* Sencha GXT 3.1.0-beta - Sencha for GWT
* Copyright(c) 2007-2014, Sencha, Inc.
* licensing@sencha.com
* http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/license/
package com.sencha.gxt.data.shared.loader;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Callback;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.SimpleEventBus;
import com.sencha.gxt.core.shared.event.CancellableEvent;
import com.sencha.gxt.core.shared.event.GroupingHandlerRegistration;
import com.sencha.gxt.data.shared.loader.BeforeLoadEvent.BeforeLoadHandler;
import com.sencha.gxt.data.shared.loader.LoadExceptionEvent.LoadExceptionHandler;
import com.sencha.gxt.data.shared.loader.LoaderHandler.HasLoaderHandlers;
* Abstract base class for objects that can load remote data.
* <p />
* The optional input object passed with the load request is logically called a
* "load config" with the object returned by the loader called the
* "load result".
* <p />
* Typically, loaders work with {@link DataProxy} and {@link DataReader} to help
* perform the load operations. The <code>DataProxy</code> is responsible for
* obtaining the remote data. The <code>DataReader</code> is responsible for
* "processing" the remote data and converting the data to the expected format.
* <dl>
* <dt><b>Events:</b></dt>
* <dd>{@link BeforeLoadEvent}</b></dd>
* <dd>{@link LoadEvent}</b></dd>
* <dd>{@link LoadExceptionEvent}</b></dd>
* </dl>
* @param <C> the type of the data used to configure
* @param <M> the type of data being returned by the loader
public class Loader<C, M> implements HasLoaderHandlers<C, M> {
private static class WrapperProxy<M, C, T> implements DataProxy<C, M> {
private final DataProxy<C, T> proxy;
private final DataReader<M, T> reader;
public WrapperProxy(DataProxy<C, T> proxy, DataReader<M, T> reader) {
this.proxy = proxy;
this.reader = reader;
public void load(final C loadConfig, final Callback<M, Throwable> callback) {
proxy.load(loadConfig, new Callback<T, Throwable>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(T result) {
if (GWT.isProdMode()) {
callback.onSuccess(reader.read(loadConfig, result));
} else {
try {
callback.onSuccess(reader.read(loadConfig, result));
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
GWT.log("Improper cast in " + reader.getClass()
+ ", cannot convert the incoming data to the correct return type. "
+ "Please provide an implementation of createReturnData()", ex);
throw ex;
private final DataProxy<C, M> proxy;
private C lastLoadConfig;
private boolean reuseLoadConfig;
private SimpleEventBus eventBus;
* Creates a new base loader instance. Since a data reader is not used, the
* data returned by the data proxy will not be read and converted by a reader.
* @param proxy the data proxy
public Loader(DataProxy<C, M> proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
* Creates a new loader with the given proxy and reader.
* @param proxy the data proxy
* @param reader the data reader
public <T> Loader(DataProxy<C, T> proxy, DataReader<M, T> reader) {
this(new WrapperProxy<M, C, T>(proxy, reader));
public HandlerRegistration addBeforeLoadHandler(BeforeLoadHandler<C> handler) {
return addHandler(BeforeLoadEvent.getType(), handler);
* Adds an event handler to the loader.
* @param <H> type parameter to ensure that the event and handler match
* @param type the type of event to listen for
* @param handler the handler to call when the event goes off
* @return a handler registration to remove the handler if needed
protected <H extends EventHandler> HandlerRegistration addHandler(GwtEvent.Type<H> type, H handler) {
if (eventBus == null) {
eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
return eventBus.addHandler(type, handler);
public HandlerRegistration addLoaderHandler(LoaderHandler<C, M> handler) {
GroupingHandlerRegistration group = new GroupingHandlerRegistration();
group.add(addHandler(BeforeLoadEvent.getType(), handler));
group.add(addHandler(LoadEvent.getType(), handler));
group.add(addHandler(LoadExceptionEvent.getType(), handler));
return group;
public HandlerRegistration addLoadExceptionHandler(LoadExceptionHandler<C> handler) {
return addHandler(LoadExceptionEvent.getType(), handler);
public HandlerRegistration addLoadHandler(LoadHandler<C, M> handler) {
return addHandler(LoadEvent.getType(), handler);
* Returns the last load config.
* @return the last load config
public C getLastLoadConfig() {
return lastLoadConfig;
* Returns the loader's data proxy.
* @return the data proxy
public DataProxy<?, ?> getProxy() {
return proxy;
* Returns true if the load config is being reused.
* @return the reuse load config state
public boolean isReuseLoadConfig() {
return reuseLoadConfig;
* Loads the data using the current configuration. Fires the
* {@link BeforeLoadEvent} before the request, then the {@link LoadEvent}
* after the load operation.
* @return true if the load was requested, false if cancelled
public boolean load() {
C config = (reuseLoadConfig && lastLoadConfig != null) ? lastLoadConfig : newLoadConfig();
config = prepareLoadConfig(config);
return load(config);
* Loads the data using the given load configuration. Fires the
* {@link BeforeLoadEvent} before the request, then the {@link LoadEvent}
* after the load operation. The current load configuration object can be
* retrieved using {@link #getLastLoadConfig()}.
* @param loadConfig the load config
* @return true if the load was requested, false if cancelled
public boolean load(C loadConfig) {
if (fireEvent(new BeforeLoadEvent<C>(loadConfig))) {
lastLoadConfig = loadConfig;
return true;
return false;
* Sets whether the same load config instance should be used for load
* operations (defaults to false).
* @param reuseLoadConfig true to reuse
public void setReuseLoadConfig(boolean reuseLoadConfig) {
this.reuseLoadConfig = reuseLoadConfig;
* Fires the given event.
* @param event the event to fire
* @return true if the event was not cancelled, false if the event was
* cancelled
protected boolean fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) {
if (eventBus != null) {
if (event instanceof CancellableEvent) {
return !((CancellableEvent) event).isCancelled();
return true;
* Load data, delegating to {@link DataProxy} if configured, or forwarding to
* {@link #loadData(Object)} if not.
* @param config the load config
protected void loadData(final C config) {
Callback<M, Throwable> callback = new Callback<M, Throwable>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
onLoadFailure(config, caught);
public void onSuccess(M result) {
onLoadSuccess(config, result);
if (proxy == null) {
loadData(config, callback);
proxy.load(config, callback);
* Called by {@link #loadData(Object)} when a data proxy is not being used.
* @param config the load config
* @param callback the callback
protected void loadData(C config, Callback<M, Throwable> callback) {
* Template method to allow custom BaseLoader subclasses to provide their own
* implementation of LoadConfig. This implementation return null.
protected C newLoadConfig() {
return null;
* Called when a load operation fails.
* @param loadConfig the load config
* @param t the exception
protected void onLoadFailure(C loadConfig, Throwable t) {
fireEvent(new LoadExceptionEvent<C>(loadConfig, t));
* Called when the remote data has been received.
* @param loadConfig the load config
* @param data data
protected void onLoadSuccess(C loadConfig, M data) {
fireEvent(new LoadEvent<C, M>(loadConfig, data));
* Template method to allow custom subclasses to prepare the load config prior
* to loading data
protected C prepareLoadConfig(C config) {
return config;
* Sets the most recent load config.
* @param lastLoadConfig the most recent load config to set
protected void setLastLoadConfig(C lastLoadConfig) {
this.lastLoadConfig = lastLoadConfig;