* Copyright (C) 2013 The Rythm Engine project
* Gelin Luo <greenlaw110(at)gmail.com>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.rythmengine.exception;
import org.rythmengine.RythmEngine;
import org.rythmengine.conf.RythmConfigurationKey;
import org.rythmengine.internal.compiler.TemplateClass;
import org.rythmengine.utils.F;
import org.rythmengine.utils.S;
import org.rythmengine.utils.TextBuilder;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: luog
* Date: 14/02/12
* Time: 11:29 AM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class RythmException extends FastRuntimeException {
public int javaLineNumber = 0;
public int templateLineNumber = -1;
public String errorMessage = "";
public String originalMessage = "";
private TemplateClass templateClass = null;
public String javaSource;
public String templateSource;
public String templateName;
public String templateSourceInfo;
public String javaSourceInfo;
private RythmEngine engine;
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, Throwable t, String templateName, String javaSource, String templateSource, int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String message) {
super(message, t);
boolean isRuntime = !(this instanceof CompileException || this instanceof ParseException);
boolean logJava = (Boolean) engine.conf().get(RythmConfigurationKey.LOG_SOURCE_JAVA_ENABLED);
boolean logTmpl = (Boolean) engine.conf().get(RythmConfigurationKey.LOG_SOURCE_TEMPLATE_ENABLED);
F.T4<String, Integer, String, String> t4 = parse(message, logJava || (this instanceof CompileException), logTmpl || (this instanceof ParseException), javaLineNumber, templateLineNumber, javaSource, templateSource, null);
this.engine = engine;
this.templateName = templateName;
this.javaSource = javaSource;
this.templateSource = templateSource;
this.javaLineNumber = javaLineNumber;
this.templateLineNumber = t4._2;
this.originalMessage = message;
this.errorMessage = t4._1;
this.templateSourceInfo = t4._3;
this.javaSourceInfo = t4._4;
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, String templateName, String javaSource, String templateSource, int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String message) {
this(engine, null, templateName, javaSource, templateSource, javaLineNumber, templateLineNumber, message);
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, String templateName, String javaSource, String templateSource, int javaLineNumber, String message) {
this(engine, null, templateName, javaSource, templateSource, javaLineNumber, -1, message);
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, Throwable t, TemplateClass tc, int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String message) {
super(message, t);
boolean logJava = (Boolean) engine.conf().get(RythmConfigurationKey.LOG_SOURCE_JAVA_ENABLED);
boolean logTmpl = (Boolean) engine.conf().get(RythmConfigurationKey.LOG_SOURCE_TEMPLATE_ENABLED);
F.T4<String, Integer, String, String> t4 = parse(message, logJava/* || (this instanceof CompileException)*/, logTmpl/*|| (this instanceof ParseException)*/, javaLineNumber, templateLineNumber, tc.javaSource, tc.getTemplateSource(), tc);
this.engine = engine;
this.javaLineNumber = javaLineNumber;
this.templateClass = tc;
this.javaSource = tc.javaSource;
this.templateSource = tc.getTemplateSource();
this.templateLineNumber = t4._2;
this.originalMessage = message;
this.errorMessage = t4._1;
this.templateSourceInfo = t4._3;
this.javaSourceInfo = t4._4;
public String errorTitle() {
return "RythmException";
public String errorDesc() {
return String.format("Generic Rythm Exception: <strong>%s</strong>", originalMessage.replace("<", "<"));
public String javaSourceInfo() {
if (null != javaSourceInfo) return javaSourceInfo;
String javaSource = getJavaSource();
if (S.isEmpty(javaSource)) return "No java source available";
TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder();
tb.p("Relevant Java source lines:\n-------------------------------------------------\n");
String[] lines = javaSource.split("(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)");
int start = 0, end = lines.length;
int javaLineNumber = this.javaLineNumber;
if (javaLineNumber > -1 && javaLineNumber < lines.length) {
start = Math.max(0, javaLineNumber - 6);
end = Math.min(end, javaLineNumber + 6);
for (int line = start; line < end; ++line) {
if ((line + 1) == javaLineNumber) tb.p(">> ");
else tb.p(" ");
tb.p(line + 1).p(": ").p(lines[line]).p("\n");
javaSourceInfo = tb.toString();
return javaSourceInfo;
public String templateSourceInfo() {
if (null != templateSourceInfo) return templateSourceInfo;
String tmplSource = getTemplateSource();
if (S.isEmpty(tmplSource)) return "No template source available";
TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder();
tb.p("Relevant template source lines:\n-------------------------------------------------\n");
String[] lines = tmplSource.split("(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)");
int start = 0, end = lines.length;
if (templateLineNumber > -1 && templateLineNumber < lines.length) {
start = Math.max(0, templateLineNumber - 6);
end = Math.min(end, templateLineNumber + 6);
for (int line = start; line < end; ++line) {
if ((line + 1) == templateLineNumber) tb.p(">> ");
else tb.p(" ");
tb.p(line + 1).p(": ").p(lines[line]).p("\n");
templateSourceInfo = tb.toString();
return templateSourceInfo;
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, TemplateClass tc, int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String message) {
this(engine, null, tc, javaLineNumber, templateLineNumber, message);
public RythmException(RythmEngine engine, TemplateClass tc, int javaLineNumber, String message) {
this(engine, null, tc, javaLineNumber, -1, message);
private static final Pattern P = Pattern.compile(".*\\/\\/line:\\s*([0-9]+).*");
private static int resolveTemplateLineNumber(int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String javaSource, TemplateClass templateClass) {
if (javaLineNumber != -1 && templateLineNumber == -1) {
String[] lines = getJavaSource(javaSource, templateClass).split("(\\r\\n|\\n\\r|\\n|\\r)");
if (javaLineNumber < lines.length) {
String errorLine = lines[javaLineNumber - 1];
Matcher m = P.matcher(errorLine);
if (m.matches()) {
return Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
return templateLineNumber;
private static F.T4<String, Integer, String, String> parse(String message, boolean logJava, boolean logTmpl, int javaLineNumber, int templateLineNumber, String javaSource, String templateSource, TemplateClass templateClass) {
//Logger.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logJava: %s", logJava);
javaSource = getJavaSource(javaSource, templateClass);
String tmplSource = getTemplateSource(templateSource, templateClass);
String tmplSourceInfo = null;
String javaSourceInfo = null;
templateLineNumber = resolveTemplateLineNumber(javaLineNumber, templateLineNumber, javaSource, templateClass);
if (!logJava && !logTmpl) {
return new F.T4(message, templateLineNumber, tmplSourceInfo, javaSourceInfo);
TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder();
tb.p("\nTemplate: ").p(templateClass.getKey()).p("\n");
if (logTmpl && !S.isEmpty(tmplSource)) {
TextBuilder tbTmpl = new TextBuilder();
tbTmpl.p("\nRelevant template source lines:\n-------------------------------------------------\n");
String[] lines = tmplSource.split("(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)");
int start = 0, end = lines.length;
if (templateLineNumber > -1) {
start = Math.max(0, templateLineNumber - 6);
end = Math.min(end, templateLineNumber + 6);
for (int line = start; line < end; ++line) {
if ((line + 1) == templateLineNumber) tbTmpl.p(">> ");
else tbTmpl.p(" ");
tbTmpl.p(line + 1).p(": ").p(lines[line]).p("\n");
tmplSourceInfo = tbTmpl.toString();
// log java source anyway if template line number is not resolved
if ((logJava || templateLineNumber < 0) && !S.isEmpty(javaSource)) {
TextBuilder tbJava = new TextBuilder();
tbJava.p("\nRelevant Java source lines:\n-------------------------------------------------\n");
String[] lines = javaSource.split("(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)");
int start = 0, end = lines.length;
if (javaLineNumber > -1) {
start = Math.max(0, javaLineNumber - 6);
end = Math.min(end, javaLineNumber + 6);
for (int line = start; line < end; ++line) {
if ((line + 1) == javaLineNumber) tbJava.p(">> ");
else tbJava.p(" ");
tbJava.p(line + 1).p(": ").p(lines[line]).p("\n");
javaSourceInfo = tbJava.toString();
return new F.T4(tb.toString(), templateLineNumber, tmplSourceInfo, javaSourceInfo);
private static String getJavaSource(String javaSource, TemplateClass templateClass) {
if (null != javaSource) return javaSource;
return (null == templateClass.javaSource) ? "" : templateClass.javaSource;
public String getJavaSource() {
if (null != javaSource) return javaSource;
return (null == templateClass.javaSource) ? "" : templateClass.javaSource;
private static String getTemplateSource(String templateSource, TemplateClass templateClass) {
if (null != templateSource) return templateSource;
return templateClass.templateResource.asTemplateContent();
public String getTemplateSource() {
if (null != templateSource) return templateSource;
return templateClass.templateResource.asTemplateContent();
public String getTemplateName() {
if (null != templateName) return templateName;
return templateClass.getKey().toString();
public void clearDetailErrorMessage() {
errorMessage = super.getMessage();
public String getMessage() {
return errorMessage;
public String getSimpleMessage() {
return super.getMessage();