// Copyright (c) 2006 Red Hat, Inc.
// Written by Anthony Balkissoon <abalkiss@redhat.com>
// Adapted from gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness written by Tom Tromey.
// Copyright (c) 2005 Mark J. Wielaard <mark@klomp.org>
// This file is part of Mauve.
// Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Mauve; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
// Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// This file is used by Harness.java to run the tests in a separate process
// so that the process can be killed by the Harness if it is hung.
import gnu.testlet.ResourceNotFoundException;
import gnu.testlet.TestHarness;
import gnu.testlet.TestReport;
import gnu.testlet.TestResult;
import gnu.testlet.TestSecurityManager;
import gnu.testlet.Testlet;
import gnu.testlet.VisualTestlet;
import gnu.testlet.config;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.Vector;
public class RunnerProcess
extends TestHarness
// A description of files that are not tests
private static final String NOT_A_TEST_DESCRIPTION = "not-a-test";
// A description of files that fail to load
private static final String FAIL_TO_LOAD_DESCRIPTION = "failed-to-load";
// A description of a test that throws an uncaught exception
private static final String UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_DESCRIPTION = "uncaught-exception";
// Total number of harness.check calls since the last checkpoint
private int count = 0;
// The location of the emma.jar file
private static String emmaJarLocation = null;
// Whether or not to use EMMA
private static boolean useEMMA = true;
// Total number of harness.check fails plus harness.fail calls
private int failures = 0;
// The expected fails
private static Vector expected_xfails = new Vector();
// The number of expected failures that did fail
private int xfailures = 0;
// The number of expected failures that passed (unexpectedly)
private int xpasses = 0;
// The total number of harness.check calls plus harness.fail calls
private int total = 0;
// True if we should run in verbose (noisy) mode
private static boolean verbose = false;
// True if failing calls to harness.check(Object, Object) should print the
// toString methods of each Object
private static boolean debug = false;
// True if stack traces should be printed for uncaught exceptions
private static boolean exceptions = true;
// A description of the test
private String description;
// The name of the last checkpoint
private String last_check;
// The TestReport if a report is necessary
private static TestReport report = null;
// The xmlfile for the report
private static String xmlfile = null;
// The result of the current test
private TestResult currentResult = null;
// The EMMA forced data dump method
private static Method emmaMethod = null;
// The failure message for the last failing check()
private String lastFailureMessage = null;
* Should we run interactive or non-interactive tests ?
private static boolean interactive;
protected RunnerProcess()
BufferedReader xfile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("xfails"));
String str;
while ((str = xfile.readLine()) != null)
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
// Nothing.
catch (IOException ex)
// Nothing.
public static void main(String[] args)
// The test that Harness wants us to run.
String testname = null;
// This reader is used to get testnames from Harness
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
// Parse the arguments so we can create an appropriate RunnerProcess
// to run the tests.
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (args[i].equals("-verbose"))
// User wants to run in verbose mode.
verbose = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-debug"))
// User wants extra debug info.
debug = true;
else if (args[i].equals("-noexceptions"))
// User wants stack traces for uncaught exceptions.
exceptions = false;
else if (args[i].equals("-xmlout"))
// User wants a report.
if (++i >= args.length)
throw new RuntimeException("No file path after '-xmlout'.");
xmlfile = args[i];
else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-emma"))
// User is specifying the location of the eclipse-ecj.jar file
// to use for compilation.
if (++i >= args.length)
throw new RuntimeException("No file path " +
"after '-emma'. Exit");
emmaJarLocation = args[i];
else if (args[i].equals("-interactive"))
interactive = true;
// If the user wants an xml report, create a new TestReport.
if (xmlfile != null)
report = new TestReport(System.getProperties());
// Setup the data coverage dumping mechanism. The default configuration
// is to auto-detect EMMA, meaning if the emma classes are found on the
// classpath then we should force a dump of coverage data. Also, the user
// can configure with -with-emma=JARLOCATION or can specify -emma
// JARLOCATION on the command line to explicitly specify an emma.jar to use
// to dump coverage data.
if (emmaJarLocation == null)
emmaJarLocation = config.emmaString;
catch (Exception emmaException)
useEMMA = false;
while (true)
// Ask Harness for a test to run, run it, report back to Harness, and
// then repeat the cycle.
testname = in.readLine();
if (testname == null)
if (testname.equals("_dump_data_"))
// Print the report if necessary.
if (report != null)
File f = new File(xmlfile);
catch (IOException e)
throw new Error("Failed to write data to xml file: "
+ e.getMessage());
if (useEMMA)
else if (testname.equals("_confirm_startup_"))
RunnerProcess harness = new RunnerProcess();
runAndReport(harness, testname);
catch (IOException ioe)
String shortName = stripPrefix(testname);
if (verbose)
System.out.println ("TEST: " + shortName +
"\n FAIL: failed to load\n" +
"TEST FAILED: failed to load "+
System.out.println("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(testname)
+ "\n failed to load");
* This method runs a single test. If an exception is caught some
* information is printed out so the test can be debugged.
* @param name the name of the test to run
protected void runtest(String name)
// Try to ensure we start off with a reasonably clean slate.
currentResult = new TestResult(name.substring(12));
description = name;
Testlet t = null;
Class k = Class.forName(name);
int mods = k.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isAbstract(mods))
Object o = k.newInstance();
if (! (o instanceof Testlet))
if (o instanceof VisualTestlet)
if (! interactive)
if (interactive)
t = (Testlet) o;
catch (Throwable ex)
// Maybe the file was marked not-a-test, check that before we report
// it as an error
File f = new File(name.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".java");
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
String firstLine = r.readLine();
// Since some people mistakenly put not-a-test not as the first line
// we have to check through the file.
while (firstLine != null)
if (firstLine.indexOf("not-a-test") != -1)
firstLine = r.readLine();
catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe)
catch (IOException ioe)
String r = getStackTraceString(ex, " ");
currentResult.addException(ex, "failed loading class ", r);
if (ex instanceof InstantiationException
|| ex instanceof IllegalAccessException)
debug("Hint: is the code we just loaded a public non-abstract "
+ "class with a public nullary constructor???");
if (!verbose)
System.out.println ("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(name)
+ "\n exception when loading:");
System.out.println ("TEST: "+stripPrefix(name));
System.out.println(" FAIL: exception when loading");
if (exceptions)
System.out.println(getStackTraceString(ex, " "));
if (verbose)
System.out.println("TEST FAILED: exception when loading "
+ stripPrefix(name));
if (report != null)
// If the harness started okay, now we run the test.
if (t != null)
if (verbose)
System.out.println("TEST: " + stripPrefix(name));
catch (Throwable ex)
String d = exceptionDetails(ex, name, exceptions);
String r = getStackTraceString(ex, " ");
if (failures == 0 && !verbose)
System.out.println ("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(name));
currentResult.addException(ex, d, r);
if (exceptions)
System.out.println(getStackTraceString(ex, " "));
if (verbose)
System.out.println("TEST FAILED: uncaught exception "
+ stripPrefix(description));
if (report != null)
* Returns the stack trace associated with the given Throwable as
* a String.
* @param ex the Throwable
* @return a String representing the stack trace for the given Throwable.
private static String getStackTraceString(Throwable ex, String pad)
StackTraceElement[] st = ex.getStackTrace();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(pad + ex.toString() + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)
sb.append(pad + "at " + st[i].toString() + "\n");
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.toString();
* This method runs a single test in a new Harness and increments the
* total tests run and total failures, if the test fails. Prints
* PASS and adds to the report, if the appropriate options are enabled.
* @param harness the TestHarness to use for this test
* @param testName the name of the test
static void runAndReport(RunnerProcess harness, String testName)
// If this call to runtest hangs, Harness will terminate this process.
harness.runtest(testName.replace(File.separatorChar, '.'));
// If the test wasn't a real test, return and tell Harness so.
if (harness.description.equals(NOT_A_TEST_DESCRIPTION))
else if (harness.description.equals(FAIL_TO_LOAD_DESCRIPTION))
else if (harness.description.equals(UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_DESCRIPTION))
// Print out a summary.
int temp = harness.done();
// Report back to Harness that we've finished properly, whether the test
// passed or failed. Harness will wait for a message starting with
// "RunnerProcess" and if it doesn't receive it after a certain amount of
// time (specified in the timeout variable) it will consider the test hung
// and will terminate and restart this Process.
if (temp == 0)
System.out.println ("RunnerProcess:pass");
System.out.println("RunnerProcess:fail-" + temp);
private final String getDescription(StackTraceElement[] st)
// Find the line number of the check() call that failed.
int line = -1;
String fileName = description.substring(description.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
fileName += ".java";
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)
if (st[i].getClassName().startsWith((description))
&& st[i].getFileName().equals(fileName))
line = st[i].getLineNumber();
return (" line " + line + ": " + ((last_check == null) ? "" : last_check)
+ " [" + (count + 1) + "]");
protected int getFailures()
return failures;
* Removes the "gnu.testlet." from the start of a String.
* @param val the String
* @return the String with "gnu.testlet." removed
private static String stripPrefix(String val)
if (val.startsWith("gnu.testlet."))
val = val.substring(12);
return val;
* A convenience method that sets a checkpoint with the specified name
* then prints a message about the forced fail.
* @param name the checkpoint name.
public void fail(String name)
String desc = check2(false);
lastFailureMessage = "forced fail";
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* Checks the two objects for equality and prints a message if they are not
* equal.
* @param result the actual result.
* @param expected the expected result.
public void check(Object result, Object expected)
boolean ok = (result == null ? expected == null : result.equals(expected));
String desc = check2(ok);
// This debug message may be misleading, depending on whether
// string conversion produces same results for unequal objects.
if (! ok)
String gotString = result == null ? "null"
: result.getClass().getName();
String expString = expected == null ? "null"
: expected.getClass().getName();
// If the strings are equal but the objects aren't, we have to tell
// the user so, otherwise we can just print the strings.
if (gotString.equals(expString))
// Since the toString() methods can print long and ugly information
// we only use them if the user really wants to see it, ie
// if they used the -debug option.
if (debug)
gotString = result.toString();
expString = expected.toString();
lastFailureMessage = "\n got " + gotString
+ "\n\n but expected " + expString
+ "\n\n";
lastFailureMessage = "Objects were not equal. " +
"Use -debug for more information.";
lastFailureMessage =
"got " + gotString + " but expected " + expString;
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " + lastFailureMessage);
* Checks two booleans for equality and prints out a message if they are not
* equal.
* @param result the actual result.
* @param expected the expected result.
public void check(boolean result, boolean expected)
boolean ok = (result == expected);
String desc = check2(ok);
if (! ok)
lastFailureMessage = "got " + result + " but expected " + expected;
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* Checks two ints for equality and prints out a message if they are not
* equal.
* @param result the actual result.
* @param expected the expected result.
public void check(int result, int expected)
boolean ok = (result == expected);
String desc = check2(ok);
if (! ok)
lastFailureMessage = "got " + result + " but expected " + expected;
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* Checks two longs for equality and prints out a message if they are not
* equal.
* @param result the actual result.
* @param expected the expected result.
public void check(long result, long expected)
boolean ok = (result == expected);
String desc = check2(ok);
if (! ok)
lastFailureMessage = "got " + result + " but expected " + expected;
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* Checks two doubles for equality and prints out a message if they are not
* equal.
* @param result the actual result.
* @param expected the expected result.
public void check(double result, double expected)
// This triple check overcomes the fact that == does not
// compare NaNs, and cannot tell between 0.0 and -0.0;
// and all without relying on java.lang.Double (which may
// itself be buggy - else why would we be testing it? ;)
// For 0, we switch to infinities, and for NaN, we rely
// on the identity in JLS 15.21.1 that NaN != NaN is true.
boolean ok = (result == expected ? (result != 0)
|| (1 / result == 1 / expected)
: (result != result)
&& (expected != expected));
String desc = check2(ok);
if (! ok)
lastFailureMessage = "got " + result + " but expected " + expected;
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* Checks if <code>result</code> is true. If not, prints out
* a message.
* @param result the boolean to check
public void check(boolean result)
String desc = check2(result);
if (!result)
lastFailureMessage = "boolean passed to check was false";
currentResult.addFail(desc + " -- " +lastFailureMessage);
* This method prints out failures and checks the XFAILS file.
* @param result true if the test passed, false if it failed
private String check2(boolean result)
// Send a message to the Harness to let it know the current test
// isn't hung, to restart the timer.
// If the test failed we have to print out some explanation.
StackTraceElement[] st = new Throwable().getStackTrace();
String desc = getDescription(st);
if (! result)
if (! expected_xfails.contains(desc))
// If the failure wasn't expected, we need to print it to the
// screen.
if (failures == 0 && !verbose)
System.out.println ("FAIL: " + stripPrefix(description));
if (verbose)
System.out.print(" FAIL:");
System.out.print(desc + " -- ");
else if (verbose)
// If it was expected but verbose is true, we also print it.
System.out.println("X" + desc + " -- ");
// The test passed. Only print info if verbose is true
if (verbose)
if (expected_xfails.contains(desc))
System.out.println("XPASS: " + desc);
System.out.println(" pass:" + desc);
return desc;
public Reader getResourceReader(String name) throws ResourceNotFoundException
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getResourceStream(name)));
public InputStream getResourceStream(String name)
throws ResourceNotFoundException
// The following code assumes File.separator is a single character.
if (File.separator.length() > 1)
throw new Error("File.separator length is greater than 1");
String realName = name.replace('#', File.separator.charAt(0));
return new FileInputStream(getSourceDirectory() + File.separator
+ realName);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ex.getLocalizedMessage() + ": "
+ getSourceDirectory()
+ File.separator + realName);
public File getResourceFile(String name) throws ResourceNotFoundException
// The following code assumes File.separator is a single character.
if (File.separator.length() > 1)
throw new Error("File.separator length is greater than 1");
String realName = name.replace('#', File.separator.charAt(0));
File f = new File(getSourceDirectory() + File.separator + realName);
if (! f.exists())
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("cannot find mauve resource file"
+ ": " + getSourceDirectory()
+ File.separator + realName);
return f;
public void checkPoint(String name)
last_check = name;
count = 0;
public void verbose(String message)
if (verbose)
public void debug(String message)
debug(message, true);
public void debug(String message, boolean newline)
if (debug)
if (newline)
public void debug(Throwable ex)
if (debug)
public void debug(Object[] o, String desc)
debug("Dumping Object Array: " + desc);
if (o == null)
for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
if (o[i] instanceof Object[])
debug((Object[]) o[i], desc + " element " + i);
debug(" Element " + i + ": " + o[i]);
private void removeSecurityManager()
while (true)
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (!(sm instanceof TestSecurityManager))
debug("warning: TestSecurityManager was not uninstalled");
((TestSecurityManager) sm).uninstall();
* This method returns some information about uncaught exceptions.
* Nothing is printed if the test was run with the -exceptions flag since in
* that case a full stack trace will be printed.
* @param ex the exception
* @param name the name of the test
* @param exceptions true if a full stack trace will be printed
* @return a String containing some information about the uncaught exception
private String exceptionDetails(Throwable ex, String name,
boolean exceptions)
// If we can't get a stack trace, we return no details.
StackTraceElement[] st = ex.getStackTrace();
if (st == null || st.length == 0)
return " uncaught exception:";
// lineOrigin will store the line number in the test method that caused
// the exception.
int lineOrigin = -1;
// fileName is the name of the Mauve test file
String fileName = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
fileName += ".java";
// This for loop looks for the line within the test method that caused the
// exception.
for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++)
if (st[i].getClassName().startsWith(name)
&& st[i].getFileName().equals(fileName))
lineOrigin = st[i].getLineNumber();
// sb holds all the information we wish to return.
StringBuffer sb =
new StringBuffer(" " + (verbose ? "FAIL: " : "")+ "line " + lineOrigin
+ ": " + (last_check == null ? "" : last_check) +
" [" + (count + 1) + "] -- uncaught exception:");
// If a full stack trace will be printed, this method returns no details.
if (exceptions)
return sb.toString();
// Otherwise, add some details onto the buffer before returning.
sb.append("\n " + ex.getClass().getName() + " in ");
sb.append(stripPrefix(st[0].getClassName()) + "." + st[0].getMethodName()
+ " (line " + st[0].getLineNumber() + ")");
sb.append("\n Run tests with -exceptions to print exception " +
"stack traces.");
return sb.toString();
* This method is called from Harness to tidy up. It prints out appropriate
* information and returns 0 if the test passed or 1 if it failed.
* @return 0 if the test passed, 1 if it failed
protected int done()
if (failures > 0 && verbose)
System.out.print("TEST FAILED: ");
System.out.println(failures + " of " + total + " checks failed "
+ stripPrefix(description));
else if (verbose)
System.out.println("TEST PASSED (" + total + " checks) "
+ stripPrefix(description));
if (xpasses > 0)
System.out.println(xpasses + " of " + total
+ " tests unexpectedly passed");
if (xfailures > 0)
System.out.println(xfailures + " of " + total
+ " tests expectedly failed");
return failures;
* Sets up the compiler by reflection, sets up the compiler options,
* and the PrintWriters to get error messages from the compiler.
* @throws Exception if the emma jar can't be found and the sources
* aren't in the proper place.
private static void setupEMMA(boolean useJar) throws Exception
ClassNotFoundException cnfe = null;
Class klass = null;
String classname = "com.vladium.emma.rt.RT";
if (!useJar)
klass = Class.forName(classname);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
cnfe = e;
useJar = true;
if (useJar)
File jar = new File(emmaJarLocation);
if (! jar.exists() || ! jar.canRead())
throw cnfe;
ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { jar.toURL() });
klass = loader.loadClass(classname);
catch (ClassNotFoundException f)
throw cnfe;
emmaMethod =
("dumpCoverageData", new Class[]
{ File.class, boolean.class, boolean.class });
* This method forces EMMA to dump its coverage data. We do this
* when all tests have been completed and only if the user either
* configured with --with-emma-jar or specified -emma-jar on the
* command line.
private static void dumpCoverageData()
emmaMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] {
new File("coverage.ec"),
Boolean.TRUE });
catch (Exception e)
// This shouldn't happen.