package controllers;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import models.Employee;
import models.City;
import play.cache.Cache;
import play.mvc.After;
import play.mvc.Before;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import siena.Model;
import siena.Query;
public class Application extends Controller {
static Query<Employee> q;
public static void loadQuery() {
q = (Query<Employee>) Cache.get("q");
if (q == null) {
// stateful is just meant to use GAE cursors instead of offsets
q = Employee.all().stateful().paginate(100);
public static void saveQuery() {
Cache.set("q", q);
public static void index() {
List<Employee> emps = q.fetch();
renderTemplate("Application/list.html", emps);
public static void nextPage() {
List<Employee> emps = q.nextPage().fetch();
renderTemplate("Application/list.html", emps);
public static void previousPage() {
List<Employee> emps = q.previousPage().fetch();
renderTemplate("Application/list.html", emps);
public static void tryCities() {
List<City> cities = new ArrayList<City>();
for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
City city = new City("city"+i, new String[] { "alpha", "beta" });
int nbBefore = Model.all(City.class).count();
int nbAfter = Model.all(City.class).count();
render(nbBefore, nbAfter);