* Sencha GXT 3.1.0-beta - Sencha for GWT
* Copyright(c) 2007-2014, Sencha, Inc.
* licensing@sencha.com
* http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/license/
package com.sencha.gxt.data.client.writer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.google.gwt.xml.client.Document;
import com.google.gwt.xml.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.xml.client.XMLParser;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBean;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBean.PropertyName;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBeanFactory;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBeanUtils;
import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBeanVisitor;
import com.sencha.gxt.data.client.loader.XmlReader;
import com.sencha.gxt.data.shared.writer.AutoBeanWriter;
* A <code>AutoBeanWriter</code> that outputs XML. The {@link PropertyName} annotation is read as the path to
* the node to write out the values in essentially the same way that {@link XmlReader} works, though conditionals
* are not allowed.
* XML does not have a concept of {@code null}, so instead this writer omits any null values. In most cases this will
* yield the same contents on reading the values back out again, as the lack of a value can be understood to mean
* null, but one exception is using a null in a collection. A List with a null entry will have that entry completely
* skipped by this writer.
* @param <M> the starting data format for the model to be inputed
public class XmlWriter<M> extends AutoBeanWriter<M, String> {
private static class PropertyGetter extends AutoBeanVisitor {
private final Document doc = XMLParser.createDocument();
private final Stack<AutoBean<?>> seen = new Stack<AutoBean<?>>();
private final Stack<Element> currentPath = new Stack<Element>();
public PropertyGetter(String rootTag) {
public void endVisit(AutoBean<?> bean, Context ctx) {
public void endVisitCollectionProperty(String propertyName, AutoBean<Collection<?>> value,
CollectionPropertyContext ctx) {
for (int i = 0; i < propertyName.split("/").length - 1; i++) {
public void endVisitReferenceProperty(String propertyName, AutoBean<?> value, PropertyContext ctx) {
if (value == null) {
//skip null values, as currentPath shouldn't contain references to that value
if (!"".equals(propertyName)) {
for (int i = 0; i < propertyName.split("/").length; i++) {
public String getXml() {
assert currentPath.size() == 0;
assert seen.size() == 0;
return doc.toString();
public boolean visit(AutoBean<?> bean, Context ctx) {
if (seen.contains(bean)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cycle detected serializing beans to xml");
return true;
public boolean visitCollectionProperty(String propertyName, AutoBean<Collection<?>> value,
CollectionPropertyContext ctx) {
List<String> subtags = Arrays.asList(propertyName.split("/"));
List<String> childrenPath = subtags.subList(0, subtags.size() - 1);
Element elt = getCurrentParent();
for (String tag : childrenPath) {
Element next = doc.createElement(tag);
elt = next;
String tag = subtags.get(subtags.size() - 1);
for (Object v : value.as()) {
if (v == null) {
Element next = doc.createElement(tag);
return false;
public boolean visitReferenceProperty(String propertyName, AutoBean<?> value, PropertyContext ctx) {
if ("".equals(propertyName)) {
return true;
if (value == null) {
//skip null values, don't create new tags or attributes
return false;
String[] subtags = propertyName.split("/");
Element elt = getCurrentParent();
for (String tag : subtags) {
Element next = doc.createElement(tag);
elt = next;
return true;
public boolean visitValueProperty(String propertyName, Object value, PropertyContext ctx) {
assert propertyName.matches("^([^@]+|.*@[^/]+|)$") : "Invalid path to use when writing data out to XML";
if (value == null) {
//skip null values, don't create new tags or attributes
return true;
if ("".equals(propertyName)) {
return true;
String[] subtags = propertyName.split("/");
Element elt = getCurrentParent();
String attr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < subtags.length; i++) {
if (subtags[i].startsWith("@")) {
assert i + 1 == subtags.length;// this should be caught by the regex
attr = subtags[i].substring(1);
Element next = doc.createElement(subtags[i]);
elt = next;
if (attr != null) {
// TODO better encoding?
elt.setAttribute(attr, String.valueOf(value));
} else {
// TODO better encoding?
return true;
protected Element getCurrentParent() {
if (currentPath.size() == 0) {
return doc.getDocumentElement();
return currentPath.peek();
private void assertValidPath(String path) {
assert !path.contains("[") && !path.contains("]") : "Paths must be simple when used for writing autobeans to xml";
private final String rootTag;
* Creates a new XML writer that can format an object into XML.
* @param factory an auto bean factory that can decode objects of type M
* @param clazz the class to write
* @param rootTag the root tag of the XML document
public XmlWriter(AutoBeanFactory factory, Class<M> clazz, String rootTag) {
super(factory, clazz);
this.rootTag = rootTag;
public String write(M model) {
AutoBean<M> autoBean = getAutoBean(model);
PropertyGetter xmlGetter = new PropertyGetter(rootTag);
return xmlGetter.getXml();