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package org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.PaneInformation;
import org.apache.poi.ss.ITestDataProvider;
import org.apache.poi.ss.SpreadsheetVersion;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellRangeAddress;
import org.junit.Test;
* A base class for bugzilla issues that can be described in terms of common ss interfaces.
* @author Yegor Kozlov
public abstract class BaseTestBugzillaIssues {
private final ITestDataProvider _testDataProvider;
protected BaseTestBugzillaIssues(ITestDataProvider testDataProvider) {
_testDataProvider = testDataProvider;
public static void assertAlmostEquals(double expected, double actual, float factor) {
double diff = Math.abs(expected - actual);
double fuzz = expected * factor;
if (diff > fuzz)
fail(actual + " not within " + fuzz + " of " + expected);
* Test writing a hyperlink
* Open resulting sheet in Excel and check that A1 contains a hyperlink
* Also tests bug 15353 (problems with hyperlinks to Google)
public final void bug23094() {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r = s.createRow(0);
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
r = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0);
Cell cell_0 = r.getCell(0);
assertEquals("HYPERLINK(\"http://jakarta.apache.org\",\"Jakarta\")", cell_0.getCellFormula());
Cell cell_1 = r.getCell(1);
assertEquals("HYPERLINK(\"http://google.com\",\"Google\")", cell_1.getCellFormula());
* test writing a file with large number of unique strings,
* open resulting file in Excel to check results!
* @param num the number of strings to generate
public final void bug15375(int num) {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
CreationHelper factory = wb.getCreationHelper();
String tmp1 = null;
String tmp2 = null;
String tmp3 = null;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
tmp1 = "Test1" + i;
tmp2 = "Test2" + i;
tmp3 = "Test3" + i;
Row row = sheet.createRow(i);
Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
cell = row.createCell(1);
cell = row.createCell(2);
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
tmp1 = "Test1" + i;
tmp2 = "Test2" + i;
tmp3 = "Test3" + i;
Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
assertEquals(tmp1, row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue());
assertEquals(tmp2, row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue());
assertEquals(tmp3, row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue());
* Merged regions were being removed from the parent in cloned sheets
public final void bug22720() {
Workbook workBook = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet template = workBook.getSheetAt(0);
template.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 1, 0, 2));
template.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 2, 0, 2));
Sheet clone = workBook.cloneSheet(0);
int originalMerged = template.getNumMergedRegions();
assertEquals("2 merged regions", 2, originalMerged);
//remove merged regions from clone
for (int i=template.getNumMergedRegions()-1; i>=0; i--) {
assertEquals("Original Sheet's Merged Regions were removed", originalMerged, template.getNumMergedRegions());
//check if template's merged regions are OK
if (template.getNumMergedRegions()>0) {
// fetch the first merged region...EXCEPTION OCCURS HERE
//make sure we dont exception
public final void bug28031() {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell cell = row.createCell(0);
String formulaText =
assertEquals(formulaText, cell.getCellFormula());
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
cell = wb.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0);
assertEquals("IF(ROUND(A2*B2*C2,2)>ROUND(B2*D2,2),ROUND(A2*B2*C2,2),ROUND(B2*D2,2))", cell.getCellFormula());
* Bug 21334: "File error: data may have been lost" with a file
* that contains macros and this formula:
* {=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(V4:V220)>0,MATCH(V4:V220,V4:V220,0),""),IF(LEN(V4:V220)>0,MATCH(V4:V220,V4:V220,0),""))>0,1))}
public final void bug21334() {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sh = wb.createSheet();
Cell cell = sh.createRow(0).createCell(0);
String formula = "SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(V4:V220)>0,MATCH(V4:V220,V4:V220,0),\"\"),IF(LEN(V4:V220)>0,MATCH(V4:V220,V4:V220,0),\"\"))>0,1))";
Workbook wb_sv = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
Cell cell_sv = wb_sv.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0);
assertEquals(formula, cell_sv.getCellFormula());
/** another test for the number of unique strings issue
*test opening the resulting file in Excel*/
public final void bug22568() {
int r=2000;int c=3;
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("ExcelTest") ;
int col_cnt=0, rw_cnt=0 ;
col_cnt = c;
rw_cnt = r;
Row rw ;
rw = sheet.createRow(0) ;
//Header row
for(int j=0; j<col_cnt; j++){
Cell cell = rw.createCell(j) ;
cell.setCellValue("Col " + (j+1));
for(int i=1; i<rw_cnt; i++){
rw = sheet.createRow(i) ;
for(int j=0; j<col_cnt; j++){
Cell cell = rw.createCell(j) ;
cell.setCellValue("Row:" + (i+1) + ",Column:" + (j+1));
sheet.setDefaultColumnWidth(18) ;
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
rw = sheet.getRow(0);
//Header row
for(int j=0; j<col_cnt; j++){
Cell cell = rw.getCell(j) ;
assertEquals("Col " + (j+1), cell.getStringCellValue());
for(int i=1; i<rw_cnt; i++){
rw = sheet.getRow(i) ;
for(int j=0; j<col_cnt; j++){
Cell cell = rw.getCell(j) ;
assertEquals("Row:" + (i+1) + ",Column:" + (j+1), cell.getStringCellValue());
* Bug 42448: Can't parse SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69
public final void bug42448(){
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Cell cell = wb.createSheet().createRow(0).createCell(0);
cell.setCellFormula("SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69");
assertTrue("no errors parsing formula", true);
public final void bug18800() {
Workbook book = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = book.cloneSheet(0);
book = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(book);
sheet = book.getSheet("CLONE");
Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
Cell cell = row.getCell(0);
assertEquals("Test", cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString());
private static void addNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(Workbook book, int sheet) {
Sheet sht = book .createSheet("s" + sheet);
for (int r=0; r < 4; r++) {
Row row = sht.createRow (r);
for (int c=0; c < 4; c++) {
Cell cel = row.createCell(c);
cel.setCellValue(sheet*100 + r*10 + c);
public final void bug43093() {
Workbook xlw = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
addNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 1);
addNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 2);
addNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 3);
addNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 4);
Sheet s2 = xlw.getSheet("s2");
Row s2r3 = s2.getRow(3);
Cell s2E4 = s2r3.createCell(4);
FormulaEvaluator eva = xlw.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
double d = eva.evaluate(s2E4).getNumberValue();
assertEquals(d, (311+312+321+322), 0.0000001);
public final void bug46729_testMaxFunctionArguments(){
String[] func = {"COUNT", "AVERAGE", "MAX", "MIN", "OR", "SUBTOTAL", "SKEW"};
SpreadsheetVersion ssVersion = _testDataProvider.getSpreadsheetVersion();
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Cell cell = wb.createSheet().createRow(0).createCell(0);
String fmla;
for (String name : func) {
fmla = createFunction(name, 5);
fmla = createFunction(name, ssVersion.getMaxFunctionArgs());
try {
fmla = createFunction(name, ssVersion.getMaxFunctionArgs() + 1);
fail("Expected FormulaParseException");
} catch (RuntimeException e){
assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Too many arguments to function '"+name+"'"));
private static String createFunction(String name, int maxArgs){
StringBuffer fmla = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0; i < maxArgs; i++){
if(i > 0) fmla.append(',');
return fmla.toString();
public final void bug506819_testAutoSize() {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
Cell cell0 = row.createCell(0);
String longValue = "www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, " +
"www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, " +
"www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, " +
"www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, " +
"www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, " +
"www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com, www.hostname.com";
assertEquals(255*256, sheet.getColumnWidth(0)); // maximum column width is 255 characters
sheet.setColumnWidth(0, sheet.getColumnWidth(0)); // Bug 506819 reports exception at this point
* CreateFreezePane column/row order check
public void bug49381() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
int colSplit = 1;
int rowSplit = 2;
int leftmostColumn = 3;
int topRow = 4;
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
// Populate
for(int rn=0; rn<= topRow; rn++) {
Row r = s.createRow(rn);
for(int cn=0; cn<leftmostColumn; cn++) {
Cell c = r.createCell(cn, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC);
c.setCellValue(100*rn + cn);
// Create the Freeze Pane
s.createFreezePane(colSplit, rowSplit, leftmostColumn, topRow);
PaneInformation paneInfo = s.getPaneInformation();
// Check it
assertEquals(colSplit, paneInfo.getVerticalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(rowSplit, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(leftmostColumn, paneInfo.getVerticalSplitLeftColumn());
assertEquals(topRow, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitTopRow());
// Now a row only freezepane
s.createFreezePane(0, 3);
paneInfo = s.getPaneInformation();
assertEquals(0, paneInfo.getVerticalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(3, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(0, paneInfo.getVerticalSplitLeftColumn());
assertEquals(3, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitTopRow());
// Now a column only freezepane
s.createFreezePane(4, 0);
paneInfo = s.getPaneInformation();
assertEquals(4, paneInfo.getVerticalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(0, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitPosition());
assertEquals(4 , paneInfo.getVerticalSplitLeftColumn());
assertEquals(0, paneInfo.getHorizontalSplitTopRow());
* Test hyperlinks
* open resulting file in excel, and check that there is a link to Google
public void bug15353() {
String hyperlinkF = "HYPERLINK(\"http://google.com\",\"Google\")";
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("My sheet");
Row row = sheet.createRow( 0 );
Cell cell = row.createCell( 0 );
assertEquals(hyperlinkF, cell.getCellFormula());
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
sheet = wb.getSheet("My Sheet");
row = sheet.getRow( 0 );
cell = row.getCell( 0 );
assertEquals(hyperlinkF, cell.getCellFormula());
* HLookup and VLookup with optional arguments
public void bug51024() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r1 = s.createRow(0);
Row r2 = s.createRow(1);
r1.createCell(0).setCellValue("v A1");
r2.createCell(0).setCellValue("v A2");
r1.createCell(1).setCellValue("v B1");
Cell c = r1.createCell(4);
FormulaEvaluator eval = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
c.setCellFormula("VLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1)");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
c.setCellFormula("VLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1, 1)");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
c.setCellFormula("VLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1, )");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
c.setCellFormula("HLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1)");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
c.setCellFormula("HLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1, 1)");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
c.setCellFormula("HLOOKUP(\"v A1\", A1:B2, 1, )");
assertEquals("v A1", eval.evaluate(c).getStringValue());
public void stackoverflow23114397() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
DataFormat format = wb.getCreationHelper().createDataFormat();
// How close the sizing should be, given that not all
// systems will have quite the same fonts on them
float fontAccuracy = 0.22f;
// x%
CellStyle iPercent = wb.createCellStyle();
// x.x%
CellStyle d1Percent = wb.createCellStyle();
// x.xx%
CellStyle d2Percent = wb.createCellStyle();
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r1 = s.createRow(0);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
r1.createCell(i, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC).setCellValue(0);
for (int i=3; i<6; i++) {
r1.createCell(i, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC).setCellValue(1);
for (int i=6; i<9; i++) {
r1.createCell(i, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC).setCellValue(0.12345);
for (int i=9; i<12; i++) {
r1.createCell(i, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC).setCellValue(1.2345);
for (int i=0; i<12; i+=3) {
for (int i=0; i<12; i++) {
// Check the 0(.00)% ones
assertAlmostEquals(980, s.getColumnWidth(0), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1400, s.getColumnWidth(1), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1700, s.getColumnWidth(2), fontAccuracy);
// Check the 100(.00)% ones
assertAlmostEquals(1500, s.getColumnWidth(3), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1950, s.getColumnWidth(4), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(2225, s.getColumnWidth(5), fontAccuracy);
// Check the 12(.34)% ones
assertAlmostEquals(1225, s.getColumnWidth(6), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1650, s.getColumnWidth(7), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1950, s.getColumnWidth(8), fontAccuracy);
// Check the 123(.45)% ones
assertAlmostEquals(1500, s.getColumnWidth(9), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(1950, s.getColumnWidth(10), fontAccuracy);
assertAlmostEquals(2225, s.getColumnWidth(11), fontAccuracy);
* =ISNUMBER(SEARCH("AM",A1)) evaluation
public void stackoverflow26437323() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r1 = s.createRow(0);
Row r2 = s.createRow(1);
// A1 is a number
// B1 is a string, with the wanted text in it
r1.createCell(1).setCellValue("This is text with AM in it");
// C1 is a string, with different text
r1.createCell(2).setCellValue("This some other text");
// D1 is a blank cell
r1.createCell(3, Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK);
// E1 is null
// A2 will hold our test formulas
Cell cf = r2.createCell(0, Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
// First up, check that TRUE and ISLOGICAL both behave
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue()); // Blank and Null the same
// Next up, SEARCH on its own
cf.setCellFormula("SEARCH(\"am\", A1)");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(ErrorConstants.ERROR_VALUE, cf.getErrorCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("SEARCH(\"am\", B1)");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(19, (int)cf.getNumericCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("SEARCH(\"am\", C1)");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(ErrorConstants.ERROR_VALUE, cf.getErrorCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("SEARCH(\"am\", D1)");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(ErrorConstants.ERROR_VALUE, cf.getErrorCellValue());
// Finally, bring it all together
cf.setCellFormula("ISNUMBER(SEARCH(\"am\", A1))");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("ISNUMBER(SEARCH(\"am\", B1))");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(true, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("ISNUMBER(SEARCH(\"am\", C1))");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("ISNUMBER(SEARCH(\"am\", D1))");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
cf.setCellFormula("ISNUMBER(SEARCH(\"am\", E1))");
cf = evaluateCell(wb, cf);
assertEquals(false, cf.getBooleanCellValue());
private Cell evaluateCell(Workbook wb, Cell c) {
Sheet s = c.getSheet();
return s.getRow(c.getRowIndex()).getCell(c.getColumnIndex());
* Should be able to write then read formulas with references
* to cells in other files, eg '[refs/airport.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2
* or '[blank.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1 .
* Additionally, if a reference to that file is provided, it should
* be possible to evaluate them too
* TODO Fix this to evaluate for XSSF
* TODO Fix this to work at all for HSSF
// @Test
public void bug46670() throws Exception {
Workbook wb = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Sheet s = wb.createSheet();
Row r1 = s.createRow(0);
// References to try
String ext = "xls";
if (! (wb instanceof HSSFWorkbook)) ext += "x";
String refLocal = "'[test."+ext+"]Sheet1'!$A$2";
String refHttp = "'[http://example.com/test."+ext+"]Sheet1'!$A$2";
String otherCellText = "In Another Workbook";
// Create the references
Cell c1 = r1.createCell(0, Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
Cell c2 = r1.createCell(1, Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
// Check they were set correctly
assertEquals(refLocal, c1.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(refHttp, c2.getCellFormula());
// Reload, and ensure they were serialised and read correctly
wb = _testDataProvider.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
s = wb.getSheetAt(0);
r1 = s.getRow(0);
c1 = r1.getCell(0);
c2 = r1.getCell(1);
assertEquals(refLocal, c1.getCellFormula());
assertEquals(refHttp, c2.getCellFormula());
// Try to evalutate, without giving a way to get at the other file
try {
evaluateCell(wb, c1);
fail("Shouldn't be able to evaluate without the other file");
} catch (Exception e) {}
try {
evaluateCell(wb, c2);
fail("Shouldn't be able to evaluate without the other file");
} catch (Exception e) {}
// Set up references to the other file
Workbook wb2 = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
Map<String,FormulaEvaluator> evaluators = new HashMap<String, FormulaEvaluator>();
evaluators.put(refLocal, wb2.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator());
evaluators.put(refHttp, wb2.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator());
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
// Try to evaluate, with the other file
assertEquals(otherCellText, c1.getStringCellValue());
assertEquals(otherCellText, c2.getStringCellValue());