u00ea$1$2\u00eb");
//code = code.replaceAll("njf(\\d+).cp=(\\d+);case (\\d+):if\\(\\(njf(\\d+).rv(\\d+)=", "\u00ea$1,$2\u00ec");
//code = code.replaceAll("\\)==NJSUS\\)\\{return njf(\\d+)\\(\\);\\}", "\u00ea$1\u00ed");
code = code.replaceAll("\\([\\w|\\s|,]*\\)\\{with\\(_frm\\(this,arguments,([,\\[\\]\\\"\\w+\"]*)\\)\\)\\{nj:while\\(1\\)\\{switch\\(\\_cp\\)\\{case 0:", "\u00ea$1\u00eb");
code = code.replaceAll("\\_cp=(\\d+);case (\\d+):if\\(\\(\\_r.v(\\d+)=", "\u00ea$1\u00ec");
code = code.replaceAll("\\)==NJSUS\\)\\{return \\_S\\(\\);\\}", "\u00ea\u00ed");
code = code.replaceAll("return;case -1:return _s()\\}\\}\\}\\}", "\u00ea\u00ee");
//code = code.replaceAll("njf(\\d+)._", "\\xEC\\1");
return code;
static interface ListUpdater{
void update(Object object);
/*static void doListUpdate(Map updateObject, String command, ListUpdater updater) {
if (updateObject.has(command)) {
List array = (List) updateObject.get(command);
for (Object value : array) {
protected void updateList(final Persistable listToUpdate,Map updateObject) {
doListUpdate(updateObject,"append", new ListUpdater() {
public void update(Object object) {
Object obj = convertIdIfNeeded(idOrValueFromJSON(object));
if (listToUpdate instanceof List)
((List) listToUpdate).add(obj);
else {
Context cx = PersevereContextFactory.getContext();
int length = ScriptRuntime.toInt32(ScriptRuntime.getObjectProp(listToUpdate, "length", cx));
ScriptRuntime.setObjectIndex(listToUpdate, length, obj, cx);
ScriptRuntime.setObjectProp(listToUpdate, "length", ScriptRuntime.wrapNumber(length+1), cx);
doListUpdate(updateObject,"delete", new ListUpdater() {
public void update(Object object) {
Object obj = convertIdIfNeeded(idOrValueFromJSON(object));
if (listToUpdate instanceof List)
((List) listToUpdate).remove(obj);
else {
int length = ScriptRuntime.toInt32(ScriptRuntime.getObjectProp(listToUpdate, "length", PersevereContextFactory.getContext()));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (listToUpdate.get(i,listToUpdate) == obj) {
NativeArray.splice(listToUpdate,new Object[]{i,1});
doListUpdate(updateObject,"replace", new ListUpdater() {
public void update(Object object) {
Object old = idOrValueFromJSON(((Map)object).get("old"));
Object newObj = idOrValueFromJSON(((Map)object).get("new"));
if (listToUpdate instanceof List) {
int index = ((List)listToUpdate).indexOf(old);
else {
int length = ScriptRuntime.toInt32(ScriptRuntime.getObjectProp(listToUpdate, "length", PersevereContextFactory.getContext()));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (listToUpdate.get(i,listToUpdate) == old)
NativeArray.splice(listToUpdate,new Object[]{i,1,newObj});
doListUpdate(updateObject,"splice", new ListUpdater() {
public void update(Object obj) {
Map object = (Map) obj;
List values = null;
if (object.containsKey("values"))
values = (List) object.get("values");
Object args[] = new Object[values == null ? 2 : values.size() + 2];
args[0] = object.get("index");
args[1] = object.get("howMany");
if (values != null)
for (int i =0; i < values.size(); i++)
protected Persistable createInitialObject(Map object) throws JSONException{
return Persevere.newObject();
protected void replaceList(final PersistableList listToUpdate, List changes) throws JSONException{
int i = 0;
boolean rebuild = false;
for (; i < changes.size();i++) {
Object change = changes.get(i);
if (listToUpdate.size() > i) { // make sure we are still matching
if (!listToUpdate.get(i).equals(change)) {
rebuild = true;
if (listToUpdate.size() != i)
rebuild = true;
System.err.println("rebuild: " + rebuild);
if (rebuild) {
for (i = 0; i < changes.size();i++) {
Object change = changes.get(i);
public static class UpdateInfo extends NativeObject {
Map updateObject;
public UpdateInfo() {
public UpdateInfo(Map updateObject) {
this.updateObject = updateObject;
static protected Object NOT_READY_FIELD = new Object();
protected Object idOrValueFromJSON(Object value, ObjectId defaultId) throws JSONException{
if (value instanceof Map) {
return idFromJSPONObject((Map) value, defaultId, false);
else if (value instanceof List) {
return listFromJSPONArray((List)value, defaultId);
else if (value instanceof String) {
if (DATE_MATCHER.matcher((String)value).matches())
try {
return SDF.parse(((String) value).replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ' ') + "-0000");
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.err.println("date error: " + e.getMessage());
else if (value instanceof JSONFunction) {
boolean authorizedForFullScripting = UserSecurity.hasPermission(SystemPermission.javaScriptCoding);
if (!authorizedForFullScripting)
throw new RuntimeException("You do not have sufficient priviledge to create functions, and untrusted scripts are not implementd yet");
return FunctionUtils.createFunction(((JSONFunction)value).toString(),"new function");
return value;
static Object convertIdIfNeeded(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Identification)
return ((Identification<? extends Object>)value).getTarget();
return value;
public void handleRPC(Object targetObject, Map rpcObject) {
Persistable target = (targetObject instanceof ObjectId) ? ((ObjectId)targetObject).getTarget() : (Persistable)targetObject;
List params = (List) rpcObject.get("params");
Object[] paramValues;
if (params == null) {
paramValues = new Object[0];
else {
paramValues = new Object[params.size()];
for (int j =0; j < params.size(); j++) {
paramValues[j] = convertIdIfNeeded(idOrValueFromJSON(params.get(j),null));
String method = (String)rpcObject.get("method");
RPCall rpCall = new RPCall(target,method,paramValues,rpcObject.get("id"));
rpCall.executeLocally(); // responses will be added the current connection
public Identification<? extends Object> idFromJSPONObject(Map<String,Object> object, ObjectId targetId, boolean mustMatchId) {
//TODO: This needs be rearranged so that when you do a put (specifically an alteration), that we use the object
// returned by the put instead of what the id indicates, because it is possible for a aliasId to indicate that we
// should use a new object, when really we should use an existing object (from the childMods list)
Persistable target;
try {
String key;
target = null;
Date changesSince=null;
if (object.containsKey("update") && ((Map) object.get("update")).containsKey("changesSince")) {
String value = (String) ((Map) object.get("update")).get("changesSince");
changesSince = new Date(Long.parseLong(value.substring(1,value.length()-1))); // handle dates
if (object.containsKey("$ref")) {
return Identification.idForRelativeString(path, (String) object.get("$ref"));
if (object.containsKey("id")) {
Identification currentId = Identification.idForRelativeString(path, object.remove("id").toString());
if (currentId.source instanceof ClientData) // TODO: Surely we can do this more consistently
target = Client.getCurrentObjectResponse().getConnection().clientSideObject(currentId.toString(),createInitialObject(object));
else {
if (currentId instanceof ObjectId){
if(targetId != currentId){
throw new RuntimeException("id does not match location");
else {
targetId = (ObjectId) currentId;
else {
target = (Persistable) currentId.getTarget();
if(mustMatchId && target.getId() != targetId){
throw new RuntimeException("id does not match location");
if (targetId == null) {
if (target == null)
target = createInitialObject(object);
else {
target= targetId.getOrCreateTarget();
PersistableObject.checkSecurity(target, PermissionLevel.WRITE_LEVEL.level);
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> oldEntry : target.entrySet(0)) {
String oldKey = oldEntry.getKey();
if (!object.containsKey(oldKey) && !oldKey.equals("parent"))
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : object.entrySet()) {
key = entry.getKey(); // TODO: This needs to be limited to alteration lists, so we don't get a conflict with fields that start with c$. This may need to be identified on the client side
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (key.startsWith("client/")) // This is a client id alteration which needs be changed a
key = Client.getCurrentObjectResponse().getConnection().clientSideObject(key,object.containsKey("array") ?
Persevere.newArray() : Persevere.newObject()).getId().toString();
/*String valueModOriginal = null;
if (GlobalData.CHILDMODS_FIELD.equals(key))
valueModOriginal = GlobalData.CHILDMODS_FIELD;
if (target!=null && (GlobalData.CHILDMODS_FIELD.equals(childModOriginalId) || target.isChildMods()) && !GlobalData.PARENT_FIELD.equals(key))
valueModOriginal = key;*/
/* if ("update".equals(key)) {
if ("delete".equals(value))
return getErasureEntity();
if (value instanceof Map)
updateList(target,(Map) value);
else {*/
Object oldValue = target.get(key);
value = idOrValueFromJSON(value, oldValue instanceof Persistable ? ((Persistable)oldValue).getId() : null);
if (value instanceof ObjectNotFoundId)
throw new RuntimeException("Can not set value to an undefined id");
if (key.equals(FUNCTION_CODE_KEY)) {
value = functionCompression((String) value);
if (target != null) {
value = convertIdIfNeeded(value);
if (!(oldValue == null ? value == null : oldValue.equals(value))){
PersistableObject.checkSecurity(target, PermissionLevel.WRITE_LEVEL.level);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/* if (parentValue != null) // we will do it at the end so that if it is an append list entry it can be done without security problems
target.set(GlobalData.PARENT_FIELD, parentValue);*/
return target.getId();
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;