package com.rwtema.denseores;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// Load the config file
public class DenseOresConfig {
public final static DenseOresConfig instance = new DenseOresConfig();
public final static String CATEGORY_BLOCK = "ores.block_";
public void loadConfig(File file) {
Configuration config = new Configuration(file);
// 'get' the vanilla ore entries to ensure that they exist
for (DenseOre ore : DenseOresRegistry.ores.values()) {
String cat = CATEGORY_BLOCK +;
config.get(cat, "baseBlock", ore.baseBlock);
config.get(cat, "baseBlockMeta", ore.metadata);
config.get(cat, "baseBlockTexture", ore.texture);
config.get(cat, "denseOreProbability", ore.prob);
config.get(cat, "underlyingBlock", ore.underlyingBlock);
config.get(cat, "retroGenId", 0);
config.get(cat, "renderType", ore.rendertype);
// go through all categories and add them to the registry if they match
for (String cat : config.getCategoryNames()) {
if (cat.startsWith(CATEGORY_BLOCK)) {
try {
// get the text after ores.block_ and try to convert it to
// an integer
int id = Integer.parseInt(cat.substring(CATEGORY_BLOCK.length()));
if (config.hasKey(cat, "requiredMod") && !config.get(cat, "requiredMod", "").getString().equals("") && !Loader.isModLoaded(config.get(cat, "requiredMod", "").getString()))
// register the block
if (!DenseOresRegistry.hasEntry(id) && config.hasKey(cat, "baseBlock") && config.hasKey(cat, "baseBlockTexture")) {
DenseOre denseOre = DenseOresRegistry.registerOre(id,
config.get(cat, "baseBlock", "").getString().trim(),
config.get(cat, "baseBlockMeta", 0).getInt(0),
config.get(cat, "denseOreProbability", 1).getDouble(1),
config.get(cat, "underlyingBlock", "stone").getString().trim(),
config.get(cat, "baseBlockTexture", "").getString().trim(),
config.get(cat, "retroGenID", 0).getInt(),
config.get(cat, "renderType", 0).getInt(0));
if (denseOre != null) {
if (config.hasKey(cat, "underlyingBlockTexture")) {
denseOre.underlyingBlocktexture = config.get(cat, "underlyingBlockTexture", denseOre.baseBlock).getString();
// if (config.hasKey(cat, "baseBlockTextureOverlay_0")) {
// List<String> overlayList = new ArrayList<String>();
// for (int i = 0; config.hasKey(cat, "baseBlockTextureOverlay_" + i); i++) {
// overlayList.add(config.get(cat, "baseBlockTextureOverlay_" + i, "").getString());
// }
// String[] overlays = overlayList.toArray(new String[overlayList.size()]);
// }
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { // text after ore.block_ was
// not an integer