* Id.java
* Created on August 11, 2005, 9:54 PM
* To change this basis, choose Tools | Options and locate the basis under
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the basis and choose
* Open. You can then make changes to the basis in the Source Editor.
package org.persvr.data;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import org.persvr.datasource.DataSource;
import org.persvr.javascript.PersevereContextFactory;
* @author Kris Zyp
* This class represents a JSONPath/JSONQuery expression, and is used to
* evaluate the expression handling the query -> JS conversion and execution
public class JsonPath extends Identification<Object> {
protected List resolveTarget() {
throw new RuntimeException("getTarget should always be used for JsonPath");
// public Stipulation stipulation;
// public String constructionString;
Object[] parameters;
int param;
String jsonPath;
public static synchronized JsonPath idForObject(DataSource source, String subObjectId, String jsonPath) {
JsonPath objId = new JsonPath();
objId.source = source;
objId.subObjectId= subObjectId;
objId.jsonPath = jsonPath;
String[] parts = objId.jsonPath.split("#");
if (parts.length > 1) {
boolean first = true;
objId.jsonPath = "";
int i = 0;
for (String part : parts) {
objId.jsonPath += (first ? "" : ("__param" + i++)) + part;
first = false;
return objId;
// static Function jsonPathFunction = (Function) GlobalData.getGlobalScope().get("query", GlobalData.getGlobalScope());
public static Object query(Persistable objectToQuery, String jsonPath, Object... parameters) {
JsonPath query = new JsonPath();
query.jsonPath = jsonPath;
query.source = objectToQuery.getId().source;
query.subObjectId = objectToQuery.getId().subObjectId;
//return PersistableImpl.mapPersistent(query);
return query.getTarget();
public Object getTarget() {
return doJsonPath(jsonPath);
public boolean isDefinite() {
return isDefinite(jsonPath);
static boolean isDefinite(String jsonPath) {
return !jsonPath.replaceAll("\"[^\"\\\\\\n\r]*\"", "").matches(".*(\\.\\.|\\*|\\[[\\\\/]|\\?|,|:|>|\\(|<|=|\\+).*");
private Object doJsonPath(String jsonPath) {
return doJsonPath(ObjectId.idForObject(source,subObjectId).getTarget(),jsonPath);
* Executes the JSONQuery expression
* @param target
* @param jsonPath
* @return
private Object doJsonPath(Persistable target, String jsonPath) {
Scriptable paramScope = new NativeObject();
if (jsonPath.matches("new "))
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid query");
if (jsonPath.matches("[^\\?\\+\\=\\-\\*\\/\\!]\\("))
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid query");
if (parameters != null) {
int poundIndex;
while((poundIndex = jsonPath.indexOf('$', 1)) > -1) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(jsonPath.substring(poundIndex + 1, poundIndex + 2)) - 1;
jsonPath = jsonPath.substring(0,poundIndex) + "args.param" + i + jsonPath.substring(poundIndex + 2);
paramScope.put("param" + i, paramScope, parameters[i]);
//TODO: Once we have more of the JSONQuery expressions being handled at the data source
// level, we should set the optimization level to -1 for quicker evaluation:
Object result;
Persistable schema = target.getSchema();
if(schema == null){
schema = ObjectId.idForString("Class/Object").getTarget();
Scriptable global = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
Function queryFunction = (Function) ScriptableObject.getProperty(schema, "query");
Function QueryString = (Function) global.get("QueryString", global);
Scriptable queryString = QueryString.construct(PersevereContextFactory.getContext(), global, new Object[]{jsonPath, paramScope});
if(queryFunction instanceof Method){
queryFunction = ((Method)queryFunction).innerFunction;
result = queryFunction.call(PersevereContextFactory.getContext(), global, target, new Object[]{queryString, target});
if(result instanceof PersistableArray && !(((PersistableArray)result).id instanceof Query)){
// FIXME: This is a temporary hack, so that the JSONSerializer thinks it is a query and serializes it with all the items being serialized
((PersistableArray)result).id = new Query();
((PersistableArray)result).id.source = source;
((PersistableArray)result).id.subObjectId = subObjectId;
if(result instanceof QueryArray && !(((QueryArray)result).id instanceof Query)){
// FIXME: This is a temporary hack, so that the JSONSerializer thinks it is a query and serializes it with all the items being serialized
((QueryArray)result).id = new Query();
((QueryArray)result).id.source = source;
((QueryArray)result).id.subObjectId = subObjectId;
// Restore the optimization level
return result;
public class PropertyPair {
Persistable target;
Object key;
PropertyPair(Persistable target, Object key) {
this.target = target;
this.key = key;
public Persistable getTarget() {
return target;
public Object getKey() {
return key;
public class PropertyValuePair extends PropertyPair {
public PropertyValuePair(Persistable target, Object key) {
super(target, key);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public List<PropertyPair> getPropertyPairs() {
int lastDot = jsonPath.lastIndexOf('.');
int firstBracket = jsonPath.indexOf('[');
String propertyPart;
PersistableList<Persistable> firstLevel;
if (firstBracket != -1 && (firstBracket < lastDot || lastDot == -1)) {
firstLevel = (PersistableList) doJsonPath(jsonPath.substring(0,firstBracket));
propertyPart = jsonPath.substring(firstBracket);
else if (lastDot == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("No property was provided");
else {
firstLevel = (PersistableList) doJsonPath(jsonPath.substring(0,lastDot));
propertyPart = jsonPath.substring(lastDot);
List<PropertyPair> pairs = new ArrayList();
for (Persistable obj : firstLevel) {
if (isDefinite(propertyPart))
pairs.add(new PropertyPair(obj,propertyPart));
else {
PersistableList secondLevel = (PersistableList) doJsonPath(obj,"$" + propertyPart);
for (Object value : secondLevel)
pairs.add(new PropertyValuePair(obj,value));
return pairs;
private static String getResourceAsString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
return buffer.toString();
public Object[] getParameters() {
return parameters;
public void setParameters(Object[] parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;