* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2003-2014 JNode.org
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jnode.command.file;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jnode.command.util.AbstractDirectoryWalker;
import org.jnode.driver.Device;
import org.jnode.driver.block.FSBlockDeviceAPI;
import org.jnode.fs.service.FileSystemService;
import org.jnode.naming.InitialNaming;
import org.jnode.shell.AbstractCommand;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.Argument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.FileArgument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.FlagArgument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.IntegerArgument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.StringArgument;
import org.jnode.util.NumberUtils;
import org.jnode.vm.VmExit;
* @author Alexander Kerner
* @author Mario Zsilak
public class DuCommand extends AbstractCommand {
private static final String HELP_SUPER =
"With no arguments, `du' reports the disk space for the current directory. Normally the disk space is " +
"printed in units of 1024 bytes, but this can be overridden";
private static final String HELP_DIR = "directory to start printing sizes recursively";
private static final String HELP_ALL = "Show counts for all files, not just directories.";
private static final String HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1 =
"Print sizes in bytes, overriding the default block size";
private static final String HELP_TOTAL =
"Print a grand total of all arguments after all arguments have been processed. This can be used to " +
"find out the total disk usage of a given set of files or directories.";
private static final String HELP_DEREF_ARGS =
"Dereference symbolic links that are command line arguments. Does not affect other symbolic links. " +
"This is helpful for finding out the disk usage of directories, such as `/usr/tmp', " +
"which are often symbolic links. (not implemented";
private static final String HELP_HUMAN_READABLE_1024 =
"Append a size letter such as `M' for megabytes to each size. Powers of 1024 are used, not 1000; " +
"`M' stands for 1,048,576 bytes. Use the `-H' or `--si' option if you prefer powers of 1000.";
private static final String HELP_HUMAN_READABLE_1000 =
"Append a size letter such as `M' for megabytes to each size. (SI is the International System of Units, " +
"which defines these letters as prefixes.) Powers of 1000 are used, not 1024; " +
"`M' stands for 1,000,000 bytes. Use the `-h' or `--human-readable' option if you prefer " +
"powers of 1024.";
private static final String HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1024 =
"Print sizes in 1024-byte blocks, overriding the default block size";
private static final String HELP_COUNT_LINKS =
"Count the size of all files, even if they have appeared already (as a hard link). (not implemented";
private static final String HELP_DEREF =
"Dereference symbolic links (show the disk space used by the file or directory that the link points to " +
"instead of the space used by the link). (not implemented";
private static final String HELP_MAX_DEPTH =
"Show the total for each directory (and file if -all) that is at most MAX_DEPTH levels down " +
"from the root of the hierarchy. The root is at level 0, so `du --max-depth=0' is equivalent " +
"to `du -s'. (not tested)";
private static final String HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1024x1024 =
"Print sizes in megabyte (that is, 1,048,576-byte) blocks.";
private static final String HELP_SUM = "Display only a total for each argument.";
private static final String HELP_SEPERATE_DIRS =
"Report the size of each directory separately, not including the sizes of subdirectories.";
private static final String HELP_ONE_FS =
"Skip directories that are on different filesystems from the one that the argument " +
"being processed is on. (not implemented)";
private static final String HELP_EXCLUDE =
"When recursing, skip subdirectories or files matching PAT. For example, `du --exclude='*.o'' " +
"excludes files whose names end in `.o'. (not tested)";
private static final String HELP_EXCLUDE_FROM =
"Like `--exclude', except take the patterns to exclude from FILE, one per line. If FILE is `-', " +
"take the patterns from standard input. (not implemented)";
private static final String HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_CUSTOM =
"Print sizes in the user defined block size, overriding the default block size";
private static final String HELP_FS_BLOCK_SIZE =
"Overrides the filesystem block size -- use it for testing";
private final FileArgument argDir =
new FileArgument("directory",
Argument.OPTIONAL | Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING, HELP_DIR);
private final FlagArgument argAll = new FlagArgument("all", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_ALL);
private final FlagArgument argBlockSize_1 =
new FlagArgument("block-size-1", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1);
private final FlagArgument argTotal = new FlagArgument("total", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_TOTAL);
private final FlagArgument argDerefArgs =
new FlagArgument("derefArgs", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_DEREF_ARGS);
private final FlagArgument argHumanReadable_1024 =
new FlagArgument("human-readable-1024", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_HUMAN_READABLE_1024);
private final FlagArgument argHumanReadable_1000 =
new FlagArgument("human-readable-1000", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_HUMAN_READABLE_1000);
private final FlagArgument argBlockSize_1024 =
new FlagArgument("block-size-1024", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1024);
private final FlagArgument argCountLinks =
new FlagArgument("count-links", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_COUNT_LINKS);
private final FlagArgument argDereference =
new FlagArgument("dereference", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_DEREF);
private final IntegerArgument argMaxDepth =
new IntegerArgument("max-depth", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_MAX_DEPTH);
private final FlagArgument argBlockSize_1024x1024 =
new FlagArgument("block-size-1024x1024", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_1024x1024);
private final FlagArgument argSum = new FlagArgument("summarize", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_SUM);
private final FlagArgument argSeperateDirs =
new FlagArgument("separate-dirs", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_SEPERATE_DIRS);
private static final FlagArgument argOneFS =
new FlagArgument("one-file-system", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_ONE_FS);
private final StringArgument argExclude =
new StringArgument("exclude", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_EXCLUDE);
private static final StringArgument argExcludeFrom =
new StringArgument("exclude-from", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_EXCLUDE_FROM);
private final IntegerArgument argBlockSize_Custom =
new IntegerArgument("block-size-custom", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BLOCK_SIZE_CUSTOM);
private final IntegerArgument argFilesystemBlockSize =
new IntegerArgument("filesystem-block-size", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_FS_BLOCK_SIZE);
private static final String ERR_PERMISSION = "Permission denied for '%s'%n";
private static final int DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
private static final int DEFAULT_DISPLAY_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
private int fsBlockSize;
private int displayBlockSize;
private PrintWriter out;
private PrintWriter err;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
new DuCommand().execute();
public DuCommand() {
registerArguments(argDir, argAll, argBlockSize_1, argTotal, argDerefArgs,
argHumanReadable_1024, argHumanReadable_1000, argBlockSize_1024, argCountLinks,
argDereference, argMaxDepth, argBlockSize_1024x1024, argSum, argSeperateDirs,
argOneFS, argExclude, argExcludeFrom, argBlockSize_Custom, argFilesystemBlockSize);
public void execute() throws IOException {
Walker walker = null;
File[] startPoints = null;
out = getOutput().getPrintWriter();
err = getError().getPrintWriter();
if (argAll.isSet() && argSum.isSet()) {
err.println("Summarize and show all not possible at the some time!");
throw new VmExit(1);
if (argDerefArgs.isSet()) {
logger.warn(argDerefArgs.getLabel() + " is currently not supported");
if (argOneFS.isSet()) {
logger.warn(argOneFS.getLabel() + " is currently not supported");
if (argExcludeFrom.isSet()) {
logger.warn(argExcludeFrom.getLabel() + " is currently not supported");
if (argDereference.isSet()) {
logger.warn(argDereference.getLabel() + " is currently not supported");
if (argCountLinks.isSet()) {
logger.warn(argCountLinks.getLabel() + " is currently not supported");
startPoints = argDir.getValues();
if (startPoints.length == 0) {
startPoints = new File[] {new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))};
if (argFilesystemBlockSize.isSet())
fsBlockSize = argFilesystemBlockSize.getValue();
else {
fsBlockSize = getFsBlockSize(startPoints[0]);
if (argBlockSize_Custom.isSet()) {
displayBlockSize = argBlockSize_Custom.getValue();
} else if (argBlockSize_1024x1024.isSet()) {
displayBlockSize = 1024 * 1024;
} else if (argBlockSize_1024.isSet()) {
displayBlockSize = 1024;
} else if (argBlockSize_1.isSet()) {
displayBlockSize = 1;
} else {
if (argSum.isSet() || argTotal.isSet()) {
long total = 0;
for (File start : startPoints) {
walker = new Walker(argMaxDepth, argExclude);
printSize(start.getAbsolutePath(), walker.getSize());
total += walker.getSize();
if (argTotal.isSet()) {
printSize("Total", total);
} else {
new Walker(argMaxDepth, argExclude).walk(startPoints);
private void printFileSize(final File filename, final long size) {
if (argAll.isSet()) {
out.println(sizeToString(size) + '\t' + filename);
private void printDirSize(final File filename, final long dirSizeOnly, final long subDirSize) {
if (!argSum.isSet()) {
if (argSeperateDirs.isSet()) {
out.println(sizeToString(dirSizeOnly) + '\t' + filename);
} else {
out.println(sizeToString(dirSizeOnly + subDirSize) + '\t' + filename);
private void printSize(final String filename, final long size) {
out.println(sizeToString(size) + '\t' + filename);
private void log(String message) {
// logger.debug(message);
* should be in NumberUtils I guess
* @param lenght in bytes of the file / directory
* @return the number of blocks it uses up depending on the int
* displayBlockSize
private long calc(long bytes) {
double factor = fsBlockSize / displayBlockSize;
long ret = -1;
if (fsBlockSize > displayBlockSize) {
if (bytes % displayBlockSize == 0) {
ret = bytes / displayBlockSize;
} else {
ret = (long) ((bytes / (fsBlockSize) + 1) * factor);
} else {
if (bytes % displayBlockSize == 0) {
ret = bytes / displayBlockSize;
} else {
ret = (long) ((bytes / (displayBlockSize) + 1));
return ret;
private String sizeToString(long size) {
String retValue = null;
if (argHumanReadable_1024.isSet()) {
retValue = NumberUtils.toBinaryByte(size);
} else if (argHumanReadable_1000.isSet()) {
retValue = NumberUtils.toDecimalByte(size);
} else {
retValue = String.valueOf(size);
return retValue;
* taken from the DfCommand
private int getFsBlockSize(File file) throws IOException {
int retValue = DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE; // default block size
FileSystemService fss = null;
Device device = null;
String path = null;
String mp = null;
try {
fss = InitialNaming.lookup(FileSystemService.NAME);
path = file.getCanonicalPath();
mp = null;
for (String mountPoint : fss.getMountPoints().keySet()) {
if (path.startsWith(mountPoint)) {
if (mp != null) {
if (!mp.startsWith(mountPoint)) {
mp = mountPoint;
if (mp != null) {
device = fss.getMountPoints().get(mp).getDevice();
if (device instanceof FSBlockDeviceAPI) {
retValue = ((FSBlockDeviceAPI) device).getSectorSize();
} else {
logger.warn("No FSBlockDeviceAPI device for device: " + device);
logger.info("Using default block-size: " + DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
logger.info("override with --fs-block-size");
} else {
logger.warn("No mount point found for " + path);
for (String mountPoint : fss.getMountPoints().keySet()) {
logger.warn("mountpoints on system: " + mountPoint);
logger.info("Using default block-size: " + DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
logger.info("override with --fs-block-size");
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
logger.warn("FileSystemService lookup failed ...", e);
logger.info("Using default block-size: " + DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
logger.info("override with --fs-block-size");
return retValue;
private class Directory {
private Directory parent = null;
private File directory = null;
private Stack<Directory> subDirs = null;
private long size = 0;
public Directory(Directory parent, File directory) {
this.parent = parent;
this.directory = directory;
subDirs = new Stack<Directory>();
public Directory addDirectory(File file) {
Directory retValue = null;
if (file.getParentFile().equals(directory)) {
retValue = new Directory(this, file);
} else {
logger.warn("addDirectory: tried to add " + file + " to " + directory);
return retValue;
public void addFile(File file) {
if (!file.getParentFile().equals(directory)) {
logger.warn("addFile: tried to add " + file + " to " + directory);
printFileSize(file, calc(file.length()));
size += calc(file.length());
public Directory getParent() {
long dirSize = size + calc(directory.length());
// only the size for this directory + files
// (in other words: excludes the size of subDirs)
long subDirSize = 0;
while (!subDirs.isEmpty()) {
subDirSize += subDirs.pop().getSize();
printDirSize(directory, dirSize, subDirSize);
size = dirSize + subDirSize;
return parent;
public long getSize() {
return size;
public int hashCode() {
return directory.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
boolean retValue = false;
if (other instanceof Directory) {
retValue = (other != null && ((Directory) other).directory.equals(this.directory));
} else if (other instanceof File) {
retValue = (other != null && ((File) other).equals(this.directory));
return retValue;
public String toString() {
return directory.toString();
private class Walker extends AbstractDirectoryWalker {
long totalSize;
protected Directory root = null;
protected Directory currentDir = null;
private Walker(IntegerArgument argMaxDepth, StringArgument argExclude) {
if (argMaxDepth.isSet()) {
if (argExclude.isSet()) {
super.addFilter(new RegexPatternFilter(argExclude.getValue(), true));
public long getSize() {
return totalSize;
* Set the "root" Directory to the Starting Dir
protected void handleStartingDir(File file) throws IOException {
log("starting dir: " + file);
root = new Directory(null, file);
* Calculate the "root" directory and reset the "current" directory .. we are done for now
protected void lastAction(boolean wasCancelled) {
currentDir = null;
totalSize = root.getSize();
* add the currently handled directory/file to the correct position in the hierarchy
public void handleDir(File file) {
log("handleDir: " + file);
if (currentDir == null || currentDir.equals(file)) {
currentDir = root;
while (!currentDir.equals(file.getParentFile())) {
log("in while");
currentDir = currentDir.getParent();
currentDir = currentDir.addDirectory(file);
public void handleFile(File file) {
log("handleFile: " + file);
while (!currentDir.equals(file.getParentFile())) {
currentDir = currentDir.getParent();
protected void handleRestrictedFile(File file) throws IOException {
err.format(ERR_PERMISSION, file);