import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.persvr.Persevere;
import org.persvr.datasource.DataSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.HttpJsonSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.LocalJsonFileSource;
import org.persvr.remote.AliasIds;
import org.persvr.remote.Client;
import org.persvr.remote.AliasIds.AliasHandler;
* An Identification represents an id of object or a value. This allows objects or values to be reference
* without the actual object being loaded into the object graph yet. When the object or value
* is needed, the identification object can retrieve it (by calling getTarget)
* @author Kris Zyp
* @param <T> base type of objects that can be referred to
public abstract class Identification<T> implements TargetRetriever<T> {
// TODO: make objectId and source be package protected
static Pattern slashPattern = Pattern.compile("[^\\[\\.\\?]*/");
* Gets an id for a given string
* @param value
* @return
public static Identification<? extends Object> idForString(String value) {
if (value.length() > 0 && value.charAt(0)=='/')
value = value.substring(1);
int pathIndex = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(value.indexOf('[') > 0 ? value.indexOf('[') : 10000, value.indexOf('.') > 0 ? value.indexOf('.') : 10000),value.indexOf('?') > 0 ? value.indexOf('?') : 10000),value.indexOf('#') > 0 ? value.indexOf('#') : 10000);
if (pathIndex < 10000){
// this is hack so that we treat config file entity references as object ids
if(value.indexOf(LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator) != -1){
pathIndex = 10000;
String subObjectId;
DataSource source = null;
String path = null;
int slashIndex = value.length();
if (value.indexOf("/") > 0 && value.indexOf("/") < pathIndex){
while((slashIndex = value.substring(0,slashIndex).lastIndexOf('/')) > -1){
String sourcePart = value.substring(0,slashIndex);
source = DataSourceManager.getSource(sourcePart);
if (source != null)
if (source == null)
return new ObjectNotFoundId(null,value);
String idPart = value.substring(slashIndex + 1);
subObjectId = idPart;
/*if (pathIndex < 10000 && !(source instanceof HttpJsonSource)) {
pathIndex = pathIndex - sourcePart.length() - 1;
path = subObjectId.substring(pathIndex);
subObjectId = subObjectId.substring(0,pathIndex);
else {
subObjectId = value;
if (pathIndex < 10000) {
path = subObjectId.substring(pathIndex);
subObjectId = subObjectId.substring(0,pathIndex);
source = DataSourceManager.getSource(subObjectId);
if (source == null) {
AliasHandler handler = AliasIds.getAliasHandler(subObjectId);
ObjectId objId;
if (handler == null) {
return new ObjectNotFoundId(source,value);
objId = handler.getTarget().getId();
source = objId.getSource();
if (source == null && handler != null)
return handler;
subObjectId = objId.getSubObjectId();
subObjectId = ""; // this is a direct reference to the source, the id should be null
String slashedSubObjectId = null;
if (subObjectId != null) {
/*while (!subObjectId.equals(slashedSubObjectId)) {
slashedSubObjectId = subObjectId;
subObjectId = subObjectId.replaceAll("^([^\\[]+)/", "$1."); // allow slashes to indicate property references
int legalDotStart = 0;
if (source instanceof HttpJsonSource && source.getId().length() < 8) {
// if we are using a remote address, the first dots can be part of the hostname and should be ignored
legalDotStart = subObjectId.indexOf('/', 2);
pathIndex = Math.min(Math.min(subObjectId.indexOf('[') > -1 ? subObjectId.indexOf('[') : 10000, subObjectId.indexOf('.', legalDotStart) > -1 ? subObjectId.indexOf('.', legalDotStart) : 10000),subObjectId.indexOf('?') > -1 ? subObjectId.indexOf('?') : 10000);
if (pathIndex < 10000 &&
// this is hack so that we treat config file entity references as object ids
subObjectId.indexOf(LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator) == -1) {
if (source instanceof HttpJsonSource) {
return RemoteQuery.idForObject(source, subObjectId);
path = subObjectId.substring(pathIndex);
subObjectId = subObjectId.substring(0,pathIndex);
// Need to process path if path is there and one of path does not
// start with ?, or subObjectId is "" or null is true
if (path != null && ( ( subObjectId == null ) ||
( subObjectId.length() == 0 ) || path.charAt( 0 ) != '?' ) ) {
path = path.replaceAll("^([^\\.]+)#\\.?","$1.");
if (JsonPath.isDefinite(value))
return ObjectPath.idForObject(source,subObjectId,path);
return JsonPath.idForObject(source,subObjectId,path);
return ObjectId.idForObject(source,subObjectId);
static String absolutePathPrefix = null;
public static Identification<? extends Object> idForRelativeString(String startingId, String targetId) {
targetId = targetId.substring(4);
targetId = targetId.substring(absolutePathPrefix.length());
Client client = Client.getCurrentObjectResponse().getConnection();
Persistable obj = client.getClientSideObject(targetId);
if(obj == null) {
String sourceName = targetId.substring(0, targetId.indexOf('/'));
obj = client.clientSideObject(targetId, Persevere.newObject(sourceName));
return obj.getId();
boolean absoluteStart = startingId.matches("\\w+tps?:/.*");
if (targetId.startsWith("/")){
if (absoluteStart)
return Identification.idForString(startingId.substring(0,startingId.indexOf('/',2)) + targetId);
return Identification.idForString(targetId.substring(absolutePathPrefix.length()));
if (targetId.startsWith("../")){
if (absoluteStart)
return Identification.idForString(startingId.substring(0,startingId.lastIndexOf('/',startingId.lastIndexOf('/')-1)) + targetId.substring(2));
return Identification.idForString(targetId.substring(3));
if (targetId.matches("\\w+tps?:/.*")){
return Identification.idForString(targetId.substring(GlobalData.localURI.length()));
return ObjectId.idForString(targetId);
return Identification.idForString(startingId.substring(0,startingId.lastIndexOf('/')+1) + targetId);
public String subObjectId;
Reference<T> targetRef; // this is generally a soft reference, but sometimes it must be a strong/direct reference
public DataSource source;
public boolean isLoaded(){
return targetRef != null && targetRef.get() != null;
public boolean isForeign() {
return source != null && (source.getId().toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || source.getId().toLowerCase().startsWith("https://"));
* Implementations should implement this to resolve a target when it has not been loaded yet
* @return object referred to by identification
protected abstract T resolveTarget();
* Retrieves the value or object referred to by this identification
* @return object referred to by identification
public synchronized T getTarget() {
T finalTarget;
if (targetRef == null || (finalTarget = targetRef.get()) == null) {
finalTarget = resolveTarget();
targetRef = new SoftReference<T>(finalTarget);
return finalTarget;
public String getSubObjectId() {
return subObjectId;
public DataSource getSource() {
return source;
protected String relativePath(String originalPath, String newPath) {
if (newPath.startsWith(originalPath))
return newPath.substring(originalPath.length());
int firstQuestionMark = originalPath.indexOf("?");
int originalSlash = originalPath.lastIndexOf('/', firstQuestionMark == -1 ? originalPath.length() - 1 : firstQuestionMark);
if (originalSlash > -1) {
int secondToLastSlash = originalPath.lastIndexOf('/', originalSlash - 1);
return "../" + relativePath(originalPath.substring(0,secondToLastSlash + 1), newPath);
return newPath;
* Makes a string based on relative path
* @param relativeSource
* @param relativeSubPath
* @return
public String toString(DataSource relativeSource, String relativeSubPath) {
if (source == relativeSource) {
if (relativeSubPath == null || source instanceof HttpJsonSource)
return subObjectId;
return relativePath(relativeSubPath, subObjectId);
else {
if (source instanceof HttpJsonSource || relativeSource == null){
if(relativeSource instanceof HttpJsonSource){
return relativePath(relativeSource.getId() + '/' + relativeSubPath, toString());
return toString();
return "../" + toString();
public String toString() {
if (source == null || source.getId().length() == 0)
return subObjectId;
else if (subObjectId == null)
return source.getId();
return source.getId() + "/" + subObjectId;
public static String getAbsolutePathPrefix() {
return absolutePathPrefix;
public static void setAbsolutePathPrefix(String absolutePathPrefix) {
Identification.absolutePathPrefix = absolutePathPrefix;
Scriptable global = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
Scriptable pjs = (Scriptable) global.get("pjs", global);
pjs.put("absolutePathPrefix", pjs, absolutePathPrefix);