import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.mozilla.javascript.BaseFunction;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Callable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;
import org.mozilla.javascript.IdFunctionObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.IdScriptableObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined;
import org.persvr.Persevere;
import org.persvr.datasource.DataSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.UserAssignableIdSource;
import org.persvr.javascript.PersevereContextFactory;
import org.persvr.javascript.PersevereNativeFunction;
public class PersistableClass extends PersistableObject implements Function {
public boolean persist = true;
public static ThreadLocal<Boolean> persistClass = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();
public PersistableClass(){
persist = persistClass.get() == null ? true : persistClass.get();
if(realObject != null) {
realObject.parent = this;
/* Scriptable collectionObject = new PersistableObject();
collectionObject.put("items", collectionObject, this);*/
final static ScriptableObject objectProto = (ScriptableObject) ScriptableObject.getClassPrototype(GlobalData.getGlobalScope(),"Object");
// run construction on a newly created object
public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
return instantiate(cx, scope, args, false);
public Scriptable instantiate(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object[] args, boolean construct) {
String className = getId().subObjectId;
Persistable newObject = null;
boolean unpersistedClass = false;
if(!construct && "Class".equals(className) && args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Persistable){
// if it is a class, we have special behavior to handle it so we can create classes in jslib files
Object newClassName = ((Persistable)args[0]).get("id");
if(newClassName instanceof String && !((String)newClassName).startsWith("s$")){
unpersistedClass = true;
newObject = ObjectId.idForObject(DataSourceManager.getMetaClassSource(), (String) newClassName).getTarget();
// if we found an existing class, we will clear it out so it can be recreated
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : newObject.entrySet(PersistableObject.ENTRY_SET_INCLUDE_DONT_ENUM)){
String key = entry.getKey();
if(!key.equals("instances") && !key.equals("prototype"))
} catch(ObjectNotFoundException e){
// do nothing, leave newObject as null
throw new RuntimeException("No class id provided in class definition");
if(newObject == null)
newObject = Persevere.newObject(DataSourceManager.getSource(getId().subObjectId));
// we can't do this yet because the JavaScriptDB relies on everything be declared before it is initialized
//((PersistableClass)newObject).persist = false;
return assignId(doConstruction(cx, scope, newObject, args, true));
public Scriptable assignId(Scriptable newObject){
ObjectId objId = ((Persistable)newObject).getId();
if(objId instanceof NewObjectId && !objId.isPersisted()){
String id = objId.subObjectId;
DataSource source = DataSourceManager.getSource(;
if(source instanceof UserAssignableIdSource && newObject instanceof PersistableObject){
id = ((UserAssignableIdSource)source).newId();
else {
if(!((UserAssignableIdSource)source).isIdAssignable((String) id))
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("ReferenceError", "Can not assign the id " + id + ", id is reserved. Use setIdSequence to increase the id to value above user assigned ids");
((NewObjectId) objId).assignId(source, (String) id, false);
if(newObject instanceof PersistableClass){
// put it in on the global right away instead of waiting for a commit
Scriptable global = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
global.put(objId.subObjectId, global, newObject);
return newObject;
public Scriptable doConstruction(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Persistable props, Object[] args) {
return assignId(doConstruction(cx, scope, props, args, true));
public Scriptable doConstruction(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Persistable newObject, Object[] args, boolean callDefaultInitializer) {
Object properties = get("properties", this);
// set the default values first, with the subclass taking precedence
if(properties instanceof Persistable){
for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : ((Persistable)properties).entrySet(2)){
if(entry.getValue() instanceof Persistable && newObject.get(entry.getKey(), newObject) == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND){
Object defaultValue = ((Persistable)entry.getValue()).get("default");
if(defaultValue != Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
newObject.put(entry.getKey(), newObject, defaultValue);
Object superType = getSuperType(this);
Scriptable prototype = getPrototypeProperty();
Object constructor = prototype.get("initialize", prototype);
if(constructor instanceof Function)
callDefaultInitializer = false;
// call the super constructor first if we can
if(superType instanceof PersistableClass){
((PersistableClass)superType).doConstruction(cx, scope, newObject, args, callDefaultInitializer);
// we have traversed the extends chain, copy props from the first param
if(callDefaultInitializer && args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Persistable){
for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : ((Persistable)args[0]).entrySet(2)){
newObject.put(entry.getKey(), newObject, entry.getValue());
// try to call the initialize function if available
if(constructor instanceof Function)
((Function)constructor).call(cx, scope, newObject, args);
return newObject;
final static Scriptable globalScope = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
final static Scriptable objectPrototype = ScriptableObject.getObjectPrototype(GlobalData.getGlobalScope());
final static Scriptable arrayPrototype = ScriptableObject.getClassPrototype(GlobalData.getGlobalScope(),"Array");
public static PersistableClass Object;
public static PersistableClass Array;
// create a new object when the constructor is called
public Scriptable construct(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object[] args) {
if(this == Object){
ScriptableObject newObject = new PersistableObject();
return newObject;
if(this == Array){
ScriptableObject newObject;
if(args.length == 0)
newObject = new PersistableArray(0);
else if(args.length == 1)
newObject = new PersistableArray(((Number)args[0]).longValue());
newObject = new PersistableArray(args);
return newObject;
return instantiate(cx, scope, args, true);
public String getClassName() {
return "Class";
Scriptable prototypeProperty;
static PersistableObject nextRealObject;
PersistableObject realObject = nextRealObject == null ? new PersistableObject() : nextRealObject;
boolean permanentRealObject = nextRealObject != null;
* get the prototype property
* @return
public Scriptable getPrototypeProperty() {
if (prototypeProperty == null) {
prototypeProperty = new SchemaObject();
ScriptRuntime.setObjectProtoAndParent((ScriptableObject) prototypeProperty, GlobalData.getGlobalScope());
noCheckSet("prototype", asTransactionValue("prototype", NOT_FOUND, prototypeProperty));
Object superType = getSuperType(this);
if (superType instanceof PersistableClass) { // setup the prototype chain correctly
prototypeProperty.setPrototype(((PersistableClass) superType).getPrototypeProperty());
return prototypeProperty;
public Object set(String name, Object value) {
if (name.equals("prototype")){
throw new RuntimeException("Can not set the prototype property to a different value, you must modify the current prototype object");
if (value instanceof PersistableClass) {
initializeProperty(name, value);
return value;
else {
return realObject.set(name,value);
private void addAbstractMethods(){
Object methods = get("methods");
if (methods instanceof Persistable) {
for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : ((Persistable)methods).entrySet(0)){
final String name = entry.getKey();
if (!ScriptableObject.hasProperty(prototypeProperty, name)){
prototypeProperty.put(name, prototypeProperty, new Method(new PersevereNativeFunction(){
public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("TypeError", "The method " + name + " has a definition but does not have an implementation on the prototype object");
public Object get(String name, Scriptable start) {
if ("toString".equals(name)) {
return new PersevereNativeFunction(){
public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
return "function(){\n\tthrow new TypeError(\"The method has a definition but does not have an implementation on the prototype object\")\n}";
return super.get(name, start);
}, name));
protected void initializeProperty(String name, Object value) {
if ("prototype".equals(name)) {
if (value instanceof ObjectId) {
value = ((ObjectId)value).getTarget();
prototypeProperty = (Scriptable) value;
if(value instanceof PersistableObject) {
((PersistableObject)value).initializeProperty(":prototypeOf", this);
if (!(value instanceof Persistable))
return; // don't set it in the slots if it is the NativeObject or NativeArray
Object superType = get("extends");
if(superType instanceof PersistableClass)
if(value != null){
if(value instanceof ObjectId){
value = ((ObjectId)value).getTarget();
if(value instanceof Scriptable && !id.subObjectId.equals("Class"))
setPrototype((Scriptable) value);
if(value instanceof PersistableClass)
realObject.initializeProperty(name, value);
Set<PersistableClass> subTypes = new HashSet<PersistableClass>();
public Set<PersistableClass> getSubTypes(){
return subTypes;
public void setPrototypeProperty(Scriptable prototypeProperty) {
public Persistable getParent() {
return DataSourceManager.getRootObject() == this ? null : (Persistable) DataSourceManager.getRootObject().get("instances");
* Does the initial setup of a schema on startup
* @param rootSchema
public static void setupSchema(PersistableClass rootSchema) {
Scriptable pjsLibrary = (Scriptable) GlobalData.getGlobalScope().get("pjs",GlobalData.getGlobalScope());
//TODO: move eval into PjsLibrary class
pjsLibrary.put("eval", pjsLibrary, new PersevereNativeFunction() {
public Object call(final Context cx, final Scriptable scope,
final Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
if (!UserSecurity.hasPermission(SystemPermission.javaScriptCoding))
throw new SecurityException("User is not permitted to execute code on the server");
return cx.evaluateString(GlobalData.getGlobalScope(), (String) args[0], "console", 0, null);
BaseFunction putHandler = new PersevereNativeFunction() {
public Object call(final Context cx, final Scriptable scope,
final Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
// check to make sure all the objects are valid after a schema change
// TODO: The performance of this could be greatly improved with more information from the put
PersistableClass schema = (PersistableClass) thisObj;
if (schema != null) {
Object propertiesDefinitions = schema.get("properties");
if (propertiesDefinitions instanceof Persistable && schema.getPrototypeProperty() instanceof Persistable) {
Persistable prototype = (Persistable) schema.getPrototypeProperty();
for (Object key : prototype.getIds())
if (key instanceof String)
enforceSchemaForProperty(schema, prototype, (String) key, prototype.get((String) key), true, true, false);
List<Persistable> instances = (List) schema.get("instances");
Object[] propertyIds = ((Persistable)propertiesDefinitions).getIds();
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList();
for (Object property : propertyIds){
if (property instanceof String)
stringList.add((String) property);
String[] stringKeys = new String[stringList.size()];
for (String key : stringKeys) {
Object propertyDef = ((Persistable)propertiesDefinitions).get(key);
//TODO: Allow it to point to another a schema's properties object
if (propertyDef instanceof Persistable && !(propertyDef instanceof PersistableClass)) {
if (((Persistable)propertyDef).get("properties") instanceof Persistable)
throw new RuntimeException("Can not create an object validator that does not reference an existing schema");
if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(schema.get("checkAllInstancesOnSchemaChange", schema))) {
for (Persistable instance : instances){
for (String key : stringKeys) {
enforceSchemaForProperty(schema, instance, key, ScriptableObject.getProperty(instance, key), true, true, false);
return true;
public String toString() {
return "function(resource){/*native code*/}";
putHandler.put("source", putHandler, "function(){[Native code]}");
pjsLibrary.put("putHandler", pjsLibrary, putHandler);
static void validationError(String message){
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("TypeError",message);
static EcmaError addPropertyToValidationError(EcmaError e, String property){
return ScriptRuntime.constructError("TypeError",e.getErrorMessage() + " for " + property);
* Schema type checking for primitive values
* @param typeObj
* @param obj
static void enforcePrimitive(Object typeObj, Object obj) {
if (typeObj instanceof String) {
String requiredType = (String)typeObj;
if (!requiredType.equals("any")) {
String type;
if (obj == null)
type = "null";
else if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Date || ((obj instanceof IdScriptableObject) && ((Scriptable)obj).getClassName().equals("Date")))
type = "string";
else if (obj instanceof Number){
type = "number";
if (requiredType.equals("integer")) {
if(obj instanceof Integer || obj instanceof Byte || obj instanceof Long ||
(obj instanceof Number && ((Number)obj).doubleValue() % 1 == 0)){
// check to see if it is actually an integer, if that is what is required
type = "integer";
else if (obj instanceof Boolean)
type = "boolean";
else if (obj instanceof Function)
type = "function";
else if (obj instanceof List)
type = "array";
type = "object";
if (!type.equals(requiredType))
validationError("A " + type + " is not allowed, a " + requiredType + " is required");
else if (typeObj instanceof List) {
boolean validFound = false;
for (Object unionObj : (List)typeObj){
try {
enforcePrimitive(unionObj, obj);
validFound = true;
catch (EcmaError e) {
if (!validFound) {
validationError("Value not valid for any type in the union");
else if (typeObj instanceof Scriptable){
enforceSchemaForValue((Scriptable) typeObj, obj);
* Ensures that a value is valid by a schema by coercion if necessary
* @param schema
* @param object
* @param name
* @param value
* @return
static Object coerceValueForSchema(Scriptable schema, Persistable object, Object name, Object value){
if (value == Undefined.instance || value == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(schema.get("optional", schema)))
return value;
if (schema instanceof PersistableClass) {
if (value instanceof Persistable) {
Scriptable classProto = ((PersistableClass) schema).getPrototypeProperty();
Scriptable proto = ((Persistable)value).getPrototype();
do {
if (proto == classProto)
return value;
proto = proto.getPrototype();
} while (proto != null);
return value = ((PersistableClass)schema).construct(PersevereContextFactory.getContext(), GlobalData.getGlobalScope(), new Object[]{value});
object.set((String) name, null);
} else {
Object typeObj = schema.get("type" ,schema);
typeObj = null;
catch(EcmaError e){
if(typeObj instanceof List){
typeObj = ((List)typeObj).get(0);
if(typeObj instanceof String){
object.put((String) name,object,value = Persevere.newObject());
else if("array".equals(typeObj)){
object.put((String) name,object,value = Persevere.newArray());
else if("string".equals(typeObj)){
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.toString(value));
else if("number".equals(typeObj)){
try {
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.toNumber(value));
catch (EcmaError e2){
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.NaN);
else if("integer".equals(typeObj)){
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(value));
catch (EcmaError e2){
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.NaN);
else if("boolean".equals(typeObj)){
object.put((String) name,object,value = ScriptRuntime.toBoolean(value));
else if("null".equals(typeObj)){
object.put((String) name,object,value = null);
if (value instanceof Number && (typeObj = schema.get("minimum", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((Number)value).doubleValue() < ((Number)typeObj).doubleValue())
object.put((String) name,object,schema.get("minimum", schema));
if (value instanceof Number && (typeObj = schema.get("maximum", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((Number)value).doubleValue() > ((Number)typeObj).doubleValue())
object.put((String) name,object,schema.get("maximum", schema));
if (value instanceof String && (typeObj = schema.get("maxLength", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((String)value).length() > ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
object.put((String) name,object,((String)value).substring(0,((Number) schema.get("maxLength", schema)).intValue()));
if (value instanceof List && (typeObj = schema.get("maxItems", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((List)value).size() > ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
if ((typeObj = schema.get("enum", schema)) instanceof List){
boolean found = false;
for (Object item : (List)schema.get("enum", schema)){
if (item.equals(value)){
found = true;
if (!found)
object.put((String) name,object,((List)schema.get("enum", schema)).get(0));
Object superType = getSuperType(schema);
if (superType instanceof Persistable){
// first check to see if we are valid by the super type
value = coerceValueForSchema((Persistable) superType, object, name, value);
return value;
static Object getSuperType(Scriptable schema){
return schema instanceof Persistable ?
((Persistable)schema).noCheckGet("extends") : schema.get("extends", schema);
* Enforces the schema on a particular property
* @param schema
* @param object
* @param name
* @param value
* @param alwaysPersist
* @param hadProperty
* @param coerce
* @param changing
* @return
static Object enforceSchemaForProperty(Persistable schema, Persistable object, Object name, Object value, boolean hadProperty, boolean coerce, boolean changing) {
try {
if (name instanceof String && ((String) name).startsWith(":"))
return value;
if(schema == null)
return value;
Object superType = getSuperType(schema);
if (superType instanceof Persistable){
// first check to see if we are valid by the super type
enforceSchemaForProperty((Persistable) superType, object, name, value, hadProperty, coerce, changing);
Object typeDefObject = schema.get(name instanceof Number ? "items" : "properties");
Scriptable typeDef = null;
if (typeDefObject instanceof Scriptable) {
typeDef = (Scriptable) typeDefObject;
Object structFieldObj;
if (name instanceof Number) // a name indicates that it is an array item
structFieldObj = typeDef;
else {
structFieldObj = typeDef.get((String) name, typeDef);
if (!(structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable) && schema.get("additionalProperties") instanceof Persistable){
// use additionalProperties if we don't find the property in the super types
while(superType instanceof Persistable && !(structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable) && name instanceof String){
typeDefObject = ((Persistable)superType).get("properties");
if (typeDefObject instanceof Scriptable) {
structFieldObj = ((Scriptable)typeDefObject).get((String) name, ((Scriptable)typeDefObject));
superType = getSuperType(((Scriptable)superType));
if(structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable)
structFieldObj = null; // the superclass can do the validation, no sense in doing it twice
else // the property was not found, revert to additionalProperties
structFieldObj = schema.get("additionalProperties");
if (structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable && Boolean.TRUE.equals(((Scriptable)structFieldObj).get("readonly", (Scriptable)structFieldObj)))
validationError("property is a readonly property");
if(structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable && Boolean.TRUE.equals(ScriptableObject.getProperty((Scriptable)structFieldObj,"coerce")))
coerce = true;
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(structFieldObj)){
if(coerce) {
object.delete((String) name);
value = ScriptableObject.NOT_FOUND;
validationError("Additional properties not allowed according to this schema");
if (structFieldObj instanceof Scriptable) {
Scriptable structField = (Scriptable) structFieldObj;
coerce = true;
Object onSet;
if (changing && (onSet = structField.get("onSet", structField)) instanceof Callable){
if(value == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND)
value = Undefined.instance;
Object originalValue = value;
value = ((Callable)onSet).call(PersevereContextFactory.getContext(), GlobalData.getGlobalScope(), object, new Object[]{value,name,structField});
if(value == Undefined.instance)
value = originalValue;
value = coerceValueForSchema(structField, object, name, value);
else {
enforceSchemaForValue(structField, value);
return value;
return value;
catch (EcmaError e) {
throw addPropertyToValidationError(e,"property " + name);
* Checks to ensure that the internals of the class instance is valid by the schema
* @param schema
* @param instance
static void enforceObjectIsValidBySchema(Persistable schema, Persistable instance){
Object superType = getSuperType(schema);
if (superType instanceof Persistable){
// first check to see if we are valid by the super type
enforceObjectIsValidBySchema((Persistable) superType, instance);
Object propertiesDefinitions = schema.get("properties");
if (propertiesDefinitions instanceof Persistable) {
Object[] propertyIds = ((Persistable)propertiesDefinitions).getIds();
for (Object property : propertyIds){
if (property instanceof String) {
Object value = instance.get((String)property);
Object newValue = enforceSchemaForProperty(schema, instance, (String)property, value, true, false, false);
if(newValue != value) {
instance.put((String) property, instance, newValue);
Object additionalPropertiesDefinitions = schema.get("additionalProperties");
if (additionalPropertiesDefinitions instanceof Scriptable || additionalPropertiesDefinitions instanceof Boolean) {
Object[] propertyIds = instance.getIds();
for (Object property : propertyIds){
if (property instanceof String){
boolean found = false;
superType = schema;
while (superType instanceof Persistable&& !found){
propertiesDefinitions = ((Persistable)superType).get("properties", (Persistable)superType);
if(propertiesDefinitions instanceof Persistable){
if(((Scriptable)propertiesDefinitions).get((String) property,(Scriptable)propertiesDefinitions) instanceof Scriptable){
found = true;
superType = getSuperType((Scriptable)superType);
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(additionalPropertiesDefinitions))
validationError("Additional properties not allowed, and " + property + " is not defined in properties");
else if (additionalPropertiesDefinitions instanceof Scriptable)
enforceSchemaForProperty(schema, instance, (String)property, instance.get((String)property), true, false, false);
* Ensures that the value is valid by the schema (for class
* instances does not test the internals of an object, verifies
* that the object is an instanceof the schema)
* @param schema
* @param obj
static void enforceSchemaForValue(Scriptable schema, Object obj) {
if (obj == Undefined.instance || obj == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND) {
if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(schema.get("optional", schema)))
validationError("A value is required");
} else if (schema instanceof PersistableClass) {
if (obj instanceof Persistable) {
Scriptable classProto = ((PersistableClass) schema).getPrototypeProperty();
Scriptable proto = ((Persistable)obj).getPrototype();
do {
if (proto == classProto)
proto = proto.getPrototype();
} while (proto != null);
if(obj == null)
validationError("value is not an instance of " + ((PersistableClass)schema).id.source.getId());
} else {
Object typeObj = schema.get("type", schema);
if (obj instanceof String &&
(typeObj = schema.get("pattern", schema)) instanceof String)
if (!((String)obj).matches((String) typeObj))
validationError("does not match the regex pattern " + typeObj);
if (obj instanceof Number && (typeObj = schema.get("minimum", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((Number)obj).doubleValue() < ((Number)typeObj).doubleValue())
validationError("must have a minimum value of " + typeObj);
if (obj instanceof Number && (typeObj = schema.get("maximum", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((Number)obj).doubleValue() > ((Number)typeObj).doubleValue())
validationError("must have a maximum value of " + typeObj);
if (obj instanceof String && (typeObj = schema.get("maxLength", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((String)obj).length() > ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
validationError("may only be " + typeObj + " characters long");
if (obj instanceof String && (typeObj = schema.get("minLength", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((String)obj).length() < ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
validationError("must be at least " + typeObj + " characters long");
if (obj instanceof List && (typeObj = schema.get("maxItems", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((List)obj).size() > ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
validationError("may only have " + typeObj + " items in the array");
if (obj instanceof List && (typeObj = schema.get("minItems", schema)) instanceof Number)
if (((List)obj).size() < ((Number)typeObj).intValue())
validationError("must have at least " + typeObj + " items in the array");
if (obj instanceof List && (typeObj = schema.get("items", schema)) instanceof Persistable)
for(Object item : (List) obj){
enforceSchemaForProperty((Persistable) schema, (Persistable) obj, 0, item, true, false, true);
if ("date-time".equals(schema.get("format", schema)) &&
!(obj instanceof Date || ((obj instanceof IdScriptableObject) && ((Scriptable)obj).getClassName().equals("Date"))))
validationError("must be a date in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ in UTC time");
if ((typeObj = schema.get("enum", schema)) instanceof List){
boolean found = false;
for (Object value : (List)typeObj){
if (value.equals(obj)){
found = true;
if (!found)
validationError("must be in the enum list of possible values");
Object superType = getSuperType(schema);
if (superType instanceof Persistable){
// first check to see if we are valid by the super type
enforceSchemaForValue((Persistable) superType, obj);
public boolean hasInstance(Scriptable instance)
Object protoProp = getPrototypeProperty();
if (protoProp instanceof Scriptable) {
return ScriptRuntime.jsDelegatesTo(instance, (Scriptable)protoProp);
throw ScriptRuntime.typeError1("msg.instanceof.bad.prototype",
* Delegation to the "real" persisted object (the config file object)
public boolean avoidObjectDetection() {
return realObject.avoidObjectDetection();
public void defineConst(String name, Scriptable start) {
realObject.defineConst(name, start);
public void defineFunctionProperties(String[] names, Class clazz, int attributes) {
realObject.defineFunctionProperties(names, clazz, attributes);
public void defineProperty(String propertyName, Class clazz, int attributes) {
realObject.defineProperty(propertyName, clazz, attributes);
public void defineProperty(String propertyName, Object value, int attributes) {
realObject.defineProperty(propertyName, value, attributes);
public void defineProperty(String propertyName, Object delegateTo, java.lang.reflect.Method getter, java.lang.reflect.Method setter, int attributes) {
realObject.defineProperty(propertyName, delegateTo, getter, setter, attributes);
public void delete(int index) {
public void delete(String name) {
Object superType = get("extends");
if(superType instanceof PersistableClass)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return realObject.equals(obj) || super.equals(obj);
public Object execIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
return realObject.execIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args);
public Object get(int index, Scriptable start) {
return realObject.get(index, realObject);
public Object get(int index) {
return realObject.get(index);
public Object get(String name){
Object returnValue = get(name, this);
if(returnValue == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND){
returnValue = super.get(name);
if(returnValue instanceof Function){
return returnValue;
return Scriptable.NOT_FOUND;
return returnValue;
public Object get(String name, Scriptable start) {
return getPrototypeProperty();
if (id != null && id.source != null) {
return id.toString();
if(securityEnabled.get() != null){
checkSecurity(this, PermissionLevel.READ_LEVEL.level);
return ObjectId.idForObject(DataSourceManager.getSource(id.subObjectId),"").getTarget();
return realObject.noCheckGet(name);
public Object getCoreValue(String name) {
return get(name,this);
public int getAccessLevel() {
return realObject.getAccessLevel();
public Object[] getAllIds() {
return realObject.getAllIds();
public int getAttributes(int index) {
return realObject.getAttributes(index);
public int getAttributes(String name) {
return realObject.getAttributes(name);
public Object getGetterOrSetter(String name, int index, boolean isSetter) {
return realObject.getGetterOrSetter(name, index, isSetter);
public Object[] getIds() {
return realObject.getIds();
public Date getLastModified() {
return realObject.getLastModified();
public boolean has(int index, Scriptable start) {
return realObject.has(index, start);
public boolean has(String name, Scriptable start) {
return realObject.has(name, start);
public int hashCode() {
return realObject.hashCode();
public boolean isConst(String name) {
return realObject.isConst(name);
public Set<String> keySet(boolean includeDontEnum) {
return realObject.keySet(false);
public Object noCheckGet(String key) {
return realObject.noCheckGet(key);
public void onCreation() {
public void put(int index, Scriptable start, Object obj) {
realObject.put(index, realObject, obj);
public void put(String name, Scriptable start, Object obj) {
Scriptable prototype = getPrototypeProperty();
if(prototype == null)
setPrototypeProperty((Scriptable) obj);
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : PersistableObject.entrySet((ScriptableObject) obj, 2)){
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : PersistableObject.entrySet((ScriptableObject) obj, 2)){
prototype.put(entry.getKey(), prototype, entry.getValue());
obj = prototype;
realObject.put(name, realObject, obj);
Object superType = get("extends");
if(superType instanceof PersistableClass)
if(obj != null){
if(obj instanceof ObjectId){
obj = ((ObjectId)obj).getTarget();
if(obj instanceof Scriptable && !id.subObjectId.equals("Class"))
setPrototype((Scriptable) obj);
if(obj instanceof PersistableClass)
if(getId().isPersisted() && !getId().subObjectId.equals(ScriptRuntime.toString(obj))){
throw ScriptRuntime.constructError("TypeError", "Can not change the id of a persisted object");
getId().subObjectId = ScriptRuntime.toString(obj);
realObject.put(name, realObject, obj);
public void putConst(String name, Scriptable start, Object value) {
realObject.putConst(name, start, value);
public void sealObject() {
public void setAttributes(int index, int attributes) {
realObject.setAttributes(index, attributes);
public void setAttributes(int index, Scriptable start, int attributes) {
realObject.setAttributes(index, start, attributes);
public void setAttributes(String name, int attributes) {
realObject.setAttributes(name, attributes);
public void setGetterOrSetter(String name, int index, Callable getterOrSeter, boolean isSetter) {
realObject.setGetterOrSetter(name, index, getterOrSeter, isSetter);
void noCheckSet(String key,Object value) {
// Object sourceValue = asTransactionValue(key,super.get(key,this),value);
public void setRealObject(PersistableObject realObject) {
if (!permanentRealObject){ // we are now in post init mode
for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : PersistableObject.entrySet(this.realObject, 2)){
for (Object key : this.realObject.getIds()){ // transfer all the properties
/* Scriptable collectionObject = new PersistableObject();
collectionObject.put("items", collectionObject, this);*/
this.realObject = realObject;
this.realObject.parent = this;
public void delete() {
// we do this because the objects can reappear later when new classes are created
deleteProperties(this, new HashSet());
private static void deleteProperties(Persistable target, Set<Persistable> deleted){
for(Object key : target.getIds()){ // recursively delete everything
Object value = target.get(key.toString());
if(value instanceof SchemaObject){
deleteProperties((Persistable) value, deleted);