import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import org.persvr.Persevere;
import org.persvr.datasource.AbstractJsonSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.ClassDataSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.DataSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.DataSourceCanHaveOrphans;
import org.persvr.datasource.JavaScriptDBSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.DestroyAwareDataSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.LocalJsonFileSource;
import org.persvr.datasource.PersistableInitializer;
import org.persvr.datasource.SourceDeleteAware;
import org.persvr.datasource.WritableDataSource;
import org.persvr.javascript.ModuleLoader;
import org.persvr.javascript.PersevereContextFactory;
import org.persvr.remote.Client;
import org.persvr.remote.DataSerializer;
import org.persvr.remote.PersevereFilter;
import org.persvr.util.JSON;
import org.persvr.util.JSONParser.JSONException;
* The DataSourceManager is a utility class for managing all the data sources
* utilized by Persevere
* @author Kris
public class DataSourceManager {
static Map<String, DataSource> dataSources = new HashMap();;
static Set<String> dataSourcesVisible;
public static ClassDataSource metaClassSource = new ClassDataSource();
static WritableDataSource configSource;
public static boolean softReferences = true;
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DataSourceManager.class);
* Holds important information about each data source
* @author Kris
public static class SourceInfo {
//TODO: Store the id of the source in here instead of forcing the source to implement getId and setId
public Class<? extends Persistable> objectsClass;
String objectsClassName;
public PersistableClass schema;
public File sourceFile;
static Map<DataSource, SourceInfo> sourceInfo = new HashMap();
static {
dataSources.put("Class", metaClassSource);
SourceInfo info = new SourceInfo();
info.objectsClassName = PersistableClass.class.getName();
// info.schema = (Schema) ObjectId.idForObject(rootSource, null).getTarget();
sourceInfo.put(metaClassSource, info);
public static WritableDataSource baseObjectSource;
static final String AUTO_GENERATED_SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE = "generated.js";
public static File configDirectory;
static String webInfPath;
static String defaultSourceClass;
public static List<File> getConfigFiles(File configDirectory){
throw new RuntimeException("The specified config directory path " + configDirectory.getPath() + " is not a directory");
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
for(File file : configDirectory.listFiles()){
if(file.isDirectory() && file.getName().charAt(0) != '.'){
}else if(file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".js") || file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".json")){
return files;
static {
try {
dataSourcesVisible = new HashSet();
// Mess of trying to find out the WEB-INF path, so we can put the data stuff there.
String webInfLocation = GlobalData.getWebInfLocation();
//System.err.print("webInfLocation " + webInfLocation);
webInfPath = URLDecoder.decode(webInfLocation.substring("file:/".length()));
if (webInfPath.charAt(1) != ':') // for unix, we want the / on the front
webInfPath = '/' + webInfPath;
String dataDirectoryPath = System.getProperty("");
if(dataDirectoryPath == null)
dataDirectoryPath = webInfPath + "/data";
File dataDirectory = new File(dataDirectoryPath);
//System.err.print("dataDirectoryPath " + dataDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
if (!dataDirectory.exists())
// start finding the config files
configDirectory = new File(webInfPath + File.separatorChar + "config");
if (!configDirectory.exists())
// System.err.println("webInfPath " + webInfPath);
// System.err.println("data Directory " + webInfPath + "/data");
List<File> listConfigFiles = getConfigFiles(configDirectory);
File jslibDirectory = new File(webInfPath + File.separatorChar + "jslib");
ModuleLoader moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
List jslibPaths = new ArrayList();
// if there is an Persevere instance, we want to load the config files from there as well
String instanceWebInfPath = System.getProperty("persevere.instance.WEB-INF");
//System.err.print("instanceConfigPath " + instanceConfigPath);
if(instanceWebInfPath != null){
// make this _the_ config directory so new sources are created in the instance
File newConfigDirectory = new File(instanceWebInfPath + "/config");
configDirectory = newConfigDirectory;
File instanceJsLibDirectory = new File(instanceWebInfPath + "/jslib");
File[] configFiles = listConfigFiles.toArray(new File[listConfigFiles.size()]);
// must ensure that core.json comes first
for (int i = 0; i < configFiles.length; i++) {
if (configFiles[i].getName().equals("core.json")) {
//found core.json, must put it first
File oldFirst = configFiles[0];
configFiles[0] = configFiles[i];
configFiles[i] = oldFirst;
List<Map> classConfigs = new ArrayList();
List<String> serverScriptsToRun = new ArrayList();
for (File configFile : configFiles) {
String configurationFile = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(configFile));
Map config;
try {
config = (Map) JSON.parse(configurationFile);
softReferences = false;
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error in " + configFile, e);
for (File configFile : configFiles) {
// load all the configuration files
String configurationFile = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(configFile));
configurationFile = configurationFile.replaceAll("\\$DATA-DIR\\$", dataDirectory.getCanonicalPath().replace('\\', '/'));
Map config = (Map) JSON.parse(configurationFile);
try {
List serializers = (List) config.get("serializers");
if (serializers != null)
for (int i = 0; i < serializers.size(); i++)
Client.addSerializer((DataSerializer) Class.forName((String) serializers.get(i)).newInstance());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
List dataSourceConfigs = (List) config.get("sources");
// get the class configs and order them by extends so the base classes are loaded before sub classes
if (dataSourceConfigs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < dataSourceConfigs.size(); i++) {
try {
Map dataSourceElement = (Map) dataSourceConfigs.get(i);
if(configFile.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(configDirectory.getCanonicalPath()) && !"core.json".equals(configFile.getName())){
// this is from the current config directory
dataSourceElement.put("__location", configFile.getCanonicalPath().substring(configDirectory.getCanonicalPath().length() + 1)
+ LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "sources" + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + i);
//this was inherited, so we will make it readonly
dataSourceElement.put("__location", configFile.getName() + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "sources" + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + i);
dataSourceElement.put("__body", IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(configFile)));
String name = (String) dataSourceElement.get("name");
boolean inserted = false;
for(int j = 0;j < classConfigs.size(); j++){
Map classConfig = classConfigs.get(j);
classConfigs.add(j, dataSourceElement);
inserted = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Integer maxIterations = (Integer) config.get("maxIterations");
if (maxIterations != null)
Object repl = config.get("repl");
if(repl instanceof Boolean){
PersevereFilter.startConsole = (Boolean) repl;
String localURI = (String) config.get("localURI");
if (localURI != null)
GlobalData.localURI = localURI;
List serverScriptsJSON = (List) config.get("serverScripts");
if (serverScriptsJSON != null)
for (int i = 0; i < serverScriptsJSON.size(); i++) {
serverScriptsToRun.add((String) serverScriptsJSON.get(i));
String newDefaultSourceClass = (String) config.get("defaultSourceClass");
if(newDefaultSourceClass != null)
defaultSourceClass = newDefaultSourceClass;
// load the sources in the correct order now
for(Map classConfig : classConfigs){
initSource(classConfig, (String) classConfig.get("__location"), null, (String) classConfig.get("__body"));
} catch (Exception e) {
String filename = (String) classConfig.get("__location");
filename = filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf(LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator));
catch(Exception e2){
log.error("Error attempting to initialize the data source " + classConfig.get("name") + " in file " + filename, e);
AbstractJsonSource.suppressWrites = false;
final Scriptable global = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
PersistableClass classClass = (PersistableClass) ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "Class").getTarget();
// create the schema helpers
// create the security helpers
// load the server scripts
for(String serverScript : serverScriptsToRun){
File scriptFile = new File(instanceWebInfPath + "/classes/" + serverScript);
scriptFile = new File(webInfPath + "/classes/" + serverScript);
InputStream inStream;
inStream = new FileInputStream(scriptFile);
// could be in our class path
inStream = DataSourceManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(serverScript);
if(inStream == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Server script " + serverScript + " was not found");
IOUtils.toString(inStream), serverScript, 0, null);
// load all the files in the jslib dir by calling the require function
// now freeze the exports
// start the timer for the checking for changes
((ProtectedGlobal) global).getId().assignId(DataSourceManager.getSource(".Global."), "global");
((ProtectedGlobal) global).parent = null;
if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(global.get("freezeEnvironment", global)))
((ProtectedGlobal) global).freeze();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static DataSource getSourceByPrototype(Scriptable prototype) {
if(prototype instanceof PersistableClass)
return DataSourceManager.getMetaClassSource();
for (Entry<DataSource, SourceInfo> entry : sourceInfo.entrySet()) {
if (prototype == entry.getValue().schema.getPrototypeProperty())
return entry.getKey();
return null;
* Determines the corresponding Java class for the given data source and
* returns the source info object that holds the class
* @param source
* @return
public static SourceInfo getObjectsClass(DataSource source) {
SourceInfo info = sourceInfo.get(source);
if (info.objectsClass == null) {
if (info.objectsClassName != null) {
try {
info.objectsClass = (Class<? extends Persistable>) Class.forName(info.objectsClassName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return info;
static class SchemaTester implements PersistableInitializer {
public boolean foundSchema;
public void finished() {
public void setVersion(Version version) {
public void setLastModified(Date lastModified) {
public Persistable getInitializingObject() {
return null;
public void initializeList(Collection sourceCollection) {
public void setAcl(Acl acl) {
public void setCacheLevel(long time) {
public void setParent(ObjectId objectToInheritFrom) {
public void setPersistentAcl(ObjectId aclId) {
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
if ("schema".equals(name)) {
foundSchema = true;
public void setProperty(String name, Object value, int attributes) {
if ("schema".equals(name)) {
foundSchema = true;
* initializes a data source
* @param dataSourceElement
* @param configId
* @param schema
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static DataSource initSource(Map dataSourceElement, String configId, PersistableClass schema, String readOnlyData) throws Exception {
// much bootstrapping madness is contained in this method
if(dataSourceElement.get("name") != null && !(dataSourceElement.get("name") instanceof String))
throw new RuntimeException("The name property for a data source configuration must be a string");
String name = (String) dataSourceElement.get("name");
if(dataSourceElement.get("sourceClass") != null && !(dataSourceElement.get("sourceClass") instanceof String))
throw new RuntimeException("The sourceClass property for a data source configuration must be a string or omitted");
String sourceClass = (String) dataSourceElement.get("sourceClass");
if(sourceClass == null && schema != null && schema.get("sourceClass") instanceof String){
sourceClass = (String) schema.get("sourceClass");
if(sourceClass == null && schema == null && dataSourceElement.get("schema") instanceof Map && ((Map)dataSourceElement.get("schema")).get("sourceClass") instanceof String){
sourceClass = (String) ((Map)dataSourceElement.get("schema")).get("sourceClass");
DataSource source;
if ("Class".equals(name))
source = metaClassSource;
if(dataSources.get(name) != null)
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate table name " + name);
source = ((Class<DataSource>) (Class.forName(sourceClass == null ? defaultSourceClass : sourceClass))).newInstance();
dataSources.put(name, source);
SourceInfo info = new SourceInfo();
boolean visible = true;
Scriptable global = GlobalData.getGlobalScope();
visible = !Boolean.TRUE.equals(dataSourceElement.get("hidden"));
if (visible)
if(configId != null){
if(readOnlyData != null && configSource != null)
((LocalJsonFileSource)configSource).setLocalReadOnlyData(configId, readOnlyData);
SchemaTester tester = new SchemaTester();
if (configSource != null) {
configSource.mapObject(tester, configId);
if (!tester.foundSchema) {
PersistableClass.nextRealObject = (PersistableObject) ObjectId.idForObject(configSource,
configId + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema", true).getOrCreateTarget();
ObjectId.idForObject(configSource, configId, true).getTarget().set("schema",
ObjectId.idForObject(configSource, configId + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema", true));
if ("config".equals(name)) {
configSource = (WritableDataSource) source;
if(readOnlyData != null)
((LocalJsonFileSource)configSource).setLocalReadOnlyData(configId, readOnlyData);
metaClassSource.addSourceConfigObject((String) dataSourceElement.get("name"), ObjectId.idForObject(configSource, configId
+ LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema", true));
if ("Object".equals(name)) {
baseObjectSource = (WritableDataSource) source;
info.schema = new PersistableClass();
info.schema.setPrototypeProperty((Scriptable) // temporarily do this so we can have a prototype for the time being
sourceInfo.put(source, info);
if ("config".equals(name)) {
configSource = (WritableDataSource) source;
PersistableClass.nextRealObject = new PersistableObject();
info.schema = new PersistableClass();
sourceInfo.put(source, info);
SourceInfo rootInfo = sourceInfo.get(metaClassSource);
PersistableClass.nextRealObject = new PersistableObject();
rootInfo.schema = new PersistableClass();//temporary
rootInfo.schema.setPrototypeProperty(Persevere.newObject()); // temporarily do this so we can have a prototype for the time being
info.schema = (PersistableClass) ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "config").getTarget();// now give the Object source the correct schema/protoype
if ("Class".equals(name)) {
SourceInfo rootInfo = sourceInfo.get(metaClassSource);
PersistableClass classClass = (PersistableClass) ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "Class").getTarget(); //give the root schema the right schema
rootInfo.schema = classClass;
classClass.schema = classClass;
info.objectsClassName = (String) dataSourceElement.get("objectsClass");
if ("".equals(info.objectsClassName))
info.objectsClassName = null;
PersistableClass.nextRealObject = (PersistableObject) ObjectId.idForObject(configSource,
configId + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema", true).getOrCreateTarget();
info.schema = (PersistableClass) ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, name).getTarget();
info.schema.setRealObject((PersistableObject) ObjectId.idForObject(configSource, configId + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema",
if ("Object".equals(name)) {
info.schema.setPrototypeProperty((Scriptable) // temporarily do this so we can have a prototype for the time being
// hook up Class/Class to have the right prototype
ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "Class").getTarget().setPrototype(info.schema);
global.put("Object", global, info.schema);
PersistableClass.Object = info.schema;
else {
info.objectsClassName = (String) dataSourceElement.get("objectsClass");
info.schema = schema;
sourceInfo.put(source, info);
SourceInfo rootInfo = sourceInfo.get(metaClassSource);
if ("Array".equals(name)) {
info.schema.setPrototypeProperty(// temporarily do this so we can have a prototype for the time being
ScriptableObject.getClassPrototype(global, "Array"));
global.put("Array", global, info.schema);
PersistableClass.Array = info.schema;
* if ("Function".equals(name)) { info.schema.setPrototypeProperty(//
* temporarily do this so we can have a prototype for the time being
* ScriptableObject.getFunctionPrototype(global)); }
if (visible) {
//rootInfo.schema.initializeProperty(name, info.schema);
((ProtectedGlobal) global).putClass(name, global, info.schema);
info.schema.getPrototypeProperty(); // must force each one to have a prototype
if(baseObjectSource != null && !"Object".equals(name)){
info.schema.setPrototype(ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "Object").getTarget());
PersistableClass.nextRealObject = null; // don't want to confuse the next one
return source;
static Map loadConfig() throws Exception {
File configFile = new File(configDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + AUTO_GENERATED_SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE);
Map config;
if (configFile.exists()) {
String configurationFile = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(configFile));
configurationFile = configurationFile.replaceAll("\\$DATA-DIR\\$", webInfPath + "/data");
config = (Map) JSON.parse(configurationFile);
} else
config = new HashMap();
if (config.get("sources") == null) {
config.put("sources", new ArrayList());
return config;
* create a new data source, adding it to the generated config file
* @param name
* @param superType
* @param schema
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static DataSource createNewSource(String name, String superType, PersistableClass schema) throws Exception {
Map config = loadConfig();
Map dataSourceElement = new LinkedHashMap();
dataSourceElement.put("name", name);
Map<String, Object> settings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : settings.entrySet()) {
dataSourceElement.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
List dataSourceConfigs = (List) config.get("sources");
ObjectId idForSourceDefinition = ObjectId.idForObject(configSource, AUTO_GENERATED_SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator
+ "sources", true);
idForSourceDefinition.targetRef = null; // force a reload
Transaction.addAffectedSource((WritableDataSource) idForSourceDefinition.source);
((LocalJsonFileSource) idForSourceDefinition.source).makeDirty(idForSourceDefinition.subObjectId);
String configId = AUTO_GENERATED_SOURCE_CONFIG_FILE + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "sources"
+ LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + (dataSourceConfigs.size() - 1);
DataSource newSource = initSource(dataSourceElement, configId , schema, null);
// must make the object look dirty
ObjectId.idForObject((WritableDataSource) idForSourceDefinition.source, configId, true).getTarget().set("schema",null);
ObjectId.idForObject((WritableDataSource) idForSourceDefinition.source, configId, true).getTarget().set("schema",
ObjectId.idForObject((WritableDataSource) idForSourceDefinition.source, configId + LocalJsonFileSource.pathSeparator + "schema", true).getTarget());
return newSource;
* public static void modifySource(DataSource source) throws Exception{ Map
* config = loadConfig(); List dataSourceConfigs = config.get("sources");
* Map dataSourceElement = null; for (int i =0; i <
* dataSourceConfigs.length(); i++) { dataSourceElement =
* dataSourceConfigs.getMap(i); if
* (name.equals(dataSourceElement.get("name"))) { break; } } for (Entry<String,Object>
* entry : settings.entrySet()) {
* dataSourceElement.put(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue()); }
* saveConfig(config); }
public static void deleteSource(String name) throws Exception {
Map config = loadConfig();
DataSource deletingSource = getSource(name);
if (deletingSource instanceof SourceDeleteAware)
((SourceDeleteAware) deletingSource).onDelete();
List dataSourceConfigs = (List) config.get("sources");
List newDataSourceConfigs = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < dataSourceConfigs.size(); i++) {
Map dataSourceElement = (Map) dataSourceConfigs.get(i);
if (!name.equals(dataSourceElement.get("name"))) {
config.put("sources", newDataSourceConfigs);
static void saveConfig(Map config) throws Exception {
try {
byte[] newConfig = JSON.serialize(config).getBytes();
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(configDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Trying to resave config file ", e);
public static DataSource getMetaClassSource() {
return metaClassSource;
public static Persistable getRootObject() {
return ObjectId.idForObject(metaClassSource, "Class").getTarget();
public static DataSource getSource(String nameSpace) {
if (nameSpace == null)
return getMetaClassSource();
return dataSources.get(nameSpace);
public static Persistable getById(String id) {
return ObjectId.idForString(id).getTarget();
public static void purgeAllOrphans() {
for (DataSource source : dataSources.values()) {
if (source instanceof DataSourceCanHaveOrphans)
((DataSourceCanHaveOrphans) source).purgeOrphans();
* The method iterates through the list of datasource that implement DestroyAwareDataSource and calls the destroy method.
* The method is used to provide a clean-up opportunity to data sources that need to free resources. Normally, this method is
* intended to be called when Persevere is being shut down.
public static void destroy() {
for (DataSource source : dataSources.values()) {
if (source instanceof DestroyAwareDataSource) {
((DestroyAwareDataSource) source).destroy();
public static Set<String> getDataSourceNames() {
return dataSourcesVisible;
public static Map<String, DataSource> getDataSources() {
return dataSources;